Rampage Blog


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Rampage posted the following on his blog and I thought some of you would be really interested in it:

I was watching the fight this weekend with the director of the A Team movie, the movie crew & a couple of actors & I never been ashamed to be a part of MMA till now. The UFC looked like assholes this weekend. The main event was boring. I anticipated that because let's be real.. Machida is a boring fighter. But Shogun getting robbed like that was pretty cut throat. Then you hear Joe Rogan say you "you have to beat the champ to be a champ." & that made me think the UFC are full of shit! Not to be whiny here but I still don't feel like I've been beat in the UFC.. but I'm not champ anymore. If the UFC gives Shogun an immediate rematch because of the controversial loss then that would validate everything I have said about the UFC in my recent posts & why I'm pissed at the UFC. But yet he deserves one & so have I deserved one against Forrest.

The reason why I was ashamed of the UFC is because some people around me were saying that the UFC is becoming corrupt like boxing & asked me is that stuff real? Most of the people from the A Team movie were just watching it because I was watching it & they don't know much about MMA & were starting to get into it but last night they didn't have anything good to say about my sport. So I was so ashamed.

One good thing came out of the fight last night. Rashad looked more like a bitch. If he would have just tried to fight Machida instead of just nutting up he probably could have done better. I saw every last one of Machida's weaknesses this last weekend. No wonder TUF is editing Rahsad to try to make him look good cause they need all their fighters to sell tickets. They never should have tried to make me look bad cause I'm the wrong person to pull that type of crap with. Cause I don't give a fuck about the TUF show or about the UFC. There's not another fighter on this planet that can do what I do & they know it. I don't need them. All they did was fucken piss me off. & any fighter on my team who says they lost a fight because of my coaching can fucken kiss my ass & say that shit to my face. It's very easy to point the fingers when you lose. But I can't get into the cage & fight for ya'll. I can only fight for myself. & for all you UFC & TUF fans out there, here's a big announcement.... IT'S A DAMN TV SHOW! With how much footage they got & how much editing they did, they can make anyone look the way they want. This is my last time blogging about this damn TUF show. Just because I don't go into the cage when a fighter loses & cry all over him & hug on him makes me a bad person? I have many reasons why I don't go into the cage cause when I'm pissed I make bad decisions. So you guys say whatever you want to say about me, all the crap you want about Rampage, but one thing I'm gonna tell you is that Rampage is real & straight up Rashad is fake as hell. When I was coaching the show, I forgot that Rashad won the first heavyweight TUF show. I didn't think about the outcome or editing of the TUF show & them promoting their own. I don't see nothing wrong with that but don't do it on another guy's expense.

The UFC needs to get some new judges before I even think about coming back. I want the hardcore fans to go back & watch all the fights that you thought was kinda shady with the judges in the UFC & TUF & write down the names of the judges so you guys can complain & have a voice. Do your homework. This sport wouldn't be what it is without the fans. Its hard for me to believe that the UFC is so successful & has over 100 shows & can't tell who wins a fight. How is it that they can't tell who wins a fight on an important title fight? Me doing TUF 10 & seeing how they edited it now & seeing how Wes Shivers lost his fight is making me very skeptical about the UFC. Note to TUF: Anybody involved in making the TUF show do me a big favor... Don't look at me cause you're fake. Don't talk to me cause you're fake. Don't even think about me cause you're fake. & if you do you might just get cussed the fuck out. -Posted by Rampage Jackson on October 26, 2009 at 7:31pm

So, what do you guys think? Do you think Rampage is just some bitter asshole, trying to flip everything around to make himself look like the victim, or does he have a point? Was he screwed out of a rematch with Forrest? Is it possible that the editing of TUF is why he's coming off badly on the show?


My thoughts....

Look, I've been a big Rampage fan for a few years now. I so badly want to give him the benefit of the doubt, but he's completely full of shit here. Let me explain why...

First off, on why he didn't get a rematch with Forrest right away... simple, two reasons:

1. Rashad was GUARANTEED to have a shot against the winner of Rampage/Forrest fight. There is no one in line right now for a shot at the Light Heavyweight Championship, which is why Dana could give Shogun a rematch right away. That's simply a fact. Also... if Rampage wanted another shot so bad, then why did he decline the fight) against Lyoto Machida and Rashad Evans both times when they were champions?

2. Right after the Forrest fight, Rampage went on a rampage, literally. He had his "accident", and it would have been dumb for the UFC to give him a title shot right away after that. Besides, Rampage at that time should have been worried about other, more important matters anyway.

So, that's my opinion on that case. Now, on the Ultimate Fighter...

I do think it's possible that the show could make edits here and there to make Rampage look bad and Rashad look great... but I honestly don't think they're doing that in this case. Sure, there's some little things, like Dana taking a jab at Rampage, comparing him to Ken Shamrock, and I said in the other thread that I bet that interview was done well after the show was over, when Rampage backed out of the fight against Rashad, and that had Rampage still been under UFC contract and still on good terms with Dana, that would have never aired. However, that's just one example... there's not anything else you can come up with. If Rampage is so sure that editing is the reason he looks so bad, then how come he isn't giving examples of what REALLY happened and why he looked so bad there, and Rashad look good here? If any of you were in the same situation, wouldn't you give examples of why the editing made you look bad? Of course you would, but Rampage didn't and I think it's because he doesn't have any material. He's just a terrible, terrible coach, who didn't have his priorities straight on the show and who made himself look like a joke. Rashad, maybe he was being fake; I personally don't think he was, but whatever. It doesn't matter who's fake or not; what matters is how you present yourself to the public, and Rashad has looked fantastic, and I don't think it's the editing team; I think it's him being a professional and knowing not to make a jackass out of himself on national television. Unfortunately, I don't think Rampage knew any better and now it's bitten him in the ass, as far as his fanbase and fight career is concerned.
Dammit Rampage, how can you be an MMA fighter and not realize that the judges do not work for the UFC and are assigned by the state commissions? I seriously like Rampage less and less by the day, and I was a huge fan of his for the longest time.

It's easy to say that you saw each one of Machida's weaknesses. I'm sure that if the two squared off, Machida would embarrass him. Machida is so much further advanced than the rest of the division with the exception of Shogun. Rampage barely beat Jardine earlier this year. He's living in his own self-denial. If he's so boring and beatable, why did he turn down a fight against Machida to take on Rashad instead?

Furthermore, it's hard to say that the editing is making him look bad when so far, not one of Rampage's guys have won a fight. Rashad actually coaches his fighters when Rampage continually yells at them to get up.
I personally didn't think Machida/Shogun was a boring fight at all. I definitely don't agree with the decision to award Machida the win, but I also don't agree with Rampage's decision to be ashamed of "his sport" because of it.

Secondly, Rampage is defeated in the UFC. He may feel hard done by, but Forrest Griffin beat him fair and square. Just because Rogan says "You have to beat the champ to be the champ" doesn't give Rampage an excuse to have another mental breakdown about that fight.

I also can't imagine the amount of editing they'd have to do to make Rampage look like a good coach.
Hes so full of shit now it's fucking ridiculous. He lost to Forrest fair and square and should man the fuck up and admit it. He got fucking beat.

Now for TUF. Rampage is a shit coach. All hes worried about is making himself look funny and telling shit jokes. Seriously he has to hold the record for amount of times saying titties on television. Hes a piece of shit. His fighters lose all because of Rampage. Hes fucking stupid for saying otherwise. There is no possible amount of editing that the UFC could do to make him look even decent. It's ridiculous.
Rampage Rampage Rampage, please re-watch your fight with Griffin!! You were not as dominate as Shogun was in your fight with Griffin you deserved to lose!!

He does bring up good points of how the show works with all the heavy editing done, but for his coaching it sucks during the fight, when your telling your fighters "you gotta do something" instead of telling them what to do and all his other idiotic blurts, I think thats what most people are saying why you suck as a coach, not because you dont go and console a fighter after he loses, that doesnt make him a bad coach at all cause when you think of other sports if an athlete loses a game for the team you dont really see coaches going over and consoling them there on the bench usually alone!! He just made the wrong picks by going for all the size in the house thinking they will just smash everyone! I will give him credit in the training parts of the show he seems to be decent at that at least!

I dont understand why why he would feel ashamed in front of his fellow actors who he said were basically casual fans anyways since your not fighting anymore why care, besides it was one bad fight the rest of the card was pretty good!!

The smart think for him to do is to trade his mouth for his fists and but his movie career on hold after the A - team finishes, get back in the there and fight Evans to prove he is soft like you say, then have a re-match with Griffin, If you get past them go get your title back!!

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