
CH David

A Jock That Loves Pepsi
Pretty simple thread. What do you like to listen to while doing activities around the house, at work, or when you've got time and just want to listen to music, or possibly talk?

Those that know me in the slightest know that I'm generally a big fan of radio. It's the field I'm trying to get into and I love being a part of it. For the longest time when I would be at work or in the car, the radio was always on and it was tuned to one station/frequency, Q101 or 101.1. For about three years, once I was out of high school, that was the station I lived, loved, and breathed. Alternative rock, the jocks on air, everything entertained me and it got me into radio. Then back in June it was sold, July turned into news. Now I've been left with having to find other rock stations to listen to, or I play music off my phone. When needed I'll also listen to some AM stations to get reports on traffic, or to listen to sports while in said vehicle. Since the station was turned, I've also brought my iPod to work so I can at least get some enjoyment out of my days when I can't listen to alternative/hard/punk rock.

When I'm at home I've got iTunes up and playing tunes while I surf the interwebs or check on these here forums. I used to stream a few of the stations but now some don't work, and it's just a hassle.

What about you? What do you choose to listen to and why? If the radio isn't an answer, how come?
What about you? What do you choose to listen to and why? If the radio isn't an answer, how come?

I used to listen to radio nearly non-stop a couple years back. I think I can kinda relate to your experience, except I had two favorite Alternative stations in the LA area, KROQ and KYSR. I grew up on KROQ, but as time has gone on, it seems they're afraid to play anything outside of their comfort zone. They like to stick to the bands they know people will listen to, and are slow to catch up on a hot knew band that gained steam elsewhere. KYSR is quite like my taste in music, except with less Indie then I'd like. I slowly accepted them as my go-to station. I stopped listening to both because my old MP3 player, which had an FM tuner, died on me, and I was left without an alternative way to listen to radio on the go. If only my iPod could do it, then I'd be set. I listen to a little Sirius-XM now, but for some reason it doesn't feel the same. Now, it's just my iPod, which is great, especially at 160 GB of space on it, but it's only got what I already know I like. Pandora's cool, but I typically forget it even exists most of the time. I think I need a way to find some new music. Until then, I've got my iPod.

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