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Shawn Michaels ❤
A big problem in the UK at the moment. More and more women feel they are being forced to turn to prostitution to make easy money to care for their families. It’s a very easy business to get into, despite being illegal.

Each year thousands of men use the services of a prostitute, some paying hundreds of pounds for certain women, and women even have regular clients now. It’s like a company which can’t go public due to law restrictions. However, with this there are also dangers. Many women are beaten, raped or killed whilst going off with men. Anyone can see the dangers in going into the car of a man you have never met and know nothing about.

Prostitution is legal in some places in Europe, although I’m unsure of the American and Australian laws. What do people think on legalising prostitution and the likes of brothels?
Legal brothels in England cuts out pimps & disease. It's that simple. If it's cheap enough to go and see a clean prostitute in a nice building then the junkie prostitutes would lose buisness. £20 for full sex inside an old Tesco is better than £15 for a handjob behind Tesco.
I happen to live in one of the worst areas for prostitution in London. It is truly a tragic existence, and as stereotypical as it seems, the majority of them are clearly crack ****es. I see the argument for some sort of licensed institution, and certainly if you took the money off these prostitutes, thats less money in the hands of the drug dealers, which is only a good thing.

You are never going to get rid of prostitution because of the nature of men. There is a reason why people call it the oldest profession.

That being said, having legalized brothels would attract all sorts of unsavoury people to the neighbourhood, and theres just somethin quite morbid about it. I went to Amsterdam the other week and the differences between the prostitute that I can see outside my house a I write this, and one in the Red Light District is purely cosmetic. There is the same sort of lifeless desperation in their eyes. I think prostitution is seriously detrimental to someone's psyche and I think legalizing it would turn it into a legitimate career option for some people, and that would be terrible.

All in all, I fully understand the point of legalizing prostitution, but I can't see it having any net positive effects on society.
Why can I give it away for free, but yet I am not allowed to sell it? It's MY body, last I checked, and I can get it tatted, pierced, injected, implanted and many other things, but yet I cannot sell the use of my own body, unless it's for research/testing.

I think it should be legal. Regulate it, tax the shit out of it and even unionize it. There is no reason it should be illegal.
I think it would be better if prostitution was legal. Right now it is illegal yet people still do it and its very dangerous to both the women and their clients. Thousands of prostitues are killed because it is very dangerous for women to be on the streets late at night, usually in the "ghetto". If prostitution was legal women could work in brothels or other establishments where their not in some dark alley alone. Also if prostutiton was legal and if the women had to be tested for STD's in order to work it would help stop the spread of STD's. Right now if a man picks up some random hooker he has no way to tell if she's infected but if the women who worked in a legal establishment were tested regularly it would help.
Prostitution is NOT illegal in the UK. However, most of the activities that come with it are. Pimping, brothels, standing on street corners are.

I feel that it should be regulated and taxed. Don't know why the current government has done it already- they seem to have done it on every other item.
I have to side with what Jesse Ventura said about it when he was a governor. It's going to happen anyway. There's a reason its known as the world's oldest profession. People have been paying for sex since the dawn of man and it's no different now. Like someone already said, legalizing it makes things safer and fairer. If a woman can make money doing such things and is ok with it, who is the government to step in and say its illegal? Its an issue in America but not as bad. There are prostitutes around and anyone that tries to tell people otherwise is either stupid or lying. It's going to happen, let it happen.
The laws of prostitution should be, (in my mind at least) should be more or less the same as those on abortions, if women are that desperate, they will go through with it, legal or not, but legalized it can be done safely and securely.

Although the problem with that it is, you try telling the residents of an area that a brothel is going to be opened at the end of the street, theyll be up in arms about it (no doubt the men will just be pretending to be unhappy about it and actually over the moon, but theyll get pissey anyway so their wives dont suspect)

Anyway I dont know why people badmouth prostitutes, they provide a useful and necesary service to the community, and all the power to them :lol:
I think why not legalise it? After all in the uk just about everything else has some sort of tax on it so why not sex? At least this way it can be controlled, monitored and the girls would be safer. Plus it would free up the police to go and chase more dangerous criminals than 2 people who just have sex for money.

Also it would be a great way for virgins to lose there cherry without the fear of disease or a police caution!!!!
i never knew london had such a problem

i see crack ****es roaming the streets on a daily basis, cops dont do anything but as long as they dont bother me i dont care what they do

also if you want to see some really nasty hookers go to Atlantic City
There's a street where i live called "Mercer street." This street is notorious for hookers and that's where all the dirty old men go to get a little action. The police recently raided mercer street and arrested 2 hookers and a assload of dirty old men. When i seen the hookers pictures on televison i thought to myself "DAMN , who the hell would pay to tap that ?" I realy dont see why a guy would pay to have sex with a woman that looks like a inbred ghetto crack ****e. It's very disgusting.
No offense to any offended
I have to agree that it makes more sense to legalize it than to keep it illegal. As others have said, it cuts out on the backhanded and shady actions, which that alone is reason enough to do it. Less illegal prostitution, less pimps, etc. It helps control the spread of disease. It also gives you a very, very important bonus....TAXES. Obviously, a woman that is desperate enough to become a prostitute would much rather have someone pay her under the table in the "still illegal" way, as she wouldn't have to pay income tax on it. And obviously, the pathetic customer would rather pay someone upfront so he didn't have to pay some sort of sales tax or something haha. But how many people would really rather risk getting caught with tax evasion and the like, rather than just pay a little more?

Someone else brought up the point that there'd be the issue of "I just don't want it in my neighborhood", which definitely causes a problem. That's the only issue I think they'd have to get around. However, there doesn't need to be a brothel on every street corner. Treat it like a strip club or a porno shop. Don't make it too flashy, don't have posters of naked women on the outside for just any little kids to see, and most importantly, regulate it like a true business would. If you place an area like that in a "business district" section of a city, its less of a problem for people in the area. Also, you only place one within a certain radius - because how many brothels would you really need within a 30 minute drive? I'm sure the people that are desperate enough to go there and pay for it wouldn't mind driving an extra 5 minutes. Its not like a supermarket or a gas station where you need at least one every certain amount of miles lol.

The only other argument I can see is the health insurance issue. Some people would argue that health insurance should be covered for all the "employees", and what if a customer tried to sue if they got a sexually transmitted disease from one of them? I'm sure there are people more interested in the topic than I am that can think up a solution to it, but I don't care enough to think it out any longer than I already have with this post lol.

All in all, I say: legalize it, regulate it, and make tax the hell out of it because I'm never going to do it so I'd much rather you tax everyone else besides me haha.
Prostitution is legal in some places in Europe, although I’m unsure of the American and Australian laws. What do people think on legalising prostitution and the likes of brothels?
In Australia I am 80% sure its illegal all though there is a brothel 200 metres from where i sit right now :lmao:.

I personally think it should be ok. i dont think there is nothing wrong with it. as somebody mentioned, its your body nd you can do it legally for free so why not be able to charge?. its your body if you want to make somebody happy and make money go for it. as long as its clean and you use protection and are tested regulary it isnt harming anybody at all.

It should be legal everywhere. some people are 1) to shy or 2) to ugly to get a real realationship so they should be able to be able to pay $500 or something to take away their virginity. or thats my opinion anyway.
Prostitution has become a problem here in Vancouver. The East side of Vancouver is in horrible conditions, fill with meth addicts and prostitutes. Recently, there has been a problem with prostitutes going missing. The culprit was found, a man name Robert Pickton who decided he would take the law into his own hands to lower the prostitute level in Vancouver, and chop them up for pig food. He is credited with 50 deaths, but only charged with a small amount of them, I believe 6. Now in Vancouver we have a place for addicts to go and shoot up with heroin, in a clean environment with clean needles. Why is there not a place for prostitutes to perform their acts of service in a clean safe place.
In the US of A, there are a few places that it is legal. Las Vegas is one place but it is set up different. You have to leave the county, Vegas is in Clark county, to the ranches located in the surrounding counties to met the females/males, but you go to a office and order what you want. When i went it was an actual menu like in a restraunt. A naked woman brought me a drink and the menu. Then i was put in a party bus and driven for 25 miles to the ranch.
All the registered prostitutes have to be tested twice a month for std's and every ranch has a in house nurse and doctor. The federal and local government regulate it fiercely.

Should it be legal? Yes, because it would be safer for the workers and the johns both. Little chance of std's and violence. But it will never happen in the US of A because.....
.... No administration would let that happen. It would make us look like we have no morals, which is simply ridiculous considering how America looks to the rest of the world anyways.
Also the cost to regulate and manage nation wide legal prostitution would be enormous! And to those of you who think police could focus on other crimes, there would be the same amount of manpower used to combat illegal prostitution, hookers that don't want to follow the regulations. Prostitution is allowed in Vegas but they have one of the worst problems with illegal prostitution.

On the other hand it is basically legal in most states anyway. Escort Services. some only offer escorts but most are covers. So much an hour and then tips for extras. All disclaimers say "anything that happens during the date is done between consulting adults and any and all money exchanged is for companionship only".
Living half an hour from LA, (Orange County) prostitution here is the lesser of all evils. though is heavily enforced, prostitution banning is as weak as drug trafficking enforcement. Right now there's a big program going on, where the local police backed up by ICE agents and in some cases the feds, are raiding huge sections of some of the most violent cities in the county (Santa Ana, Anaheim, Stanton, etc...)in search of gangs, prostitution rings and of course, illegal aliens.

either way, the prostitution issue in anaheim is pretty bad: if you go to Disneyland and its surroundings and know how to play the game, you can get some action in front of fucking Mickey mouse and friends. that is depressing if you take in account that this is supposed to be the most familiar place on earth.
I’ve never understood why some people make such a fuss over legalizing prostitution. Really how is it any different than porn? Call them “actors” but they’re still being paid to perform sex acts, yet that’s a legal business as long as the parties involved are at least 18.

Criminalizing prostitution hasn’t served as an effective deterrent. People are going to engage in it regardless. I’d rather have a brothel in my town than see crack ****es on the street corner. The violence from pimps and clients won’t end, but legalizing it would be a step in the safer direction for the sex workers. Like a strip club, they could have bouncers and cameras to help keep customers in line.

The only other argument I can see is the health insurance issue. Some people would argue that health insurance should be covered for all the "employees", and what if a customer tried to sue if they got a sexually transmitted disease from one of them?
The brothels should provide testing and medical care. The sex workers could pay a monthly premium like employees in any job do for health care coverage. Going in you know you’re taking a risk of getting a STD/HIV by using the services of a prostitute. So clients could sign a waiver of release before services are rendered.
Prostitution is legal in some places in Europe, although I’m unsure of the American and Australian laws. What do people think on legalising prostitution and the likes of brothels?

In Australia, brothels have to be registered to be considered legal. Correct me if I'm wrong.

I'm a bit iffy with the subject of prostitution and I look at it from both sides. First, I don't really want to say positive but I will anyway. Brothels provide a service which I think if society was without, we would see a higher rate in rapes and sexual abuse.

Now, the negatives. I think prostitution is silly because it leaves the girls open to the contraction of an std because of the wide variety of men that would be using their services, it could also tempt people to cheat on their partners (I've seen it happen before), if it was situated near a school which some are, I think it would attract some weird people to that area.

I just think prostitution is a bad idea, I would rather earn much less at a normal job like McDonalds or Target than sell my body, not sure how much prostitutes get though.
Prostitutes get A LOT more than those minimum wage jobs. I don't know this from experience, btw. But for an hour, they can make over £100, depending on the guy. That's why this is so appealing. Especially to single mothers maybe, who only have a couple of hours spare but need to pay the bills. As much as prostitution has such an awful reputation, it would take a lot of guts IMO to do what they do.

I also don't think rape or sexual abuse rates would go higher if prostitution wasn't there. Rape and abuse aren't about getting a sexual kick out of anyone. They're about having power over someone else. Rapists and child abusers often say they have felt like they had no control, and the way to get that was to take control from someone else. Awful, yes. But I don't think prostitution has an affect on it.
Prostitutes get A LOT more than those minimum wage jobs. I don't know this from experience, btw. But for an hour, they can make over £100, depending on the guy. That's why this is so appealing. Especially to single mothers maybe, who only have a couple of hours spare but need to pay the bills. As much as prostitution has such an awful reputation, it would take a lot of guts IMO to do what they do.

I'm not sure how much that is in Australian Dollars, but I would also assume it would be much higher than your minimum wage job as I said like McDonalds. I gotta agree aswell. I know there is no way I would be able to have sex with some random person that came in for a quickie.

I also don't think rape or sexual abuse rates would go higher if prostitution wasn't there. Rape and abuse aren't about getting a sexual kick out of anyone. They're about having power over someone else. Rapists and child abusers often say they have felt like they had no control, and the way to get that was to take control from someone else. Awful, yes. But I don't think prostitution has an affect on it.

I think it would have an effect, without brothels or street prostitutes, where are those weird people that can't get any go to? Surely one would lose interest in ones hand after a while?

I'm not talking about a massive increase in rape and sexual abuse levels, I'm just saying they would be a little higher.
I'm not sure how much that is in Australian Dollars, but I would also assume it would be much higher than your minimum wage job as I said like McDonalds. I gotta agree aswell. I know there is no way I would be able to have sex with some random person that came in for a quickie.

Well in England, minimum wage is around £4 an hour I believe. That being said, being a prostitute earns you 25x more. For arguably doing less work. I don't know the ins and outs of being a prostitute (No pun intended), but I can see why people who are desperate turn to this.

I think it would have an effect, without brothels or street prostitutes, where are those weird people that can't get any go to? Surely one would lose interest in ones hand after a while?

Rape isn't about sex though. they're 2 completely different things. Thre are no, or very very very few cases of rape where the attacker was just so turned on he had to have sex with the nearest person immediately.

And if the guy had it in him to rape in the first place, he wouldn't bother paying for a prostitue in the first place. He'd just always have raped someone.

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