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Raw: 3.2
Impact: .9

Good and bad here for TNA. Raw I'm not shocked about at all as it was the go home show so nothing was going to happen at all. For TNA, good that ratings are up from last week, bad that they're still below the 1.0 from a few weeks back. Not terrible I guess on a night that not a ton of people watched wrestling anyway.
Bad for both shows, but I think more concerning for Raw. A 3.2 going into Mania is bad news for potential buy rates. I know that Raw usually goes up following the big Show, but I can't remember the last time the go home show was this low.
The thing I was thinking last night about Raw was that it was a glorified commercial. People that are sold on Mania are already sold on it, and you can't risk an injury 6 days before the big one. It's bad yes, but I don't think it's catastrophic.
Both were good shows, I loved Raw. However that's bad form for WWE
What's interesting is that those who didn't watch Raw didn't go to TNA. TNA went from a 0.84-0.86 average from last week to this week, and the round makes it look like a full point. Thus, TNA didn't pick up very many viewers. Certainly not the amount Raw lost from last week. Thus, I have to imagine that people just didn't tune in this week knowing not much would happen on Raw. I still thought it was a quality show, but I would guess their rating will go right back up next week.

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