Randy Orton is the WWE Champion

Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
So... How about that?

I assume he's turning heel here. I dig the potential story they're setting up with Bryan and Triple H. Bryan/Orton is probably your next PPV main event so the Daniel Bryan push continues.

Genuinely excited to see what Orton does with this.
I never thought I would say this about another story involving HHH but so am I. I think Cena put Bryan over like a master tonight and the HHH ending was not what I was expecting at the beginning of the night (although I gotta say my old man called it).

Like a certain admin with a Zelda avatar its in the back of my mind this will turn into a HHH vs. Vince storyline with Orton and Bryan as a backdrop (that would SUCK) but its only fair to give WWE a chance. Whatever may happen in the future they nailed the last hour of Summerslam setting up the next long while of WWE and it has gotten me legitimately excited for future WWE programming which hasn't happened in a LONG time and for the first time in over 2 years I can say that I can't wait for Raw tomorrow.

Overall I think it will work out, I think Bryan is gonna look like a monster at the end of all this. All in all this could put Bryan in a whole other stratosphere if done right and it should be a fun ride for at least a little while longer.
I didn't watch, just heard about it... but I'm a little disappointed.

It sounds like it went down pretty much exactly how I called it a few weeks ago... except for the Triple H heel turn, which doesn't sound like a great addition to me.

Orton gets a little neutered there in going mega heel because he's at best sharing the spotlight with Triple H.

Hopefully, we don't see typical heel Triple H burying Bryan in promos and only letting Bryan eventually go over him with a rollup or something lame like that. If Triple H feels the need to interject himself in this angle, it better be to put Bryan over huge.
I am very happy with the fact that Orton is wwe champ. HHH turning heel makes the storyline better. Several websites are reporting that flair may return to wwe. I can see the reformation of evolution. That can make the best heel stable in wwe. The only reason I cant wait for raw tomorrow is how vince reacts to the situation. He stays heel or a face turn happens tommorow.
My wife actually called the HHH turn when they announced him as ref. I was not excited about Orton cashing in, but I liked the HHH turn into the cash in. Bryan came out looking great after his match with Cena, and I am also very excited for the next few months off WWE tv. Great last hour of Summerslam as another poster mentioned.
This whole storyline is now blown completely open. With Bryan defeating Cena and then being screwed by HHH, he is now catapulted to the very top being THE face. When he was at his best, HHH was a heel. Same goes for Orton. Now there is an entirely new dynamic to the WWE as everything has now changed. We have a new face taking on the new boss (yes CM Punk did that with HHH but it turned out that HHH wasn't responsible so that doesn't really count). The biggest difference between now and when CM Punk was going up against the bosses is that Bryan is way more over with the overall fanbase than Punk was. I love CM Punk and his run two years ago really reinvigorated my interest in WWE but he was not as over with the average fan as Bryan currently is. There are several questions that will have answers unfold all the way up to Wrestlemania I feel. Are HHH and Vince aligned? How does Stephanie factor into this? Is Daniel Bryan going to lead the charge against the McMahons? Is this the WWE's way of elevating Daniel Bryan to face of the company? Who joins with Daniel Bryan or does he stand alone? What exactly is Orton's role in this? Do the wrestlers all take sides on this and we have a big faction against a corporate faction? Since Cena is going to be out of action his return brings up the question of whether or not he will stand with Daniel Bryan. However this turns out, it looks like Daniel Bryan is being given the ball to run with and being elevated to heights that few others have been pushed to over the past ten years.
Anyone who didnt see this coming is a fucking idiot. The cash-in, that is.

The Tripe H heel turn though, I could not call. And yes, as everyone has sorta hinted at, its pretty obvious this will play into the mcmahon power struggle, though in ways we cant yet tell.

With the news of Cena possibly taking some time off so that his elbow can give birth to twins, it only makes sense to continue building Bryan's heat, as well as possibly CM Punk stepping in, as he isnt "company material" either. Should be interesting, and I have a feeling DB and Orton can put on some damn fine mathces together
I thought they were teasing Orton to hide the fact that HHH was turning heel. I predicted that HHH would turn heel giving Cena the win... Once Bryan won clean I was like they're not doing it. Ortons music hits and I'm like nope hes turning around. But the 2nd look he gave Triple H was priceless. I knew what was about to happen. Loved every second of that. Fun PPV, great match, great night.
Fantastic finish. This adds legitimate drama to WWE programming, with everyone wondering what's happening HHH/Orton/whoever else and so forth.

Calm down, fanboys, let it play out. What's worst case scenario? DB gets buried? That's going to happen anyhow... it's inevitable.

There's a storyline I feel I must follow - I'm diggin' that.
I think it was a great turn for HHH.I didn't expect it and I'm sure alpmst everybody doesn't expect it.
I hope that on Raw there will be an Evolution reunion and at Night Of Champions it looks like 100 % sure that it will be orton vs bryan for the title.But I have a little problem with that.You see here is the thing:in the last months this match was free on raw for 3-4 times with No DQ and Street Fight stipulation which make me think how can they develop this feud over those 2 great matches.

Now let's say that on Raw Ric Flair returns and Evolution will be reformed {I hope at some point Batista will return and will be a part of the group}.Then will Vince turn face and aligned himself with Bryan or join Evolution because I can't see a third part flow in that feud because for now there are 2 parts:HHH & Orton in one side and Bryan on the other.

When Cena returns {which I believe will be in the Raw after NOC} he will aligned himself with Bryan {who will lose in a controversial fasion to Orton at NOC - I think via a count out} to set a tag team match between Cena and Bryan vs Orton and HHH at Battleground.Also I hope to see Vince aligned himself with the faces at that point and adding the stipulation that Orton's WWE title will be on the line.With a match like that you solve 3 problems:The first is Cena's rematch clause for the title.The second is the deserved match for Bryan after losing at NOC in a controversial fashion.And the 3rd is keep the McMahon vs HHH feud on TV.

At Battleground - The Heels win by pinning Bryan getting him out of the title picture.
Than at Hell In A Cell it will be Orton vs Cena for the title {Orton wins} and Bryan vs HHH {which Bryan wins}.

For conclusion I think Orton winning the title and HHH's heel turn were great cause now the WWE title picture is completely open and I cannot wait to see what will happen.
I was surprises to see Triple H go heel here. The follow up with Raw tonight will be important as this changes the whole Vince vs. Triple H angle, if it's even still going on. I think most of us expected Orton to cash in MITB against Bryan, but the outcome of Cena vs. Bryan is what was most important.

Daniel Bryan beat John Cena clean right in the middle of the ring after a genuine classic. By the way, anyone who still tries to say John Cena can't wrestle, eat shit as he's proven people wrong again. Bryan beat Cena fair & square. There was no interference, no shenanigans with Vince or Triple H, just a straight up near 30 minute classic in which Daniel Bryan climbed Mount Everest in his drawers. Bryan getting screwed over after winning the biggest match of his career in front of a super hot crowd by not only Randy Orton but Triple H will immediately make both Orton & Trips the top heels in wrestling. This will almost certainly only make Daniel Bryan's popularity as a scrappy, passionate babyface grow all the more.
I wanted to see Bryan have a real WWE Championship reign. It was a shame to end it with the now tired "surprise" cash-in. I'm sure WWE could've come up with another way of turning Orton heel and giving him the belt in a few months.

Also, people have been calling for Orton to turn heel for a while now. I've never understood why. The difference between his face & heel persona isn't different enough for me to want him to turn heel and bring back his interminable chin lock.
With a possible HHH/Orton alliance, Orton being the protege, could we see a form of Evolution 2.0???? HHH now the retired leader, Orton the champion and HHH role from the original group, possibly a Batista return for a run through to Mania 30 and one other, somebody from NXT looking to push to that next level??? Seeing Team Orton vs Team Bryan at Survivor Series, in a possible War Games scenario........
Cena takes time off, repairs and rests his bodies and more than likely returns as the surprise last me,mber of Team Bryan.
Pity Bryan couldnt have his moment, but I think he will get the major payoff and win the WWE Championship are the constant McMahon and Helmsley screws, both on screen and off over the past couple of years. The big payoff of Daniel Bryan finally becoming WWE Champion on the biggest stage of them all would be sensational.
This was predicted and a really bad kept secret, but it is what most of us wanted so no complaints at all. Triple H turn was obvious as soon as he was made the ref in my opinion. Dirt sheets reporting all week he wont turn heel was also a teller!!! Again, a nice move by WWE!!!

Now I am interested to see how this all pans out. Orton and Bryans mini fued on Raw/Smackdown was great, so now it is nice to see them take it to the PPV's. Think somewhere down the line we will see Cena thrown into the mix because he does have a rematch clause.

Anyway, WWE will be dominated by a major storyline involving some top talent and for that I am pleased. I hope this drags itself all the way to Mania and we get the final pay off there.
John Cena put someone over clean for the first time in 16 months.....and it's overshadowed by the irrelevant Randy Boreton, and "I CAN'T STAY OUT OF THE SPOTLIGHT" Triple H. as Usual HHH has to be the center of everything, this will result in HHH vs DB, with HHH getting a win, and never facing Bryan again, much like he did with CM PUNK
Great ending, didn't expect it before the match but when Triple H was hanging around so long during Bryan's celebrations I knew it was coming. No-one in wrestling ever does that unless there's something more to come.

Actually hoping they find a way of keeping Bryan chasing until Wrestlemania for his actual big moment. Would like to see him have to go through Triple H to get to Orton even and have to win the Royal Rumble.

Kudos to Cena for putting Bryan over like that though. He did business the way it should it be done.
Orton cashing in was pretty predictable not that its bad, just seemed to ruin a feel good moment, but what wasn't was Triple H turning on Bryan. i was thinking the ending to Bryan and Cena seemed a bit abrupt, he wins with a knee to the face? They did let him soak in the moment for an extended period tho

It had that WrestleMania 6 feel, to quote Jessie Ventura, "Least it wasn't a Don King Mike Tyson type affair, the man lost it and he's going out like a true champion." in this occasion you have Cena who's always been seen as Hogan spinoff then you have the hot crowd favourite vying for his title and in one missed move the challenger does the unthinkable, pins Superman but Superman shows respect.

regardless i thought it was a pretty good match as was the Punk vs Lesnar encounter which suprised me.

Still sucks as far as i'm concerned for Bryan, they build him up only to take it away when he's at his highest, but he can only go up from here and will win the title back.

Orton and HHH were fueding only 4 years ago so i guess that constitutes a we are all buddy buddy now, and if Ric Flair gets back on TV tho with the latest report i doubt that'll be the case in the immediate future cause he's been Ric again.

as for Vince and who he is siding with, well he didn't want the guy who makes him millions to be champ and he didn't want the People's champ to be champ, so why would it make him want to fued more with Triple H given he did exactly what Vince wanted, neither guy is the champ. Anyway it's compelling, unfortunately i knew the result b4 i got to see the PPV cause silly me logged into facebook when i got home from work to check something and someone i subbed to posted the results of the main event :(
John Cena put someone over clean for the first time in 16 months.....and it's overshadowed by the irrelevant Randy Boreton, and "I CAN'T STAY OUT OF THE SPOTLIGHT" Triple H. as Usual HHH has to be the center of everything, this will result in HHH vs DB, with HHH getting a win, and never facing Bryan again, much like he did with CM PUNK

I thought this as well. When Punk was white hot a few years ago, Triple H had to involve himself and he got the win against Punk which to me derailed his momentum. There was no reason whatsoever for Triple H to beat Punk but he just had too. Now again, Bryan is white hot and here comes Triple H to put himself in the storyline.

I do actually like Triple H, great talker, great worker, looking forward to him replacing Vince but I just hope his ego doesn't take over again!!
Anyone who didnt see this coming is a fucking idiot. The cash-in, that is.

The Tripe H heel turn though, I could not call. And yes, as everyone has sorta hinted at, its pretty obvious this will play into the mcmahon power struggle, though in ways we cant yet tell.

With the news of Cena possibly taking some time off so that his elbow can give birth to twins, it only makes sense to continue building Bryan's heat, as well as possibly CM Punk stepping in, as he isnt "company material" either. Should be interesting, and I have a feeling DB and Orton can put on some damn fine mathces together

I don't think so, I think HHH and Vince are on the same page.

For one thing if he didn't know that the fix was in ,so to speak, Vince would have come down and tried to influence the match.

I think it will play out that after Daniel Bryan refused the makeover they knew he could never be the face of WWE so they had to take him out.

I could see a bit of an angle coming between Michaels and HHH centered around HHH fully selling out and becoming a corporate stooge taking out Michaels' mentee in the process.

Regardless WWE telegraphed the fact that Orton was going to be cashing in after the match and still managed to leave us surprised at the end.
The Tripe H heel turn though, I could not call. And yes, as everyone has sorta hinted at, its pretty obvious this will play into the mcmahon power struggle, though in ways we cant yet tell.

A new layer of intrigue has been added to the power struggle by Trip's actions. Since it began, I figured the Levesques were the good guys and Vince the bad guy in the ongoing feud. Instead, Triple H takes out the hottest performer currently active in the company and sets the stage for Randy Orton to win the title.

Plus, didn't Orton do the deed in classic manner for a heel?.....changing his mind about cashing in on the new champ until the referee laid Daniel out? I've grown sick of the whole MITB format but confess the way this one came about was exciting and unexpected. Can't wait to see how the power struggle plays out.

Despite the ever-present threat of a cash in, I really didn't expect Randy Orton to be the champion, at least not this soon after winning the briefcase. Now let's see what Creative has planned for him. Looks as if his star is on the rise again.

And kudos to John Cena for the terrific way he put Daniel Bryan over. It flies in the face of members of this forum who cry that "Cena wins everything and never loses" and "Cena never puts anyone over." Actually, he's proven over and over again the inaccuracy of those statements.
I know there were some rumors that WWE was talking to Batista for a limited return. With what transpired last night, are we maybe looking at an Evolution reunion storyline?

The power struggle storyline has a new twist with Trips seemingly siding with Vince.

I've always been a fan of Randy Orton and I'm glad he finally got the title back after a few years. RAW should be interesting tonight.
I'm looking forward to Orton's run here as the WWE Champ. It has been some time since he has held the WWE Title and his form has been solid this year as he has consistently had good matches this year. He deserves this run and it should culminate in Bryan beating Orton for the title down the road.
This was a fantastic move, and the right call at the end of a great match.

This gives fans the opportunity to rally behind Daniel Bryan even more. Yes, they cheered him intensely over Cena, but where does he go from there after beating Cena if HHH doesn't turn and Orton doesn't cash-in? It's on to either a new feud with the flavor of the month. This is more organic in that it's HHH simply as an extension of what Vince has been doing.

No, this ensures that Bryan is likely in it for the long-haul, and the goal here is to build Bryan into a top-line babyface in the vein of John Cena. It's Bryan running the gauntlet again: But instead of the gauntlet being Jack Swagger, Antonio Cesaro and Ryback, it's John Cena(check), Randy Orton, and HHH in some order.

Bryan, as long as he shows to have staying power, will be in a far better position once he overcomes HHH and Orton(having beaten Cena already) then he would have if he had just beaten Cena. This, at first impressions, doesn't look like a McMahon ego-trip or "all about the McMahon's" to end the show. It puts tremendous heat on Orton and HHH, and sets Bryan up as a sympathetic character and a top babyface when he does ultimately take the WWE Title from Orton.

People wondered why HHH was in there as referee. It had to mean something, did it not? There's your reason. This worked well, start-to-finish. Of course, there's a piece of logic we have to forget.


Hopefully, WWE remembers this when booking the 'alliance' between HHH and Orton. Continue to make this about what's 'best for business', as HHH is now donning a suit most of the time, not the black trunks.
I'm okay with Orton walking out as champion. I'm kind of tired of MITB. This was a little different twist with HHH backstabbing Bryan, but it still left me with an unsatisfied feeling. It was a lot if not exactly like Punk losing to Del Rio after beating Cena a few years ago, with the exception that HHH and Orton where in cahoots. I personally don't like seeing a guy hold the WWE title for a few minutes, especially on his first title reign. That being said I'm still okay with Orton coming out on top. I wish it could have went down like this, or that someday a similar situation could go down like this.

Bryan would be in control and get distracted. May be the shield or Ryback or something. Whatever it is draws him out of the ring. Orton sneaks in from the audience while Bryan is out of the ring. Hits a move, covers Cena...1...2...3. and slides out on the apron maybe even getting in the face of Lillian Garcia so she doesn't announce the title win. Bryan charges back to the ring, unaware of what's happened, finish's off Cena and begins to celebrate except no one will hand him the title. The announcer then announces him as the winner of the match....but MITB was cashed in before the end of the bout and your new champion is Randy Orton. A bewildered Bryan sees Orton rise from wherever he on the ring apron and raise the title in the air.

Orton is champion, Bryan loses no steam, and the crowd has something new to talk about.

Anybody else think this would work.
Bryan would be in control and get distracted. May be the shield or Ryback or something. Whatever it is draws him out of the ring. Orton sneaks in from the audience while Bryan is out of the ring. Hits a move, covers Cena...1...2...3. and slides out on the apron maybe even getting in the face of Lillian Garcia so she doesn't announce the title win. Bryan charges back to the ring, unaware of what's happened, finish's off Cena and begins to celebrate except no one will hand him the title. The announcer then announces him as the winner of the match....but MITB was cashed in before the end of the bout and your new champion is Randy Orton. A bewildered Bryan sees Orton rise from wherever he on the ring apron and raise the title in the air.

Orton is champion, Bryan loses no steam, and the crowd has something new to talk about.

Anybody else think this would work.

That's actually a really cool idea. It would have worked well here but obviously they had a Trips heel turn planned so that type of scenario wasn't in the cards but they should definitely do that in the future.

Anyone have any ideas/guesses as to what Orton's sideplates are going to look like? I think one will for sure say "RKO" on it and then the other will probably be a viper.

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