Randy Orton, Sheamus and Ryback vs The Shield at Wrestlemania


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Randy Sheamus and Ryback seems like the next logical opponents for the shield and I've actually been predicting the match would happen since Randy returned to help Ryback and Sheamus fight off The Shield. I thought it was going to happen at the Rumble or Chamber but then Cena got into the picture and Randy was busy with the Chamber. After this Monday I'm sure it'll happen. What do you guys think? I know it leaves Jericho out of the picture but he doesn't have really have a beef with the shield as much as Orton.

I also made a video specifically about it lol
I called this a few months ago too, on the 'predict wrestlemania card' thread.

I'm seeing it as an opportunity to turn Orton...
I don't know about Sheamus, he's kinda being double booked at the moment it seems. Feuding with The Shield and the last couple Raws it appears he's starting a program with Barrett. I'd rather see him face Barrett to make the IC Title picture interesting. Anyone but Bo Dallas.

The only question is who would replace Sheamus? Jericho or The Miz are my best guesses, but I think Jericho will wind up facing Ziggler. He's even been rumored to face Mark Henry lately.

And yes, this is the best time and place to turn Orton heel. The Shield don't need a leader, but Orton's shown he works well as the leader of a stable and this could kick off a nice feud with him and Ryback.
I agree that if this is indeed the match that takes place, then it would be a golden opportunity to turn The Viper heel. However, the way WWE has been turning every rumor on its ear of late, I think they might turn Ryback. It would be a "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em" deal. Either way, or no turn at all, I look forward to whatever The Shield does at WrestleMania.
I see this match happening at Mania as well which sucks for Barrett because it takes away a big Mania match against Sheamus.

As for the whole notion of a wrestler turning, I just can't see it being Ryback as it makes next to no sense for him to be with the Shield. Orton however makes the most sense as he can play off the last year and a half or so as major injustice done to him, thus the Shield is his way to correct it. This could than lead to a program with Ryback or Sheamus for Orton before going after a title.
I think Orton turning heel would work better if he's on his own as The Shield are 3 equals but if Orton joins them he becomes the default leader as he's a much bigger star.

My guess is that sadly Barrett vs Sheamus wont happen and this will be the match Sheamus is in, but I wouldn't be surprised if Jericho or even Miz is the 3rd guy.
I think Orton turning heel would work better if he's on his own as The Shield are 3 equals but if Orton joins them he becomes the default leader as he's a much bigger star.

This is a solid point that hasn't been talked about a lot in recent weeks as talk of a leader for The Shield has died down. While this match may be a solid opportunity to facilitate an Orton heel turn, it may be best that he do so without aligning with The Shield. Orton is better as a lone wolf anyway.

Personally, I didn't like the way he led Legacy, as he just constantly punked out Rhodes and DiBiase. So, maybe if Orton were to turn, he could RKO everyone and walk out or something like that. The Shield definitely doesn't need a leader, much less one with the notoriety of a Randy Orton.
This is a solid point that hasn't been talked about a lot in recent weeks as talk of a leader for The Shield has died down. While this match may be a solid opportunity to facilitate an Orton heel turn, it may be best that he do so without aligning with The Shield. Orton is better as a lone wolf anyway.

Personally, I didn't like the way he led Legacy, as he just constantly punked out Rhodes and DiBiase. So, maybe if Orton were to turn, he could RKO everyone and walk out or something like that. The Shield definitely doesn't need a leader, much less one with the notoriety of a Randy Orton.

I wasn't a fan of how he led Legacy either but in truth that group was very poorly booked and didn't become the star-maker I think it was envisioned as.

The big reason not to turn Orton at Mania though is that there will be so many big moments as it is, so I think it makes more sense to do the turn when the Mania hype has died down and WWE need a hot angle amongst the regular roster talent, a Orton heel turn then becomes center stage as opposed to an afterthought.
I guess that's the idea anyway. I hope it happens, it should happen. It might save the PPV.
After last night smackdown with Big show & Orton involvement with the shield, I would love to see ryback, orton & show vs shield so we get Sheamus vs Barrett for IC title.

They can play up orton & ryback saying can they trust Show but at mania Ortons the one who can't be trusted by rko'ing ryback and turning heel. We can then get a mini ryback vs orton feud & shield still looks strong.

To add extra, ryback could be so annoyed that he lost at mania, him and show argue after the match leading to ryback ducking a WMD and shell shocking Show in the middle of the ring.
They can play up orton & ryback saying can they trust Show but at mania Ortons the one who can't be trusted by rko'ing ryback and turning heel. We can then get a mini ryback vs orton feud & shield still looks strong.

I never thought of Big Show as having a role in this 6-man match, but he might turn out to be the black marble that rolls things in one direction or the other. When he unexpectedly clocked the Shield guy last night, I had the briefest moment to wonder if Show was turning good, only to watch him knock out Orton a moment later. Perhaps this is the right thing to do with Show now that his title-holding days seem to have ended. Don't make him face, don't make him heel......yet don't identify him as 'tweener, either. Rather, let him be unpredictable; we'll never know whom he'll turn on and when. He can be the ultimate loner, the guy with no allegiances to anyone but himself. Essentially, that's what he's been doing the past year, anyway.

In that manner, he might have a fateful role in this match at WM. He doesn't even have to be an announced participant....in fact, it's better if he isn't. His "surprise" appearance would tilt the result one way or the other. Meanwhile, before he arrives, the company can do whatever they intend to do with the Shield; let them finally lose outright to Sheamus and Ryback, or let them get the hell beaten out of them by same, only to have Big Show's insertion swing the outcome.

Yes, many of us get tired of major league match-ups that end with inconclusive results, but not knowing whom Show will turn against adds an element of suspense to the proceedings.
After Smackdown I think Sheamus and Orton will try to recruit the Big Show as their third man for Mania, playing up the aspect that they don't like or fully trust Show but that having a Giant might be the key piece in stopping The Shield who have already beaten two all-star teams.
Yeah it seems like they will go with the route The Eighties just mentioned. It probably would be better though if they swapped Orton for Ryback, that way Big Show could turn on Ryback in the match, costing him yet another match with The Shield, starting up a feud between Ryback and Show.

Or, and I like this option much better, they swap Sheamus for Ryback, and in the match they make it look like Show will turn on Orton and Ryback because of trust issues, and Ryback is on the lookout the entire match just incase Show does decide to, but towards the end of the match it's actually Orton who unexpectedly turns heel on Ryback and Show, but mainly on Ryback, costing him another match with The Shield, leading into a feud between Ryback and Orton.

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