Question I hope an Australian can help me with.

Saturday night I was browsing through channels, TNA was on which I watched for a while. During the ad break I had a quick look to see if anything better was on, and came across Australian professional wrestling. The production values of the show were terrible and the commentator was very average but neverless, here was Australian wrestling, I didnt know it was on tv at all.

Unfortunately I couldnt find the name of the promotion strangely enough, and am merely curious, can anyone (J-dogg) help me out?
This is AWF Wrestling.

Pretty decent actually for an Australian Indy show. Recently saw ex-TNA Sonjay Dutt and Dragon Gate's CIMA make appearences. Not too shabby.

I'd ask J-Dogg but I know that if it's not John Cena or D-Man naked with a snorkel wrestling, then it's not a wrestling program J-Dogg watches at all.
Cheers Macca, I only watched a little and the terrible quality may have given me the impression that it was shit.. Was probably watching Fucking J-Dogg for all I knew.. I guess Zeven is onto something
There is also another indy wrestling show that starts with an "I" at the front, has shitty production values and gets televised a lot. If I could tell you what it was I would, but they are very meh... but it's still wrestling.

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