Randy Orton vs. Christian at WM28

Would you like to see Orton vs. Christian at WM28?

  • Yes they could steal the show!

  • No, don't care to see it happen again

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The Icon
As everyone knows, these two have faced off with eachother twice in the past month, and both matches were very good, the 2nd one easily being a MOTY Candidate. Orton has come on top both times, but Christian has come off very strong both times, now my question is simple, should these two face off at Mania? They could easily keep this going until Mania, but only have them face eachother one on one maybe one or two more times. Let me explain

It seems Teddy Long might kind of have it out for Christian. He has him defend his belt his first night as champion by letting the crowd decide. When he does the same thing for Christian as a challenger, he says Christian must then win a #1 Contenders match. Sheamus vs Randy Orton will happen this week and not at Capitol Punishment, so one could assume that at CP there will be a 3-Way or 4-Way for the World Title. Christian will come up just short again, and he could enter MITB next month.

For the months that follow, have Christian tease when he is going to cash-in his contract throughout the summer, and finally when he does cash it in, have him lose, but not cleanly. Have someone come out and distract him when he is close to pinning Orton, thus he loses, but yet again comes off strong. He gets side tracked with the person who costed him the title and they feud in the fall. Royal Rumble comes up afterwards, and he wins this, issuing a challenge to Orton at WrestleMania 28. The way these two are having reactions, there is no reason they can't compete at Mania and tear the house down once again.

Cena is already taken care of for WM with the Rock, Undertaker will either face HHH again or somebody else, this leaves nobody for Orton considering he faced Punk this year and they are now on different brands. Miz is on RAW and I'm sure nobody would care to see them square off at Mania in someway. Orton and Christian could steal the show, and it could end with Christian finally beating Orton. We all miss the long feuds as long as they are good, and this has every oppurtunity to become a great feud and great finish for it, all at WrestleMania

Would you like to see something like this happen to draw it out until WrestleMania? Or would this be too long and would you not want to see it at Mania?
I can't see it personally. I think if Orton is champion (which I reckon he will be) then he'll face the Royal Rumble winner, who I think will be The Miz
No, we've already seen this twice and may see it again before then.

And besides, Christian is no spring chicken, time to let some of the younger guys take the spotlight. So if Orton is the WHC going into WM28, then let the younger generation guys fight for it.

This is Christians' last year as far as I'm concerned.
When I read the topic of this thread, I immediately thought this was a stupid idea. But you put forward some great ideas to split up Christian and Orton to keep them away from each other, especially the MITB losing angle, and bring the 1 on 1 match at Mania as fresh and not rehashed. The WWE unfortunately don't do year long angles.

However, I don't see it. I have said, that with his continued rising momentum and their past history, Orton will face Rhodes for the World Heavyweight Title at Mania. Orton has to be in a title match whilst Cena is already booked for the biggest match at Mania.

One of the pros of the Cena-Rock match, is that with them being the obvious Main Event (which I don't see being for the title) and an Undertaker streak match (which is always a big part of WrestleMania), the World Titles are really going to fall under the rader. As I said, I expect Orton to be in the Smackdown title match, so you can easily put an up and coming star in the title match, and not leaving the fans feeling odd about it (ie. Miz or Del Rio). So Rhodes or Christian could easily be in this match. The world title match plays out and there is still the Main Event and probably a Streak match. Kind of off topic, I know.
One Problem: The whole "Christian chasing after the world belt, coming up strong but short, close but no cigar" situation will piss off many of Christian's fans and people are going to lose faith and interest. If anything, I would just have Christian win back the belt at CP in the triple threat situation. By your icon, I can tell you're an Orton mark, so the pain and agony of seeing Christian losing the belt was non-existent on your part. The problem I have with this proposal is that Christian has chased the belt for years and years now, and it will take more than that to compensate for losing the belt in 2 days. Therefore, chasing the belt for months until next year's Wrestlemania not only wouldn't make sense but would be a waste of time.
One Problem: The whole "Christian chasing after the world belt, coming up strong but short, close but no cigar" situation will piss off many of Christian's fans and people are going to lose faith and interest. If anything, I would just have Christian win back the belt at CP in the triple threat situation. By your icon, I can tell you're an Orton mark, so the pain and agony of seeing Christian losing the belt was non-existent on your part. The problem I have with this proposal is that Christian has chased the belt for years and years now, and it will take more than that to compensate for losing the belt in 2 days. Therefore, chasing the belt for months until next year's Wrestlemania not only wouldn't make sense but would be a waste of time.

You obviously have never seen any of my posts on any of the other threads. I am a HUGE Christian mark, and seeing him lose it so fast tore me apart, just because I have Orton as my icon does not mean he is my favorite wrestler or that I do no like any other wrestlers at all, kind of ignorant post on your part. I'm sure we all like other wrestlers a lot besides the ones on our icons

Christian isn't main event material..

He had his run and its time to move on.. we will more than likly have Orton v someone but it wont be christian.

Ive seen it twice i admit.. they were that bad of matches.. but you just can't have orton face christian at mania.

and how would that steal the show? rock is in the main event.
Christian is definitely main event material. But i think he's too stale as a face. Heel Christian is so much better. Can anyone see this storyline developing into what happened with CM punk and jeff hardy? It started out as face vs face and Punk eventually snapped/turned heel after not being able to beat him. I can see the same thing happening with Christian.
I think its a good idea, since there really isnt anyone around to face Orton at Mania, unless they make him face Sheamus, Mark Henry, or a RAW Rumble winner who switches brands. The only thing I cant see is WWE giving Christian the MITB, much less the Royal Rumble win. They're all about the young guys and honestly I think the current rivalry is just WWE buying time until they can find a suitable opponent for Orton.
I chose yes, because if they put that much of a good match on a non ppv and ppv then they can do even better at wrestlmania 28 but it should be a stipulation this time or a match type like a last man standing or fall count anywhere plus one should be heel because we already seen face vs face
I think this could be a good idea if they booked it correctly. Christian would need to win MITB for Smackdown and keep teasing a cash-in on Orton, who'd retain his title all the way until Wrestlemania. Then Christian cashes in an opportunity to face Orton again, when he'd win his title back. It would steal the show and give the fans a great moment in Christian getting his title back after waiting all year for a chance to hold it again. I'd like it because Orton and Christian deserve a chance for such a match and would definitely steal the show if it's anything like their last two matches.

Christian isn't main event material..

He had his run and its time to move on.. we will more than likly have Orton v someone but it wont be christian.

Ive seen it twice i admit.. they were that bad of matches.. but you just can't have orton face christian at mania.

and how would that steal the show? rock is in the main event.

One of the stupidest posts I've ever seen.

You say you've seen the last few matches Christian has had, with Alberto, Orton, etc. Have you not heard the crowd? They have been cheering for Christian, even having a split chant when involved with one of the most over and popular stars in the WWE, Randy Orton. You may say, he's riding the coat tails of Edge's retirement. Sure, he is. But sometimes, that's all someone needs to push them to that level. The crowd is taking notice. Christian losing the title so early just adds fuel to the fire, especially with the eventual heel turn coming.

His match quality, his look and the response from the fans would say that Christian is indeed Main Event worthy.
why are we booking Mania 28, 11 months before it happens ??? Rock vs Cena was made just to make up for this year Mania and its still no guarantee they both be healthy by Mania 28. Even Takers last match at Mania 28 isn't guarantee yet. Folks lets enjoy what Orton and Christian are doing now and worried about Mania 28 in about 10 months.
Would I be angry about seeing Christian vs. Orton at WM 28? Absolutely not. But, this particular "feud" cannot continue through WM 28.

They would need to be separated, in some fashion, along the way. Cena vs. Rock works, for several reasons, none of which apply to Orton/Christian.

Orton and Christian could probably have the best match at WrestleMania, but I'm not sure I see it going that far. They won't feud the entire year, that's a fact, and I'm not sure they come back together within the same year.

Orton's going to be in the World Heavyweight title picture at WM 28, I firmly believe that. Maybe he goes in as Champion, maybe he wins the Rumble and challenges whoever is holding the title. Maybe that's Christian? Who knows. If done correctly, I wouldn't mind seeing this at Mania, but I don't know if it's a likely scenario.
As good as their matches are, I do not see this feud going into WrestleMania 28 unless WWE does something drastic and ensures that there are no Christian vs Orton matches for a long time. But that would be a stupid thing to do as the feud is really hot right now.

I think that by the time WrestleMania rolls in, Cody Rhodes will have hit the main event. I expect him to be in the championship match the same way I expect Orton to be there. Christian? I honestly do not know. Maybe a feud with Sheamus or even Jinder Mahal is on the cards as no one is better than Christian when it comes to making an opponent look good.
Christian is not a good enough draw for the Main Event of Wrestlemania. Hell I said the same thing about Miz and he was champ! Orton will probably just fued with whoever wins the Rumble.
It's still kind of far off to really predict what those two will be doing come Mania time. Smackdown is kind of a wildcard to me right now as far as the next year or so goes, because there is just so much young talent about ready to break through. If I was speaking of Mania coming up in one month, then I'd say yes Orton/Christian is the best option. They can put on some great matches with one another and it could potentially be a show stealer.
As it stands though, we still have over 10 months to go until that time. First and foremost, this feud won't last that long. It would have to end soon if it isn't yet and perhaps one of them wins the Rumble to set it up again come Mania time. That would be enough time between matches that it wouldn't be stale and people would still look forward to it. But at the same time, who's to say what's going to occur with guys like Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes, and Sin Cara by that time. Any of them could end up having a hell of a run and be the best to pair up with Orton in a WHC match at Mania. So right now, it's still hard to say but it's certainly a match that I wouldn't mind seeing
Keep in mind the main event for Smackdown at WM 27 was Alberto Del RIo vs. Edge and neither of them were on Smackdown at this time last year so Smackdown is always a wild card wait a couple months to discuss their main event.
I think it should go on like this. Christian causes Sheamus to lose the match next due to interference showing Christian "stopping at nothing to become the #1 Contender". The Fatal 4 Way happens at CP and Christian nails the Killswitch on Sheamus just so Orton pushes him out of the way and steals the pin. That could break Christian, but just like always, he comes out on Smackdown and tells Orton he forgives him and respects him.

Christian then says he's hellbent to qualify for Money in the Bank to face Orton again. Christian proceeds to lose a qualifier against some up and coming heel like Jinder Mahal. Christian then gets Teddy Long to give him a second qualifier against Cody Rhodes which he ends up losing again. Christian begins to desperately attack the turnbuckles and the steel steps. The next week Teddy gives Christian a last chance against Tyson Kidd and Christian gets the win with a rollup and excitedly enters Money in the Bank.

Randy tells Christian the only way he's getting another title shot is by winning Money in the Bank, because that's the only way an underserving contender can get a title shot. Christian is nuts, but he ends up winning the Money in the Bank match when he throws someone like Bryan off the ladder and takes it. He then cuts promos on how he won Money in the Bank just like Edge did 6 years ago and says he will beat Randy soon when he's ready.

At SummerSlam, Randy Orton beats Mark Henry in a short singles match and Christian cashes in his briefcase. Randy actually pulls through and wrestles another classic with Christian and ends up pinning him at the end. When Christian notices he screwed up his final chance, he goes insane and attacks Randy. He then apologizes on Smackdown and says it won't ever happen again. Orton says he's right it won't, because Christian is never getting a title shot again. Christian walks away in shame.

Christian keeps vying for a title match for the next month until Teddy Long tells Randy Orton it's his call if Christian gets another shot. Randy then agrees if they do it at Hell in a Cell, in a final encounter where Orton puts Christian down for good. At the Cell, Edge interferes, slams Orton with a chair, Edge and Christian nail the con-chair-to and Christian wins the title back. Edge manages Christian as a heel champion on Smackdown going forward.

Because Randy called it their final encounter, Teddy Long says he isn't entitled to a rematch. Christian goes on to feud for a while with someone like Kane and at TLC, Christian loses the title to Sin Cara. Christian wins it back at the Royal Rumble and Orton wins the Rumble main event after months of desiring to get back into the title picture.

After Christian beats Sin Cara in their rematch at EC, Orton comes out and says that the Final Encounter stipulation doesn't matter anymore because Orton won the Rumble and he's entitled to face anyone he wants, even Christian. He then says he'll get his long awaited rematch and beat Christian at WrestleMania... which he does!

So what do you guys think? I think it's a perfect way to turn Christian heel and set up an Orton/Christian match at WrestleMania perfectly.
seriously i would like to see randy orton vs chris jericho chris will return there is no way vince would let christian be in the main event
If they didn't have a program so soon after Christian won the World Title I would love to see it happen. However I doubt they can have a compelling and hyped up feud by the time WM28 rolls around. I would think both Orton and Christian would have moved on other feuds.
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