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Punk/HHH Again?

Do you want to see Punk/HHH in the next few months?

  • No thanks

  • Yes, at the Rumble

  • Yes, at WM

  • Yes, but just play it all out on some random Raw

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George Steele's Barber

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I don't have much interest in a Punk/Miz or Punk/Ziggler and especially not Punk/Del Rio feud heading in to the Rumble. I feel like the best entertainment and best business feud would be for Punk to get another shot at HHH. I would like to see it happen at the Rumble as opposed to WM. I don't want HHH to get a spot on the WM card. Nothing agaionst him, I will always be a fan but with Rock, UT and maybe Jericho already on the card plus probably a celebrity or two I would like HHH to just stay off the WM card and certainly not challenge for the title on it.

With that said, it is a easy match to set up. HHH can say he misses the title and wants another shot. HHH can remind us that he beat Punk very recently and deserves another chance. HHH hasn't exactly lost much lately either. Neither guy has to go full on heel to make it work. They are both creative and talented on the mic and can play mind games without having to get their hands too dirty. Make the finish screwy with Punk going over. Then they can use a Raw to have a rubber match where Punk goes over clean and millions see a mini-passing of the torch.

So my questions are:

Do you want to see Punk/HHH again in the next four months? If not, who do you want to see Punk feud with?

When do you want to have Punk face HHH again? Rumble/WM/random Raw and why?

If they do compete again how should the feud/match(es) play out?
Just curious why would you not be into Punk/Ziggler that would be gold. Those two could put on as good of matches as anyone in the company. Id love to see that feud at some point. I dont see a whole lot of appeal in HHH Punk. HHH's days of main eventing should be done.
Ok no disrespect but i dont get your logic on why HHH should be left off the mania card..... Why wouldnt you want one of the biggest stars ever on the card along side other biggest stars ever? Isn't that the point of mania? Hell no he shouldn't challenge for the title! But i wouldnt mind seeing him in a match! Maybe he turns heel and goes after Sheamus? Or maybe he faces the Miz? The possibilities are endless!

On to your question..... YES i completely agree! Their recent match was great but i was pissed when punk lost! He needs to have a couple more matches with hunter and punk needs to win them both! I also agree that there is no need for a pointless heel turn here! Just face/face matches for the sake of finding out the better man!
Yes, A Punk versus HHH match should happen in the near future, but I doubt it will happen anytime soon. If the rumors are true that Jericho is returning on 1/2/2012, then Jericho will be feuding with Punk to build up their feud for WM28. WWE also wanted to push the Miz into the main event picture, so most likely were going to get Punk v. Miz at the Royal Rumble. After that, Punk will most likely defend his championship at the EC PPV against Cena, Miz, Del Rio, Kane, & Jericho. Thus beginning the Best in the World storyline for WM28.

If WWE isn't looking to push the Miz for the RR, then I can see HHH v Punk, BUT I don't see either two turning heel just yet & it wouldn't make sense for Punk to interfere the HHH/Nash storyline since HHH just demolish Nash tonight making this feud over. Also Punk already played his part for that storyline. Plain & simple, WWE drop the ball with a potential long-term feud with HHH, maybe next Summerslam?
Yes because HHH is a fucking glory hogger and won against Punk which should NEVER OF HAPPENED. Fuck this company.

And if you say it was because of the stipulation well they didn't have to put on the stipulation in the first place. I have ZERO respect for this bastard.
Yes, I would like to see Triple H and Punk feud again. On a personal level, I just feel that there's still some "unfinished" business between them because Trips got a W over Punk back at NOC and the latter has yet to get any form of retribution from that. Plus, it's a feud that has a magnitude worthy of being one of the prominent matches come WM28 as it features two big stars who are both great performers(On the mic and in the ring) and are established big names that easily attract interest from the audience.

Aside from John Cena, face-Punk has yet to go over another major name in his current hotsreak. Who better than Triple H, a man who is arguably on equal footing in terms of prominence with the Rock and Stone Cold back in the Attitude era and remains to be one of the most over guys in an era where he is no longer in the spotlight and in what better stage than Wrestlemania?

Plus, I don't really want to see another Triple H-Undertaker match at Wrestlemania(Although based on Triple H's promo last RAW, this might be the case). The match they had this past 'Mania was a classic but I'm not exactly a big fan of back-to-back 'Mania matches(Same reason I didn't enjoy 'Taker-HBK @ WM26 as much as I enjoyed their first encounter the Wrestlemania prior to that).

I've read on a few occasions about people wanting to see Ziggler vs. Punk at WM. I have no problem if they have a feud in the near future BUT, I think Ziggler's not exactly a big name yet to really justify being in a prominent match at Wrestlemania. If they're gonna face off at the Rumble, that'd be perfect but at 'Mania? I think Dolph isn't at that level yet.

Punk-Jericho is an interesting possibility(And from what I've read, is the likely direction WWE is heading to) but I feel that Triple H is a bigger name than Y2J thus giving a Punk W more credibility compared to a Punk W over Y2J. Though I wouldn't complain if Punk-Y2J is what actually happens because both guys are terrific performers in every aspect and are over.

If they do compete again how should the feud/match(es) play out?
Punk winning at 'Mania. Punk needs a signature victory as a main eventer in the biggest stage of 'em all and Triple H is the perfect guy for him to go over. If they're gonna have Punk drop the title to H, do it at a later PPV(i.e. Extreme Rules, Over the Limit, etc.). What's important is for Punk to retain at 'Mania.
Or maybe, just maybe, just m a y b e, it will be CM Punk vs Chris Jericho after Y2J returns on Year2012 2nd January. :)
Punk winning at 'Mania. Punk needs a signature victory as a main eventer in the biggest stage of 'em all and Triple H is the perfect guy for him to go over. If they're gonna have Punk drop the title to H, do it at a later PPV(i.e. Extreme Rules, Over the Limit, etc.). What's important is for Punk to retain at 'Mania.

And this is the part that scares me. If they do have a match again, would HHH finally figure out he has to put Punk over in order to build him up? Will HHH's ego continue to get in the way? I would hope by now that he realizes he can't carry the RAW brand on his back again like he used to.
Yes, I'd like to see Punk square off against Triple H again. It's interesting, yet concerning; despite Punk's "importance" to the company since last Summer, he needs an opponent with a strong personality to provide interest in a potential feud.....as Punk alone doesn't seem dynamic enough to drive the program.

Why? I think it's because Punk's "continuing war" is against the wrestling establishment, rather than against individual opponents. He wants to change the wrestling world itself, while guys like John Cena are pitching battles against specific people; the way it's worked in pro wrestling since the sport was created. It seems as if Punk's persona paints him as above it all, leaving him with no one to fight unless management creates a scenario by having someone do something so dastardly to Punk that he's forced to go after them. Of course, that can always be managed; it's what pro wrestling is all about.

But who gets to be the opponent? Dolph Ziggler? Sure, they can manufacture a reason for Punk to get mad at Dolph, but as stated before, Dolph is strictly an excellent ring wrestler; he's not an interesting personality. Who's going to talk back to Punk? Vickie? That doesn't sound too intriguing, does it?

Alberto Del Rio? Good opponent, but forcing him and Punk together so soon after their last feud would be counter-productive.

John Cena? Yes, it will all eventually come back to Punk-Cena, but John is busy at WM. Plus, despite the elements of their program last Summer, Cena doesn't need Punk.....even while Punk may need Cena.

So, it's Triple H. In Paul Levesque, you've got the dynamic personality with the great wrestling skills that Punk needs his foe to possess. But what are Triple H's future plans? I thought he was back full-time as a wrestler; but then he pulled the disappearing act after being sledgehammered by Nash. Yes, the storyline called for him to be too injured to appear, but don't forget he wasn't really injured. Given that, why in the world did he vanish for 6 weeks? Is he back in the ring......or isn't he?

But to answer the OP question: Yes, Triple H-Punk again. Trips possesses the standard of excellence necessary to work a great program with C.M. Punk, and I'd love to see it at the Rumble, extending through WM.
It might be nice to see them pick it back up at some point but, quite frankly, I think there are other things about to take place that could simply be more entertaining to see.

If the reports online are true, then current plans call for Chris Jericho to return and to engate in a program with Punk for WrestleMania over the WWE Championship. Personally, I'd love to see that far more than Punk vs. Triple H at this time.

Also, according to reports online, the current plan is for Triple H to try and end The Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania. Last Monday on Raw, Triple H addressed his bout with Taker and pretty much came right out and said that he put Taker out of business and for all intents and purposes ended the streak. That in and of itself is a strong suggestion that Taker & Trips will go at it again. I thought they delivered a great physical match at Mania this year that told a helluva story and I wouldn't mind seeing it happen again. Triple H, & Taker especially, are guys that no longer need to have titles in order to be looked upon as top guys. This keeps both of them out of the title picture and leaves both the WWE & World Heavyweight Championship scenes open & potentially extremely fresh come WrestleMania.
Just curious why would you not be into Punk/Ziggler that would be gold. Those two could put on as good of matches as anyone in the company. Id love to see that feud at some point. I dont see a whole lot of appeal in HHH Punk. HHH's days of main eventing should be done.

I couldn't have said it better myself.

Dolph Ziggler and CM Punk are both fantastic on the mic, and I can only guess awesome this could be when they have a promo together. Not only that, but did you not watch their insanely great match on raw? You're not interested???? Not only does this US title loss mark as a free-to-roam position for Dolph, but in a way it is a step ladder.

Screw Triple H, he has enough world titles. Do people actually think he'd be better off winning 16 titles over Ric Flair? I hope not. Anyways, Dolph Ziggler should not only be put in a few main event matches, but become a certified main eventer on Raw (but with Del Rio and Miz already in his spot) move him back to smackdown or some other guy.
Would I like to see Punk feud with HHH again?

No, but I would rather see Punk face HHH at the Rumble than Miz. Unfortunately, I think Miz will end up having a short feud with Punk. I could see him attacking Del Rio backstage in the next few weeks and putting him out of commission for a while, just like he's been doing.

Jericho is the big game-changer, however.

Most of us have been reading that there are plans for a Punk/Jericho match at Mania. This would be great and would be a better feud than any of the ones mentioned.

George Steele's Barber said:
I feel like the best entertainment and best business feud would be for Punk to get another shot at HHH. I would like to see it happen at the Rumble as opposed to WM. I don't want HHH to get a spot on the WM card.

This would be the most entertaining feud and would probably draw more buys, but I'm still leaning toward a Punk/Miz match at the Rumble. I don't want to see HHH at Mania either, but when he accepted the Slammy award, he brought up the Undertaker, so I think the build for a HHH/Undertaker rematch has already started.

So, in summary, I'd rather see Punk and Trips at the Rumble, but I think it'll be Punk/Miz with Punk retaining.
with a lot of doubts going into our heads about triple h's over the top jabs at taker during the promo, a match between trips and punk could end with taker interfering towards the end disqualifying punk.:wtf:
forgive me if i'm wrong, but i really doubt the wwe(and by default Vince) will see the insanity in booking back to back matches at wrestlemania
personally i want to see wade barrett vs taker at wrestlemania "Streak vs Barrage".... if anything it'll make barrett go over big time.....:shrug:
Just curious why would you not be into Punk/Ziggler that would be gold. Those two could put on as good of matches as anyone in the company. Id love to see that feud at some point. I dont see a whole lot of appeal in HHH Punk. HHH's days of main eventing should be done.

I don't want this to turn in to a thread about the merits of Ziggler but at this point for Punk to ascend in to a bigger star Ziggler is not the guy for him to be feuding with. Ziggler had a long run as US Champ but he also collected quite a few losses. Losing to Ryder really looks bad.

I don't doubt the matches could be very good if not great but I am more interested in making Punk a bigger star. I don't think a feud with Ziggler right now does that.
Ok no disrespect but i dont get your logic on why HHH should be left off the mania card..... Why wouldnt you want one of the biggest stars ever on the card along side other biggest stars ever? Isn't that the point of mania? Hell no he shouldn't challenge for the title! But i wouldnt mind seeing him in a match! Maybe he turns heel and goes after Sheamus? Or maybe he faces the Miz? The possibilities are endless!

Just to be clear, my issue isn't so much with HHH being on the card, it is other guys getting left off the card that have a chance to use the big number of buys coming from Rock-Cena to make a name for themselves. If you have guys like Rock, UT, Jericho?, a musical act, a joke (see Cole, Michael) match, some celebrities and some hall of fame business how much do you have left for the guys that could use the opportunity to be seen on the grandest stage of them all. On the other hand, if HHH is willing to put someone over big time at WM it could mean that much more for that guys career.

You got me rethinking that point.
Yes please.

I want Triple H back as a full-time wrestler, first and foremost. He's just the man. So damn accomplished, he's great at putting anyone over.

Secondly, the Punk/Triple H feud had so much steam, and then it kind of just disappeared. Triple H went on to do nothing interesting with Kevin Nash, while Punk went on to do something a tad more interesting with Del Rio. Triple H and CM Punk had exceptional chemistry, in and out of the ring. More so that Punk and Cena, I might add.

If Punk/Jericho isn't happening at Wrestlemania, then re-visiting this is definitely the way to go. If it is on (which I'm skeptical about), then have it after Wrestlemania. This isn't an angle I want to see half-assed.
Or maybe, just maybe, just m a y b e, it will be CM Punk vs Chris Jericho after Y2J returns on Year2012 2nd January. :)

I think if Jericho returns he will bring a new character with him (he may have stated it at some point in an interview). While a Punk/Jericho feud may be entertaining, I am not sure if it help raise Punk's value of a competior or a star like if he went over HHH. Just because two guys are great doesn't mean they will work great together (like Doritos and chocolate).

If Jericho comes back I think he would fit better going back to his wise-ass face persona and feud with Del Rio or Miz. I think Jericho would be highly entertaining ripping both guys on the mic and then be able to carry out a feud as long as three or four months with each.
And this is the part that scares me. If they do have a match again, would HHH finally figure out he has to put Punk over in order to build him up? Will HHH's ego continue to get in the way? I would hope by now that he realizes he can't carry the RAW brand on his back again like he used to.

If it's at Wrestlemania? I'm pretty sure Triple H would have no trouble putting Punk over. This is 2011, Trip's probably isn't looking to further elevate himself because he's already seen as one of the greatest in WWE history. Besides, he understands what would be beneficial for business and Punk getting the W is what would be more beneficial for the business. Punk's seen by the audience as on equal footing with Cena and Orton and a big win over someone like Trips would just cement the megastar standing of the former.

If you're gonna mention WM25 as evidence of Trips not putting someone over, I'd say that it was a tough position. His feud with Randy really had a "Good vs Evil" theme in it with the latter being the sinister and psychotic personality versus someone who is defending his family's honor. In a show like Wrestlemania where feuds usually reach their peaks, you'd expect that most of the time(Not always but most of the time) the good guys come out on top, particularly in the main event matches and in this case, Triple H was depicted as the good guy.

Additionally, Triple H already put over people at the biggest stage of 'em all like Benoit, Cena, Batista, and Orton(WM24, he wasn't pinned but he still lost). Why wouldn't he do the same for Punk if ever they collide at Wrestlemania?
I thought their earlier feud ended very prematurely (some joke here), but I don't think it should be done again for a while. I mean Hunter/Punk could've been on par with Austin/McMahon on certain aspects, but instead Hunter being the good friend that he is *wink wink* is now feuding with his Nash.

Down the line yes, but to me I would love if Punk's feud with him had the slow burn and they finally came to a head at 'Mania. Everything could've gone as it is with Punk becoming Champ and all.
I think if Jericho returns he will bring a new character with him (he may have stated it at some point in an interview). While a Punk/Jericho feud may be entertaining, I am not sure if it help raise Punk's value of a competior or a star like if he went over HHH. Just because two guys are great doesn't mean they will work great together (like Doritos and chocolate).

If Jericho comes back I think he would fit better going back to his wise-ass face persona and feud with Del Rio or Miz. I think Jericho would be highly entertaining ripping both guys on the mic and then be able to carry out a feud as long as three or four months with each.

Hmm. Wouldn't be bad if we see a CM Punk vs Kevin Nash at Royal Rumble. :) Hope he didn't finish with WWE after receive a beat up from HHH.
Punk VS Trips got off to a great start but we never truly got the great finish on PPV that it could have produced. Instead of Trips VS Nash, a match no one but Trips and Nash themselves really cared about, we could have had Punk VS Trips receive a better conclusion by now. It would have helped Punk on his way towards becoming a top guy in the company to go over a legend like Triple H in a legit high profile match. A sequel to what they put on in the main event of Night of Champions. I say restart the feud and have it play out on Raw because during the Rumble or Elimination Chamber it would turn into an afterthought and it deserves more attention than that. I highly doubt they will have a Wrestlemania match with the rumors floating around of Punk/Jericho and Trips/Taker III. Restart the feud and give them a few Raw's to allow Trips to put over Punk a little more.

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