PWI Awards 2011


Recently, Pro Wrestling Illustrated announced the winners of their annual awards that recognizes certain achievements in wrestling. Some consider PWI practically gospel and some don't. Me, it's just an interesting topic to talk about. There weren't any major surprises in the awards this year and the read as follows:

Wrestler of the Year

Winner: CM Punk

1st Runner Up: John Cena
2nd Runner Up: Davey Richards
3rd Runner Up: Bobby Roode

Thoughts - No surprise here and it certainly went to the right wrestler. CM Punk has had a phenomenal year and has emerged as one of the most exciting main eventers to come about in years. Punk is also arguably the best overall pro wrestler in the world today and has shown why he could lay a legit claim in numerous matches and promo segments throughout the year.

Tag Team of the Year

Winner: Beer Money

1st Runner Up: Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team
2nd Runner Up: Air Boom
3rd Runner Up: Kings of Wrestling

Thoughts - I've no real issue with Beer Money winning it this year, though I think it a little odd that they took it this year instead of last year. Tag team wrestling in TNA in 2010 as a whole was much stronger than it was in 2011 and Beer Money was a much stronger team. The writing seemed to be on the wall that BM would end in 2011 and both would go off into singles careers. Personally, I'd have gone with WGTT just because of ROH's stronger tag scene in general and the dominance they enjoyed throughout 2011 as the ROH tag champs. Air Boom had a good year and it was nice to see a young, energetic team bring some life and restore some relevance to the WWE Tag Team Championship. They were on a very nice role until Evan Bourne's mishaps. Kings of Wrestling dominated ROH tag team scene with a reign 2 days shy of being a full year before dropping the straps to WGTT. A strong case could've been made for them as team of the year in 2010 as well, but you also got the sense that it was kind of over for them in 2011.

Match of the Year

Winner: CM Punk vs. John Cena: Money in the Bank, July 17, 2011

Thoughts - Again, no surprise here. The match simply had everything going for it that anyone could ask. It had a great build to it, great storyline, great action and a live crowd that was any wrestler's dream. It was a huge moment for CM Punk winning the WWE Championship in his hometown and this is a match that will easily be looked back on as a classic.

Feud of the Year

Winner: CM Punk vs. John Cena

1st Runner Up: Randy Orton vs. Christian
2nd Runner Up: Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett
3rd Runner Up: Briscoe Brothers vs. All Night Express

Thoughts - This is ultimately the feud & program that firmly planted CM Punk in the main event scene and put aside any doubts that he didn't have the ability to be a main event player. Orton vs. Christian was a great feud over the summer that gave some tremendous matches both on tv & ppv. I wasn't a fan of Angle vs. Jarrett. It dragged out for too long, it was very repetitive and I was especially turned off when the Angle & Jarrett children were used in the angle. I can't really comment on BB vs. ANE as I'd never really saw ROH before late last year. Still, I doubt it'd really measure up to the overall buzz & interest generated by Punk vs. Cena.

Most Popular Wrestler of the Year

Winner: CM Punk

1st Runner Up: John Cena
2nd Runner Up: Sting
3rd Runner Up: Randy Orton

Thoughts - No explanation needed really. Punk's popularity has skyrocketed since this past summer and shows no sign of ebbing. This makes three years in a row for Cena at 2nd and while he frequently gets mixed reactions, Cena always gets a massive response from the crowd. Sting has always been over no matter where he is, but I can't say I agree with putting him ahead of Orton. Most of 2011, we saw Sting in the Impact Zone where most fans sit on their hands and barely make a sound whereas we saw Orton in arenas all over the country & world garnering massive pops wherever. Not that Sting isn't extremely popular, it's just so much easier to see Orton's than Sting's.

Most Hated Wrestler of the Year

Winner: The Miz

1st Runner Up: Alberto Del Rio
2nd Runner Up: Christian
3rd Runner Up: Kurt Angle

Thoughts - The Miz was easily the top heel in WWE for the first half of 2011. Some weren't fans of him, some loved him but everyone paid attention to him. He's the longest reigning WWE Champion in several years and continued to frequently be someone that fans simply wanted to see the snot beaten out of. Alberto Del Rio was someone who had a great first half of the year before things started to go a bit downhill. Christian also got some great heat as a heel as did Angle. Personally, I believe that Mark Henry should've been at least 1st Runner Up in my view.

Most Improved Wrestler of the Year

Winner: Mark Henry

1st Runner Up: Kelly Kelly
2nd Runner Up: Eddie Edwards
3rd Runner Up: Zack Ryder

Thoughts - Who else could it have realistically been but Mark Henry? Over the course of the past 7 months or so, Mark Henry has been one of the best things going in wrestling. It's so shocking that he's gone from being completely irrelevant for the vast majority of his career to outstanding all within the span of a year. Putting Kelly Kelly 2nd is a joke in my view. Dolph Ziggler, Cody Rhodes, Bobby Roode, James Storm, Wade Barrett and half a dozen other guys that spring to mind would've been far worthier choices. It's also sad that none of those guys made the top 4.

Most Inspirational Wrestler of the Year

Winner: Rosita

1st Runner Up: Gregory Iron
2nd Runner Up: Rob Fury
3rd Runner Up: CM Punk

Thoughts - I honestly fail to see why Rosita should get this. I know her father died on 9/11 and that she spoke out of character regarding him during the 9/11 anniversary at the No Surrender ppv. It's a tragic happening no doubt but I don't really see much inspiration. Gregory Iron was born weighing a pound, has Cerebral Palsy that's withered his left arm & given it a limited range of motion, his mother was a drug addict who got custody of him after his parents were divorced, he practically raised his little brothers until his mother went to jail and his father was awarded custody. He's been out on the indy circuit since about 2006. Everybody from Colt Cabana to CM Punk has heaped praise onto him. Sorry but he's just the guy that should've gotten this.

Rookie of the Year

Winner: Ace Hawkins

1st Runner Up: Nick Madrid
2nd Runner Up: Leakee
3rd Runner Up: Briley Pierce

Thoughts - Can't say anything about this one way or another as I'm not familiar with any of these wrestlers.

Stanley Weston Award

Winner: Macho Man Randy Savage

Thoughts - This is basically a lifetime achievement award that some wrestlers have won while still alive, during the last year of their career or posthumously. Macho Man Randy Savage will be thought of as an all time great by anyone that's watched pro wrestling in the past 30 years. Simply put, Savage was someone that had it all. Even though he generally played second fiddle to Hulk Hogan or Ric Flair, Savage's overall talent was more than enough to secure his spot as one of the industry's greatest stars.

Comeback of the Year

Winner: Sting

1st Runner Up: Mark Henry
2nd Runner Up: Austin Aries
3rd Runner Up: Montel Vontavious Porter

Thoughts - I like Sting, always have and I've always respected him. I know he probably won this award mostly for having another run as TNA World Heavyweight Champion. To me, his run was mediocre and he was just a guy TNA trusted to carry the strap after taking it from Hardy. He's one of those guys that's pretty much above titles now. I'd have gone with Henry for the win here. Everything he's been involved in has been solid gold since this past summer and had one of the most dominant World Championship runs in recent memory. Austin Aries is one of the bright new stars in TNA and has been the only one keeping the X Division at all relevant or interesting since he arrived. MVP has found success in Japan and that's great, including becoming the first ever IWGP Intercontinental Champion.

Woman of the Year

Winner: Mickie James

1st Runner Up: Kelly Kelly
2nd Runner Up: Beth Phoenix
3rd Runner Up: Madison Eagles

Thoughts - No surprise to see Mickie James win this for the 2nd time in three years. Overall, Mickie James has been the single biggest force in women's wrestling and is probably the biggest star in women's wrestling since Trish Stratus. Kelly Kelly is beautiful, she has legitimately improved her work inside the ring and she's one of the few WWE Divas that gets a strong response from the crowd. Beth Phoenix is a great talent that's got the ability in the ring and has delivered some pretty good promos. Both she & Kelly Kelly have been the only things keeping the Divas the slightest bit relevant since the departue of Kharma.

Do you think PWI hit the nail on the head this year? Do you think some wrestlers should've won that weren't in the running? Discuss away.
Wrestler of the Year

Winner: CM Punk

1st Runner Up: John Cena
2nd Runner Up: Davey Richards
3rd Runner Up: Bobby Roode

Pretty much as expected CM Punk is going to win plenty of EOY awards here and in Metzler's awards. I don't have a problem with him winning since this was truly his year. He went from being the leader of a decaying New Nexus to battling Cena in a 5-star match, and holding his spot at the top for the rest of the year.

Tag Team of the Year

Winner: Beer Money

1st Runner Up: Wrestling's Greatest Tag Team
2nd Runner Up: Air Boom
3rd Runner Up: Kings of Wrestling

Beer Money had a great year both as a tag team and individual. I think what more attributed to their winning of this award was their late singles run late last year, but the tag team run was great as well. As for the other 2 teams, I think Air Boom was a good tag team but not really anything groundbreaking. They where the most consistent team in WWE this year, which is not saying much. I have seen a couple of Kings of Wrestling matches but never avidly followed them, so I can't comment here.

Match of the Year

Winner: CM Punk vs. John Cena: Money in the Bank, July 17, 2011

Even less of a surprise than the Wrestler of the Year award. This match had it all from great moves, fantastic storylines and a satisfying finish. The tension was so high on that night that the suspension and anticipation left me glued to my screen. I have never liked any other Cena/Punk matches besides this one and thier Summerslam match, so my expectations where destroyed in the awe of watching this.

Feud of the Year

Winner: CM Punk vs. John Cena

1st Runner Up: Randy Orton vs. Christian
2nd Runner Up: Kurt Angle vs. Jeff Jarrett
3rd Runner Up: Briscoe Brothers vs. All Night Express

I'm shocked that Cena/Rock wasn't nominated, but I guess that will have to wait until the 2012 awards. Punk/Cena was the most entertaining feud of the whole year by a large margin. Every time these 2 picked up a mic pure gold came out of their mouths. The matches where just as good as well, this was the unanimous winner. Orton/Christian provided us with ring work only second to Cena/Punk, but it got repetitive when it dragged out to Capitol Punishment. However it payed off at Summerslam, Over the Limit, the live Smackdown, and their first encounter after Extreme Rules. Jarrett/Angle was so uninteresting. I don't find it tasteless to include children in wrestling storylines, then again I'm pretty insensitive myself:suspic:. However it dragged out SO LONG, the finish should have been in that awesome match at Lockdown but it went on incessantly until they had a rather anti-climatic finish at Slammiversary.

Most Popular Wrestler of the Year

Winner: CM Punk

1st Runner Up: John Cena
2nd Runner Up: Sting
3rd Runner Up: Randy Orton

There is not much I can say other than Punk's popularity rose unexpectedly high after the shoot. Cena is always popular, as is Orton and Sting. [/QUOTE]

Most Hated Wrestler of the Year

Winner: The Miz

1st Runner Up: Alberto Del Rio
2nd Runner Up: Christian
3rd Runner Up: Kurt Angle

I think Mark Henry should have won this. The Miz got great heat by attacking Cena constantly but he was always in the shadow of the Rock. Not to the extent that people were claiming around Wrestlemania time but he was certainly not as vital to the feud as Rock/Cena were. Del Rio got good heat at the start of the year, but then I stopped caring about him when my attention went toward's Punk. Christian and Angle were great heels but then again that should be expected out of veterans like them. Mark Henry on the other hand had great heat after making his heel turn and creating the "Hall of Pain". He went from being the Koo... oh wait that's for the next award.

Most Improved Wrestler of the Year

Winner: Mark Henry

1st Runner Up: Kelly Kelly
2nd Runner Up: Eddie Edwards
3rd Runner Up: Zack Ryder

Continuing on, he went from being Kool aid smiley man to the big monster he once was. I was skeptical at first since he has been like this before and failed, but he proved me wrong. I am indifferent as to Kelly Kelly being the runner up, I have never cared about her and never will. Edwards I have seen a couple of matches including him, but like Kings of Wrestling never followed him avidly. Ryder went from Jobber on Superstars to one of the most over guys in the company period.

Most Inspirational Wrestler of the Year

Winner: Rosita

1st Runner Up: Gregory Iron
2nd Runner Up: Rob Fury
3rd Runner Up: CM Punk

What? Rosita got this? I didn't see No Surrender and I don't find Punk or whoever Fury is inspirational. Judging by the story JH just told of Irons I would give this to him.

Rookie of the Year

Winner: Ace Hawkins

1st Runner Up: Nick Madrid
2nd Runner Up: Leakee
3rd Runner Up: Briley Pierce

I have no idea who any of these guys are at all.

Stanley Weston Award

Winner: Macho Man Randy Savage

A posthumous award basically but a rightfully deserved posthumous award he is regarded as one of WWE's sacred legends and I can see why. He worked his ass off most of his career as an output he is a Hall of Famer not only in WWE/F but in all of professional wrestling.

Comeback of the Year

Winner: Sting

1st Runner Up: Mark Henry
2nd Runner Up: Austin Aries
3rd Runner Up: Montel Vontavious Porter

Sting makes a comeback just about every year so I would give this to Mark Henry. Once again from irrelevancy to a triumphant heel ( in terms of getting heat. Aries is awesome as hell, and I have not seen anything of MVP's since his release.

Woman of the Year

Winner: Mickie James

1st Runner Up: Kelly Kelly
2nd Runner Up: Beth Phoenix
3rd Runner Up: Madison Eagles

To keep it short Mickie James kept the Knockouts division from falling into the depths of (gasp) of the Divas. Phoenix is always a great talent with a a great year behind her. She is the most talented Diva in WWE at the moment. I could give 2 shits about the other 2.

Do you think PWI hit the nail on the head this year? Do you think some wrestlers should've won that weren't in the running? Discuss away.

2011 was a year where it it's pretty obvious who is/was going to win End of the Year awards. No surprises here, but then again if there where any, they probably would have awarded the wrong person/match/storyline the award.

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