Putting "Superstars" back on saturday mornings...


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was reading through the forums today and got to thinking.... What if they put "Supertars" on saturday mornings again? Maybe on Cartoon Network or a network more people get?

I mean, sure, the kids probably care as much for the "superstars" on the program as us adults, but, I couldn't help but think...maybe the kids would take to a guy like Ryder more than us adults? Maybe guys like Masters would look more like a legit badass to a kid? etc etc.....

Getting these guys over with the kids would be nothing but a good thing. Hell, throw a main event a week with some of the big name guys on there.

What do you guys think?
It's not a bad idea. Watching wrestling in the late 80's on a Saturday morning is how I became a fan. I would watch WWF Superstars followed by USWA. This was before Raw ever got started, so it's pretty much the only wrestling I had. So I know from experience that it can bring in more fans.

But don't put it on a channel that will make people think it's JUST for kids. Please no one give me that PG is for kids crap, the PG rating is for FAMILIES, not JUST the kids.
Yeh....i was the same way Capt. ... cartoon network was probably not the best choice, just randomly threw a major network out there..

Also... rating aside... most wrestling comes on later and most young kids dont get a chance to watch it, so this could bring in even more fans... not just kids, but parents watching with them too.
i think that would be a good idea... superstars is how I became a fan as well growing up. I still think using squash matches and promos during the match would still be a great way to develop talent and characters with the fans. They should go back to the original format exactly to give people a way to connect with the guys and for them to be able to showcase their moves and look dominant. It'll be a way to give everyone on raw and smackdown a chance to be taken seriously as the real contenders adn the true "jobbers" would the ones who are there to get squashed on superstars.
Im going to go in a totally different direction. This may sound ridiculous but who cares. I think WWE should hold ppvs or atleast SNME in an outdoor setting at around noon on a saturdays. I know we see WWE outdoors with tribute to troops, but my thinking is more representative of wmIX ceasar's palace. Dont know why, i just liked the venue. I also liked WM24, but would like to see matches mid day. Plus saturday is always better than sunday. Im just weird like that. WWE should atleast do more SNME shows if anything.
A few months back someone had posted about how to make superstars better and this is what I suggested. This would be a great way to get more younger viewers who can't stay up and watch Raw and Smackdown. It would also allow for some of the midcard titles to get more air time. Have the tag titles or U.S title defended on superstars. Opens up more time to push minor fueds that don't get time on the big shows.
I was on WWE.com earlier and was totally thinking this same thing. I'm NY and can't even watch Superstars. It makes no sense. I remember waking up Saturday Mornings and watching it as a child and it was just as good as RAW. They really do need to consider moving it to another station and day.

Cartoon Network would be perfect since WWE is PG now, it would only make sense
I thought this was a good idea until you started explaining it...Zack Ryder and Chris Masters are where there are not becuz kids do/dont take to them its becuz they SUCK...

like EVERYONE here THIS is how we learned to LOVE WWF (hey thats what it was called) but I agree with however said not cartoon network but more of like the WB, in my area the WB turned into the CW or my20 (my20 was also the channel that showed SD before SyFi) so putting it there after yu-gi0o or whatever crappy cartoons they now show would be great...

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