Rank WWE Superstar Past or Present


Dark Match Winner
I think it would be interesting if we rated WWE superstars from 1 to 10 based on such criteria as:

1) In ring ability
2) Mic skills
3) Look
4) Charisma

Rating system:

1-3 - absolutely horrible (just progressively worse each number down)
4 - Very below average
5 - below average
6 - average
7 - good
8 - very good
9 - excellent
10 - Legendary, the absolute best of the best

We all talk about whether or not a wrestler is talented in certain areas, however I think it would be interesting if we could compare them to each other. Obviously we all have different opinions so it would be interesting to discuss our ratings. Here are some of mine. All of these ratings are of the superstars in their prime.

Current Superstars:

John Cena:
IRA - 6.5
Mic Skills - 8
Look - 8
Charisma - 8.5

IRA - 5
Mic Skills - 6
Look - 8.5
Charisma - 8.5

John Morrison:
IRA - 9
Mic Skills - 6
Look - 8.5
Charisma - 6

CM Punk:
IRA - 8
Mic Skills - 9
Look - 7
Charisma - 8

Randy Orton
IRA - 6.5
Mic Skills - 5
Look - 8.5
Charisma - 7

Daniel Bryan
IRA - 10
Mic Skills - 6
Look - 5
Charisma - 6

Triple H
IRA - 8
Mic Skills - 7
Look - 9
Charisma - 7

IRA - 8
Mic Skills - 8
Look - 8
Charisma - 8

Past Superstars:

The Rock
IRA - 7
Mic Skills - 10
Look - 9
Charisma - 10

Stone Cold
IRA - 6
Mic Skills - 9
Look - 10
Charisma - 10

Hulk Hogan
IRA - 4
Mic Skills - 8
Look - 10
Charisma - 10

Ric Flair
IRA - 9
Mic Skills - 9
Look - 8
Charisma - 10

Bret Hart
IRA - 9.5
Mic Skills - 6
Look - 9
Charisma - 7

Shawn Michaels
IRA - 9
Mic Skills - 8
Look - 9
Charisma - 9

Kurt Angle
IRA - 10
Mic Skills - 8
Look - 8
Charisma - 9
^ Dont know if youve noticed but Orton isnt good at all on the mic. Morrison is at least average when he gets the chance.
you have to be fckg crazy!!

So the 2nd Face of WWE, is bad cutting promos??
Go see Randy Orton when he was "Legend Killer" and even now agaisnt Punk he is by far better!!!

For you, Orton is almost the worst of the company, and just to inform you, John Cena said in a interview that Randy Orton is one of the best wrestlers ever!!
OMG i stopped watching your thing when i saw JoMo...

Crazy Lover Boys, go fuck yourself!!
JoMo isnt going to be champion, he is a Kofi Kingston type of guy!!!

Dont joke around man
you have to be fckg crazy!!

So the 2nd Face of WWE, is bad cutting promos??
Go see Randy Orton when he was "Legend Killer" and even now agaisnt Punk he is by far better!!!

For you, Orton is almost the worst of the company, and just to inform you, John Cena said in a interview that Randy Orton is one of the best wrestlers ever!!
OMG i stopped watching your thing when i saw JoMo...

Crazy Lover Boys, go fuck yourself!!
JoMo isnt going to be champion, he is a Kofi Kingston type of guy!!!

Dont joke around man

Jesus dude get a grip, it's just the OP's own personal ratings on superstars.

John Cena said Orton is one of the best ever? Wow I guess it MUST be true then huh? :rolleyes:

Funny how you say JoMo will never be world champion, but um...last time I checked he actually has a match at Mania and your boy McIntyre is going to be lucky if gets in the pre show battle royal.
John Cena:
IRA - 6.5

IRA - 5
Mic Skills - 6

CM Punk:
Look - 7

Daniel Bryan
Mic Skills - 6
Charisma - 6

The Rock
IRA - 7

Stone Cold
IRA - 6

Hulk Hogan
IRA - 4
Jesus dude get a grip, it's just the OP's own personal ratings on superstars.

John Cena said Orton is one of the best ever? Wow I guess it MUST be true then huh? :rolleyes:

Funny how you say JoMo will never be world champion, but um...last time I checked he actually has a match at Mania and your boy McIntyre is going to be lucky if gets in the pre show battle royal.

I bet my ass that John Cena knows more about Wrestling that you or anybody else from the WZ Forums!!

So lets see, John Morrison has been completely destroyed by Dolph Ziggler and then pinned by Vickie Guerrero (WTF World Champ?)

To JoMo get is shot again, he will have to surpase a lot of people!!
CM Punk deserves one!
John Cena deserves one!
Randy Orton deserves one and hell even Ziggler will get the gold sooner that JoMo!!!

Let me see, in RAW JoMo is losing against Divas and in SD! Drew McIntyre is losing against the World Heavywheight Champion :O!!!

Well Big Show, Kane, The Corre dont have a match at Mania yet!!
And i dont see them puting an Handicap match at Mania (but i'm sure they will) and i dont see Christian been buried to the mid-card again!
So or they put Chris Masters LOL, Barreta, or maybe, just maybe they give McIntyre a face turn!!

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