Randy Couture vs. James Toney - UFC 118

Turd Ferguson

The following comes from Gareth A. Davies (that gross British guy from MMA Live):

"Well I got a little disturbing news when I called the UFC for a little bit of a round up this morning is that James Toney is dragging his feet over the bout agreement signing with Randy Couture, which I think is bad news."

"Well it's a lot of hot air from James Toney; he wanted to be in it, why is he dragging his feet. That needs to be cleared up very soon."

When I was watching the MMA Live broadcast on ESPN.com, which by the way, I can't recommend enough, and he at first said "disturbing news", I was taken aback, and then he said this. Usually, I would find "disturbing news" as something that would be a lot more serious than this, and Gareth A. Davis is truly terrible. However though, this is major news, and for someone who chased Dana around the country to goad him into giving him a contract, and kept calling out guys like Lesnar, Kimbo, Couture, and Liddell, you would figure he'd jump at signing the contract the second he got it.

Maybe he's getting cold feet. Maybe he realized that at 41 years old, he realized he wouldn't be able to learn the art of mixed martial arts in time, especially after watching tape of Couture, who will absolutely pin Toney to the cage and take him down at will. Either way, I have a major interest as to what happens here, because I'm probably going to wind up going to the card this fight is supposed to take place on at UFC 118, and if this fight gets scrapped completely, with Florian vs. Maynard becoming the new co-main event, it would be enough of a decision for me to not want to buy tickets.

Now, if Toney DOES wind up backing out, and I think he will, there's major potential for this card to be the biggest of the year. Randy Couture should still fight on this card, and I think I can actually see an Interim Light Heavyweight Title fight vs. Rashad Evans going down here. Both guys are at 100%. When it was feared Shogun might have been unable to compete at 113, they told Couture to be ready, because he was going to take Shogun's place vs. Machida if he was unable to fight. I think this absolutely should happen. BJ Penn vs. Frankie Edgar II, to me, isn't really a main-event worthy fight. I'm just not a big BJ fan, and the first fight, while a good fight, wasn't really a "HOLY SHIT, GIVE ME 5 MORE ROUNDS OF THIS!" type of fight.

I'm on the fence right now. If Evans vs. Couture for the Interim Light Heavyweight Title winds up happening, I'm so in.
If Toney backs out, there's no doubt in my mind his excuse will be that it was because he was offered more money from a boxing promoter; whether that's legitimately the case or not, I don't know, but I'm sure that will be his excuse, if he does indeed back out of the fight.

James Toney has ran his mouth for months, and to me it's just chicken shit now when the time has come, he's scared to sign on the dotted line. He said he wanted to fight the best, so he's getting the best. Randy Couture will not fuck around with Toney like a lot of others would. He's not Tim Sylvia. Couture will take Toney's ass down and submit the worthless ********er in the first minute of the fight. And I think Toney is starting to realize that with his MMA training, though I know he'd never admit it.

But honestly... as much as I would LOVE to see Toney get his ass handed to him, if he cancels... then all the better for the UFC and us fans. Why? Well, two reasons. For one, Couture won't have to waste his time getting prepared for a chump; he'll most likely will be able to fight a top caliber opponent next instead (like you said Guy, someone like Rashad Evans). And for two... it would leave open a big spot for UFC 118, and there's no doubt Dana would fill that with a tremendous fight.

So, yeah... all in all, it's going to be a bit of a good thing if Toney chickens out like a bitch. At least, for us fans it will be. And even if he doesn't, then at least we will still be able to look forward to the ass kicking he's going to receive.
Toney finally gets what he has been running his mouth about for months, an MMA fight, and now it looks as if he is going to bitch out. I can't say a fault him that much because if I was an over the hill boxer who thought my shit didn't stink and got put in a fight with a UFC legend I would consider backing out as well. The thing is he has been running his mouth and this point he needs to put his money where his mouth is and take his ass beating like a man. If he doesn't sign on for the fight then I think Dana should cut his ass immediately because there is nothing Toney really brings to the table anymore unless it was a gimmick fight with either Hong Man Choi or Kimbo Slice.

Ariel Helwani interviewed Dana last night after 115, and he asked him what the deal with Toney was. Dana's response:

"Who would even come up with that report? Yes [James Toney] he's signed his contract, the fight is happening in Boston."

It's important to note a few things:

1.) Dana has outright lied before to extinguish fires about big time news... look no further to when it was rumored that Tito wouldn't be able to fight at 115.

2.) Dana scratches his eye as he's talking about the situation. People have their ticks when they're not being truthful, and that could be Dana's.

3.) This rumor started when Davies called the UFC offices "for his roundup", and someone who works for the UFC leaked this information to him.

This is absolutely a situation to keep an eye on. The only time you can think this fight is on at this point is if the UFC really starts promoting it.
The guy's a bitch plain and simple. He thought that just because he was a boxer that he could come in and run through top competition. He has called out some of the greatest fighters in history including Randy, and when they finally give him what hes been bitching about, he becomes hesitant. He must have never watched any of Randy's fights until now, and hes probably scared. I don't blame him, because Randy's an animal, but put your money where your mouth is. Don't call him out then not sign the contract. As much as I want this to happen just to shut Toney the hell up, there are much more exciting fights that could be happening with Randy. Whatever does end up happening I won't care just because I love watching Randy fight no matter who hes fighting.
Hey Yo!

August 28, UFC 118, Randy Couture vs James Toney will take place. As you all know.

Now I can say with confidence that Randy Couture will whip his candy ass, all the way back to boxing or into retirement but im hoping into his grave. But the big question i want you guys to answer is what if Couture gets over confident and loses, knowing Couture the odds of this are quite low but still what if James Toney gets a lil lucky.

My point of view on this, is that there is a lot at stake much more than we are lead to believe, if Randy Couture loses this fight, it implies that Boxers are much better fighters than the MMA fighters, now i know this is a big assumption but seriously that is how some people will view it.

So IF James Toney wins, what does this mean or imply?
Hey Yo!

August 28, UFC 118, Randy Couture vs James Toney will take place. As you all know.

Now I can say with confidence that Randy Couture will whip his candy ass, all the way back to boxing or into retirement but im hoping into his grave. But the big question i want you guys to answer is what if Couture gets over confident and loses, knowing Couture the odds of this are quite low but still what if James Toney gets a lil lucky.

My point of view on this, is that there is a lot at stake much more than we are lead to believe, if Randy Couture loses this fight, it implies that Boxers are much better fighters than the MMA fighters, now i know this is a big assumption but seriously that is how some people will view it.

So IF James Toney wins, what does this mean or imply?

If Randy stands and boxes with Toney and gets knocked out, it means nothing because Randy's chin is suspect. If Randy stands and boxes with Toney and knocks him out, it makes Toney look like a complete joke and a tool. If Randy takes Toney down and GnP's, well, this is pretty much what EVERYONE KNOWS will happen, anyhow. If Toney takes Randy down and GnP's I'd be pretty shocked but Toney is a really big boy and again, Randy's chin is suspect. If Randy takes Toney down and subs him, it wouldn't be that big of a shocker.

Now, if Toney takes down Randy and subs him, I will eat a bowl of my own shit, stop watching MMA, and wait for the boxers around the world to break out the Vuvuzelas and begin talking as much possible shit as they can. PRAY this doesn't happen MMA fans. PRAY.
Well one thing is certain and that is if Randy stands and boxes with Toney then the only person who gets knocked out is Randy.I dont see this happening as Randy is smarter than that,i see him taking Toney down in the first minute and finishing it on the ground.
Toney is a bitch, plain and simple. He's been talking all this shit and going on and on about how he "wants the best" he's getting the best and now he's having second thoughts, he prolly actually watched some MMA, maybe some tapes of Couture and got scurred.

If they fight does happen, I think Couture, standing or on the ground will have the advantage, Toney was pretty shit near the end of his boxing run, he was notoriously outta shape. I see Couture taking him down, wearing him out, and ground and pounding him or getting an easy submission in the first round. Either way Toney will get his shit handed to him and I will be pleased.

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