PSN/Sony breaches


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
"We sincerely regret that PlayStation Network and Qriocity services have been suspended, and we are working around the clock to bring them both back online," wrote Seybold. "Our efforts to resolve this matter involve re-building our system to further strengthen our network infrastructure. Though this task is time-consuming, we decided it was worth the time necessary to provide the system with additional security.

"We thank you for your patience to date and ask for a little more while we move towards completion of this project. We will continue to give you updates as they become available."

That quote is from the official Playstation blog with rumours running rampant that it was due to Anonymous who had hacked PSN, they have since denied this. The original post on the blog was this:
"An external intrusion on our system has affected our PlayStation Network and Qriocity services," wrote Patrick Seybold, senior director of Sony's corporate communications and social media. "In order to conduct a thorough investigation and to verify the smooth and secure operation of our network services going forward, we turned off PlayStation Network & Qriocity services on the evening of Wednesday, April 20th. Providing quality entertainment services to our customers and partners is our utmost priority. We are doing all we can to resolve this situation quickly, and we once again thank you for your patience. We will continue to update you promptly as we have additional information to share."

Anon called the action off on the 7th of April noting "We have therefore temporarily suspended our action, until a method is found that will not severely impact Sony customers."

So has the PSN outage affected you? Are you annoyed? There are petitions etc on line to get Sony to reimburse customers, should they do that when it's actually a free service (save for those on Plus)?

Oh and any "That's why Xbox is better" posts will just be deleted, I for one could not care less about the "console war"
The outage hasn't affected me much since I'm not a huge online gamer and I haven't had to download anything off PSN. It's a tad annoying, but nothing I've lost sleep over. I understand why they're doing this. They can't afford to have a bunch of idiots hacking into their system.

Regardless, Sony should still try to find a way to make this up to everyone. I understand that it's a free service (save Plus subscribers) but this outage is ruining a ton of people's gaming. And to have this happen a mere day after the release of Mortal Kombat, Portal 2 and Socom 4, three huge multi-player games, is horrible timing.

What's worse is that this has managed to continue into the weekend (a holiday weekend at that), the only time many gamers can find to play games. Sony initially announced that this would only last two days tops, so for it to be Sunday and still be down is almost inexcusable.

If Sony wants to keep it's customers, some sort of reimbursement is necessary. For Playstation Plus members especially, since they're not getting the service they paid for. Maybe some free DLC or a game; something that says "Hey, our work took longer than we thought. Here's a little something for your patience." It's the least they could do and it would show that they care about their customers.
I do not own a PS3 so it has not affected me in the slightest. I am perfectly content with playing Shadow of the Colossus on my PS2. I have been contemplating buying a PS3, and wish I bought that over my 360 as I rarely ever play my 360. I would much rather have a PS3 considering if Kingdom Hearts 3 is ever released it will more than likely be on a PS3.

As for the stupid ass petitions, people need to grow up. They are getting a free service and being allowed to play online with others. Fucking Xbox live is expensive, so if they really are that outraged, than they should buy a 360. They should not be reimbursed in the slightest. Maybe the Plus users should be given some form of currency or something, but people who are on PSN for free should suck it up, and get a life. So you can't play COD for a few days. Go fucking exercise or something instead of bitching. I can see if you are paying for the service, but it is free.
I have a PS3, so I'm slightly annoyed by all this. Last time PSN went down it was only for a day or two, but now who knows how long this will go on. A lot of games, i.e. Call of Duty, require an online component for an OFFLINE feature of the game to work, like Combat Training and such, so you really can't do much when it comes to that game. You can't download demos, update things, anything, you're basically stuck with whatever you have. The worst part is not being able to play with friends, I mean yeah you can play split-screen together, but what about when you're not in the same house? It takes a lot of the fun out of it.

I don't think they should pay customers, but I think they might give a free feature off of PSN or something, you know? I wouldn't care either way, to be honest. PSN doesn't charge, so the thought process is: "Why reimburse for something free?"
Slightly annoying but not that big of a deal. I do not think they owe us anything. However, it would probably be a good opportunity to offer something small from a pr perspective for playstation and a promotional opportunity for the developer.
What the fuck does PSN owe to free subscribers? It's FREE! The fact that it's down and they're fixing the problem, in my opinion, IS the reward. So you can't play your COD or MK online. What the fuck does that matter? Shouldn't the fact that they're preventing some modders/hackers from coming in be enough to satisfy you? I own a PS3, and I'm one of the people who have a Plus subscription. For the Plus subscribers, I do believe we should get extra time before it runs out, but in the end, I'm not on enough to really be too bothered.

I will agree that the timing for this is rather inconvenient but that's the beauty of having the same games on both consoles. MK is just as flashy on the other system even if I can't use Kratos :(

But yeah, it hasn't affected me too much cause I usually play splitscreen when I get on PS3 or just pop DB Raging Blast 2. Plus, there's always my Wii and 360 to hold me over.

Honestly, I think that's the most beautiful thing about being an undivided gamer. You can have your COD fix on one system just incase this happens.

Anyway, let me end my post before it ends up being just me rambling.
Its bad because i wanted to own some people on Mortal Kombat i am loving that game so damn much and anyone who thinks they deserve something is wrong unless they are a plus subscriber like myself so i think i do deserve something nice.
I don't think PSN should reimburse people (not including Plus subscribers), since it is a free network, and in all reality, the reason it's down is to ensure the best playing situation for the PSN and their free online. However, I think it would be a smart move for Sony to offer some kind of limited time free download of a game, or...I don't know, but give fans a chance to feel like Sony is trying to make nice.

Anyone who has followed Sony's attacks on those who have hacked the PS3 knows there are a lot of people who are uber pissed at Sony, but at the same time, most PS3 fans support Sony for what they've done. I think just a free download of some game, or a small credit, would be a nice gesture. But I don't think they should have to.
Well, I did want to get a few multiplayer songs in on Rockband 3 this afternoon but otherwise, no, it's not a big deal for me. I'm from a pre-online videogame age so it's a bonus and not a mandatory feature. It would be nice to receive a credit or some such gift as an act of good faith. It's just smart business and would go a long way in settling tensions.
-if people posted this already sorry, but as of late there is 2 theories.

1) they are fixing the network completely and upgrading security, etc. so basically just a update to everything whatever, just taking awhile.

2)the person who jailbreaked the ps3 for games like cod, got caught and a lawsuit was filed against him, he went on to hack into the network that the ps3 is on and crash everything, therefore everything has to be fixed hence the reason its taking so long.

-these are of course the idea people have come to believe, only sony knows whats really happening so yeah.
-if people posted this already sorry, but as of late there is 2 theories.

1) they are fixing the network completely and upgrading security, etc. so basically just a update to everything whatever, just taking awhile.

2)the person who jailbreaked the ps3 for games like cod, got caught and a lawsuit was filed against him, he went on to hack into the network that the ps3 is on and crash everything, therefore everything has to be fixed hence the reason its taking so long.

-these are of course the idea people have come to believe, only sony knows whats really happening so yeah.

Neither of those scenarios are even close to likely. What most likely happened is they suffered an attack, even if it wasn't by Anonymous (which is stupid, but won't get into that), and in the process of the attack, saw a large vulnerability in their network, and are revising their server to prevent future attacks.

As for option #2, you seem to have no idea what you're talking about. The only publicized instance of a hacker being sued was GeoHot, and he didn't hack the PS3 for gaming, and the lawsuit has already been settled.
Neither of those scenarios are even close to likely. What most likely happened is they suffered an attack, even if it wasn't by Anonymous (which is stupid, but won't get into that), and in the process of the attack, saw a large vulnerability in their network, and are revising their server to prevent future attacks.

As for option #2, you seem to have know idea what you're talking about. The only publicized instance of a hacker being sued was GeoHot, and he didn't hack the PS3 for gaming, and the lawsuit has already been settled.

-hm, i personally feel your ideas are way off as well. kinda proves one thing the network was attacked by someone, viruses dont just form outta nowhere and attack randomly normally preset or sent, im simply going off of what i have heard, never said it was what was going on, never put any names. just ideas and rumours.
-you realize that know is spelt "no" right......
-you obviously never found a modded room by mistake ey? and once again never siad that was what was going on, just rumours.
It's not that big of a deal for me, I had planed a zombies night tonight with three other players. But still it's not that huge, I usualy get on for saturdays and sundays and play out of boredom.

I don't know if this is true or not that they totaly shut it down on Wensday last week. Because I'm 100% sure that I was playing at 2 am on thurdsday morning and then again at 9 am. Playing online nazi zombies, again I'm sure that I was online.

But again it's not that huge of a deal, I have an xbox so I've just been playing cod on that. Only thing bad about that is I don't have the new maps for it, I just got the prestige edition. But playing the old zombies maps have been alot of fun. So I guess something good did come out of it for me.

I'm glad that they are doing this, it shows that they want to improve the system. If someone did hack it they are doing this to make sure that it dosen't happen again. So I'm not sure what people are bitching about. Just go play campaign... Or go outside.
-hm, i personally feel your ideas are way off as well. kinda proves one thing the network was attacked by someone
Well of course it was attacked by someone, that's what I just said. But you're intimating it was attacked by GeoHot, which is absurd for a multitude of reasons. Like I said earlier, they probably got hacked, saw vulnerability in their network, and are now racing to patch it as fast as possible. But when you're dealing with such a large software infrastructure, things take time.

-you realize that know is spelt "no" right......
Yes, I was originally going to put something like "you don't know what you're talking about", and just didn't edit properly.

-you obviously never found a modded room by mistake ey? and once again never siad that was what was going on, just rumours.
...what does that have to do with what I said? Go back and read what I said.
Things just get worse. Now remember this has been down since Wednesday. said:
Sony Computer Entertainment is conducting "thorough investigation" into the outage, Satoshi Fukuoka, a spokesman for Sony Computer Entertainment in Tokyo, tells PC World.

Sony Computer Entertainment of America spokesman Patrick Seybold reiterated Fukuoka's statement, confirming that Sony is still looking into whether credit card or other personal information were taken during the "external intrusion."

Both declined to provide more information about the intrusion that led the company to take the global Playstation Network down last week. The network remains down as of Monday morning.

Now it's been five days since it went down and they have yet to confirm if personal data/credit card information has been stolen or not. That's quite worrying really.
All the people that are crying about PSN being down,(Not talking about anyone on this thread) don't they have anything else to do except online gaming? I'll admit I'm slightly pissed of about not being able to play COD, but still theres other things to do. Oh well, its a free service. I'd rather have PSN down for a while than have to pay for X box live.
So I have a question, how does that work. I bought the new maps for Blackops, and I've gotten the previous maps for both WaW and Mw2 with a credit card. Actually I do believe the same credit card for the latter. I used my check card the day that the new maps came out, does the psn store save our credit/debit card numbers? This is pretty alarming indeed, because the credit card is my mothers card and my check card literaly holds just about all the money I have to me.
So I have a question, how does that work. I bought the new maps for Blackops, and I've gotten the previous maps for both WaW and Mw2 with a credit card. Actually I do believe the same credit card for the latter. I used my check card the day that the new maps came out, does the psn store save our credit/debit card numbers? This is pretty alarming indeed, because the credit card is my mothers card and my check card literaly holds just about all the money I have to me.
Yes, they store them in a database and tie the numbers to your account. That's why you don't have to input your credit card number each time you go on PSN and purchase something.

It makes things easier for customers, but things like this can happen. Just keep an eye on your bank account, and if you start to see charges popping up, cancel the card and request a new bank number. Of course, if people have had their identity stolen because of Sony's lack of security, Sony will be looking at a HUGE class action lawsuit (enough to seriously cripple the company), so I'm sure they'll be willing to step up and do whatever it takes to make sure people's money hasn't been compromised.
Sony have confirmed that personal data may have been stolen and that it will be another week before it goes back up. There is a fantastic Q&A about it posted over at Here is the Q&A:
I can't remember, did I need to use a credit card to create a Playstation Network account?
No, that's only required if you added funds to your wallet to purchase content on your PS3 like a game, add-on or movie.

What if I can't remember if I used a credit card?

Try searching through your emails for anything from [email protected].

What if I did use a credit card on the Playstation Network?

While Sony says they have no evidence credit card numbers were stolen, they also say they're not sure they weren't. Now might be a good time to cancel your current card and get a replacement.

What if I didn't use a credit card on my account. Am I safe?

Yes and no. Your credit card info is safe, but your personal information may be out there in the wrong hands. It might be a good idea to keep an eye out for phishing scams, watch your credit report and make sure you change your passwords if you re-used them in multiple places.

What information was taken from Sony?

Sony has confirmed that account information has been compromised, including name, address, and login information for the PlayStation Network and the Qriocity music service.

So how do I check my credit?

U.S. residents are entitled under U.S. law to one free credit report annually from each of the three major credit bureaus. To order your free credit report, visit or call toll-free (877) 322-8228. You can also check the three bureaus individually:

Experian: 888-397-3742;; P.O. Box 9532, Allen, TX 75013
Equifax: 800-525-6285;; P.O. Box 740241, Atlanta, GA 30374-0241
TransUnion: 800-680-7289;; Fraud Victim Assistance Division, P.O. Box 6790, Fullerton, CA 92834-6790

When will the Playstation Network be back up?

As of April 26, Sony is expecting the PlayStation Network to be back up "within a week."

How long has PSN been down?

The system went down last Wednesday, April 20th. (That's seven days if you're keeping score.)

Can I play games without going online, either by myself or with a friend locally?

Absolutely. Almost every PS3 game, whether it's played via disc or download, will work so long as you're using a mode that doesn't require PSN access. (That's internet multiplayer, mostly.) There is a small exception to this, which I'll explain a little later.

What about using a LAN?

Sure, a setting up a little LAN party would be a great alternative. The only problem is that the selection of LAN-capable PS3 games is pretty limited.

Is Anonymous responsible?

Probably not. The group has publicly denied their involvement, and there has been no definitive proof to say otherwise.

So why are they being arrested?

They aren't. The rumor is based on an old press release from January.

Some games use digital rights management to prevent piracy. Will that affect my ability to play?
As of now, the only games that we know to be affected are a pair of Capcom downloadable games, Bionic Commando Rearmed 2 and the Final Fight/Magic Sword game pack.

So I can't play any games online or use PSN. Can I still use non-game PSN apps like Netflix, Hulu Plus, etc?
Netflix works on and off if you're persistent enough. The others not at all.

What about features like the browser, which use the internet, but aren't connected to PSN?
Users have reported via forums that the PS3 browser still works.

Can I still get system updates?

The system update feature is not connected to PSN and is therefore functional. (Ever notice that you have to sign out of PSN to download an update?) Users can still also download system updates via the Playstation website.

Is there a chance my trophies could get wiped?

Trophies will not update as long as PSN is down, but since most of them are not internet-based, it's likely (but not definite) that the trophies that you earn during the shutdown will be added to your account when it updates once PSN is back online. If you were to delete your account or if your console were to crash, however, you would definitely lose any trophies earned while PSN is down. Currently, it is not possible to check trophies via the Playstation website.

Will I lose my saved game data?

Not likely, your saved game data is stored on your hard drive, and therefore should not be affected by the outage.

Am I more likely to lose my data if I've been using the cloud storage feature of
Playstation Plus?

No. While you definitely aren't able to update any data you've saved in the cloud, the cloud data is technically a copy of whatever was saved from your machine, so even if the back-up data was lost your save would still be in tact on the machine where it was originally recorded.

Wait I have some questions you didn't or can't answer. Can I ask Sony directly?

Yes, Sony says you should contact them if you have any additional questions at: 1-800-345-7669.
Good thing I have that Lifelock identity protection via my parents (I'm on their report). I'm not too worried though. There's quite a few users out there, so I'm guessing the probability of most of us being affected is very low. That being said, I haven't really played much over the last few days, so I've stopped caring. As long as the security, or whatever they're working on, is improved and we get it back some point in the near future, I don't mind. I'd rather have a safe system, at this point.
Theories get us no where "iwinulose", no offense. I work for a direct contractor of Sony Canada. I wish I had the email we received but I can't access work accounts from home, or access this site from work. Basically, their PR has thrown the following to everyone who works for them. Their servers were accessed by an unauthorized source, for how long they're not sure. It could have been days, or minutes, there's no way to trace such access however they fell back on their failsafe and just cut it. PSN being down has been 100% Sonys fault this whole time. Nothing ever actually crashed. They are basically rebuilding their network from the ground up, essentially creating a PSN 2.0. I've also heard from people at work, though this wasn't touched upon in the email, that PSN users will have temporary access to PSN+, and people already subscribed will have time added on to their subscription or something similar. Anyway, thought thatd be fun information to share. Lol.
Hackers gonna hack.

I don’t blame Sony for the PSN getting hacked and being down. Unfortunately with the technology today, these things happen and no company is completely safe from idiot hackers.

While it would have been nice to be able to go online and play games, especially with the amount of new games recently released that provide an online, multiplayer function (Mortal Kombat, Socom 4, Portal 2), due to it being an Easter weekend, I have been too busy to even think about gaming.

I do blame Sony for how they have handled the situation, mainly with the lack of communication in informing the PlayStation community of how severe this might be.

I can’t help but doubt that it took Sony six days to determine that personal information was taken, so in my opinion, there is zero excuse for waiting six days before informing users that personal information, including credit card information, may have been compromised.

Consumer security should be the number one priority for Sony and we should have been notified of the possibility of our information being released immediately. Instead, it feels like the people at hid from the issues at hand and chose to hold information from the public.

All they had to do was be honest -- say that the network has been hacked, the extent of the damages is unknown but personal information might have been compromised and they were rebuilding and taking their time to get it right. That would provide everyone with plenty of time to notify credit card companies change password information if necessary, just in case.

I don't care that I can't play games online using my PS3 as I’ve used this time to dig into some games in my backlog as well as play my very first in-depth gaming session on the Wii. However, I do care that my name, address and more might be in the hand of a group of hackers.

Sony's Playstation Network was hacked. I’m OK with that. But I fully expect transparency when the possibility of my name, address, birthday, passwords and credit card information being compromised and put into the wrong hands.

The least the company can do, in exchange for my investment as a consumer, is let me know when my bank accounts are potentially compromised.
I was going to go and play the Gears of War Beta today but then I noticed that the Live service is down. It has, apparently, been down for the last week and will be down for the next week. What the Hell is going on with this thing?

Oh wait, I had the good sense to buy a console with a lot more online security. Thanks, Microsoft.

Here's the thing, Sony are the only people (outside of the hackers) to blame for this entire situation. Have people tried to break into the secure information on the Live subscription service? Probably. Have they ever been successful? Not that I know of. The fact that Sony cannot be trusted to look after the details of the people who put their trust in the company is nothing short of insane. Sony should think more clearly about their security proceedings in the future to stop this from happening.

I am not saying that Live is better than PSN... Actually, that is what I am saying. However, they both do different things and the only job that Sony and Microsoft are trusted with is looking after delicate information about their customers. Thus far, Microsoft have done a great job of making sure that my information is safe and that is one of the reasons that Live is superior to PSN. Sony should actually be ashamed of themselves for being compromised, whether you like Sony or not. Yes, these things happen but surely they should be one step ahead of the hackers? The news that they could have been in there for days is definitely worrying and if I were a PlayStation user, I would be quite concerned, to be honest.
So you’re a Sony fanboy/girl? Your PSN is still down, how do you cope?

1) It’ll be back soon

You saw the screen, and your initial thoughts were “man that’s annoying!” You restarted the modem, rang the internet company and were told the problem’s not the internet connection. I know I’ll go on FB, see what the world’s upto.

“John Smith My PSN is broken NOOOOO”

My word, John’s PSN is down therefore EVERYONE’S is. Time to move onto stage two.

2) Keyboard Warrior
“I can’t BelIeve daT PSN is DWN the &*(*&£*” thing Has StoppED me PLYin COD wiTH JOHn I dEmnD reFunD of FreE SerVICE NOWWWWWW!!!!!!111!!!!!”

You vent on the internet, demanding to get your money back despite paying nothing. Your anger boils up and you can’t cope. It’s been three days now maybe you should just accept it?

3) Acceptance

There are other consoles out there? I can play Nintendo, Xbox. Pssh I’m a fanboy I’m going to dust off the PS2 and play some of the greatest games of all time from pretty much every genre. That console sold so many for a good reason. For that I am well pleased. What I need a memory card, where the heck did I put that? I’m going to have to resort to step four.

4) Finding a new hobby

PSN is down, 1 player games are for losers I’m going to start collecting stamps. Yeah that’s the way it should be, neh stuff it I’m going onto step five.

5) Going outside

If you’re British a Bank Holiday weekend is in store, see your friends, grab a beer and toast the happy couple. Go on you can do it, you’re stepping outside I’m so….PSN’S BACK ON GO PLAY PLAY PLAY

Ha psyche!

Originally posted at
I was going to go and play the Gears of War Beta today but then I noticed that the Live service is down. It has, apparently, been down for the last week and will be down for the next week. What the Hell is going on with this thing?

Oh wait, I had the good sense to buy a console with a lot more online security. Thanks, Microsoft.

Here's the thing, Sony are the only people (outside of the hackers) to blame for this entire situation. Have people tried to break into the secure information on the Live subscription service? Probably. Have they ever been successful? Not that I know of. The fact that Sony cannot be trusted to look after the details of the people who put their trust in the company is nothing short of insane. Sony should think more clearly about their security proceedings in the future to stop this from happening.

I am not saying that Live is better than PSN... Actually, that is what I am saying. However, they both do different things and the only job that Sony and Microsoft are trusted with is looking after delicate information about their customers. Thus far, Microsoft have done a great job of making sure that my information is safe and that is one of the reasons that Live is superior to PSN. Sony should actually be ashamed of themselves for being compromised, whether you like Sony or not. Yes, these things happen but surely they should be one step ahead of the hackers? The news that they could have been in there for days is definitely worrying and if I were a PlayStation user, I would be quite concerned, to be honest.

Your post is completely full of fail. First of all, the reason Sony got hacked likely had nothing to do with the fact someone chanced upon a random security flaw, but more likely has to do with the fact they've pissed off the hacker community with the removal of the OtherOS option on PS3, and then their lawsuit against GeoHot and their orchestration of the arrest of graf_chokolo. Sony strong arming people to try and prevent them from tinkering with a system they bought has been met with outrage amongst the hacking community.

No matter what someone may tell you, there is no such thing as a fool proof system. The concept just does not exist. I assure you, if people were going after Microsoft with the same fervor they've been going after Sony lately, they'd hack the Xbox community as well. I mean, good God, Microsoft for YEARS was notorious for having weak security in their software.

You're trying to make this a Microsoft vs. Sony argument, and the fact is that's just silly and short-sighted. This isn't about Microsoft vs. Sony, this is about Sony vs. Hackers, and Sony being seen as a Star Wars level "evil empire" for the tactics they've chosen to punish people who have violated the Sony EULA, by modifying their consoles.

Again, like I said, if Microsoft were to take the same measures Sony has, and would piss off the hacker community worldwide like Sony has, your personal information would be just as likely to be compromised.

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