Randy Orton Legend Killer Tour of 2010 Headquarters

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke

Three years in a row, Randy Orton has boldly entered the annual WrestleZone Tournament and, well, been a bit of a non-entity really. I don't say this because he hasn't done well - I say it because I can't remember how he did. Did he even have a headquarters last year? I can't remember. Enter Sam, the man who is yet to back a tournament winner. Maybe I could PM some people asking them for their-- ahem. Where were we? Ah yes.

Official Legend Killer Tour of 2010 FAQ:

Sam, why are you such a cunt?
I was born this way.

Not backing Kurt Angle this year?
He'll get my support when he joins a proper wrestling company.

You've always been a closet Orton fan, haven't you?
When he wrecked that hotel room, I died a little inside.

Alright, why Randy Orton then?
I'll be honest with you, I was searching for wrestlers that had the best easily available renders so I could make a good sig. That didn't really happen - I couldn't find any good fonts. Still, I'm unsure why Orton hasn't made much of an impact on this tournament yet. Edge has, largely because he's 'sneaky'. And because people panic when presented with basic logic. On the back of a pretty significant face turn, I'm confident Orton can do well. Besides, his entire MO used to be taking out legends. Not a better gimmick for this tournament. Prepare for plenty of "the RKO would just hype him up" and "he's got a special anti-punt mist" posts, I guess. Vintage WrestleZone.

I'll save myself more work by giving an excuse like, erm, I'm saving my arguments for the tournament. That's the one. Wouldn't want my opponents to get the drop on me, would I?
Are you looking fo people tp join your cause? If so I'm in, Randy will get my vote on every match. This will be my first Wrestlezone Tournament, hopefully I will be backing the winner.
Yeah, sure. Faint heart never won fair lady. That sounded better in my head. I suddenly really want Randy Orton/Jack Swagger to be a match. I mean, honestly, how easy would that one be?
You know Kurt Angle? Great amatuer wrestler. Well, he's a great pro wrestler as well. And Swagger wears the same clothes as him. See where I'm going with this?
I'm very much against the movement, Sam. He's one of those people who's popular for being boring, only unlike Jericho he's not capable of great matches on occasion.
I feel Randy Orton is best pro wrestler/entertainer in the world today. But isn't this tournament supposed to crown the greatest of all time? If it's meant to find out who the majority find to be the greatest of all time, I can't go with Orton. I guess I'm asking what is the actual overall point of this tournament (I am new to this)?
Yeah, I just wasn't sure how I should pick this. Most talented guy. Most popular guy. Best for their generation, etc. I guess I will be choosing who I believe is the greatest of all time, and Orton isn't even close to that yet (even though I really like what he's doing right now, head and shoulders above the rest, IMO).
If you vote for who's actually the best you're limited to just a few options. Just pick your favorite, so long as you have a reason it doesn't matter who you pick.
I'm sure X will write some tedious essay about how Funk took on "Sturdy" Jack Purdy in an hour long classic in Madison Square Garden during the long hot summer of '67 that's superior to anything Orton's done. My response? "Yeah, alright. Give a shit. Saves me changing the campaign name to the "I don't even know who that is" Killer."

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