Raise your hand if you live in or around Durham, North Carolina


Excellence of Execution
Because I'm there now. Came over for a basketball coaching clinic with Coach K. Got sick in hour 2 of a 12 hour drive. That sucked. Badly. In fact, I can't begin to tell you how bad that sucked. But, I didn't vomit. Vomit is for *****es.

Anyways, I'm now in a hotel in Durham, and finally am feeling better, and also am finally able to do a little work on WZ.

Use this thread to tell me you are in or around Durham, NC or how awesome I am that I didn't vomit on a 10 hour sick drive.
I don't live there, and I didn't throw up today. I did hand someone a slice of Pizza while dressed as Darth Vader though. Thats cool, kinda...
Yeah it would be. Congratulations on your promotion.

I was just gonna point that out. Congrats Slyfox, if you were modded back when you should have been, this would have been right on time. You've barely been a mod that long, and you'd alredy got the g-nod lol. Congrats.
Did you make the drive alone?
No, there were three of us. In fact, I didn't drive at all. I had work all day Thursday, then had to coach a basketball game Thursday night. I literally got off the bus after the game, and got into the car to leave for North Carolina. It was planned for me to sleep on the way Then I got sick, so I had trouble sleeping, and wound up not driving at all.
When I'm not driving, I try to get some sleep when it's a long travel. I fail miserably every attempt, but at least I don't get sick.

Sly, you should try Dramamine.
When i was going to South Carolina i got lost and ended up in Durham. I didnt see much of it because i was there at like 2 am but what i did see it looked prettyt shitty.
Corporal Æ;652184 said:
When I'm not driving, I try to get some sleep when it's a long travel. I fail miserably every attempt, but at least I don't get sick.

Sly, you should try Dramamine.
I don't get car sick. In fact, I don't take any kind of medicine either.
Do you listen to music on an ipod or mp3 when ur not driving? It helps take ur mind off the long ride or watch a movie. Or read a book.....are you the one driving back? That sucks.

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