Rafael Gomez-Book a Wrestler

future admin

Getting Noticed By Management
My second book this is a new thing I have decided to start. I will not be booking an E-Fed, I will be booking a superstar. From the slums of Mexico City, This High Flying, Hardcore Maniac Known as Rafael Gomez, will take Total Nonstop Action by Storm.
Character Profile
Height-6 foot
Weight- 240 pounds
Running Powerslam
450 Splash
Perfected Moves-
Hurricanrana (sometimes from the top rope)
Leg Lariat
standing Shooting Star Press
Missile Dropkick
back suplex-sometimes from top rope
Shining Wizard/DDT combo in the corner

Thanks for reading
We are two matches into TNA iMPACT, number one was Inc Ink vs 3D, 3D win, and they shake after the match, the second was Kaz (c) vs Douglas Williams for the X-Division chapionship, Douglas wins and and starts to beat him down
after minutes of beating Kaz up, Hipsanic Music plays at the entrance.
A masked man runs from the crowd, and starts to beat up Williams. He hits a massive Clothesline, then picks him up for a running powerslam. He hits it and then the 450 Splash!!!
He picks up the mic
Gomez-ESSSEEEE! Do you want more Esse? because I whipped you real Loco esse
Williams stays motionless on the outside
I didn't think so esse. now, the reason I so foolishly interrupted your big beat down on Frankie Kazarian, but I came to say, at Sacrifice Duggie, I am going to take that title of yours, and that, is the truth ESSE
Another two matches go past, one is Tara vs Velvet Sky, and Tara wins. The other is the other is Matt Morgan vs Samoa Joe, which Joe wins Matches after, Douglas Williams is in the ring
Douglas-I can't believe it, this Mexican Wetback gets a title shot, who is he?!? I certainly don't know. I don't even know his name for christs sake, he has probably just come under the fence, and he gets a title shot. I am outraged.
he breaks into a laugh, and goes on
but, my friends, don't worry, I won't lose, because I am that much better

He walks out.
The main event is Abyss vs AJ, Abyss wins, but is Ambushed by Team Flair
we head to credits
I think your thread is new and thats cool to see. But it seems somewhat sloppy. I seeing what your trying to say and trying to do and it is an interesting storyline and idea but work on formatting it and putting more time into it so it looks neat and appealing.
TNA Sacrifice
TNA sacrifice opens with The triple threat tag team match, Motor City Machine guns win and are the number one contenders. The next match is Rob Terry vs Orlando Jordan for the Global Championship, Rob Terry wins and is still global champion
Ladder Match for the X-Division Championship-Douglas Williams (c) vs Rafael Gomez
Rafael Gomez is out first to a crazy pop, followed by the champion, Douglas Williams. match starts off and Gomez hitting a clothesline on Williams straight away. He runs out to get a ladder, and slides it in the ring, but Williams does a baseball slide and the ladder goes right into Gomez' face. Gomez is out, Williams goes out to start to hit The Hardcore High Flyer's face. He gets up, and Williams hits an Anarchy Knee. Gomez has been split open. Williams starts to climb the Ladder, he is up to the title, but Gomez runs in and hits a dropkick on the Ladder, and Williams falls out of the ring. Gomez follows and hits a springboard Shooting Star Press.
HOLY SHIT chants go around.
Gomez finally gets up, and he picks up a steel chair. he goes crazy with it. Williams is now busted open aswell. He gets up, right into a leg lariat... Onto the steps. Crowd go nuts. Gomez starts to climb the Ladder, he reaches the 4th step, but Williams gets up, and hits a german Suplex. He hits a knee drop from the top rope. Now he goes up the Ladder, but Gomez gets up aswell, and has poured thumbtacks on the floor, they are up on the top, and Gomez goes up and attemps a Hurricanrana from the top of the ladder, but Williams reverses and Gomez lands on the thumbtacks, Williams takes the title.
Winner and STILL the X Division champion, Douglas Williams
Next Match is Tara vs Madison Rayne, Madison Rayne wins and Tara is Fired. the next match is Scott Hall & Kevin Nash (c) vs. Ink Inc. The Band win. Desmond Wolfe vs. Abyss is up now, Abyss wins and has Chelsea for 30 days. We are now only with 2 matches to go, this match is Mr. Anderson vs. Jeff Hardy, Hardy wins. We are now at the Main Event and it is RVD vs AJ, RVD wins and is still the TNA World Champion
This is the secind show after TNA's Pay per view, Sacrifice, where Rafael Gomez lost a ladder match for the X-Division title, this week though, he has a number one contender's match against Kaz, and the title match will be tonight.

Number one Contender's match-Rafael Gomez vs Kaz
Kaz is out first, followed by Gomez. Gomez puts Kaz in a headlock, but it is reversed, Gomez knocks down Kaz, and hits a dropkick, 1.. Kickout. Kaz gets up, but Gomez hits a Leg Lariat now, Gomez picks him up, and throws him into the corner. He goes for the Shining Wizard/DDT, but Kaz pushes him off with the DDT, he goes up to the top and hits a body splash,, 1..2 Kickout. Gomez gets up and Kaz hits a Jumping High Kick, he goes for a spin kick, but that is reversed, and Gomez hits a Bulldog, he goes up top for a Missile dropkick, and hits it, 1..2.. Kickout. Kaz takes his time to get up, but when he doess, Gomez hits a Running Powerslam, and goes up top for a 450 splash, 1...2...3, Gomez wins!!
Winner-Raf Gomez

As the night goes on, there are three matches contested. But now, we are at the X-Division title match.

X-Division title match-Douglas Williams (c) vs Rafael Gomez.
Rafael Gomez is out first, followed by Douglas Williams, as he is on the ramp, "The Freak" Rob Terry comes from behind and hits him with a chair. He rolls him into the ring and hits a runnoing Powerslam, the bell rings, and Gomez hits a 450 splash, 1...2...3 New Champion!
Winner and NEW X-Division Champion, Rafael Gomez
After the match, Rob Terry and Rafael Gomez start to beat up Williams, They leave the ring, and Williams is in the ring, unconscious.
Terry and Gomez pose on the ramp.

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