PS4 and Xbox One - Initial Impressions


Mid-Card Championship Winner
Now that both systems are out, does anyone have either or both of them yet? What are your initial impressions (good and bad). What games do you have?

I don't have either one yet but I'm leaning toward eventually maybe a PS4 (if I buy either). However, on my way to work this morning I drove past Best Buy and the whole parking lot was full of tents with people camping out for the Xbox One. Funny stuff.
I have both and, aside from Dead Rising 3, these launches have both been extremely disappointing. Why the fuck didn't Sony and Microsoft plan for more launch titles? Why in the hell would I get COD: Ghosts or ACIV: Black Flag on either system when I can just go rent both of them for the 360 from Redbox? Furthermore, if you look at Gamestop's website, we aren't going to see any games exclusive to the PS4 and/or XBone until sometime in the middle of next fucking year.

I have spent over a grand on hardware that I won't even be able to fucking use for gaming purposes once I'm done with Dead Rising 3 (Ryse: Son of Rome is a pile of shit and the new Killzone is meh). As far as I'm concerned, Sony and Microsoft can both suck a fat dick.

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