Quinton "Rampage" Jackson Joins TNA Wrestling, Bellator MMA

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
MMA Icon, Movie Star & now @IMPACTWRESTLING Superstar! Welcome Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (@Rampage4real) to the family.


The official TNA press release here: http://www.impactwrestling.com/news...n=Feed:+tnawrestling+(Impact+Wrestling+(old))


There it is. I'd imagine this is the "big" signing Dixie was teasing a few days back.

Please keep the discussion about this signing here, as I'll be closing the old thread momentarily, and remember this is a NO-SPAM section of the forum. All posts about this will need to have reason and substance. Do not just post one-word responses or silly quips. For that, direct your comments to the SPAM-Friendly version of this thread here: http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=255893
Man, how King Mo's star has fallen these past two years.

This is definitely a Big Game Kill for TNA. Rampage has a large amount of recognition outside of the TNA bubble. Now, it comes down to how they use him...... and TNA has a record with their 'guest stars' that makes me sweat a little. See: Frank Trigg, Pacman Jones, Jenna Morasca, King Mo, and I know there are others that were at least forgettable instead out outright awful.

First thought here is Angle/Rampage at either a Bound For Glory or a Slammiversary. That thought tickles my tits, to be honest.
I don't expect him to be a good talker, I don't expect him to be a good wrestler and he won't be. He's an athlete, but wrestling is a whole different story. It takes a lot more than bumping in order to be even a decent wrestler and I guarantee you, Jackson doesn't have it. This also goes to all the WWE bullshit about football players becoming wrestlers. It can't happen.

Yes, it has happened with some people like Goldberg and The Rock, but these guys weren't known for being football players, they just played football and went to wrestling because of injuries. Actually, Rock shouldn't even be on this list because he has ties to wrestling.

Same goes for MMA fighters. I bet some would fit in, but I've never seen a WELL KNOWN MMA fighter make it big in wrestling and make a successful transition.

The only person to achieve something big in real sports and move on to wrestling is Kurt Angle. One in a million. Literally.

So, Jackson will be no different than King Mo or whoever else tried to transition. However, what Jackson will bring will be (temporary) media buzz, coverage, some attention and TNA's name will be mentioned here and there. Good enough for them, they have enough great wrestlers, they need some buzz. It never hurts.

However, this helps everyone but us - the fans. What we will get now is Rampage Jackson being shoved down our throats and overhyped just because of who he is. NONE of us will like it and enjoy his work. He'll suck. MMA fighters are the most charisma and personality deprived people on the planet. Almost none of them are showmen, they're all straight up fighters and those people are lame in wrestling.

Even though TNA will get publicity, even non-wrestling fans will not care because:

1. No one gives a fuck about Rampage Jackson.

2. He's not in his peak, he's not "hot", he's been done for a while.

3. No one gives a fuck what he does.

4. No one gives a fuck about fake wrestling.

So when you combine those things, you have a guy no one cares about, joining a business nobody cares about. Big, fucking, deal.

The best thing they can get out of this is to train him so he's not terrible and put him in a team with King Mo. That'll be very, very unique and maybe even interesting in some fashion.

OR, like Rayne said, feud him with Angle. Actually, have them have a semi-real MMA fight. They'll hit eachother and punch eachother, only there'll be some kind of predetermined finish. That might be cool and Angle can take a beating. He'd probably suggest it.

Otherwise, yes this IS a big signing and Dixie didn't lie. However, it doesn't get me excited one bit. I'm more interested in literally everything else that's happening on Impact, but this.

Oh well, business move, fans will hate it, it'll be sort of good for them.
I don't expect him to be a good talker,

One thing I disagree with, one thing Jackson can do is talk a good game.

It's definitely "big" but not in a wrestling context. Their bringing a former mixed martial artist into the company with hope that he'll be some sort of an asset, but when you take into the equation how he'll have to be trained and the fact King Mo has been receiving training for the last year (appearing in Ohio Valley) Quinton will have to go through the same procedure, so by the time he does debut most people will have forgotten hes even there, like with Mo who aside Bound for Glory hasn't been used.

He has some mainstream credability, guess he goes behind Hogan in that department but it's a risky decision. Do wrestling fans care Quinton Jackson is going to be wrestling? I don't think so.
The only person to achieve something big in real sports and move on to wrestling is Kurt Angle. One in a million. Literally.

I disagree. Ken Shamrock made it pretty dang far in WWE. Not sure why he left, but he had a great run. He won the king of the ring and put on some terrific matches. Couldn't talk, but Rampage has done quite a few acting roles in commercials and stuff, I think he's a bit more familiar with talking and honestly a lot more charismatic than Shamrock was. In other words, it can be done... especially if he fights a guy like Kurt Angle or a Samoa Joe who can make anyone look good. All ya need is the name. And whether you admit it or not, (this coming from a HUGE MMA fan) Rampage IS indeed a big name.
Holy shit. That is a big signing. And pretty unexpected too for Rampage to go to TNA after doing some work in WWE. I assume he'll go through OVW and appear in Bound For Glory under some capacity.
I don't expect him to be a good talker, I don't expect him to be a good wrestler and he won't be. He's an athlete, but wrestling is a whole different story. It takes a lot more than bumping in order to be even a decent wrestler and I guarantee you, Jackson doesn't have it. This also goes to all the WWE bullshit about football players becoming wrestlers. It can't happen.

Yes, it has happened with some people like Goldberg and The Rock, but these guys weren't known for being football players, they just played football and went to wrestling because of injuries. Actually, Rock shouldn't even be on this list because he has ties to wrestling.

See, there's a difference between Goldberg and Rampage Jackson; Rampage loved wrestling before he actually got into it. He was legitimately a huge fan, he legitimately loved wrestling, he was as happy as a pig in poop just being at Raw, he seems to legitimately want to be a wrestler.

I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say that from everything I've heard, Rampage wants to be here, and not just collect a payday.

Also, Ron Simmons, Paul Wight, Kevin Nash, Hacksaw Jim Duggan; all guys who came from other sports who seem to have done pretty well for themselves in the wrestling bidness.

Same goes for MMA fighters. I bet some would fit in, but I've never seen a WELL KNOWN MMA fighter make it big in wrestling and make a successful transition.

The only person to achieve something big in real sports and move on to wrestling is Kurt Angle. One in a million. Literally.

Dan Severn and Ken Shamrock?

Also, while we're talking big in "real sports", Brock Lesnar was a monster in wrestling, before he joined WWE. Make no mistake about it, Brock probably could have been an Olympic wrestler.

Granted, Brock also came for money, but he did make it.

So, Jackson will be no different than King Mo or whoever else tried to transition.

It's not fair to expect Mo to be out of OVW any faster than they're progressing him. He literally signed with them one year ago. Lesnar spent two years at OVW, and was a natural. So did Cena, so did Batista. And these were guys who made this their only source of income; Mo's training as a wrestler, and an MMA fighter.

Don't you think you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater here?

However, what Jackson will bring will be (temporary) media buzz, coverage, some attention and TNA's name will be mentioned here and there. Good enough for them, they have enough great wrestlers, they need some buzz. It never hurts.

It also provides some synergy with Bellator, always a good thing to have within a network.

However, this helps everyone but us - the fans. What we will get now is Rampage Jackson being shoved down our throats and overhyped just because of who he is. NONE of us will like it and enjoy his work.

Did I miss the part where King Mo was shot right to the upper card of TNA. Hell, when has TNA ever shoved Mo down our throats?

He'll suck.


MMA fighters are the most charisma and personality deprived people on the planet. Almost none of them are showmen, they're all straight up fighters and those people are lame in wrestling.


I'm not sure if you've been watching a marathon of Gray Maynard matches (in which case I totally understand where this comes from), but most MMA fighters today are actually better promo cutters than the actual wrestlers are. It isn't just Chael; Nick Diaz, Roy Nelson, Ben Henderson, fuck I'll take a Urijah Faber promo over 99% of the guys in WWE or TNA.

1. No one gives a fuck about Rampage Jackson.

I disagree with that; Rampage was one of the most lucrative fighters for UFC in the history of the promotion.

2. He's not in his peak, he's not "hot", he's been done for a while.

This, I'll agree with, but it isn't as though they're excavating some skeleton here. He literally left UFC less than half a year ago. This would be like saying you wouldn't take Peyton Manning, because he's not near his prime, and was done after his neck injury.

3. No one gives a fuck what he does.

Then why did they buy tickets to watch him fight?

4. No one gives a fuck about fake wrestling.

We do?

So when you combine those things, you have a guy no one cares about, joining a business nobody cares about. Big, fucking, deal.

Except you're incorrect on all of these accounts.

The best thing they can get out of this is to train him so he's not terrible and put him in a team with King Mo. That'll be very, very unique and maybe even interesting in some fashion.

I would enjoy this, actually.

OR, like Rayne said, feud him with Angle. Actually, have them have a semi-real MMA fight. They'll hit eachother and punch eachother, only there'll be some kind of predetermined finish. That might be cool and Angle can take a beating. He'd probably suggest it.

Remember that whole Frank Trigg/AJ Styles deal a couple years ago?

I wish I didn't either.

Otherwise, yes this IS a big signing and Dixie didn't lie. However, it doesn't get me excited one bit. I'm more interested in literally everything else that's happening on Impact, but this.

Oh well, business move, fans will hate it, it'll be sort of good for them.

Let's see what he can do first; the man has a natural charisma, and loves the sport. So let's just try and see what he can do, maybe?
Wow! that's really a great aquisition....... fro Bellator because let face it nobody outside the MMA fans knows who Quinton Jackson is. This is just another MMA guy trying to make money with wrestling thinking the transition will be a piece of cake.

It's hard to get excited about and non-wrestler coming into TNA when their track record is as lame as it with these celebrities. Just look at guys like King Mo, PAcman Jones, Frank triggs and the list goes on of celebrities who pretty much came in to make money and made money with TNA without bringing anything to the table. Sorry but Quinton Jackson isn't Ken Shamrock, he'S not Brock Lesnar, the guy as a personality of a doorknob and sadly not one casual fan know who he is and i don'T see MMA fans tuning in to TNA to watch him perform in a fake sport.

This is yet another exemple of TNA management trying anything to get more peoples to tune in to watch IMPACT, because they are desparate for something to happen and with the ratings always staying at the same place, it doesn'T seem to work, maybe Quinton is the answers to the problem, maybe no time will tell.
I like it. I'm no UFC fan but I'd heard of Rampage long before the A-Team, so if you do throw in his acting career - he is probably better known in the mainstream than a certain Mr Lesnar.

In the short-term, I can see him working with the likes of Kurt and Joe who can work a MMA style wrestling match. This should give Jackson more time to develop his in-ring styles so that he can move onto working with the other TNA guys. Dollars to donuts, Kurt will be tasked with helping him adjust to working in the squared circle rather than the octagon.
Fans on Impact's Facebook page are pitching a fit at this being the big signing but they're failing to see the big picture here. Rampage is a huge name and his inclusion in TNA can only help.
What a horrible signing for TNA. No cares about mma fighters who plan on doing pro wrestling part-time. (except lesnar, as he was a made wwe guy first). This is a joke, and a year from now, Jackson will still not have done shit IN or FOR tna.

Dixie needs to focus on her own roster and making new stars, and not worry about signing mma guys that do nothing for tna.
What a horrible signing for TNA. No cares about mma fighters who plan on doing pro wrestling part-time. (except lesnar, as he was a made wwe guy first). This is a joke, and a year from now, Jackson will still not have done shit IN or FOR tna.

Dixie needs to focus on her own roster and making new stars, and not worry about signing mma guys that do nothing for tna.

Don't you think it's a little ridiculous to expect for Rampage to be out of development in a year?

Again, Brock Lesnar; two years at OVW, just like Cena, Batista, and Randy Orton. CM Punk spent a year in OVW, and that was counting after years in ROH and the indies. Dolph Ziggler was sent down twice to the developmentals, and he's possibly the best worker not named Daniel Bryan currently going.

I think you all have been spoiled by the concept of pushing new guys to the moon, that you forget how long it takes to come out of developmental. Brock Lesnar looks like a natural, but he still had to spend two years with Danny Davis and crew. If Rampage is going to be any sort of acquisition, then it's best that he (and Mo) stay down in developmental as long as Danny Davis feels it necessary. Mo hasn't even been around for a year in OVW, and yet people are still bitching.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, shock of all shocks, members of the IWC are being impatient.
Quinton knows a ton about building a fight. Pride FC back in the early 2000's where Jackson made his name, relied heavily on a pro wrestling model. He was one of the Americans to be embraced by the Japanese audience. That charisma carried over to the UFC.

For TNA it's a fantastic pick up. I think he can be on television as soon as they want, giving him as little on TV ring time as they can while he trains.

Any fan that has a problem with this acquisition needs to lighten up. It is a great opportunity for the company and really the biggest signing they've had since Kurt Angle.
WHAT! WHAT! That was my first reaction. I'm excited that's cool. I like that TNA is thinking outside the box and doing something hasn't done lately. I know all about Brock Lesnar, but in my eyes and in a lot of ways he was in the WWE family and they brought him back in. I do enjoy my UFC and MMA very much and I like to the worlds collide. And to fans who love wrestling who love UFC/MMA if there ever was a guy to bring into a pro wrestling atmosphere RAMPAGE has to be top 5 even in 2013. It's a great moment a lot of people are marking out right now, as I am.

See, there's a difference between Goldberg and Rampage Jackson; Rampage loved wrestling before he actually got into it. He was legitimately a huge fan, he legitimately loved wrestling, he was as happy as a pig in poop just being at Raw, he seems to legitimately want to be a wrestler.

I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say that from everything I've heard, Rampage wants to be here, and not just collect a payday.

Also, Ron Simmons, Paul Wight, Kevin Nash, Hacksaw Jim Duggan; all guys who came from other sports who seem to have done pretty well for themselves in the wrestling bidness.

Dan Severn and Ken Shamrock?

Also, while we're talking big in "real sports", Brock Lesnar was a monster in wrestling, before he joined WWE. Make no mistake about it, Brock probably could have been an Olympic wrestler.

Granted, Brock also came for money, but he did make it.

It's not fair to expect Mo to be out of OVW any faster than they're progressing him. He literally signed with them one year ago. Lesnar spent two years at OVW, and was a natural. So did Cena, so did Batista. And these were guys who made this their only source of income; Mo's training as a wrestler, and an MMA fighter.

Don't you think you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater here?

It also provides some synergy with Bellator, always a good thing to have within a network.

Did I miss the part where King Mo was shot right to the upper card of TNA. Hell, when has TNA ever shoved Mo down our throats?



I'm not sure if you've been watching a marathon of Gray Maynard matches (in which case I totally understand where this comes from), but most MMA fighters today are actually better promo cutters than the actual wrestlers are. It isn't just Chael; Nick Diaz, Roy Nelson, Ben Henderson, fuck I'll take a Urijah Faber promo over 99% of the guys in WWE or TNA.

I disagree with that; Rampage was one of the most lucrative fighters for UFC in the history of the promotion.

This, I'll agree with, but it isn't as though they're excavating some skeleton here. He literally left UFC less than half a year ago. This would be like saying you wouldn't take Peyton Manning, because he's not near his prime, and was done after his neck injury.

Then why did they buy tickets to watch him fight?

We do?

Except you're incorrect on all of these accounts.

I would enjoy this, actually.

Remember that whole Frank Trigg/AJ Styles deal a couple years ago?

I wish I didn't either.

Let's see what he can do first; the man has a natural charisma, and loves the sport. So let's just try and see what he can do, maybe?

Amen. Thank goodness you're on this board. I John Cena salute you not the "You Can't See Me" the other one. Actually maybe I shouldn't that is not flattering on this board. Great post.

I don't expect him to be a good talker, I don't expect him to be a good wrestler and he won't be. He's an athlete, but wrestling is a whole different story. It takes a lot more than bumping in order to be even a decent wrestler and I guarantee you, Jackson doesn't have it. This also goes to all the WWE bullshit about football players becoming wrestlers. It can't happen.

Yes, it has happened with some people like Goldberg and The Rock, but these guys weren't known for being football players, they just played football and went to wrestling because of injuries. Actually, Rock shouldn't even be on this list because he has ties to wrestling.

Same goes for MMA fighters. I bet some would fit in, but I've never seen a WELL KNOWN MMA fighter make it big in wrestling and make a successful transition.

The only person to achieve something big in real sports and move on to wrestling is Kurt Angle. One in a million. Literally.

So, Jackson will be no different than King Mo or whoever else tried to transition. However, what Jackson will bring will be (temporary) media buzz, coverage, some attention and TNA's name will be mentioned here and there. Good enough for them, they have enough great wrestlers, they need some buzz. It never hurts.

However, this helps everyone but us - the fans. What we will get now is Rampage Jackson being shoved down our throats and overhyped just because of who he is. NONE of us will like it and enjoy his work. He'll suck. MMA fighters are the most charisma and personality deprived people on the planet. Almost none of them are showmen, they're all straight up fighters and those people are lame in wrestling.

Even though TNA will get publicity, even non-wrestling fans will not care because:

1. No one gives a fuck about Rampage Jackson.

2. He's not in his peak, he's not "hot", he's been done for a while.

3. No one gives a fuck what he does.

4. No one gives a fuck about fake wrestling.

So when you combine those things, you have a guy no one cares about, joining a business nobody cares about. Big, fucking, deal.

The best thing they can get out of this is to train him so he's not terrible and put him in a team with King Mo. That'll be very, very unique and maybe even interesting in some fashion.

OR, like Rayne said, feud him with Angle. Actually, have them have a semi-real MMA fight. They'll hit eachother and punch eachother, only there'll be some kind of predetermined finish. That might be cool and Angle can take a beating. He'd probably suggest it.

Otherwise, yes this IS a big signing and Dixie didn't lie. However, it doesn't get me excited one bit. I'm more interested in literally everything else that's happening on Impact, but this.

Oh well, business move, fans will hate it, it'll be sort of good for them.

Anything you said about him not being a good talker or not having any charisma is completely off the wall. I'm sorry. Do you know who Quinton "Rampage" Jackson is? Have you seen his fights? Have you seen his interviews? Did you see the Ultimate Fighter Reality Show that went on for 2 months where he had the heated rivarly with Rashad Evans? Did you see his countless back and forths on that show with Rashad Evans? Did you see the his fued with Wanderlei Silva in Pride and UFC. Did you see him on TV at all?

I'm sorry but being one of the best known personalities, having a larger than life personality is one of the key things he's know for. The millions and millions of MMA fans reading that are scratching their heads right now. Goodness just google anything with him. Sorry but that was a totally false statement.

Sorry but Quinton Jackson isn't Ken Shamrock, he'S not Brock Lesnar, the guy as a personality of a doorknob and sadly not one casual fan know who he is and i don'T see MMA fans tuning in to TNA to watch him perform in a fake sport.

"Personality of a door knob" You read at least half of what I wrote to the gentleman above. Sorry guys but wow.


All in all I come from the mentality let's give someone an opportunity and see how they do. If they don't use it wisely and have a bad attitude then they're out or need a talking to. I am aware of TNA and Pacman Jones, but if it works for TNA great it's a plus, if it doesn't work, it didn't work they have so many other things going on. Quinton Rampage Jackson in TNA does still deserve fans to go "HOLY S***, THIS IS AWESOME!" Jackson said he wanted to get in pro wrestling before MMA in past interviews as well. I swear sometimes these boards are here to critique and discuss but sometimes can't we just be fans and enjoy and be excited for a second.
"wrestling" fans might not be happy. if Jackson can't "wrestle", so what? Hulk Hogan wasn't exactly known for wrestling ability. it's more than wrestling ability. Impact Wrestling is a TV show. you can still be a star without having great wrestling ability.

I don't watch MMA, so his name is only some what recognizable to me. but if he is a well known name in MMA this can help in recognition. hopefully this can get picked up by ESPN and other sporting shows.

I think Jackson has more potential than someone like John Morrison.

when would he be able to make his first appearance in TNA? still waiting for King Mo to wrestling debut.
how much better/bigger name is Jackson than Mo?
For all those "Who cares?" and "Who the fuck is he really?!", I can only say that I'm someone who recognizes Rampage Jackson and respects his accomplishments and please note that I REALLY dislike MMA so I'm surely not the only one for whom Jackson has name recognition. A good enough move for the Triad of TNA, Bellator and Spike, I must admit. I'm at least willing to give the guy a running chance, he might actually surprise us. Other performers have genuinely surprised us in the past, don't we like surprises? Could be better than rehashes and repetitiveness.
I'll ultimately have to reserve judgment until after I see what the guy's capable of. I'm not at all surprised at the mixed reaction that the announcement has been getting. If WWE had announced they were bringing in Jackson, the IWC would be pouring even more hate than TNA is getting, including some on these forums who seem to think that it's okay since it's TNA who signed him instead. ;)

It's a signing that'll, if nothing else, generate some mainstream media coverage for TNA, at least potentially. I certainly don't expect to see Jackson in the ring wrestling anytime soon. They'll probably have him out this Thursday hyping his signing and he'll be interrupted by someone like Robbie E or Joey Ryan for the purposes of having Jackson pop the crowd by beating them up. Afterward, he'll probably head to OVW soon to begin to learn how to be a pro wrestler. While he might wind up surprising us all and proving people wrong, I'm not expecting him to be a gamechanger for TNA. I'm just hoping that Jackson doesn't have the mind set in which he just thinks pro wrestling is an easy way to earn some money. After all, he turns 35 in about 2.5 weeks, which is fairly old for a fighter, and has lost four of his last six fights. So I can see where people would believe that he's long since hit his peak as an MMA fighter.

I don't know if Jackson is really any more mainstream than Lesnar. It's true that Jackson was B. A. Baracus in The A-Team movie, but that was almost exactly 3 years ago and Jackson's acting career hasn't exactly skyrocketed. He's appeared in a few low budget, straight to DVD action movies but that's about it. The A-Team wasn't a huge hit either with only about $176 million at the box office worldwide. It didn't lose any money, but it wasn't a blockbuster by any stretch. Brock Lesnar, whether many MMA fans loved him or hated him, brought in more money to the UFC than anybody else. He might not go down as one of the all time greats or anything, but when it comes to star power, I just don't really see Jackson in Lesnar's league whether it's MMA or pro wrestling.
Hey, you know what I love? Wrestling. You know what I'm indifferent about? MMA.

You know what I think is really fucking stupid? MMA guys in wrestling. People who like MMA like MMA because it isn't wrestling. You're not going to get crossover fans. You're going to get MMA fans saying "hey, did you hear Rampage is like, wrestling now?", maybe watch one episode and not give a shit, then go back to MMA. Meanwhile, people who like actual wrestling get a guy who will probably be, on his best day, a mediocre wrestler, but get his ass kissed to high hell.

This is just WWE/WCW bringing in football guys all over again. It's almost never good unless they were young and put in years of work, which Rampage isn't and isn't going to do given TNA's general schizophrenia with their booking.
how much of a wrestling TV show has quality in ring wrestling from start to finish?

how much of a wrestler was Bill Goldberg? Goldberg had an incredible impact back in WCW. all Jackson needs is a few spot moves and he could have a big Impact.

professional wrestling isn't just about wrestling. it's story line and entertainment, with some wrestling involved.
It's Damn Real! said:


MMA Icon, Movie Star & now @IMPACTWRESTLING Superstar! Welcome Quinton "Rampage" Jackson (@Rampage4real) to the family.


The official TNA press release here: http://www.impactwrestling.com/news/...g+(old))


There it is. I'd imagine this is the "big" signing Dixie was teasing a few days back.

Please keep the discussion about this signing here, as I'll be closing the old thread momentarily, and remember this is a NO-SPAM section of the forum. All posts about this will need to have reason and substance. Do not just post one-word responses or silly quips. For that, direct your comments to the SPAM-Friendly version of this thread here: http://forums.wrestlezone.com/showthread.php?t=255893

ok so the best possibility I can see out of this is for tna to run a story line where mma fighters such as king mo and jackson beat down on the roster. Not as an invasion angle but as a sort of ' we are harder than you' angle. Could lead to some very intersting matches and possibly see the return of stipulation matches (such as money for whoever cn beat said person) although able to talk (can't really tell yet) they could have a speaker, preferably a female one who could fight in the KO so as to make it a wider angle. This would never be a main storyline but could be fun and possibly bring some level of prestige to the tv title. Only thing is I don't think it would work whilst the aces and eights are still a dominant threat ( though it could be a 3rd party contender).

To me if they don't run with some sort of mma angle then to me the signimg holds no significance. though I would like to be proved wrong.

Posted from Wrestlezone.com App for Android
ok so the best possibility I can see out of this is for tna to run a story line where mma fighters such as king mo and jackson beat down on the roster. Not as an invasion angle but as a sort of ' we are harder than you' angle. Could lead to some very intersting matches and possibly see the return of stipulation matches (such as money for whoever cn beat said person) although able to talk (can't really tell yet) they could have a speaker, preferably a female one who could fight in the KO so as to make it a wider angle. This would never be a main storyline but could be fun and possibly bring some level of prestige to the tv title. Only thing is I don't think it would work whilst the aces and eights are still a dominant threat ( though it could be a 3rd party contender).

To me if they don't run with some sort of mma angle then to me the signimg holds no significance. though I would like to be proved wrong.

Posted from Wrestlezone.com App for Android

I think the whole "we're harder" thing is good on paper, but in reality they should avoid it. Think of the outcomes.

1. The MMA guys say they're tougher so they go against wrestlers. Either way, the MMA guys have to do fake wrestling in order to fight and the viewer will immediately notice this, thus the MMA guys will lose their testicles on the spot. It's actually the same thing that happened to Lesnar. Difference is, Lesnar already knew how to wrestle when he came back, so he knew how to be a ruthless wrestler. Do these guys know how to? Maybe. Crack someone open with a chair shot, brass knuckles, it might work in this case. However, I think we're burned out on people coming in in groups and wanting stuff. I certainly couldn't take another "TNA vs [Insert People Here]".

2. Even if it works, someone has to win and someone has to lose. If the MMA guys win, it makes wrestlers look like *****es. If the wrestlers win, it makes the MMA guys look like *****es and no one will believe it since nowadays nobody's watching as a fan. They're 50% fans (i.e it's still real for me dammit) and 50% knowing the behind the scenes stuff and who's who and whatnot. Mind you, you don't have to be a smark to know these things. I showed wrestling to a buddy of mine recently and all he kept repeating was "It is so fake, it is so fake, that could never happen".

Either way, Rampage is apparently coming to Impact this Thursday so this should be interesting at least. It's nice timing too since Slammiversary was really good, Hardy's back and Rampage debuts. I expect an extremely low rating for TNA (it's bizzaro world in wrestling these days).
Ehhh, I am lukewarm to this idea. A few people have mentioned the success rate of UFC guys going to pro wrestling and some have mentioned Dan Severn and Ken Shamrock. While Shamrock did go pretty far Severn was all but a complete bust. Lesner doesn't count. I was the biggest fan of UFC when Lesner was active, but I have always been a causal fan of the sport. Rampage is a beast, and he actually can talk well. He will also garner them a little bit of media attention, but that will die out sooner rather than later. I am going to keep an open mind about this, and given that he is a huge wrestling fan maybe he will dedicate himself to it and it will turn out well. I am just not going to hold my breath on this one.
This is huge for TNA to do something like this. Rampage Jackson is a huge huge asset. He loved and still loves legit wrestling always had even before he was a star in MMA. Plus man can he ever cut a fucking promo. You ever hear his promos about Rashad and Wanderlei Silva? Some of the best promos ever. Plus really how can anyone say they dont give a fuck about him?

I sure as hell do,and so do a lot of other people. This guy,has a huge huge following. Only Hardcore MMA fans know who King MO is but Ramapge is recognized the world over. If he only provides a short term boost to TNA and Bellator,thats more of a boost than they had before him right? True yes he is past his prime,but he is an athlete and if Rampage has his heart in it then he can do a lot for the promotion.
This looks like another signing just like King Mo. I don't expect Rampage to step into the ring as a wrestler in any way. All this is from what I can gather is Bellator and TNA joining forces again. It's not a bad signing per se; but after a few guest appearances, then what? New GM maybe? Doubt it. Bodyguard for A&8's? Nah don't see it. Maybe he'll ref the eventual match between Hogan and Bully. :banghead:
I've always been a huge fan of Rampage so I'm understandably excited, but I think this is great for TNA. He's a name that has a lot of fans, people will want to see what he is up to. We all read Dixie talking about a "big" signing and expected disappointment, "big" name free agents simply aren't just floating around, everyone thought they had all the possible names covered but then boom a true big name surprise, well done Dixie.

Rampage has always been a guy who could potentially make this cross over, everyone who has followed him knows this guy is gold when it comes to talking. He's got attitude, he's got charisma, he is a legit bad ass.

I'm just hoping we actually see him for more than just a couple of pop up appearances and then he drifts into oblivion.

I don't see the King Mo comparisons beyond them both being MMA guys, Rampage is a MUCH bigger deal than King Mo is.

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