Randy Orton...a Future Forgotten Champ


Dark Match Winner
My friend and I were discussing this the other night and I was just curious what everyone here thought of the issue of Randy Orton as champ. He's had the belt for over a month now and honestly he seems to be receiving less of a push than ever.

Back when Cena was the champ, the writers made a point of progressing him in some way as a character. They would constantly put him on the mic, week in, week out, whether you were sick of it or not.

With Orton, though, it seems we barely see him on screen, let alone on the mic. He has been coming to the ring the past few weeks only to wrestle in the main event and that is it. He's been quiet. They are showing no depth or anything to his character. They're just sort of using him to remind us of Shawn Michaels and DX and the like. It feels to me that they are sort of just using him as a placeholder until they are ready for Trips or someone of the like to take the belt.

So far, to me, it feels like Randy Orton is going to be nothing more than a five-month transitional champ who will be forgotten in the annals of time, despite the fact he could quite possibly be a great champion and someone we could remember as having a great title reign.

And let me conclude this by saying that I am actually a Randy Orton fan. I think he's a talented performer who has the capability to be a monster heel. Sure, he's a jagbag in real life, but that doesn't take away from his gifted in-ring ability.

But yeah, who agrees with this? Or disagrees? Anyone else think Orton sort of will just be lost in the shuffle of things in the end and we will all forget that he is/was champ?
i agree they arent pushing him much anymore, i mean they build him up to be great then when he wins the belt from HHH they make it seem like it was luck and he cant beat HHH or HBK... he cant even do it in a handicap match? WWE just really screwed up with orton again

he was a major heel, but now he gets almost no mic time, no promo time (like u said) and DQs himself to save his ass from being beaten by HHH or HBK

i mean come on when he was feuding with cena he was a great competition and their match at SS was very close, and now he doesnt stand a chance against HBK? it makes no sense

they are doing a very poor job with him as champ but i dont mind cuz i hate him, in real life hes a prick, hes failed 2 steroid tests, has done a lof of other crap backstage, like some pot, or trash hotel rooms, he doesnt respect the buisness, i think its a disgrace to have him as champ and how a wrestler is in real life should effect his push, but now that they already gave him the belt they should have made it seem like he was a legit champ

after no mercy i thought he would be but WWE has made it clear that him having the belt is more due to luck then skill, yes he will be a paper champ but that was what WWE wanted all along, he will lose the belt to HHH probably, or HBK who knows, then just fade away

i hope that when he loses the belt he can go work on his stuff cuz his mic skills arent impressive, i think his in ring work is boring as hell, and he sells really bad.. just my opinion on him though...
I kinda agree i think the only reason orton is champion is because hes on top in WWE. But i think if cena never got injured then we may see orton as champ still but i think WWE would be using him like cena because, of a huge storyline/rivalry. Also cena is more charismatic, Orton is quiet hes just here for the title and doesnt care about fans like Cena did character wise. Because triple h was a heel champ and triple h was a great heel and good charisma and WWE hardly use orton on the mic anyway.
wow, i never thought of it like that. You are right. Randy will be forgotten and I am a HUGE orton fan. But his title reign isn't really being shoved down our throats as with Cena.Damn, sucks to be Randy Orton huh?
His title reign doesn't necessarily need to be "shoved down our throats," but it's almost as if the WWE is making no real push for us to even recognize Orton as champ. They're busy having us focus on other things, like DX reuniting and Steve Austin popping in and other things that really should be tertiary to things like Orton's title reign.

I mean, when you are champ, there is a certain notoriety to it that sort of means you will be the focal point of the program. The champ in the past is basically THE guy to beat. Orton, he's sort of lost in the shuffle, not being recognized as the conniving bastard that they built him up to be.

Sad, really.
His title reign doesn't necessarily need to be "shoved down our throats," but it's almost as if the WWE is making no real push for us to even recognize Orton as champ. They're busy having us focus on other things, like DX reuniting and Steve Austin popping in and other things that really should be tertiary to things like Orton's title reign.

I mean, when you are champ, there is a certain notoriety to it that sort of means you will be the focal point of the program. The champ in the past is basically THE guy to beat. Orton, he's sort of lost in the shuffle, not being recognized as the conniving bastard that they built him up to be.

Sad, really.

maybe WWE is trying to mix things up a bit, maybe they're trying to go big with mid carders as much as main eventers and champions. Maybe they seen the ratings falling and all of a sudden try not to stick Orton in your face every week, though i liked john cena i met him hes a very nice guy, but i did get tired of seeing him as champion i wanted someone new mainly Lashley. But i also wanted Orton, Mr Kennedy, and Triple H. But them not always focusing on Orton and them help promote this such as DX and Stone cold thats making people wanna see what they have in store. Plus its harder considering Ortons a heel to feud or get on the bad side of McMahon like Cena Did. i think if cena were still around then they would be giving Orton way more TV time. Because, when you think about it nobody on the RAW roster is bigger than Cena and Orton and with cena injured WWE cant look at lashley because hes injured, Triple H probably won't get a push for a long time and i dont know about HBK.
Orton will probably be forgotten. The lack of push and attention is really hurting not just him, but the over all process of putting people over in general.
if they really wanted to put him over he would be yapping his mouth off of how he took cena out (even though kennedy actually did that) when no1 else could, and during the ston cold segment they could've made him come out and RKO him or something, maybe even on the truck, imagine the heel heat the guy would get for that, they should keep pushing him as the legend killer, and whatever legend goes up against him for the title will be ''killed'', he could be reminding how he took HBK out too... but WWE doesnt do anything with his character anymore, its just stupid all around

doesnt matter if they wanna focus on the mid carders or stuff like that, ur champ is THE guy on the show, focus on him more, what randy isnt good enough to get ratings in if hes on tv for more than 5 mins? then why the hell did u put him as champ? its clear WWE is more around HHH and HBK then orton, why not give HHH the title like u did in no mercy and turn HBK heel, a legit heel though, not a 1 feud thing, and then u can focus on them, sure we've seen it b4 but at least the companys title wouldnt be being put aside...
Here is my opinion on this subject that has been driving me crazy! Orton was thee man in Evolution. Everyone hated him but he got so much response from the crowd and had great matches. He also didnt have help, atleast too much, in his big matches. For example against Cactus Jack on PPV and Benoit at Summerslam when he won the title. When he turned face no one really seemed to care about him anymore as we all found out being a face for Orton is not going to come off well. So when he turned heel again and began feuding with Undertaker, that put his career back on track. Granted the feud did carry on a while, it gave a good spot for both Taker and Orton to be at without being in the title picture. Unlike HHH now who really has nothing to gain with fueding with Umaga. So Randy was doing decent, feuding with Hogan, squashing Carltio. Then he joined Rated-RKO and had a good push there too, with his charisma still in tact. The second they screwed up Orton is when they took away his cockiness, and if you disagree you must be crazy. As soon as he gave up his cockiness he stopped getting crowd reception. No one hates him now, they just are bored. He was fun to hate when he came out did his pose and the gold sparks came down behind him. Now they shaved his head which made him look smaller and took away his charisma. For god sake WWE, give Orton his "pretty boy" image back and make him a champion to remember. Because that gimmick has always worked well for him. So for gods sake WWE, do something!
Wow, I never thought of that before. Now, I sort of forget at times that Orton even is champ. Atleast when Cena was champ, I never forgot about it. This is coming from one of the biggest Orton fans out there too.
Meh, what do you expect, it's the WWE. The WWE hasn't had a proper heel in at least five years. It's simply the booking.

Orton was riding a badass wave of momentum into No Mercy. He was punting guys in the head, kicking grandpas, and ending careers. He was hungry for gold and aggressive. Leave it to Triple H to bury the guy at No Mercy, and all of that momentum goes out the window.

Now, Orton is a cowardly heel that can't handle the pressure of champion so he weasels his way out of situations and hides. It's stupid shitty booking that anyone following the company should come to expect out of the WWE. The only decent heel in the company is Finlay, he's "Likes to Fight Guy". How come the heels in the WWE are always booked so fucking poorly when they win the gold. it's cartoony Kiddish crap.
Personally, i think it was always meant to be that way. The way they gave the championship to Orton made no sense at all and was forgettable. So all they are doing is continuing what they started at No mercy. My thinking is that he'S not getting a push because he's not over with the live crowd and he's boring on the mic. The only reason that he's the champ right is because nobody else was available to be the WWE champion. When he will lose the belt, am sure that nobody will remember that he was champion and everything will be right with the world.
It all depends if he wins at survivor series if he dose they will stop having him getting sweet chined music every week and they will probly give him more mic time.But if he loses he will probly become a mid carded go smackdown then become a top carded again like what they was doing with benoit.Also all proper fan's remember every champion even Stan the man Stasiak.
I like Orton. He is a descent wrestler. He cuts good promos. I like him better as a face. I think he is going to be one of the top guys in another couple of years. There are two things I think he should do that would better his career. One, he needs to act more professional out side the ring. That way people would take him more professionally. I read awhile back how he put crap in one of the divas bags. And then there was the most recent hotel incident. That dos not sound like the things a champion or a professional would do. I also think if Orton would go back to his old look it would be better. I think the clean cut look is so over don. All the top wrestlers have it. Cena, Mr. Kennady, Batista .. AND SO ON!!! They all look the same. Orton needs to grow out his hair and go back to the facial hair look. I think maybe this is just one of the things he should do to come into his own. I also think he makes a better face then a heal. Well thats my thoughts on this subject.
The reason Orton will be forgotten is the fact that he is forgettable in every way. The only thing that stands out with him is how utterly boring he is. The reason he isn't on TV is the fact that people change the channel when he is, and the WWE realizes this. There's a direct connection between Orton's air time and Raw's rating every week.

And it's definitely not the bookers' fault for those who were wondering...they did everything they could to get him over and it just wouldn't happen. They're finally realizing they have to just cut their losses and use him as little as possible, and it's being reflected in the ratings.
He was a shit choice for the belt. Woulda been smarter to give it to someone who actually has a future in the company like Kennedy or Jeff Hardy. Umaga would have amde a better choice for a heel champion too.

Face it, Ortan's got too much heat on himself to become the star of the company. He's just holding the belt for triple H, and when he loses it he goes back to being a mid carder
Just a quick point on Orton's look, wasn't he a part of the marines or something where a shaved head was manditory? If thats true then his hair is fine.

Orton was a physco when he was feuding with RVD, HBK and Cena. He's a puss now. There's no other way to look at it.
Congrats WWE, you just fucked another guys career up.

What was the Orton hotel incident? I didn't hear about it.
What makes a champion forgettable? I would argue a champ is only as good as his fueds. Hogan made a great champ becaus he had great buildup to Savage. And to Andre. To Bundy.

What made Benoit forgettable was the WWE not giving them a strong storyline to fued with. Does anyone even remember how Orton got his title shot to beat benoit?

The wwe is become very mechanical in their title fueds. The champion will face the same opponent for 3 or 4 ppv's. They have done with Batista/Undertaker. Cena/Edge. Cena/Umage Orton/HBK. They believe 3 ppv main event matches marks a "great" fued. But it doesn't. Great fueds are marks by the emotions behind them.

Now that said, i actually do like the Orton / HBK fued. It does have slight emotion starting off with Orton punting Shawn, then HBK coming back. But it really needs more. And the writers are not imagine enough to look inside and see what could enhance it.

So my official answer to "will Randy be a forgettable champion": wait and see. He is starting off strong. Let's see what happens after the HBK feud.
i think orton will be ok champ but hes just saving that belt for hhh to take or maybe someone new like Lashley who i think will little mic work will be wwe champion hell he should of won at the great american bash but if not lashley then mr kennedy but as far as orton like the wind he will come and go
This is the same ol crap from the WWE we always see and is why wrestling SUCKS with no competition like WCW. Its all about HHH and HBK in the WWE because of their politics backstage. It goes back to Bret Hart being screwed at Survivor Series, who were the two guys involved, HBK and HHH. Its ridiculous! Neither of these guys can lose cleanly! Orton is getting screwed, Kennedy, and the rest of the real talents in the WWE because HHH is married to Vince daughter and HBK is Vince's puppet!
Hdog you couldnt be more wrong, Orton is not a boring champ or wrestler. You like so many others are just brain washed by Vince and this crap he puts on Monday night every week. Santino gets more TV time than the WWE Champ???? A midget was revealed as Vinces son in what was supposed to be a huge storyline? This isnt just about Orton being so wrongly used and overlooked, its about politics in the WWE and the fact that they think they can get away with this Monday Night Crap they show every week because they have no competition. When WCW was around, thats when WWE was actually exciting to watch. Im afraid when Jericho does return, it wont mean much. Why? Because HHH and HBK will never do the job for him, so when it comes time to wrestle one of those two, thats when this Jericho run will die.
I think that Randy Orton will be champ for awhile. I don't think that he will lose the title any time soon. This could possibly last till Cena comes back. I aslo think Bobby Lashley could feud with him as well.
to be honest i love the fact that orton is champ but i agree it seems like wwe really have no clue what they are doing atm. orton is great in the ring and on the mic but wwe seem confussed some how. they don't really have any good stoylines or fueds. but im hopeing they get some good ones soon and really dont want it to seem as though we need john cena coz we dont wwe just needs better storylines. orton is great they just need to give him more of a chance to prove it , instead of making him look weak. but overall i love rko he is definatley one of the best, now and for the future.
i think wwe have to bring more passion and anger to the storylines eg, when orton was punting people in the head he was determined and willing to do anything to win. they need to promote more exciting matches and fueds
The blame goes to wwe's creative team for not booking Orton strongly enough, building so much hype around HBK can only be bad for the WWE champ. Still think the RKO is one of the best finishers in wrestling and that Orton is talented. Probably should have given more time to build Orton as a top notch wrestler. he is the future of pro wrestling.

One of the main reasons that I think Orton doesn't look good right now is that he doesn't have a thick enough story to work with. This is kinda HBK's story, not Orton's. Orton works best as a heel who is getting the upper hand on someone, which is what was going on with Cena before the injury, and he would've came out of that feud looking much better if he'd have won the first or second match to follow through with the impression he was making.

i hopw wwe picks up on this and gives orton a better storyline, because he really does have what it takes and i love the fact that he is champ but just needs a better storyline.

thats me :)

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