R-Truth vs Booker T

Who would will in a fued?

  • Booker T

  • R-Truth

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CM Steel

A REAL American
R-Truth is now in the main event rankings in the WWE. Which means he's having to wrestle superstars who have been in the main event picture for a few years now (Cena, Mysterio,). So with that being, is it time for R-Truth's "iceing on the cake" to the road to the WWE championship? By having Truth take on a legend that helped pave the way for him...like Booker T?

Didn't Booker T say on the first Smackdown after R-Truth's infamous heel turn on RAW that he at one time mentored R-Truth? Ten years ago when Booker T first came to the WWF/E. It was around the same time that R-Truth (back then known as K-Kwik) was released from the WWF/E and ended up signning with TNA to become the first ever African-American to win the NWA-TNA championship.

And with Booker T slowly getting back into a WWE ring to compete like on WWE All-Stars night on RAW awhile back against Jack Swagger. Could Booker T help put over R-Truth as a former protege who took out his one-time mentor just to make it to the top of the WWE? And what kind of story could these two tell in the ring??

It worked for Randy Orton when he rivaled Triple H during & after Evolution broke up. And defeating Mick Foley (Cactus Jack) in a street fight in 2004 was his "iceing on the cake" to be a future world champion down the line.
Booker T is probably more entertaining and charismatic. In fact I think he is one of the most charismatic wrestlers in history.

Booker T probably is the better in-ring wrestler too.

It's close both ways though, R-Truth is not bad by any stretch of the imagination, but a good way to sum this feud up would be...

R-Truth is a poor man's Booker T..
can see alot of Booker T in R-Truth, no not just because they are both of colour
they use a similar finishing move til Truth changed his up to the flying spinning mule kick

Truth is not devoid of charisma either, noone could deny that, just as an overall performer he's nothing special and where he's at atm IMO is as good as it's going to get. They are keeping him at the ME level i'm sure til someone steps up to take the spot.

Wrestling Booker T and winning wouldn't do much in the long run. He's already been battling the stables of the current gen and if he can't get over with them facing Booker T is only gonna be a short term payoff specially since he's now just a useless commentator who has only had 2 matches since returning.

If Booker got back into the ring on a semi regular basis and showed his stuff then maybe ( i hope to god they let him do that, he's not exactly washed/out of shape up like so many others that are still going). Get him away from Michael Cole and the commentry desk, they are just making a fool out of the 5 time 5 time 5 time WCW Champion.... Now Can You Dig That ..... SUCKAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!
Ya I see a lot of Booker T in R-Truth, but I find R-Truth to be a little more flashier when it comes to his move set. Other than that, I would have to say Booker T is the better wrestler. On the mic, I think that both guys are equal, at least at the current time. Booker was better when he was a full time wrestler, but R-Truth is catching up with his current character push.
If this were to ever take place, they would have to have R Truth win out over Booker T. Beating a former champion of Booker T's caliber would elevate R Truth's status within the WWE. At least it would begin to create credibility for him as an individual... and it would give us all a relief from hearing Booker T at the announcers table.
BOOKER BOOKER BOOKER!!! Nostalgic moment! haha

I agree that a feud between Booker/Truth could be good but ONLY if Booker got back in the ring and had at least a dozen SOLID matches first. Against credible wrestlers. This would let everyone know that Booker still has it (even though it is VERY clear he does) and then Truth could pull the typical heel move and go in and "congratulate Booker" only to immediately turn on him and maybe even say "your advice SUCKED! Being the good guy didn't get me ANYWHERE" or something. Then Booker/Truth could have some very good matches elevating Truth just a bit higher. Could do wonder for the guy! But of course Truth would have to end up winning (maybe not EVERY match in the feud but at least the final match)
I agree that a feud between Booker/Truth could be good but ONLY if Booker got back in the ring and had at least a dozen SOLID matches first. )

I'll buy that. Seeing the way almost everyone in this poll is going with Booker is nice, but I don't buy the concept of a "legend" returning to the ring and knocking off a guy who's younger, in better shape, and been working his tail off for the last few years. It just doesn't fit the mold of how things should work in real life.

On the other hand, if it were to occur, I could see it happening with R-Truth. He has an entertaining gimmick going right now, but does anyone see him as an actual threat to win a world title? I don't.

Personally, I enjoy his work in the ring. I rather like his "crazy" gimmick too, but see it as a short-lived program that will eventually end, leaving him back in the mid-card. He's having his day now; if Creative has him facing Booker at all, it will be to have Killings beat him and advance the notion of him as a top contender.

And Booker? I see him lacing up the boots once in a while, but never stepping in the ring enough to warrant him beating up title contenders. I doubt the company needs to stroke Booker's ego enough to call for that.
This would only made sense if Truth won the feud. To have someone like Booker T to comeback to the rings, it ain't to drag in the ring, like Flair or Hall, among others.

I believe that he could still pull out some good matches, but i don't see it happening. It's not a bad idea, but i don't think he's coming of retirement anytime soon.

But like i said, if the purpose is to put Truth over, he HAD to win this feud, or the point of it was absolute none.
I just don't see a feud happening between these two. For a couple of reasons. 1. Booker is not even a part time performer. He had the one match against Jack Swagger. Hell even Lawler has wrestled more than he has. WWE seems to want to keep Booker T behind the announce table. He's not even in character anymore. Mark Henry rushed the table during one of his tirades and Booker just bowed out of the way.
2. Booker is on SD! and Truth is on RAW - sure that doesn't mean much if they really wanted to get it done, but it seems like they are trying hard to keep the brands separate now.
Don't get me wrong, I would love to see it. I think it would help R-Truth get over the top. He seems to be right on the cusp to being great and one great rivarly victory away.
As much as I love Booker T as a wrestler ; I just don't think at this stage in his career, putting Truth over will do anything for truth's career. Booker has been out of the ring full time for years now. If this was during the height of his wwe career sure, but it would really be pointless. Not too mention i don't know how many people would buy R Truth beating Booker T at any point, or how many people would care
It's a toss up, but if I had to lean with my inital answer I'd say no. Booker T. isn't even on RAW, where R-Truth is, and it would almost be as if it were a step backward for Truth to leave the top mid-card level to fiddle with Booker T. If this were 5 years ago and Booker wasn't a commentator then I'd say hey, go for it. But I think right now, with the way things are going, it'd really put a dent in what they're trying to do with R-Truth. I think they need to make him more edgier of course, but other than that, having him feud with Booker T. doesn't really make much sense. Sure, Booker could run him down a bit or R-Truth could run Booker T. down but again, since his character hasn't yet had that real "ump" where you know he's pushing the enevlope (ala when Farooq started the Nation of Domination), it just wouldn't be as big as they may want it to be. Like if R-Truth started calling Booker an Uncle Tom or something of the sort. Major heat for a lot of reasons and it'd really carry his character over that hump. I just don't think he should be invloved with Booker T., doesn't make much sense.
In all honestly, as much as I think R-Truth's charachter is good, I can't take him seriously being in the Main Event. A Booker T/R-Truth could be a good feud, but they don't really need to do it. Unless Booker T is considering getting back in the ring and WWE want to test something out, I don't think these two should feud.
In my opinion, the WWE just jerked R-truth out of the title picture in the blink of an eye. He was handling the heel role well. In retrospect, I understand why they did it, the whole Cena/Punk thing was genius, but it's going to be hard to push him that high again, when he mentions the "Little Jimmy" phrase, the fans do not go as nuts as they used to, and like the above poster said, he's probably at his peak right now. Bringing in Booker T to help push him over would be successful in my eyes, but only if the WWE works the angle perfectly. The WWE has got to get more than just 1 storyline going per PPV, this would be great to add in terms of ratings and possibly giving R-Truth the nudge he needs to stay at the top consistantly, but he can't wrestle Booker T all the time, they need to find him a good matchup with 1 of the stars that perform on the roster night in and night out.
Booker T is probably more entertaining and charismatic. In fact I think he is one of the most charismatic wrestlers in history.

Booker T probably is the better in-ring wrestler too.

It's close both ways though, R-Truth is not bad by any stretch of the imagination, but a good way to sum this feud up would be...

R-Truth is a poor man's Booker T..

I am glad you added the I in most Charismatic wrestler in history, Shawn Micheals, Ric Flair, Chis Jericho I think beat out Booker T.

I however disagree with R-truth being a Poor Man's Booker. It is a bigger gap than that. Booker is a great wrestler, R-truth disappoints me. Booker has great Mic skills ( when not on commentary) Truth is odd. Ron Killings however was good I am not sure what happened, probably a PG product changes the way things are said.
Booker would destroy Truth in a feud. Sure Truth has been on a roll this summer and is hilarious at the moment, but it the odds are easily in Booker's favor if you look at it from a kafabe perspective because he is a multi time world champion whereas Truth has been a midcarder his whole career (in WWE anyhow). Even though he is out of his prime Booker would end up winning the feud. It would certainly be interesting though and add more for Truth to yell about in his conspiracy rants.
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