Randy Orton and his flaws.


Getting Noticed By Management
The Miz > Randy Orton.

There is one thing that surprises me about Randy Orton. Despite his many flaws and limited moveset, people always prefer him over John Cena. I have one question, why? Every week it's the same. Orton comes out talks shit in a monotone voice about Triple H, The McMahon's yadda yadda yadda and shows up in the main event. I dont know about you guys but I do NOT call that entertaining. I know that they need to build a storyline but I often wonder, can't they do something else with this guy? It seems like the only thing he is capable of doing is talk, sneak, cover behind people and hit others when nobody's watching. Some may call that ''Character Developement'' but I call that lame. Orton's the main heel now. His promo's are outstanding, but I think that the guy is limited in the ring.

Figure this one out for me. WrestleMania 25 with Orton and Triple H was a boring shit match. Backlash with Orton, Rhodes, Dibiase vs Batista, Shane and Triple H sucked. And Judgement day with Orton vs Batista made me shit myself out of boredom. Now what do these three things have in common? Randy Orton. I am now claiming that Randy Orton is being shoved down my throat. I mean what the hell. Now at Extreme Rules its going to be Orton vs Batista. I fully believe that this is going to suck. Because you can't put two people in the ring who both have a limited wrestling ability. Not to mention that Batista has no business at all in this feud.

I compare Orton to clouds. Most of the time they stay the same, but when it rains people get to see something. Same with Orton. Fucking boring all the time, but sometimes shows a good match. Now my fellow readers would you like to prove me wrong and tell me why Orton isn't the boring shitprick I think he is.
It's how he has to sell the matches. In order to make Shane McMahon look like a viable threat he had to look weak and get beat up weekly. He's supposed to make Batista look head and shoulders dominating to him. He had to job in the early goings of the MVP match, and Triple H was supposed to be physically superior to him. It's how the WWE is trying to sell him right now, a coward who can only hurt you when you aren't looking. They actually do the exact same with Edge, but they give him gimmick matches to make him look more interesting.

Think about the format every week- Orton is wrestling someone, Orton is at the disadvantage early, pulls off two moves, get's back in the bad situation and Legacy comes out to save him. The men behind the curtains are portraying him as this week coward who needs the numbers game on his side.

Look back when he was actually booked as the legit champion he is. He put on great rivalries and some very good matches.

It's hard to look great and put on great matches when you have to sell getting the crap beat out of you by Shane and Vince. There's not much for him to work with. All this considered he's still the most entertaining figure in wrestling today, overall, for me.

And the first line in your post is one of the dumbest things I've ever read. At what does Miz excel at over Randy Orton? Mic work?? Huge no on that one. Don't even try to pretend he's a rare commodity in the ring.
You just proved why he is good. Because you hate him. His entire reason for being there is for everyone to hate him. This thread proves he is doing his job. His promos are great for his character, he is great at selling, and his offense is slow and methodical. Orton is the best heel in the business today
You started your post off with The Miz > Randy Orton and then listed no reasons why you think so. You listed tons of reasons why you dislike Randy Orton but not one thing about why the Miz is better than him.

Randy Orton is a wife beating douchebag you aren't supposed to like him. The match with Triple H at Wrestlemania was shit for a Wrestlemania match but it was booked poorly. The story of the match lead to Triple H punting Orton, which came off as an epic fail.

The 6 man tag at Backlash was actually quite good for a ppv 6 man tag match and was above my low set standards for the match. It also set up a potential feud between Batista and Triple H for down the line.

The match at Judgment Day sucked because it was booked to make Orton take every way out he could find. Getting disqualified, counted out, etc. Batista sucks as it is so it didn't help. I agree with you on this.

I still think Randy Orton is one of the top heels if not the top heel in the WWE today. He does a great job at making you loathe him. He assaults women,and elderly people and even threatens children. He's a step above Muhammad Hassan. He has a slow methodical style. He's a young Triple H or Ric Flair. Miz is an annoying twat who is not better than Randy Orton.
I disagree, JBL made people loath him, the guy was fantastic at it, Chris Jericho and Edge can get the smarkiest crowds to boo them. I dont know about anyone else, but I dont give a shit about Randy Orton, he also gets a good portion of cheers most nights.

Fact is Y2J and Edge are far beyond Orton as far as heeling goes, they can get crowds to hate them, Orton has trouble doing that, although I think the weakness of DiBiase and Rhodes is a factor in that if I am totally honest, they do hold him back.
The miz is trash, garbage, awful. How are you gonna say miz is greater than randy orton? in what aspect? in cutting promos? if stuttering, uncontrolling your voice box, and putting fans to sleep when calling out john cena is a good promo than shoot me in the head. in generating heat? NO. randy orton GETS heat, and knows how to be a HEEL, and become a threat to another wrestler! the miz heat? "i've got hillary duff on my cell phone, and you don't" nuff said.
I guess this is the place we're "allowed" to speak negatively of Orton. Very well...

Orton is and always has been "The Ratings Killer", it's a fact. Every time the guy is put in the spotlight, the ratings tank and it's because he has no personality whatsoever. I seriously think they should have one of his rivals tag the nickname "Nobody Cares" onto him, maybe it would work out for him like the "Boring" gimmick did for Lance Storm back in the day. When he comes out and goes into one of his 20 minute promos, after a few minutes, the GM or a McMahon or somebody should come on the Titontron and say "Sorry, nobody cares" and cut his mic. Then just have Lillian come in the ring and start the introductions for the next match.
I guess this is the place we're "allowed" to speak negatively of Orton. Very well...

Orton is and always has been "The Ratings Killer", it's a fact. Every time the guy is put in the spotlight, the ratings tank and it's because he has no personality whatsoever. I seriously think they should have one of his rivals tag the nickname "Nobody Cares" onto him, maybe it would work out for him like the "Boring" gimmick did for Lance Storm back in the day. When he comes out and goes into one of his 20 minute promos, after a few minutes, the GM or a McMahon or somebody should come on the Titontron and say "Sorry, nobody cares" and cut his mic. Then just have Lillian come in the ring and start the introductions for the next match.

And yet, he STILL main events. If ratings tank when he comes out, why is WWE giving him titles? and why is he main eventing?
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I disagree, JBL made people loath him, the guy was fantastic at it, Chris Jericho and Edge can get the smarkiest crowds to boo them. I dont know about anyone else, but I dont give a shit about Randy Orton, he also gets a good portion of cheers most nights.

Fact is Y2J and Edge are far beyond Orton as far as heeling goes, they can get crowds to hate them, Orton has trouble doing that, although I think the weakness of DiBiase and Rhodes is a factor in that if I am totally honest, they do hold him back.

It doesn't matter how you feel about Orton.The smarks will cheer for who they want no matter what so they are a bad example. The majority of WWE audiences boo Orton though, and I don't think Rhodes and DiBiase hold him back. Creative just needs to give them there own storylines as well so they have an identity. Everyone in Evolution was doing their own thing while still backing Triple H. Have Legcay go back to feuding with the Colons and still back Randy when he needs it and they will succeed.
Why does WWE do anything they're currently doing? The only answer seems to be because they're the only game in town and can do whatever the fuck they want.

They've been the only game in town for over a hundred years its why they're so successful at what they do. They ran WCW out of buisiness because they couldn't keep up. TNA isn't even a threat.
WCW was more than a threat for years. They were the more popular company and that's why WWE had to step up there game and listen to what the fans wanted. TNA is no threat whatsoever right now so Vince can main event whoever he personally likes no matter what the crowd reactions and ratings tell him. As long as Orton doesn't make the ratings sink below TNA, he'll continue be a top star. And WWE has too much star power for one man to destroy the ratings that bad, although Orton is sure giving it his best shot.
WCW was more than a threat for years. They were the more popular company and that's why WWE had to step up there game and listen to what the fans wanted. TNA is no threat whatsoever right now so Vince can main event whoever he personally likes no matter what the crowd reactions and ratings tell him. As long as Orton doesn't make the ratings sink below TNA, he'll continue be a top star. And WWE has too much star power for one man to destroy the ratings that bad, although Orton is sure giving it his best shot.

The ratings are low because WWE is going against the NBA right now and no offense to the WWE the NBA is gonna outdo you every year. If Vince was main eventing only who he personally liked then Triple H would still be champion. TNA has never been a threat.
[QUOTE="The Olympic Hero" Christian Battlez;1088913]The ratings are low because WWE is going against the NBA right now and no offense to the WWE the NBA is gonna outdo you every year. If Vince was main eventing only who he personally liked then Triple H would still be champion. TNA has never been a threat.[/QUOTE]

The ratings were bad before the playoffs started. And Triple H is main eventing, you don't need the title to be pushed.
I think they should just push whoever gets the best crowd reactions. Kane, Evan Bourne, Finlay, Christian, Santino... Go back to letting the fans decide and stop shoving guys nobody cares about down our throats.
I think they should just push whoever gets the best crowd reactions. Kane, Evan Bourne, Finlay, Christian, Santino... Go back to letting the fans decide and stop shoving guys nobody cares about down our throats.

Kane gets crickets...

Bourne,Christian,Finlay,and Santino are all getting pushes don't you watch?

Last I checked the fans do care about Orton. He gets a loud reaction every week. Whether it be boos or cheers. If he weren't over he wouldn't be WWE champion.
[QUOTE="The Olympic Hero" Christian Battlez;1090634]
Last I checked the fans do care about Orton. He gets a loud reaction every week. Whether it be boos or cheers. [/QUOTE]

He does? Are they in sign language?

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