

Shawn Michaels ❤
Recently, I've noticed an increase in the amount of adverts trying to entice people to go see a psychic. The power to look into the future is one which has always been questioned, and many are skeptical to the honesty and reliability of things such as palm reading.

Psychics often charge people money to read their palms, or to look into an orb and make a prediction about their future. Many people use this service as a way to work out what is going to happen in their lives, or what they should do in a predicament, or in the case of death of someone close.

Often, people walk away wondering why they waster their money, however at others people 3walk away amazed that someone they have never spoken to could know so much about their life.

Then there are the psychics who have actually helped police in cases, sometimes involving missing people or looking for criminals. Because the police have trusted such a thing, does this mean it's a fact this type of thing does exist?

Others claim they can contact the dead through things like an ouija board. Many people find comfort in being able to say the things they didn;t get a chance to say before death. Others think it's disrespectful to the dead who should be left alone.

Would you ever go to a palm reader? Do you believe anyone can contact the dead, or see your future? Or do you yourself have visions into the future?
I'd have to pass on going to see a psychic. While I do believe that people can see into the future, contact the dead and etc, I don't want to do any of these things. I believe that it is already known what my life will be like, but I have free will to change it. That being said, i don't want to know what's coming. If you know what your life will be like, it's like reading spoilers for a movie or a book or Smackdown. Why bother if you plan to watch the show? It takes the fun out of it.
I'll go to see one, just to see how close to the truth they can come, but often time you actually give them the answer they give back to you. Thats my belief, anyways. I wouldn't mind giving psychics the chance, but I'm less than willing to wanna pay them for a half assed answer.

Furthermore, you really have to ask yourself, if they told you something positive would happen in your future, or something negative would happen in your future.. you, yourself will make that positive or negative thing happen, because you'll leave the psychic thinking to yourself that it will happen, and whenever something does you'll give them credit. If that makes sense.

Honestly, I believe in the theory of contact with the dead. I'm not crazy on this theory, I just believe openly that anything is possible, including things that seem far out, or somewhat impossible. I'm a firm believer that practically nothing is impossible.

If you had the true gift to see the future though, I doubt seriously you'd be selling your gift as a parlor trick, and instead you'd be using it for good and helping people for free. Or using it for evil, and helping yourself. (and by that, while selling it would be considered as such.. I'm more confirming robbing a bank, by knowing the combination or something, or credit card/bank account numbers)

Finally, the only thing I'd ever want to know my future regarding, is love. Everyone dies, so regardless of when, or how. Its going to happen sooner or later. If someone I loved was murdered, I'd wish I could save them if I knew it was coming, but what if I do and they end up dying worse?
I'd have to pass on going to see a psychic. While I do believe that people can see into the future, contact the dead and etc, I don't want to do any of these things. I believe that it is already known what my life will be like, but I have free will to change it. That being said, i don't want to know what's coming. If you know what your life will be like, it's like reading spoilers for a movie or a book or Smackdown. Why bother if you plan to watch the show? It takes the fun out of it.

While I don’t buy into the whole Psychic thing I think your incorrect about being able to change the path of your life. While you may think or believe that you can your personality will dictate the path your life will take.

Think about it this way, we are all completely individual people, with different personality traits that may well evolve over the course of your life. However I feel that no matter where you start in terms of personality and choices you make you will evolve into the same person over and over if you did your life over and over again. It’s one of the reasons I don’t buy into the theory of parallel Universes where there are alternate versions of us however we have made different choices and our lives have turned out either slightly or vastly different. Given any situation and the same amount of information available to someone they will make the same choice over and over again. So in effect while the future might not be pre-determined your personality and your very soul dictate how your life is going to pan out.

But back onto the topic, there are too many unknowns in the world to actually give a definite answer as to if people who claim they have these abilities are legit or not. I’d be inclined not to pay money for people like this simply because you can’t prove they have these powers and half the time they give such vague predictions that you will never truly know if they were correct or not because they can be interpreted in many different ways. Say one of these people says you are going to be very lucky, that is open to interpretation for some it might involve being lucky enough to make Millions and become insanely famous but to others it might involve simply finding the right person to spend the rest of their lives with, or even picking £10 up off the floor when they are walking along.
Going mildly tangential from the actual topic at hand, but expanding on what Jonny said; strictly speaking I don’t believe we make decisions at all. Presenting a brain of any kind (and let me remind you that a brain is nothing but a difference engine comprised of neural activity and other mumbo-jumbo) of choice is exactly the same as the exercise where you tap a persons knee with a hammer to elicit a reaction.

The brain is a few thousand times more complex than any other part of the human body; to the extent that we still don’t truly know how it works, but at the end of the day (unless you believe in an immortal soul, which I don’t) there is no part of it that is not simply basic organic matter, serving a function.

The brain when faced with a decision is just like a coin flip; to the outside observer (in this case you), it appears totally random in result; but to an all knowing observer the result can be accurately predicted in advance, by analysis of the forces acting upon the coin/within the brain. To believe otherwise would be to believe that the brain works randomly in nature; and that is in defiance of everything else in the universe.

To give another example (sorry, this is like… my most favorite topic ever) think of that crappy game show Deal or No Deal (I’m pretty sure you guys have that over in the US). When the person is asked at the beginning to pick a pox at random… which isn’t actually how the show works, but lets assume it did, they, the audience, and whatever doosh is presenting the show, would this it a random decision; but if one could stop time, get inside the contestants brain, analyze everything then they could, in theory, predict which box would be chosen before the decision was ever made. (This is just a hypothetical example since it involves impossibilities like time travel).

As such there is, in my not very humble opinion, no such thing as free will, and therefore, to try and save this thread by getting back on topic, no individual person ever actually decided whether to go and see a psychic or not; it’s all predetermined, so don’t worry. :p

To ignore the preceding and give a flawed answer though; no, I probably never would. I don’t believe people can read the future or communicate with the dead, and in the slim chance that I am wrong; I certainly don’t think people who can do such a thing “should” be doing so. Some things are best left alone; like the Middle East… or ECW.

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