Randy Orton Heel Turn?

The Viper: Face or Heel?

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For a little over a year now, Randy Orton has been one of the most over faces in wrestling. The IWC gripes about Orton to one degree or another, just as they do with most wrestlers, but Orton has consistently gotten huge pops from fans and has had them literally hanging on every world he says or move he makes.

As a result of the WWE Draft and the sudden retirement of Edge, there's a noticable absence of solidified main event stars on SmackDown!. Randy Orton is really the only marquee main eventer on SmackDown! at this time and it's only a matter of time before he finds himself within the World Heavyweight Championship picture. A lot of people might not want it to happen but, let's face it, it's gonna happen. Orton will be a contender for the WHC at some point in the near future so would it be better if he was heel or a face?

Christian is the current WHC and, assuming he's champ long enough to have a feud with Randy Orton, he's very over at this point. Christian has also generated a lot of positive sentiment after winning the title at Extreme Rules. A lot of people, myself included, have wanted it to happen for a very long time. We all know Orton can be a great heel and he generally seems far more comfortable as a heel character.

As I said, it's just a question of when rather than If Randy Orton winds up in the WHC picture on SmackDown!. Heel or face?
When Orton appeared on SmackDown after the draft and picked up the mic, I noticed a slightly different tone in his voice. He felt more open and expressive. During his run on Raw, he was always the 'cool bad guy', kind of like Darth Vader or something. He had to remain in character at the same time as appealing to the fans who had adapted to liking him. I think this held him back in a way.
On SmackDown, he was smiling and expressing himself much more openly and I think the draft was the perfect way to allow Orton to transfer to a fully face superstar seamlessly.

A heel turn would not make sense after his move to SmackDown. Not only that, I'm not entirely sure he could succesfully turn heel at all. I've been a fan of Orton for a long time and I cheer him whether he's heel or face, and I think a lot of fans are reacting in the same way. People would still cheer for him.
Regardless, I think he should remain face. He is enjoying playing up to the crowd and his RKO spots (although maybe too plentiful) get the biggest pops. I smell a WHC chase in the future for Orton, but not before Christian loses it to a major heel.
Heel Viper. I do believe it is time for Randy to turn, with a new show comes a new, refreshed angle. I think it would benefit Orton right now if he tried being the Main Eventing psychopathic heel that we got from him when he first started Punting people. Just let him target other faces this time. Smackdown is running rampant with them.
wasnt the wwe trying to make orton a face, but act like a heel. i remember his new years resolution to be meaner which sounds sorta like a heel thing to say. but he gets cheered by the audience. plus orton is one of the wwe's biggest stars atm, therefore turning orton heel right now, wwe wouldnt see that as a good thing. like him as a heel or face though so whatever happens happens. if he is a heel i hope he punts miz, cena, del rio, and a few other guys XP.
What is with you guys and heel turns?

There is absolutely no need for Orton to turn heel at this point of time, the guy has only been a face for a year! If Orton is the only marketable main eventer on Smackdown, why would you NOT make him a face? Not only that, but having Christian as your lead babyface on the show wouldn't be the greatest idea. Okay, so the guy is a terrific wrestler, but can somebody tell me what his character is? Christian doesn't really have a character, which is quite odd, considering he's no John Cena.

If Orton stays face, he still has plenty of heel challengers in Mark Henry (who will get a main event push on Smackdown, I can almost gurantee), The Great Khali (same as Henry unfortunately), Cody Rhodes, Sheamus, etc. Apart from Randy Orton and Christian, who's the next guy in line for a main event push on the babyface side? Sin Cara? A guy who's barely been in WWE for 2 months? Daniel Bryan is a mid-carder whether you like it or not.

The IWC just assumes heel turns solve everything in wrestling, butI can tell you that turning Orton heel won't solve a damn thing.
I don't think that Orton is turning heel anytime soon. Regardless of what the IWC may think, Orton has been one of the most successful faces this past year. His reactions have rivalled that of John Cena and his finishing manouvre is as over as any finisher has ever been.

Currently, there is no one on Smackdown for Orton to turn heel on. Orton can only go heel if he turns against either Cena, HHH or Undertaker; he is that over. Christian might be getting a great reaction currently but if he goes up against Orton, I would not be surprised to see him get the negative reactions. I think you might see Christian turn heel in the near future once the nostalgia of Edge retiring goes away. Heel Christian vs Face Orton could be a really entertaining feud.

Orton is at his peak as a face. It would be foolish to turn him heel now.
Orton turning heel? It's not gonna happen. He's just starting to get comfortable as a face and turning him heel wont change a damn thing. Who's going to be a face besides him? Christian is the only other main event face and the rest are heels. And even if he turns, he's going to get the most cheers in Smackdown. Though I have to start questioning what they just did on this week's SD episode. Seeing as it wont air until tomorrow night in the USA, I can't talk about it now. Though, Orton's tweets are getting pretty entertaining. DON'T READ THEM IF YOU HOLD BACK FROM SPOILERS!!!
I like Orton better as a face because i hated to see him as a heel. Last time he was heel he always acted like he had 'voices' in his head and would throw a hissy fit in the middle of a mtach. He still kind of does but it is more of a way to pump up the crowd.
Awhile ago on Raw I thought he was just plain ol stale.

But Smackdown and a slight beard freshened him up.. lolz...

Orton is now being recgonized as THE TOP DOG on Smackdown and it'll be interesting to see him in that role with the current smackdown roster and his experience. No doubt Orton has grown a lot since he last was on Smackdown.
Looking back over the past year, I can't remember exactly when Orton became a total face; for months before that, he was a 'tweener......and probably the best one WWE has ever had. I loved him in that role because we never knew whether to root for him or boo him. One minute, he was chasing Nexus at John Cena's side..... only to attack Cena the next week. It was great; it was original; it was exciting......and now that he's completely a face I have a hard time remembering when it all changed.

I'd like to see Randy go back to 'tweener. Whether he's chasing the world title or possessing it, it would be wonderful if he kept us guessing. There's a distinct advantage in keeping the fans at a loss in deciding how to receive him because he can wage war against anyone and everyone and get a solid reaction.
It's too hard to make a top face, and fairly easy to get a decent heel. I see no reason why Randy Orton should turn heel, given his star power, and the lack there of on Smackdown.
As long as he, and Christian stay face, it leaves an opportunity open for someone to rise to the occasion.
I don't think it's an issue of turning him heel. The WWE didn't turn him into a babyface, the fans did.

The fans starting cheering the guy for doing terrible, rotten, evil things to people. What can you have him do that would turn the fans against him?

In the end, the fans will have the final say. If they become bored with Orton as they did Cena, they'll start booing, plain and simple. Personally, I hope it happens. Orton is my favorite guy out there right now, and I prefer him as a heel. However, he's way over right now, so if the fans do turn on him, I don't see it happening anytime soon.
Pretty sure Orton getting drafted to Smackdown was meant to have the show revolve around him sort of like Raw revolves around Cena. So in order for that to work he would have to remain face even though I like Orton a lot better as a heel.
When Orton appeared on SmackDown after the draft and picked up the mic, I noticed a slightly different tone in his voice. He felt more open and expressive. During his run on Raw, he was always the 'cool bad guy', kind of like Darth Vader or something. He had to remain in character at the same time as appealing to the fans who had adapted to liking him. I think this held him back in a way.
On SmackDown, he was smiling and expressing himself much more openly and I think the draft was the perfect way to allow Orton to transfer to a fully face superstar seamlessly.

A heel turn would not make sense after his move to SmackDown. Not only that, I'm not entirely sure he could succesfully turn heel at all. I've been a fan of Orton for a long time and I cheer him whether he's heel or face, and I think a lot of fans are reacting in the same way. People would still cheer for him.
Regardless, I think he should remain face. He is enjoying playing up to the crowd and his RKO spots (although maybe too plentiful) get the biggest pops. I smell a WHC chase in the future for Orton, but not before Christian loses it to a major heel.

I will say that I did notice a change in Randy as well and I kind of liked it. I believe orton can keep the same qualities that made the fans like him while adopting new ones to make the fans feel more involved as all faces tend to do. Yes the WWE moved Orton to Smackdown to become the staple of the Blue Brand. I feel this was the Best move as Randy was starting to get lost in the Shadow Of John Cena. If done right ortons face turn could be bigger and Better than his initial run as a face after leaving evolution. Randy will certainly excel on Smackdown with little to no competiton to serve as his foil I predict his title reign will be lengthy and successful.
If you think Orton is turning heel any time soon then youve got another thing comin. He and Cena are the top dogs in the WWE, now that Vince has Randy on Smackdown he has the best 2 split up to run each brand. Randy will be WHC within the next few months, and Cena just won the title from the Miz at ER. As soon as Orton is holding gold on Smackdown it will be McMahon's wet dream and he will be raking in the money. The fans are loving face Randy, and not only recently but in his entire career we havent seen all that much of a real face. I think the perfect time for it has come, Randy Orton stays face, wins the WHC and he runs Smackdown while Cena runs Raw.

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