Quick Thoughts: Is there another way for Christian to win the title?

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King Of The Ring
Because I dont see Orton losing the title via DQ directly, which they played up so nicely on Smackdown Friday. Christian got into Orton's head quickly, mocking his father, vandalizing his tour bus, losing his money at roulette, and mocking his movie. Christian also cost Orton his match against Kane in the main event when he came out, Orton came after him, and was counted out. All of this played into Orton's anger management issues he's had in the past, and how Christian just might have put him over the edge. I still see Orton being able to maintain his cool, yet still getting DQ'd a different way one that's of no relation to Orton's actions. How?

Enter Edge. Edge, in character, did a sitdown with WWE.com about his returning to WWE at FanAxxess at Summerslam. In the interview, he was asked about Christian's heel turn, and he simply said, "I support him in all that he does." Could Edge possibly be the deciding factor in their match? With the way the storyline has been playing out, I could see Christian doing everything in his power to piss Orton off to the point of being DQ'd, and being unsuccesful. Plan B, being Edge, then comes into place. He strolls down to the ring, and sits in on commentary. Im not sure how much physicality he can handle, but I could see a scenario playing out where Christian pushes off the RKO, only to be dragged out of the ring and punched by Edge. Christian could easily play indignant at the fact that his best friend had hit him, then "realize" he had won the title because that would cause a DQ for Orton. I dont know if thats the route they will take, but I see it as being plausible.

Thoughts on this?
Genius! I never thought of this! I would love to see Edge back for the night, because if it means getting Christian a World Title, I want it to happen. It's a very damn good idea. I could Orton being so fucked over right now though, that he steps the line and accidentally gets himself DQ'ed or counted out, something like that. However, this Edge idea is a great one. He could simply come to Ringside, which gears Christian up and puts Orton even more off course, giving Christian the win.

If I could rep you at this moment, I would, because you deserve it. This is a clever idea, which until now, I didn't think of. I sort of wish you hadn't said it, because I will slightly be expecting it during the match and if it does/doesn't happen, I'll be either marking out/disappointed. Either way, good idea.
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