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Rick Rudes Mustache

A man with a stache is never alone
Okay so I have both a question for you guys & an admitted scatterbrained hypothesis/quandary I would like to lay before you. Please bare with me;

And. Here. We. Go....

CM Punk is holding the title, he wrestles, I mean entertains Miz & Del Sucko at TLC. Bad Ass Billy Gunn, I mean Ziggler, wrestles, damn it I mean entertains, Woo Woo Woo Zack Ryder at TLC. Cena is off dealing with his "personal" issues ala the fans, damn it I mean universe, hatting on a playa. The Rock is filming a Michael Bay movie not named Trans4ormers (seriously google it, that's the rumored name of the next Transformers movie, le sigh) & Jericho, if one is to think the mystery promos of late are for him, is waiting till his 2nd day to return.

Okay, so now that we are all on the same page, let me ask/lay this out for you. CM Punk wins at TLC. One would assume they would leave the championship on him so that, IF the mystery promos are indeed for Jericho, when Jericho returns they have a title to feud over. Bad Ass Billy Gunn, damn it I mean Ziggler, CAN NOT drop his title to Ryder at TLC. If he does where does that leave him? He can not enter into a feud with Jericho & Punk, he would be destroyed on the MIC. Plus he would, as much as some people love him, bring down the quality of the angle. So lets leave him and Woo Woo Woo on the shelf for a minute. With Kane back now, we have a quality feud with him & Cena. We keep Cena "relevant" until Rocky is done sipping champagne out of Michael Bays belly button, & returns for his build up to Mania.

This also allows the potential for Kane to heel over every pre-pubescent and clinically diagnosed ******ed male over 30es favorite 5 move man. Allowing Kane to be a heel and thus with Undertakers return you could have a good WM match "brother VS brother" VS streak angle. Now this may not happen as HHH eluded in his return speech on RAW last night that he ended the Takers streak of "walking out of mania". So it stands to reason that once HHH & the Just For Men nWo spokes men are done feuding Taker will come back & be all "You didn't end me blah blah blah lets do this HHH vs Taker again", cause HHH can NOT fathom the idea that people do not want to see him at wrestlemania. Quick side note, I use to be a HHH fan, after last night i realized that, that asshats ego is so huge his nose must fight it for supremacy in the morning while he shaves. So lets circle that with a pencil as a probably, Kane VS Taker at WM (unless HHH's ego dry strokes his nose into giving him the match at mania).

So now we are left with The Miz, Del Sucko, Bad Ass Billy Gunn - damn it I mean Ziggler & Woo Woo Woo Zack Ryder. Lets throw in a dash of Cody Rhodes for some extra, oh wtf do we have now & you can see the quandary. Who in the HELL do you put with whom. As much as I love A.D.D. fueled story lines, I long for the golden years where WWF would take months to build stories. SO lets see....Miz fights R-Toof when he returns. This allows Miz to stay relevant. Del Sucko, in my humble opinion here, needs to begin a feud with Alex Riley (i'm aware that he is in the dog house, but you could easily let him involve himself with a Del Sucko promo) for a few months. Allow both men TV time & work time while we....work through the pile of crap vince has created story wise here. Bad Ass Billy Gunn, I mean Ziggler, then needs to retain his title & prolong his feud with Woo Woo Woo. This allows both guys TV time & PPV slots. Have Vicky squash a few PPV angles building up the crowds want for Woo Woo Woo to finally get his title. Cody, the poor bastard, has to feud with King Booka for a wee bit. Not long though as you can roll that feud into a feud with either Kofi Kingston or Evan Bourne. Both of them would provide quality matches with Rhodes as he waits for Woo Woo Woo to gain the title - then jumps into a feud with Woo Woo Woo.

the question, does that sound like a believable story(ies) line? All of those guys, minus jericho & hhh just because they are legends, are due for many more years of quality runs. So i was curious where you saw it going....
2 things - don't compare Ziggler to Billy Gunn. I was in agreement with you until ADR/Riley. That is insulting and why would you involve Riley with one of the main eventers? Cody and Ziggler are more deserving of that than Riley.
2 things - don't compare Ziggler to Billy Gunn. I was in agreement with you until ADR/Riley. That is insulting and why would you involve Riley with one of the main eventers? Cody and Ziggler are more deserving of that than Riley.

Ziggler is Bad Ass's love child...its ok to compare them. And I agree with your Del Suck VS Riley point. That is the question I was asking. While I do not think Del Suck is main event worthy (i just don't like the guy personally) i don't see creative doing a rhodes / ziggler or del suck face turn so one can surmise they would not feud with each other. So riley was pretty much the only face left on raw to thrown in with him....so that is why i did it.
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