Push Matt Striker

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Why? Because he's annoying. He's not one of those wrestlers you love to hate. He's one of those wrestlers that you hate for no reason. Is he a good wrestler? I don't know. In the few years he's been in WWE I've hardly ever seen him wrestle. He wasn't a good wrestler when he was doing indy shows. But maybe he was inexperienced. His mic skills are fine. He strikes me as the sort of wrestler who could generate amazing heat. I don't see why they have him managing Viscera & Henry. He has way more potential. And he doesn't distract you with jiggly boobies.
I agree, matt striker has way more potential, he is an instant heat magnet, i dont know why he isnt working on his own character instead he is managing the reincarnation of the twin towers (with more flab), its just nuts i tell ya, i think they should at least place him in a heel stable or tag team!
Matt Striker wasn't that good of a teacher either...that dude left us with puzzled looks on our faces at times. Maybe it was us the kids but I get a kick outta watching him on T.V. Every time he comes on I say,"look there's my old teacher."

I transferred outta Cardozo and started going to Bayside high school but regardless....

I agreee he does seem like he can generate heat. I think it'd be nice to strap that vacant crusierweight title on him. So he can up himself against lower card guys, basically the crusierweights.
"Push Matt Striker"

Unless the ending of that statement is going to be "out a window!" Then I don't agree. The guy has great skills at being a manager, & a mouth piece.. but even at that, he's annoying. His wrestling skills are average, at the very best. And at that point, I'd rather see someone with no wrestling talent, such as say.. Mark Henry, than see someone with no charisma, or nature overall selling ability, such as Matt Striker.

The teacher gimmick is on for him, because its real. But it doesn't sell anything. Furthermore, the guy, again.. average talent can only take you so far, & his best spot right now is manager. This reminds me of Santino Marella, to be honest. Just like Santino, he's great on the mic.. but in the ring, nothing leaps out at you that screams "push me"

Unless its "out a window."
Will do you honestly think that wrestling is important? After Owen Hart broke his kneck Austin couldn't wrestle for shit. So what did he do? He adapted. There are plenty of styles out there. I'm sure that almost anybody can adapt and be good at a certain one.
I would absolutely love to see Matt Striker back in the ring, as a regular, and not just as a manager. I know that popular oppinion is that he sucks, but I love this guy. I would love to see him get some mid-card action. I completely think he has the potental, and he's amazing on the mike.
Will do you honestly think that wrestling is important? After Owen Hart broke his kneck Austin couldn't wrestle for shit. So what did he do? He adapted. There are plenty of styles out there. I'm sure that almost anybody can adapt and be good at a certain one.

But I think the difference is, Steve Austin had charisma & passion. What does Matt Striker bring to the table? He's a heel, but he doesn't get the heel heat of being hated as such.. he gets the "boring, bring out the next guy" heat, because noone likes him or thinks he's worth anything.

The thing I hate the most is when a wrestler gets the "boring" chant, & thats because that man or woman goes out there & performs to the best of their ability, & its harsh to disrespect them like that.. because they're doing something I'd say 90% or more of the audience couldn't even begin to attempt doing.

But on that note.. sometimes this business just isn't for every man or woman that laces up a pair of boots, & I don't see Matt Striker being "that guy" that can stick around for years, even as nothing. Hes someone that is on his last breath to me right now, because he's taken on the role of a manager & for a Professional wrestler to do that.. its normally down to two things. Manager, or Announcer.. & once neither of those things works anymore.. you're done.
But I think the difference is, Steve Austin had charisma & passion. What does Matt Striker bring to the table? He's a heel, but he doesn't get the heel heat of being hated as such.. he gets the "boring, bring out the next guy" heat, because noone likes him or thinks he's worth anything.

The thing I hate the most is when a wrestler gets the "boring" chant, & thats because that man or woman goes out there & performs to the best of their ability, & its harsh to disrespect them like that.. because they're doing something I'd say 90% or more of the audience couldn't even begin to attempt doing.

But on that note.. sometimes this business just isn't for every man or woman that laces up a pair of boots, & I don't see Matt Striker being "that guy" that can stick around for years, even as nothing. Hes someone that is on his last breath to me right now, because he's taken on the role of a manager & for a Professional wrestler to do that.. its normally down to two things. Manager, or Announcer.. & once neither of those things works anymore.. you're done.

I agree with Jake on this one, Striker can still work in the ring regardless of anything else, we have only seen him in a limited wrestling capacity on ECW before that he was on heat curtain jerking, IMO he can become a great midcard level heel and can be used to elevate others and still be other ala honkey tonk man, and the same as morella he is still young, you cant say well he wont do anything special in his career i think that his best days are yet to come and with time i think he will make you eat your words

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