question obut buring movies to DVD


Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
when i download a movie i make sure it's in .avi format so it plays on Windows Media player.

I burned one to a DVD and it won't work in my 360. I don't own a regular DVD player so I was wondering if there is something i need to do to get it to work in my 360.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you have to own a 360 that has the function to PLAY DVDs first?

They won't just play them without having the proper set-up, first. Or maybe this was the original xbox. I forget. Either way, buy a damn DVD player - you can find them for as low as $20.00.
Yeah, there is an optional media update that you have to download before it plays AVI files. Still, it should have played. Convert it to MP4 or .DVD with a media converter before you burn the disk and everything should be fine.
when i download a movie i make sure it's in .avi format so it plays on Windows Media player.

I burned one to a DVD and it won't work in my 360. I don't own a regular DVD player so I was wondering if there is something i need to do to get it to work in my 360.
Why not just burn it as a DVD? Then it can be played on any DVD player? Most Windows Vista and Windows 7 machines have a program called Windows DVD Maker. Burn it with that.

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