Quite time to give the Scream Queen her shot?


The man who thought he had a plan
Let's all admit that Daffney might be an acquired taste but of all the knockouts out there, isn't she the one with the most personality? Agreed, being the crazy one gets you the spotlight easily but there's something more to it than that, yes? Daffney is basically very hot, with a great rack and a great personality and the fact that she brings more to the TNA table that most other knockouts. She IS one of the very few hardcore women out there, one of the few women that puts her body on the line night in, night out for any storyline, for any reason. You HAVE to, at the very least, APPRECIATE the girl. I sincerely believe she is quite due for a title run and then have Tara be the one running after her belt. Daffney, through recent knockout standards, would make a pretty decent (even interesting) heel champion and I say let the woman have it, yes!

Daffney for president/champion!
Yes. Daffney definitley has as much talent as every other knockout in TNA. She has one of the best personality of either male or female in TNA, plus she's pretty hot. She should get and very well deserves the title. The woman has great wrestling ability and will also do many hardcore thing some of the men are to pussy to do. Give her the title and let her run with it, she'd would be an awesome heel champion. She's right up there with Angelina, Hamada, and The Beautiful People as my favorite women not just in TN, but the business as a whole.

Now about that president thing, I'm not sure if we want that as President. HaHa.
I love Daffney and would absolutely love to see her as the Knockouts champion. Unfortunately I feel like TNA might stick with Tara as she's the "safe" champion. I'd love to see Daffney win just because if she can get past the inevitable rematch the feuds she could have would be very fun to watch as she clashes with every other Knockout. Plus Daffney gave me one of those few shocking moments I've seen in a while when she rammed Angelina into the ramp. I can't remember seeing a bump that looked that real and painful. That made the Hernandez spot look like a joke.

And yes, she is quite hot. I'm very happy that she's still around seeing as how she's about 10 years older than most other female wrestlers, and she doesn't show it.
the fact she did that god awful governor gimmick should be worth a title run alone. I have always been a fan of the scream queen from when she was running around with david flair and crowbar back in wcw. i personally have never found suicide girls to be all that attractive but OMG daffney is freaking hot, zombie hot even.
Daffney is one of the reasons TNA is so entertaining. I like the gimmick (crazy Goth hardcore chick). Her entrance in itself is one of the best entrances in the company even though it might be the most simple. The scream is even featured on the opening video! She is truly "Zombie Hot!"

Is it time to give Daffney the Knockouts Title? Yes. At Lockdown, it is time to give Daffney a run with the championship if even just for a short run. It would help keep her feud with Tara going (side note: I like the fact that one crazed-out chick is going against someone that once was also portrayed as a crazed-out chick). As mentioned before, she has good wrestling skills and a very intriguing character.

I don't know about President, but she would definitely be a good Secretary of State. Diplomatic relations with a goth chick.
Daffney is in my view the hottest knockout...Tara would be next. The other girls look blonde and fake. As for a title run yes its time she gets a title run. She would be the most entertaining champ ever. Have a long fued with someone and all leading up to a hardcore match or something at a ppv. Zombie hot indeed!!

President Daffney would be awesome...if she did the state of the union address in some low cut top I may be forced to watch it. Plus she is beautiful I would believe what ever she said..lol
zombie hot daffney deserves the title,she is a stand out among great group of women wrestlers. ive been a wrestling fan since i was a kid in th 70's and until tna's knockout div. ive never enjoyed womens wrestling ,i used to always change the channel when they came on., but now i find myself awaiting the knockout matches. if daffney beat tara for the belt i think it would bring even more intrest to an already strong division. it would bring even more heat to daffney and fans would really get behind tara to get revenge.
God I have to do this because I don't like to just go along with what everyone else is saying, But fuck yeah let that chick run with it. She is Zombie Hot, and she can wrestle, and the fact that she plays a chick off her rocker makes her all the more interesting. I have to say it wouldn't bother me to see a womens champion that isn't pure eye candy either. It wouldn't be a bad move if you continue to push her and make her look like a strong champion. That character can do it. In the mean time you take a look at a lot of the other women in TNA and the Divas in WWE, they are mostly tits and ass. Let's get someone in there that's not just pretty, let's get someone dark, someone nasty, and someone crazy out there that just ruins shit. Awesome Kong was a success because she was like that, this chick can be too.
daffney is great, she should be knockout champion, she deserves it. i believe wwe had a developmental deal with her but let her go! way to f'n go wwe! well yer loss loss is tna's gain.
Yes, president! Think about it. Daffney was brought in to play the Gov which was a rip-off of Sarah Palin during the Palin wonder year. And Palin was at some point heralded to be the first female president on the republican side in opposition to the not so female Hillary Clinton. Why not have Daffney be a running mate with Palin and we could be blessed with the first pair of whackjobs holding political power in history (one pretends to be crazy because it's her job, the other is legitimately crazy). Could be quite interesting. And don't tell me about experience. The Prez is a puppet, I'm pretty sure his "experience" is about as useful as a wet towel in a lion's cage.

But in all seriousness, Daffney has shown talent and willingness to put her livelihood on the line for the business and I respect that. NOT necessarily because she is hardcore (because quite frankly I am not a fan of hardcore wrestling) but because she goes against the mainstream perception of women's wrestling and SHE IS STILL ENTERTAINING. She HAS Charisma, looks great (both as a sane person and a crazy one) and dabbles well in theatrics, which are a big part of wrestling worldwide. :) Daffney is a fantastic entertainer and, as a bonus, is a great-looking "mature" woman (let's admit it, she's no longer 20 years-old). If she is really willing to go all out to entertain us, I'll definitely go all out to support her and bitch and moan and scream and kick until she has her championship belt. Just because she is worthy and she deserves it.
Tara right now is kind of getting lame, IMO she is just a Diva. She is just a boring KO champion. I say heck yeah give the strap to Daffney. Daffney is very talented with a great gimmick, Personally I think she has the best gimmick out of all the Female wrestlers in the world. She has always been a risk taker and I enjoy that.

Daffney as a champion will be awesome. Also by giving her the strap, that will open the door to some of the other KO's in the roster that haven't had any TV time. I say if she gets the strap she will change the KO division. She is good, come one who wouldn't want to see Daffney as a champion.
Id like to see Daffney get a run as champ as well, I think she deserves it. Shes a good wrestler and has a fun interesting personality. I fail to see what her being hot (or not) has to do with it though. Maybe she is, maybe she isn't, Im not into women so I cant really say. I wish WWE could make their womens division as interesting.
I agree - it's past time to put the belt on Daffney. She's one of the best in-ring workers (love that Lobotomy finishing move) and clearly has enough charisma to make such a title run interesting.
give her the strap, she is amazing in the ring, but more importantly she is amazing on the mic. her verbal skills, and her weird character could really bring a different dimension to the knockouts, TNA, and possibly the entire women's wrestling genre.

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