Randy Orton vs?


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At Money in the Bank Damien Sandow won The smackdown Money in the Bank Ladder Match and Randy Orton won The raw Money in the Bank Ladder Match, after winning the Smackdown MITB Match Sandow entered into a feud with Cody Rhodes and it currently looks like they are going to put the contract on the line somewhere down the line.

And it got me thinking

Who should Randy Orton feud with over the Raw Money in the Bank contract?
Nobody. They're not championships. Having 2 different feuds over 2 different MitB briefcases would be a mess.

He needs a small program of some sort to hold him until he cashes in. Maybe against RVD? Orton's the one who originally "put him out of action" years ago. Let them resolve it.
I don't think Orton will have the briefcase long enough for him to feud with anyone over it, my guess is he will cash in at/or shortly after Summerslam and whether he is successful or not it will put him squarely in a 3 way WWE title program with Cena and Bryan.
Orton won't be holding on to the briefcase for long and having matches for the briefcase is slightly pointless. It is fine for Rhodes/Sandow but putting Orton in a random match for the briefcase doesn't work.

If the question is who should he face at Summerslam than I am fine with him facing either Ryback or Fandango. The former would tie in with the Cena/Bryan dynamic and could even result in a fatal-4 way in months to come. He and Fandango had a fantastic match on Raw so I would be happy to see a rematch at SumemrSlam. He just needs a one-off match because I see him cashing in his briefcase the night after.
I don't think Randy Orton will have his red briefcase long enough for him to need to feud with anybody over it. Plus they already have a feud over the blue briefcase going on with Sandow and Cody. There's no need to run a second one at the same time. I do think both should be put up for grabs at Night of Champions. It prevents us from having any pointless non-title matches on that card. I doubt Orton will have the red briefcase anymore by then though. If I had to pick someone, Christian. They stole the show together multiple times in 2011 and since Christian was one of the wrestlers Orton defeated to win the briefcase there's a storyline reason to have them enter a brief feud. I wouldn't be against it.

Randy Orton will most likely cash in at Summerslam or the following night on Raw against the winner of Cena VS Bryan. If he doesn't cash in by Night of Champions then a short feud over the red briefcase against any of the other participants he defeated for it would suffice. It fills a spot on the Night of Champions card giving the challenger something to do and Orton a chance for a strong win. I'd have him win if so. He needs to keep the contract so he can cash in on Bryan (or Cena, but Bryan will most likely be WWE Champion by then) and turn heel in the process. I do not see the need for him to lose it and there really is no reason for him to feud with anyone over it. He will probably cash in within the next month.
Like others have already said, I don't expect Orton to have the WWE Championship MITB briefcase for very long. If the various reports are correct, WWE MIGHT have Orton cash in after the WWE Championship match between Bryan & Cena. Like most, I'm thinking it'll be a long, physical match in which each hits the other with everything they've got. If WWE wants to turn Orton heel, then having him cash in on Bryan IF Bryan beats Cena for the title is an ideal way to go about it. Nobody's hotter in wrestling than Bryan is right now, people WANT to cheer for him and they go nuts for him. Orton screwing Bryan over immediately after the biggest victory of his career would almost certainly generate intense & instant heat for him. If it results in Bryan ultimately getting a strong run with the title and becoming a bigger star in the long run, then I'm for it.

If Cena retains and Orton cashes in, I don't think it'll have as much of an impact as it would have if he'd cashed in against Bryan. After all, we've seen John Cena in that situation several times already. John Cena has been king of the mountain many times, but this would be Bryan's very first time holding THE top championship. As I alluded to, Bryan beating Cena would be a monumental moment for him. So having Orton show up to, probably, take it away after just achieving glory would make people want to see Orton truly get his ass kicked. Everyone can empathize with the sense of frustration caused by coming within an eyelash of accomplishing a major personal win or, even worse, to attain that personal win only to watch it disintegrate almost immediately afterward.

Part of me would like to see Orton some how screwed out of his attempted screwjob of Bryan or Cena in in which Orton winds up getting pinned via a quick roll up or something after Bryan or Cena provides some sort of distraction. That could also be used to facilitate Orton's heel turn, though it wouldn't have nearly the same impact of Orton screwing Bryan over. As a result, I look for Bryan to win the title only to drop it to Orton almost immediately after.

So yeah, I doubt Orton will be holding onto the briefcase long enough to feud with anyone over it. Also, there's already one briefcase feud going, so another one would strike me as a bit lazy. In the case of Rhodes & Sandow, neither of them are on Orton's level. The fact that neither of them has a ton of momentum going for them, and really haven't for several months, so that puts them on equal footing and leaves the question of who ultimately winds up with the case much more uncertain. There'd hardly be anyone on the roster who could generate that with Orton, and the few that could probably wouldn't generate all that much excitement because it's probably someone we've seen Orton go against many times already.
It´s more than likely that Orton will cash in if somehow Danyel Bryan wins the title, and he will cash in the next night on Raw, either that or he cashes in as soon as the Cena/Bryan match is over, Cena will be banged up and Orton will cash in right there, the WWE will figure a way to make Orton a champion with out making Cena look bad......
My dream scenario....The Shield attack Bryan and Cena at Summerslam after the match...out comes Orton to cash in and win the title...and also become part of the Shield! Instant Heel :)
I see Orton not having a match at the PPV, further angering him and snapping him further. And then in Bryan v Cena,even though hes awful at it,I think the match will have Cena working over a "hurt" body part,like a leg(hence Cena doing psychology in a match,which as I said hes awful at)but Bryan sneaks in a cradle and wins the match but can barely stands on his "hurt" leg,Randy comes out from under the ring,cashes it in and one RKO and/or Punt later,is champ and #1 heel in WWE again.
I'd like to see a CM Punk/Randy Orton match. The WM match they had years ago was so underrated. Maybe with Ceasaro would be good too. Their match on superstars was superb. Even a short program with RVD would be a breath of fresh air for Orton.
i dont see him feud with anyone over his briefcase...now will he have a summerslam feud, dont know, but if he does, a match with Sheamus would be ok i guess, but i dont see Orton having the case for a very long time. usually wwe had 2 case winners. One cashes in sooner rather than later while the other one waits it out and then cashes in. Orton likely cashes in at summerslam or sometime shortly after like the next ppv. hopefully he cashes in at the next ppv or after because i would like to see at least a month reign for Bryan and yes Orton should cash in on Bryan. if WWE wants to turn Orton, they need to turn him against Bryan who's move loved than Cena.
If it were up to me, I would have rather had Randy Orton and Damien Sandow feuding over both Money In The Bank briefcases. I would have had Orton defend his Red Money In The Bank briefcase against Sandow over the next 4 Raws after the Money In The Bank PPV. I would have had Sandow defend his Blue Money In The Bank briefcase against Orton over the next 4 Smackdowns after the Money In The Bank PPV. Obviously, I would have these series of matches end with Dusty Finishes. Then finally at SummerSlam, with both briefcases hanging 15 feet above the ring…well you get the idea. And yes, that will put some butts in the seats. This idea would give us that “Undisputed WWE World Championship Unification match” feeling. If it wasn’t going to be Jericho holding both cases, then I’m all for it being either one of this year’s Mr. MITBs.
With summerlsam 2 weeks away i think randy needs a match.
i think the best bet is to let randy orton vs someone for his mitb briefcase, its the only way imma be interested in it, 2 weeks to fill the rest of the card we have a pretty good idea what will fill it in, but randy shouldnt just be a fill in, the only way ill be excited for summerslam with randy orton. is for him to have put the briefcase on the line.
Who will Orton be fighting? well surely its got to be Cena at the end of Summerslam cashing in the MITB.. Leading to a great power struggle between VKM (Orton) and HHH (Cena). Hopefully the creative team won't mess this one up as it looks to be an exciting storyline between the McMahon family.

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