Push Christy Hemme

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I think that TNA is not using Christy Hemme properly. Granted, she may not be the best as far as in-ring skills go, but she has got it going on in the sex appeal department...she was named the winner of a poll regarding female wrestling personalities gracing the cover of Playboy. She beat out all the current and former WWE Divas by a large margin, apparently.
She has got a great look, and she is a Playboy cover girl for goodness' sake! If I were TNA, I would capitalize on this. She is stuck with the sad-sack team of The Rock 'N Rave Infection, who seem to do nothing but job lately. Stick her in a more prominent role, as an interviewer or manager. That is just my opinion.
She has no ring skills. She has one of the sexiest finishers ive ever seen though, and the one time i heard don west say it was called the flying firecroch guillotine I still can get passed it. That being said she is a career manager, not an in ring talent. She has the look to be with a rocker but Rave and Hoyt aren't working. Its holding Jimmy back when he should be in an X division feud, its holding Christie back from backing a winnning individual or team and its holding back Hoyt in that ever since he was taken away from kid kash he hasnt done really anything. Now if they got a push though and got to show off their talent then maybe thats the best thing, and there you go thats how you push Christy, but she doesnt fit with anyone else.
TNA's women's roster is too talented in the ring. She's better suited for the WWE, right now. Maybe she could get in a feud with Salina from LAX.
I think that TNA is not using Christy Hemme properly. Granted, she may not be the best as far as in-ring skills go, but she has got it going on in the sex appeal department...she was named the winner of a poll regarding female wrestling personalities gracing the cover of Playboy. She beat out all the current and former WWE Divas by a large margin, apparently.
She has got a great look, and she is a Playboy cover girl for goodness' sake! If I were TNA, I would capitalize on this. She is stuck with the sad-sack team of The Rock 'N Rave Infection, who seem to do nothing but job lately. Stick her in a more prominent role, as an interviewer or manager. That is just my opinion.

First off, Christy already has a job as a manger, what? do you think she follows Hoyt and Rave around for fun? Christy is getting all the publicty she needs right now. A job as an interviewer would most likely cut her air time in half, seeing as the current backstage interviewers hardly play that big of a role as it is. Christy can't wrestle, she is the worst female wrestler in TNA, even behind Shelly Martinez, so a campaign for the belt is out of the question. All Christy has right now are her looks, and TNA seems to be capitalizing on those looks just fine right now. True, maybe Christy could be managing a better team than the Rock and Rave Infection, but what other tag teams are there in TNA, besides the Rock and Rave Infection, that (A) Are heels (B) Fit Christy's look (C) Don't already have a manger of there own? Not many. IMO Christy is fine where she is
I must agree. Christy Hemme is a stone cold fox. And she has busted her ass and paid her dues along the way to become a better wrestling entity. And she is a true asset to the ever growing Knockouts division. And that is where the problem lies.

When TNA signed the new crop of knockouts, they signed a bunch of actual wrestlers. Girls who have been wrestling for quite some time and know their way around the ring. And that left few places for the other girls to go. Miss Brooks found her nitch with Robert Roode and Miss Jackie barely was able to hop on James Storm's coattails(even though he doesn't need her). Gail Kim became the postergirl for TNA's new division, and that left Christy with nowhere to go as they had already tried her in a failed feud with VKM.

And it's clearly been shown by her tendency to get hurt in the ring that she can't take bumps in Knockout matches. So she can either be where she is OR she can be let go. She can be the hottest girl in the world, but if you don't have a spot for her, then she's not worth the time looking. So Christy Hemme is a hot girl without a horse to ride at the moment. Plain and simple. It;s a shame toom because she would make a great manager for an up and coming big man like Matt Morgan or something like that.
I think the fact the she was voted to be Playboy cover of whatever thats about is a huge factor that TNA should shove right in WWEs face yet they have her on the card with Rock and Rave? That dont get pushed and just job? Why dont the push them or just seperate them all, have christy manage Hoyt in the upper midcard, facing Robert Roode or someone and then have Jimmy go back the X Division it drags them all down so much.
I think Christy has the potential to be a good in-ring talent. But her skills have never really been showcased. In mean, TNA jobs most of the women to either Kong, ODB, or Gail. I think Christy is by far the prettiest female wrestler working now. I just think they should let her go on her own and prove herself.
While Christy is not in the league of Gail Kim or most of the other Knockouts skill-wise, I think she is skilled enough to at least get some ring-time aside from "squashing" for Awesome Kong. I saw her wrestle live at a WSU taping back in September, and she looked pretty impressive. Let me stress that I'm not saying she deserves a run as the Knockouts champ yet, but she could be given some quality in-ring time.

I was hopeful that she would have an angle with Salinas...Selinas...however it's spelled...that would include a match or two with her, but her recent concussion seems to have kiboshed that. Plus, remember, Christy also has her band project, Hemme, which has taken up much of her time lately. All of that could explain the way TNA is utilizing her.
The crowd wanted to cheer her when she was programmed against VKM. Plucky, never-give-up babyface whose job is to make the more capable female wrestlers pushed as heels actually look heelish seems like a solid role for her. She can be sort of like the female Shark Boy (pre-Stone Cold parody push).
I think that TNA is not treating christy properly as they should. in wwe christy was given a push by modeling for playboy and by getting a shot at the women's title at wrestlemania 21. however, tna doesn't even recognize her as a wrestler now, they only see her as a manager. she is really the most sexiest knockout in tna and yet tna is not putting her anywhere near the tna women's title. i think this is a bad idea. tna is copying wwe by having a monster heel like awesome kong hold the knockout's title and beth phoenix is the monster heel holding the women's title in wwe. christy hemme should be given her chance at the knockout's title, not gail kim or O.D.B.
I think that TNA is not treating christy properly as they should. in wwe christy was given a push by modeling for playboy and by getting a shot at the women's title at wrestlemania 21. however, tna doesn't even recognize her as a wrestler now, they only see her as a manager. she is really the most sexiest knockout in tna and yet tna is not putting her anywhere near the tna women's title. i think this is a bad idea. tna is copying wwe by having a monster heel like awesome kong hold the knockout's title and beth phoenix is the monster heel holding the women's title in wwe. christy hemme should be given her chance at the knockout's title, not gail kim or O.D.B.

Why? Christy is a terrible wrestler. The womens division is one of the best things TNA has going for them right now, why would they fuck it up by putting a woman who not only can't wrestle very well, especially compared to everyone else, but is injury prone and still botches moves. Just because WWE is pushing Christy's equivalent in Candice into the main event, doesn't mean that Christy deserves the same push too, especially in a womens division that superior to WWE's.

LMAO at Christy deserving the title more than Gail Kim or ODB, sex appeal and good looks don't replace actual talent.
I think that TNA is not treating christy properly as they should. in wwe christy was given a push by modeling for playboy and by getting a shot at the women's title at wrestlemania 21. however, tna doesn't even recognize her as a wrestler now, they only see her as a manager. she is really the most sexiest knockout in tna and yet tna is not putting her anywhere near the tna women's title. i think this is a bad idea. tna is copying wwe by having a monster heel like awesome kong hold the knockout's title and beth phoenix is the monster heel holding the women's title in wwe. christy hemme should be given her chance at the knockout's title, not gail kim or O.D.B.

i agree with Echelon here. why would tna want to take away from a talented roster of knockouts and give the title to christie hemme. the only and i repeat ONLY reason christie hemme got that shot was because she was in playboy, and it meant they could give lita a return while she was out with ligament damage. had nothing to do with her ability beyond taking her clothes off and making young guys drool.

tna has the best female wrestlers on mainstream television and a pushing their women's division as being credible and doing a damn good job at it. christie hemme couldn't beat the likes of talia madison or whatever pornstar name she has or ODB, so why should tna try to push her as a respectable contender.

besides... have you seen talia madison??? hot and can wrestle. who needs hemme?

as for copying wwe, they only have options of a face or heel champ... so chances are 50% of the time (do the maths), they'll be the same. besides, if they started to push her... they'd be accused of copying the candice michelle challenger angle. let her stick to being eye candy, she can actually do that.
Here are two lists, both listed from least to greatest, all of the active TNA women wrestling graded on Wrestling ability and working ability

* Cheerleader Melissa not included

Wrestling ability

Christy Hemme < Shelly Martinez < Velvet Sky < Angel Williams < ODB = Jackie Moore = Peyton Banks < Roxxi Laveaux < Traci Brooks < Awesome Kong < Gail Kim

Working ability

Christy Hemme = Shelly Martinez < Velvet Sky < Jackie Moore = Angel Williams < Roxxi Laveaux = ODB = Traci Brooks < Gail Kim < Peyton Banks < Awesome Kong

as you can see Christy Hemme is on the bottom of both lists, all she really has to offer at this point is her looks, which TNA is capitalizing on by having her manage a team. Just because that said team doesn't seem to be doing as well as some others doesn't mean that Christy doesn't get the air time she doesn't deserve.
She's sufficiently non-awkward physically and willing to work, that I think Christy Hemme should be given a chance to improve in the ring by being put out there to wrestle (but not being booked to win matches). It's a bit ludicrous to say that she should be pushed to the title, but at the same time she clearly has a fan base and she should be given some time. Something liek a Velvet/Angelina vs Hemme/Jackie tag match where she hits a couple of offensive moves, takes a bunch of offense, and eats the pin should be seen every once in a while on Impact.
no matter how much time she gets in the ring, she's still going to take a long time to catch up ability wise compared to knockouts who've been wrestling at a high level for years. yeah, give her some ring time to try to improve, but just as a jobber to put over the rest of mid-card women, or to give kong a squash match.
One of the Many things I like about TNA is that their women have TALENT or SKILL.
I mean look at the comeptition, KellyKelly would be eaten alive in TNA. Me and my suitemates (I'm in college and live in a dorm) take the women's matches on RAW as a time to go get food, by the time we are back the match is over. in the long run, I think the fact that the women of TNA have more than just some T&A(see what i did there) is really going to help them.

with that said Christy Hemme does deserve a push...a push down the stairs/....a push off a cliff/....a push into oncoming traffic

She can barely hold her own in the ring and she is pretty good on the mic, but nothing spectacular. So she is really hot, I'm all for giving beautiful people an edge here and there (espicially if you something in return) but in all seriousness she will just get booed to death if they make her a serious competitor. What they should do is have her building her in-ring skills, make her a unique character through her wrestling style, the way CM punk has that off-beat quasi-MMA style, because if she can get something like that down, she might actually deserve to compete with ODB, Gail, Roxxi (french word), ODB, and even Raissa Saeed
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