Random Opinions & Observations

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Use this thread to just give random observations and opinions from the wrestling world. Maybe something that you just feel might happen in the future, or something strange you've noticed about a certain wrestler etc.

In 2008 I think Hardcore Holly will retire.

Santino will have no longer be employed by WWE in 18 months time.

TNA will continue to get worse.
i think that rvd will come back in 2008 on a part time schedule because
he will just get bored of what he is doing currently

i dont think santino will leave just job or might get a push
I think that this year, WWE fans will stop hating on TNA. (I know TNA has it's problems, but it a young company that can only get better.)

I believe that sometime between this year and next, more people will start to respect Jeff Hardy. (He's a high flyer just like Rey Mysterio, but every one's always on his case, and I'm sick of it.)

This year everyone that I've always wanted to get a push, will finally get that push. (hopefully)

I believe that the WWE tag team titles will lose all there credibility as titles, because they'll get swapped between SD and ECW people too much.
I think that this year, WWE fans will stop hating on TNA. (I know TNA has it's problems, but it a young company that can only get better.)

The company is 6 years old.

I believe that sometime between this year and next, more people will start to respect Jeff Hardy. (He's a high flyer just like Rey Mysterio, but every one's always on his case, and I'm sick of it.)

Jeff Hardy jumps off things, that is all he has to offer. Rey Mysterio does the same but he does it within the match. They are part of the match, but they don't become the only elemnt of the match like Jeff Hardy.

I believe that the WWE tag team titles will lose all there credibility as titles, because they'll get swapped between SD and ECW people too much.

Those titles are worthless anyway.
i honestly think that a WWE creative meeting consist of vince and stef in a room full of monkeys and they have a bunch of pictures they show set monkeys and they make their dessicons based on the monkeys reactions. Also i belive this is the year the ROH will emerge as the third promotion everyone is hoping it can be, with its strong PPVs and excellent matches they have the potential to be the next ECW (not the new one, the old one, you know, the good one). i also hope that this year there are no tragic deaths or steroid scandals that put wrestling at the fore front of another negative backlash by the media.
well i think that ECW will get the plug pulled from Sci Fi and itll be gone

i think TNA will grow into a better program coz its only 5 years old and people expect it to be like wwe already i think its done good getting its own 2 hrs show and having ppv outside the iMPACT zone remeber WWE was called WWWF and it has been going for years and it only got popular about 86

i guess TNA will have to get more ppvs outside of florida to make it have that credible feeling coz right now its just like a more sophisticated ECW with the small iMPACT zone and the effects but i dont mind them using one place to do all the weekly shows just better do those big arena ppv

i think that John Cena will get his spot back

i think Rey will get the US title

i think that Matt Hardy will get the US title

Gregory Helms will return !

Bobby will be a main event mid carder

i think Ric Flair will retire at WM 24

i think this will be Stings last ever year

Undertaker has a few more years left in him

i think that mr kennedy will get main event

Edge will have best year of his life

Batista will go to RAW and finally we will be rid of him being the main guy a whole show is focused on

Chavo will get a mid card title or maybe even the ECW title

Punk will drop the ECW title and go to another show

I think that Rey Mysterio isnt a high flyer as per say but a lucha wrestler coz he dosnt just fly around or throw himself about like Hardy does he is technical where as Hardy does those big spots

Matt Hardy is a more professional wrestler than Jeff

I think the WWE tag titles were once credible but not now i think they should have the A tag titles and B tag titles so like new tag teams can go for the WWE titles and the more experienced the World tag

someone will pass away but it wont be due to steroids
To keep it short and sweet:

Flair will die, TNA will live and Jeff Hardy won't get the title. As much as I'd like him too.

Also, I think Kennedy will recieve a main event push, as will MVP and maybe even Snitsky towards the end of 08 (God help us), while Umaga, a man who deserves a push, will continue to beat all the mid-carders but be a jobber to the stars. I do see another IC run in Youmanga's futue.
The company is 6 years old.

Jeff Hardy jumps off things, that is all he has to offer. Rey Mysterio does the same but he does it within the match. They are part of the match, but they don't become the only elemnt of the match like Jeff Hardy.

Those titles are worthless anyway.

Since when is 6 years a long time for a nationally televised company. Just because ECW rose, prospered, and died in an 8 year time frame doesn't mean that TNA isn't still in it's growing stages. That company is in great financial shape with the company that is backing them, and still has plenty of years of expansion in front of them.

Jeff Hardy may not have the wrestling expertise of a Triple H, but he can tell one hell of a story in the confines of a match. Jeff Hardy's high impact moves are properly woven into the drama of a match. And how is the lucha style of Mysterio all that different then the style of Hardy's. Neither man is much for wristlocks and headlock takeovers, but both men have the same formula, the severe underdog who simply won't be beat. And that's where the high flying style is showcased at it's best.

Sadly, yes, those titles are worthless at this point, thought I like the tandem of Miz and Morrison.
2008, even though i hope it will be, will not be a memorable year. They (both companies) have a lot of pieces to pick up after the mess that 2007 created. I think 08 is going to move slower but we'll possibly see the WWE become the WWE again, and not 3 separate shows. TNA should move to fridays and go head to head against smackdown because eventhough impact isn't considered a challenge to the WWE, smackdown is shit. if impact went head to head with it, i think it will be a shorter time period in which WWE unifies itself again.
Cena's coming back, and unfortunately will end up with the belt again (booooo, but atleast he's better than batista.)
Jeff Hardy, despite what everyone says, will beat Cena for that title after WM24.

I hope in TNA, the Xdivision guys get a better push (they need to learn to not go by the 8 second rule on selling moves, and learn how to pick their spots instead of trying to get in 50 spots a piece in a 5 minute match)
Kurt will lose the TNA belt so we dont have to see him headline another PPV for a while. (how many has he main evented in a row now?? like 9? its getting old.)
Maybe the TNA writing staff could learn how to develop a ful storyline for once?? That would help them in leaps and bounds.

That's all I can think of for now...
To make him into a main eventing superstar, Booker T will start an intense feud with Shark Boy which will go through the entire year. Probably.
Since when is 6 years a long time for a nationally televised company. Just because ECW rose, prospered, and died in an 8 year time frame doesn't mean that TNA isn't still in it's growing stages.

If the Carters remove funding from TNA then what happens? The company will probably close in a matter of weeks, unless somebody else comes along.

How many people who watch iMPACT live pay? Not many I can assure you.

Now me being English I don't know what type of TV station Spike is. Is it sports related or what? If you can answere this for me Id' appreciate it.

That company is in great financial shape with the company that is backing them, and still has plenty of years of expansion in front of them.

Now that TNA has two hors. What are the ratings for the show, say compared to what they were about 18 months ago. When say Angle just arrived, they had one hour and Russo wasn't booking?

Jeff Hardy may not have the wrestling expertise of a Triple H, but he can tell one hell of a story in the confines of a match. Jeff Hardy's high impact moves are properly woven into the drama of a match. And how is the lucha style of Mysterio all that different then the style of Hardy's. Neither man is much for wristlocks and headlock takeovers, but both men have the same formula, the severe underdog who simply won't be beat. And that's where the high flying style is showcased at it's best.

He's great at selling I'll give you that. But that's all I'm giving you.
Jake, Spike TV is shitty programming related

thats its specialty

My Predictions:

MVP will be World Heavyweight Champ by the end of the year

CM Punk will turn heel and fued with Jericho

Atlas Dabone and Kofi Kingston will form a decent tag team

DH Smith will be moved to Smackdown

Kennedy will have a lengthy IC title run

Matt Hardy will have a US title run

Dudleys will have one last WWE run and retire and WM 25

Triple H will fued with JBL to the ammusement of no one

Edge will end Takers WM streak

Orton will take on Austin at Summerslam..probably not

Foley will make one last appearance on WWE television and realize no one cares anymore sadly

HBK will fued with a heel Lashley

Charlie Haas will get some sort of reaction..ok ok lets not get carried away
SPIKE tv shows car chase shows and van dam movies. its awful.

i also hope this year that RAW dosen't suck ass this year, i know its a tall order but maybe someone should explain that wrestling fans want to watch WRESTLING!!! not some lepercahn chasing people around and running through holes in walls (or any of the other various things they have done to insult our intellegence over the last couple of years)
So TNA has got a two hour slot on a channel with nothing shows? Like what Bravo is over here, Wildest Police Chases, Bad Ass Weather, Shit! A Cat In A Tree etc?
Look at Goldust's Penis.

i also hope this year that RAW dosen't suck ass this year, i know its a tall order but maybe someone should explain that wrestling fans want to watch WRESTLING!!!

Granted, we would all love to see more wrestling on WWE shows. But in reality, if WWE did more wrestling, I really think the ratings would drop.

Us "inside" fans appreciate the art and sport of pro wrestling, but the majority of the WWE fan base and those who watch their shows every week, do so for the entertainment value. And sorry, but there are a lot more of those kind of people than us.

So you can't expect the WWE to do a 95% wrestling show, because honestly, the ratings would likley drop. Think about it. WWE needs to make their money, and they need to please the largest margin of their fanbase...not just the IWC.

If that makes sense...

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