Rank the Albums

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member
Same rules as the film series and video game series threads, but this one is for music. Pick any band(s) and rank their albums from best to worst. I'll go first and start things off with Def Leppard.

Def Leppard
1. Hysteria
2. Pyromania
3. High N Dry
4. Retroactive
5. Yeah!
6. Euphoria
7. On Through the Night
8. Songs From the Sparkle Lounge
9. Adrenalize
10. X
11. Slang

The top three without question are Hysteria, Pyromania, and High N Dry. These three are on a whole other level when compared to the rest of their material. The legendary Hysteria takes the top spot, there isn't a bad track on the album and its strongest material is among their very best. Even though it is all covers, I really liked "Yeah!". They took those covers and did an excellent job on them in an enjoyable album. I'm usually not impressed by cover albums, although this is certainly not the case here. Slang comes in last for me. I give them credit for trying something different but it just didn't work out that well. None of the newer albums ever quite regained the momentum they had before Steve's death, which is understandable. I can only imagine how much better the newer albums would have been with him still being part of the band the whole time.
I haven't a band with the extensive collection as Dagger does with Def Leppard, but I'm going to go with one of my favorites, RED, an alternative rock band from Nashville, Tennessee.

1. Innocence and Instinct: Released in 2009, this was as close to a perfect album as I could find at the time. I remember driving with my wife in the car and their first single, Death of Me, came on the radio. I almost caused a wreck trying to google the lyrics to find out the band. Anyway, I bought the CD immediately, and count Mystery of You, Fight Inside, Forever, and a cover of Duran Duran's Ordinary World amongst my favorites. The best song on the album, in my humble opinion, was co-written by Benjamin Burnley of Breaking Benjamin:


2. Until We All Have Faces: Released in 2011, it was the first album I purchased all of in some time, and while it took me a few reasons, it grew on me more and more. Faceless, Feed The Machine, The Best Is Yet To Come, and Who We Are are a great mixture of hard rock and a love song that carefully defines the band's statement. It finds the band going deeper and darker then they had on their previous albums, with great success. Let It Burn is a great example of this:

Let It Burn:

3. End of Silence: I think the fact that my favorite RED song is on this album clinches this one for me. Already Over, Lost, Break Me Down, and Let Go are good songs, but as their first studio album, they simply don't match the quality of their future releases. However, Breathe Into Me goes a long way towards making this a good album nonetheless.

Breathe Into Me:

4. Release The Panic: It's their newest album, released just a few short months ago in early 2013. It just lacks the standout tracks that the previous three albums have. There's some good here, such as the title track, Hold Me Now, Glass House, and So Far Away. It's just that these songs don't have the staying power or repeat listening quality that their other albums do. With one exception, perhaps, the excellent ballad....

The Moment We Come Alive:
Alright! I'm gonna wreck it!..oh wait...I'm gonna list it!

I'll rank the albums of my favorite band,Our Lady Peace. I love this band namely because they aren't afraid to challenge themselves when it comes to writing music. Each album they put out generally covers a different theme and conveys a different tone. I know that when OLP is gearing up to release an album,I can expect it to have a different sound from their previous. As a fan of music,I appreciate that for them at least,it is about the music and not about that number 1 hit single.

1.Naveed: My favorite album namely because Its an album I can listen to straight through and not even be tempted to skip a single song. Its pure,straight grunge rock that hits you on all fronts. From the dynamic opening of The Birdman,into the opening riff of Starseed,leading into the memorable bassline of the title track Naveed all the way down to the strange and unique Under Zenith. Its just a powerful album that resonates with me with each listen.


2. Spiritual Machines: While this is probably consider the bands lowest point in their careers as far as sales go. This album was considered a commercial failure in the eyes of the record label. Despite it doing very poorly on the chart,amongst OLP fans,it is highly considered their best work. The album was based of a book written by Ray kurzweil called The Age of Spiritual Machines(awesome book btw). And throughout the album it features a tie with the concept with metaphors relating to the machine concept with songs such as In Repair,All My Friends and the Wonderful Future. A great album and again,an album I can listen to repeatedly without having the tendencies to skip a track.


3.Happiness Is Not A Fish That You Can Catch: The title of the album basically says what the theme of the album is. It takes quite a more mellow and softer tone than the previous harder rock elements of Clumsy and Naveed. A change most fans weren't expecting but after awhile this album became a stable in any OLP fans collection and is regarded as a welcomed shift. Maida's erratic sing prominently is noticed on this album,with his staple falsetto coming into play throughout the entire album. Its on this album that the bands musical chops really come into focus. Songs like One Man Army,Is Anybody Home?,Lying Awake and Consequences of Laughing really show off how tight the group is.


4. Burn Burn: This album caused a rift among the OLP community. It has its fair share of lovers and probably even more haters. Its divided when you ask the fans. I personally thought it was a well crafted album. It may not contain some of the edge from their previous work and Maida may not sing as erratically as he use to but the group is in a solid bind on this album and musically as tight as ever. Songs like Escape artist,Refuge,
Paper Moon,Monkey Brains and Signs of Life demonstrate this. There are some forgettable songs such as White Flags and All You Did Was Save My Life but over all its a solid album.


5.Gravity: Oh man,this album sure cause quite a bit of controversy and backlash from long time fans when first released. Regarded as the end of an era for OLP. Long time guitarist and found member,Mike Turner left the band. Producer of their first four albums departed as well,marking a radical sift in sound for the band as they decided to work along side known producer,Bob Rock. While it marks a new start for OLP and while some either love it or hate it,you cannot deny the impact this album had,producing the hit singles Somewhere Out There and Innocent.
While the album doesn't have the same bells and whistles as previous albums,I find it is still an enjoyable album to listen to. Just plain old run of the mill straightforward rock without all that heavy layering of sounds.


6.Curve: The newest release that marked the return of their pre-gravity sound. Again while the album still doesn't feel as heavy or even though Maida still doesn't sing in a style people long for him to. The album still delivers that classic OLP feel with the heavy layering of sounds and actual attempt to craft music and gives us that authentic artistic direction lacking from the previous albums. from the haunting opening in Fire in the Henhouse that rages into the pounding and driving bass line that leads all the way into the albums lead single heavyweight. Probably my second..or 3rd favorite OLP song. It has a total of 2400 listens on my Ipod so yeah,I kind of like it. It just makes me want to get up and box and if I were a wrestler,it would so be my theme. Then album then ends with the eerie and atmospheric Rabbits. While a great album,half of it just kind of feels out of place and half way through the album loses a lot of steam. I guess after hearing the rumblings of the first single,I had hoped OLP would return to their more Rocking roots. I guess I set myself up for that disappointment.


7. Clumsy: Thought of as OLP best record and probably the pinnacle of their popularity. Producing 3 smash hit singles. Superman's Dead,Clumsy and 4 A.M. The first album that I listen to of theirs and the reason I became a fan. Now,don't get me wrong,just because I placed it so far down on my list doesn't mean I hate it. That couldn't be further from the truth. While a great album and deserving of the success its achieved,I can't help but feel this album is just overrated. While good,OLP produced so much better and had it not produced my favorite song of all time(Superman's Dead). I might have placed this album at the very bottom of the totem pole.


8. Healthy in Paranoid Times: I take that back. Superman's Dead alone is better than 2/3rds of Healthy. There was something like 43 odd songs written for this album,with the band deciding on 12 with a 1165 days needed to record the album itself. In fact the writing and recording of this album nearly broke the band apart. The end result was just complete excess waste,even the band knows that. The album tried so hard to recapture that same success of their previous work(gravity) while trying too hard to separate itself entirely. Most of the songs feel overproduced, strained and involuntary forced. While not that great of an album. It does contain a few gems such as Angles/Losing/Sleep,Apology,Wipe That Smile Off Your Face and Walking in Circles. Asides from these 4 songs,I rarely even listen to any of the other songs. Not an awful album,just for OLP standards,it leaves something more to be desired.

Linkin Park
1. Hybrid Theory
2. Living Things
3. Collision Course
4. Meteora
5. Reanimation
6. A Thousand Suns
7. Minutes to Midnight

Hybrid Theory remains their best album and they will probably never top it. Living Things came close though, I'm surprised that it did not have more success than it did as it is an amazing album from start to finish with only a couple of tracks not being 5 star material. It's by far their best out of their newer material. Collision Course contains awesome remixes they did with Jay-Z, I just wished they had done more, it's too short for my taste and that is my only negative on it. A Thousand Suns receives a lot of hate. While it's not as strong as other efforts of the band it doesn't deserve all of the hate that it gets. It's a very different album. Finally, Minutes to Midnight comes in last. It contains some great tracks of its own such as my favorite song of theirs "What I've Done", but overall it's their worst album.
1. Ride the Lightning
2. The Black Album
3. ....And Justice for All
4. Master of Puppets
5. Garage Inc.
6. Death Magnetic
7. Kill 'Em All
8. Load
9. ReLoad
10. St. Anger

I love Ride the Lightning. It will always be my favorite of theirs, every single track on it is amazing. It's one of my favorite albums of all time, not just by this band. The Black Album as well as "....And Justice for All" are both not far behind it. Kill 'Em All has some gems, overall it is the weakest of their older material though. Death Magnetic was the best of their newer material, even though it honestly took me several listens for me to fully enjoy it. It still doesn't come close to the older material and with the same three albums that came out in between The Black Album and Death Magnetic making up my bottom tier, any new album was going to be received with skepticism. That's not to say it wasn't a step back in the right direction. I hated Load as well as ReLoad. St Anger was so bad that I regret that I ever listened to it in the first place.
This thread wouldn't be serving its intended purpose if I didn't rank the albums in the discography of my favorite band of all. That would of course be none other than Nightwish.

1. Oceanborn
2. Century Child
3. Imaginaerum
4. Dark Passion Play
5. Once
6. Wishmaster
7. Angels Fall First

I actually found this quite difficult. I love every piece of music this band has ever released. Their first album "Angels Fall First" takes last place. I still find it to be an underrated gem, but I can still see why a lot of fans would rank it last. The overall quality on it is the lowest of their albums. It still has a couple of tracks worth checking such as Elvenpath and Tutankhamen. Once and Wishmaster round out the bottom tier, but only because someone had to come in 5th and 6th. That's not to say they aren't amazing albums.

I find the material the band created with Anette to be highly underrated. Dark Passion Play and Imaginaerum are both beautiful albums with the latter being just slightly better than the former. Don't let the Tarja fanboys fool you into thinking it's the band's worst material, as that is just not the case. You'd have to look rather far to find a bigger fan of this band than me and their best song of all is Bye Bye Beautiful, which was from Dark Passion Play during the Anette era. Then we have my two favorites Century Child and Oceanborn. Century Child is overall extremely well done and does not have a single bad track on it. It also includes their epic cover of Phantom of the Opera, which was the first song of theirs that I ever heard and it was that song which first introduced me to them roughly a decade ago.

Finally, that leaves us with their best effort of all. Oceanborn. While I had difficulty with the full ranking, it was easy to pick out my favorite. Oceanborn is one track shy of being flawless. I'm not as big a fan of Devil & the Deep Dark Ocean, but everything else on this album is brilliant. If you want to get an idea of what they are all about, this is the album that I recommend you start with. I guarantee you will find something you like on it and aside from Devil & the Deep Dark Ocean every single song on it is 5 star material.
I'm going to go with Live here. As much praise is heaped on Nirvana for their ushering in of a new age of music, I find Ed Kowalchyk and co. to be just as influential, and better music, honestly. I've seen them 'live" thrice, and each has been a helluva experience. While their later music was watered down and became more "radio friendly", their earlier music was some of the best stuff written in the alternative era.

1. Throwing Copper(1994):

It's the obvious choice, but it's the right one. Everyone is familiar with Sellling the Drama, I Alone, 'All Over You', and their biggest hit, 'Lighting Crashes', this album is loaded with great stuff. 'Sh*t Towne' created a great deal of controversy because the band oppenly admitted it was about their hometown of York, PA, but as someone who lives less then two hours from York, they were on base. It lead the mayor of York banning them from playing there for awhile, but it's a nice comedic song in an otherwise very serious album. 'Stage' discusses Ed Kowalcyk's failed relationship with the woman he loves because performing was his first true love, and 'Iris' is a valiant attempt to understand a relationship with a woman he just can't see eye to eye with, yet mistakes his feelings for love. Still, the best of the bunch is 'Lighting Crashes', so it gets the play.


2. Mental Jewelry(1991):

Their first studio album, but it's Live at their finest. On their live album 'Live at The Paradiso, Kowalcyk changed the lyrics to the albums best song, 'Operation Spirit' changing his view from doubting God to one of faith. Both are great songs. 'The Beauty of Grey' mocks people who don't take a side on important issues in order to maintain order, and the opener, 'Pain Lies On The Riverside' shows how we can't avoid problems regardless of where we go. Mother Earth is a Vicious Crowd and 'Peace is Now' are amazing songs as well, and Mental Jewelry overall is one of the best debut albums from a band I've ever listened to.Operation Spirit is the best of a very good lot of songs.


3. The Distance To Here(1999):
An exestential album if there ever was one. Live both asks and answers spiritual questions while leaving it up to the listener to make up their own mind on their beliefs, not only faith, but regarding love, politics, and priorities. The Dolphins Cry is the biggest song from the album, but the titular track 'The Distance', 'They Stood Up For Love', We Walk In The Dream, and Dance With You are all amazing displays of the band's range both musically and lyrically. Still, the standout song on this album is Run To The Water.


4. V(2001):
It was an experimental album, including bringing in rapper Tricky for the song Simple Creed, which was simply about loving others. Adam Duritz from Counting Crows provides great backing vocals on Flow, and Forever May Not Be Long Enough was used as the theme song for The Mommy Returns, I believe, and is an excellent song as well. Still, the best of the bunch is Overcome, which was used as a tribute/theme song to the 9/11 attacks. It strayed somewhat from what they did musically, but was brilliantly written.


5. Birds Of Prey: (2003)

There isn't a track on the album I truly dislike, but there aren't any, unlike their previous albums, that I love either. It's a strong album that returns to their existential roots, railing at times against war and a little too preachy about love, but there's alot of solid stuff here. Run Away is a song about doing anything to be with the one you love, Sweet Release is a hopeful song that speaks of better times to come, and What Are We Fighting For correctly denounces people fighting others in the name of religion for having different beliefs. Heaven, however, is far and away the best song on the album, as it affirms Ed Kowalcyks' faith in God and an afterlife, based simply on the birth of his daughter.


6. Secret Samadhi:(1999)

A huge disappointment of an album for a Live fan like me. Their third album is much more polished then their first two, and their sound shows great improvement. Unfortunately, it's lyrically a step back from their first two albums, and it's like their reach exceeds their grasp in many ways. Much of the album is pretentious, and they're trying to be deep, but rarely succeed. Only 'Turn My Head', Ghost Rattlesnake, and Lakini's Juice really hit home as songs that work, as the rest of the album is laced with poorly constructed lyrics and disappointing hooks. Still, Lakini's Juice is worth a dozen listens for any Live fan.


7. Songs From Black Mountain:(2006)

Their seventh, and final, studio album with Ed Kowalcyk as lead singer. There's some good stuff here, such as a decent cover of Johnny Cash's 'I Walk The Line' and Love Shines, but much of the album feels thrown together quickly, and poorly. The album plunged headfirst into spiritual themes, with few hitting the mark. The River is an exception, an outstanding song both musically and lyrically. It's a bit soft, and ventures into indie rock territory, but it's a beautiful song.


Live was once my favorite band, and some of my favorite songs to this day are from the band. Like any band, they produced some crap, but the good overall heavily outweighs the bad. Other then the final two I listed, their albums are ones I can listen to and not skip songs, which is the mark of a great band. They took a lot of chances lyrically and musically from beginning to end, and found great success as a result. Their live performances are second to none, and I was disappointed when they broke up, as I aimed to hear them in person at least once more. Still, they're a phenomenal, ground-breaking band that count amongst my favorites.
System Of a Down
1. Toxicity
2. Mezmerize
3. Hypnotize
4. System Of a Down
5. Steal This Album!

Toxicity remains their best effort in my opinion including strong tracks such as Chop Suey!, Forest, Aerials, and Deer Dance. All are worth a listen to those who are unfamiliar with the material. Mezmerize/Hypnotize had the potential to be even better, had they released the stronger material as one album instead of releasing it in halves. I always felt it was a strange decision for them to release it that way. We still ended up getting two excellent albums out of the double album at least. Mezmerize is the better half. I hated Cigaro but find the rest of the album very enjoyable. Hypnotize is a little weaker in quality although it has a number of great tracks of its own. Lonely Day, in particular is excellent.

Their first album is another I think highly of. It only ranks low due to there only being 5 albums. Toxicity and the Mezmerize/Hypnotize double album are superior to it. That's not to say it isn't a good listen though. Sugar is still to this day one of my favorite tracks from this band. This of course leaves us with "Steal This Album!" which comes in last. It's rather forgettable in comparison to the other four. I won't go as far as to say it sucks, the fact of the matter is simply that the others are just that much better.
I will rank my favorite band, U2. (Major albums only, so I am excluding side projects, live stuff like Wide Awake in America, etc)

1. The Joshua Tree
2. All That You Can't Leave Behind
3. Achtung Baby
4. No Line on The Horizon
5. Unforgettable Fire
6. Rattle and Hum
7. Zooropa
8. How To Dismantle an Atomic Bomb
9. War
10. October
11. Boy
12. Pop

The Joshua Tree at #1 was a total no brainer for me. It is their most iconic album, easily. I knew what the first three albums would be without even thinking about it. But, when I got to 4 spot, I surprised myself. I detested No Line when it came out. Absolutely hated it. But the damn album really grew on me. Much more than I thought. I was also surprised at how my tastes varied. I have the older "classic" U2 albums mixed in with some of their newer stuff. I don't particularly favor either style over the other. I wasn't surprised at all how low I ranked Pop though, that album is shit.
With Thirty Seconds To Mars just releasing their 4th Studio Album, I figured they've been veterans of the music scene long enough to merit a spot here.

1. This Is War(2009): As good as their first two albums were, This Is War surpasses both as their best album. From the frenetic opener Night Of The Hunter, the grand titular track This Is War, the anthem-like Closer To The Edge, and the ballad Alibi, the band best demonstrates its versatility and ability to speed it up and slow it down at will. It's lyrically more mature then their previous albums, with a range not shown prior as well. And the song I'm showcasing, Kings and Queens may well be my favorite 3STM song ever, albeit a tough call.


2. A Beautiful Lie:(2005) I felt Jared Leto really stepped out on A Beautiful Lie as not an actor with a side project, but as a true front man for a very good band. I don't know how much his work in Hollywood affected his ability to get a record deal, but the guy can sing and write, and this album represented a huge maturity from its debut album. It's not quite as heavy as their debut, as it's much more about Leto's powerhouse of a voice mixing with the music and less about making an impact. A Beautiful Lie, The Kill, and From Yesterday are all excellent songs from this album, but to this day, the song Attack stands out best for me.


3. LOVE LUST FAITH + DREAMS(2013): I have to be honest, I've only listened to this album 4 or 5 times through, and perhaps it still has some growing to do on me. But it's grown onto me with each listen, and I imagine it will continue to do so with each listen. Still, I think it will ultimately fall short of the first two, which is why I ranked it as such. Up In The Air was released months in advance of the album, and it's probably the second best song on the album. What's better? Conquistador, an anthem-like song with a chorus that demands you 'Say a Prayer', and so infectious, you almost want to.


4. 30 Seconds To Mars(2002): This was more a concept album then anything else, which Jared Leto admitted freely. Unlike their 3 albums that follow, the lyrics are less personal and more about human nature in general. Some work really well, such as Edge Of The Earth, Oblivion, Fallen, and Year Zero. But the best song of the album is still my favorite 3STM song of all-time, Capricorn(A Brand New Name). It may be the 'worst' of the four albums, but it's still very good.


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