Random Interesting Note About the Royal Rumble


aka JuanJuanson
I remember reading about the crowds reaction at the Rumble and how they hijacked the show. When I watch PPVS, I watch them at Buffalo Wild Wings(at least until the app came out).

Firstly, during the match with Daniel Bryan, there were a lot of yes chants as well as many people cheering for Bray Wyatt. This is probably pretty similar to how the crowd reacted.

During the Cena vs Orton match, there was some "Let's go Cena/Cena Sucks" going on. The crowd was not dead or chanting boring or anything. Then when they started having the exchange of finishers, the place erupted in "This is wrestling!" chants.

During the Rumble match itself, no one was noticeably pissed about Bryan not being in it and Rey was not being booed. Batista got a loud pop and then another loud pop when he won as well. There were a some people hoping for reigns. Everyone was expecting Batista to win as well, because people place bets on each of these matches and I couldn't find a single person to bet against him.

The crowd was hot and everyone had a great time. I was a little shocked at the reports I read the next day.
The Rumble was good! I saw it about nine days ago. When the PPV aired (free on e-TV), they showed a video package hyping it up. Rey was in it. By the time ADR entered, people should've known Bryan wasn't going to make it.

There WAS a "Daniel Bryan" chant during the Rumble match, though.
I thought the Rumble was a great pay-per-view. Really enjoyed all the matches. When the crowd starts shitting on a match, regardless of who is in the ring, I automatically think that they are idiots for buying tickets in the first place. Keep them coming. Thought that Cena vs. Orton was the best wrestling match they both had against each other.
During the Rumble match itself, no one was noticeably pissed about Bryan not being in it and Rey was not being booed. Batista got a loud pop and then another loud pop when he won as well.

The crowd was hot and everyone had a great time.

I was there and people were very pissed Bryan was not in it. Rey was booed when he entered the match and cheered when he was eliminated.

Yes I and everybody around me from what I could see and hear did have a good time at the show.

Batista did kinda get a pop when his music hit and he entered the match but from when he won to when he finished giving the middle finger at the top of the ramp to everybody left in the arena, he was booed very loudly. They actually even turned up his music really loud to try to drown out to booing after he won.

Randon interesting notes from my experience at the show:
-Before the doors opened for the show, I skipped a couple hundred people in line and avoided probably ten more minutes of standing in 20 degree weather.

-The guy sitting next to me was clearly sick and I got his sore throat and cough 3 days after the show.

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