Rated R Wolverine Movie?


The Voice of the Future

Credit 411mania.com

Hugh Jackman tells MTV News that they're already discussing shooting two different cuts of The Wolverine - a PG-13 and an R-rated one.

"There's such great temptation to make an R-rated Wolverine. I've always felt that. I know a lot of fans would like that. I totally get it. If there was ever a superhero that was going to be R-rated, it's Wolverine.

However, in the last ten years, I've also met many, many 12, 13, dare I say 10, 14, 15 year-olds who, for them, Wolverine is not just cool, you see it in their eyes. He's everything to them. So my thing is, which James Mangold and I talked about, is let's not put it off the table.

There's even a talk of us doing two versions, as in finding a way for us to do both while you shoot it, which could be really cool. But you need to have a really good reason to exclude those fans." The Wolverine will begin production in the Spring next year.

Let's get our fanboy excitement out of the way really quick. I would love to see The Wolverine go R-rated. There are two major and viable superhero franchises I could really see do well with the R route, and those are Wolverine and Deadpool. Yes, there are several others, but those are the two currently in development that would excel in a rated R environment. Everyone loved the moment in X2: X-Men United where Logan rips his way through Striker's soldiers invading the mansion. That was a true depiction of the character, just without the blood that the violence would bring about. Seeing more of that intensity would be fantastic and I have absolutely no doubt that Jackman would rock the role and that we as fans would love it.

That being said, don't get your hopes up for the theatrical release getting an R rating. This is something that may come out for the DVD, but Fox is not going to risk cutting out a major part of the movie-going audience in the 13 - 16 year-old market, plus younger ones who are brought by their parents. The average R-rated film so far this year brought in $10,678,660.63. The average PG-13 film brought in $37,803,1i71.72. That's not an anomaly either...3-1 is pretty much the standard PG-13-to-R ratio year by year. If you need more evidence, the highest-grossing R film is The Passion of the Christ at $370.8 million, which ranks at #13 on the domestic box-office and #60 worldwide. PG-13 is a much safer bet for Fox, especially with the sequel to a film that was profitable but disappointed at the box office nonetheless. If this does happen, expect it to be on DVD and not in the theaters.

Wolverine possibly getting a Rated R movie sounds great.He could be a evil bastard like the same one I read in Comics..
It doesn't really matter to me which version comes out, I'm going to love every movie that involves X-Men.

However, I do feel that the R-Rated movie will be a lot better for the adult fans with blood and gore, but you can still show similar aggression of Wolverine in PG-13. Jackmon is a great actor and fits Wolverine perfect, and has shown that in all 5 movies that have been released.

I can't wait for this to come out! I'll probably see it opening night!
I do agree with you on this fact that the R rated movies are better to watch than the other ones,.
20th Century Fox could always release an unrated version of the film on DVD and Blu-Ray, and this wouldn't be a bad idea. The sales should be good, because X-Men does have a nice sized fan following, and a lot of people are always anxious to see the unrated cut of the film. Sometimes the unrated cuts can be a huge rip-off, but you might get a surprise every now and then. Or some studios can go way too over the top with the unrated cuts, and this could ruin the film (Sex Drive would be a prime example of this).

But yeah, the OP is spot on here, and they should definitely stick with the PG-13 rating, because it is the safer option. Adults make up a good portion of the moviegoers, who will flock to see this film, but you don't want to shutout the younger audiences, because Fox is going to need them, if they want this to be a real box office smash.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine really pissed me off, and I thought it was a horrible film, but I might watch this, when it comes to DVD, because I'm not going to a theater to see this.

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