

Dark Match Jobber
Why is it when ratings fall for TNA it is domesday? But when ratings fall big time for the WWE, this site says nothing about it.

Also people complain all the time about TNA and how it sucks. Well WWE had air time for themselves when WCW was bought out and the ratings sunk. WWE and WCW were running between 9.0 to 11.0, but now WWE runs a high 4 and TNA right at 1. Is TNA to blame for that lost of viewership. I think not.
Do you have any examples of when people say these things? Is it possible that ratings are only part of the story of TNA's success and failure? At this point, how does the success of TNA's ratings fall on WCW disappearing over 10 years ago? Do you really come to dirt sheets and public forums for information on the financial situation of a publically multi media corporation like WWE or a private company like TNA?
You do realize ratings have dropped from 11 to 3 for WWE because we've gone from 25 channels to over 200, right?
Because it sucks dick that TNA is failing.

Um I don't know where you get your info from, but the highest rating RAW ever got was an 8.1, nowhere close to an 11.0. And it never really got close to that again.
Oversaturated market with 200+ channels, methods of watching like DVR that aren't counted into viewership and online streaming is to blame for the ratings more than anything else. I stream the RAWs I do watch because my TV package doesn't get the score which airs Raw in Canada. For the most part I stream my hockey games too even though I just have to go downstairs to watch them. It's all about how easy it is to watch online for me.
"WWE and WCW were running between 9.0 to 11.0,"

Sorry, I thought that might be easy for you to understand.
One reason: WWE has earned the benefit of the doubt. WWE has shown they can make a fortune with relative ease and has far more to them than just television. TNA barely does PPV, their house shows are in small areas and don't draw large crowds, they mean nothing in pop culture and they're really a glorified indy if they lose Spike.
If that was up on this site, which I check everyday. It certainly wasn't up long on the main page.
"WWE and WCW were running between 9.0 to 11.0,"

Sorry, I thought that might be easy for you to understand.

Again, nowhere in that quote do you state that you're speaking of their ratings combined. You don't even imply it.

If you combined Raw and Impact ratings right now it'd be a respectable Attitude Era rating.
Are you asking about TNA being more popular than WWE overseas?

If so, isn't WWE on at like 3 am while TNA is on at times people are actually awake?

In the UK, TNA are on a far more readily available channel (everyone has it, even if they don't watch it) and at a time where most are awake. WWE is on at 1AM on a fairly expensive channel set that about 20% of the country (and the vast majority of pubs/bars) have and use.

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