Pros/Cons: Cena to Smackdown


Pre-Show Stalwart
Alright, so it's never going to happen, and we'll either see ANOTHER title switch, or Cena finding some reason to not win but still remain on Raw. However, let's say he did go to Smackdown...

Cons: Raw is left with Randy Orton as the WWE Champion, DX and Legacy as their most pushed stars, and Big Show and Chris Jericho alternating brands... Smackdown already has Undertaker, Mysterio, CM Punk, Batista, Matt Hardy, etc. Unless they somehow did a trade, Raw would be forced to bump up their midcarders.

Pros: Raw would be forced to bump up their midcarders! Also, if he did go to Smackdown, think of the new feuds he could enter into! I would love to see Cena vs. Punk, Cena vs. Mysterio, Cena vs. Hardy, or what about possibly the two biggest names in the business today, Cena vs. Undertaker! The could go off of that first feud they had during Cena's heel run, and Cena could challenge Taker based on him being completely different than he was 6 years ago... AH!!!!

So... I don't really see him going to Smackdown, but I do see more good coming out of it than bad. Raw can rebound quickly, and if they split apart DX and Legacy, they would have 4 new contenders that are all amazing! I want to see HBK in the title picture again, I'll admit it.. But I also want to see DiBiase in the title picture. The thing is, I also want to see a tag team actually reach success for the first time in a LONG time in the WWE, and if they split them now, they'll ruin one of the greatest factions we've seen since Evolution...
What are your thoughts?
It might happen. I'm sure for Kayfabe purposes Teddy Long will be fair and give over somebody fairly important to replace Cena.

The Pros: Cena is no longer on Raw!!! :lmao:Dx could chase Orton for the title. The guy who Long trades over could spice things up. I barely watch Smackdown and won't have to see Cena as often.

The Cons: Cena is on Smackdown. :disappointed:Some of the young guys may have there pushes stalled a little bit. Cena vs. Batista was actually pretty good and I wouldn't mind seeing it a few more times.
I would love to see Cena sent to Smackdown, and be revamped back to his old image. He then runs rampant and plays the lone thug. Him and Taker could Feud. Meanwhile the midcarders on raw move up to the main event. Edge then comes back to Raw to feud with Orton
It just won't happen. Why would Vince send his biggest star to the show that has the shittiest air time? (Friday night at 8 on a channel tons of fans don't even get) Doing this would just decrease Cena's popularity drastically.

To the people who say you won't have to see him again: Alright imagine yourself as an eight year old little boy who has no older brothers or sisters. If you watched wrestling, you would realize Cena is your hero and role model since you wouldn't have many other people to look up to other than maybe your parents. Cena is their god and they absolutely love him. Also i guess it's an asshole thing of Vince to do when he is making a fake show for little kids and he puts in a character that would be a role model for those kids. Cena is the equivalence of Hogan to the kids.
1. The Cena-ORton feud that would not die would have to die for a while.
2. New(ish) matchups for Cena. CM Punk, Ziggler (non-PPV at this point), or turn Batista or Morrison or Undertaker. If you figure out how to turn Glen Jacobs back into the Undertaker's psychotic scarred masked brother who feels no pain and lives to dish it out, then he'd be a great foil for SuperCena. But I don't think we want to see Cena against the big bald guy in the black pants.
3. New(ish) matchups for Orton. HHH, HBK (start a three way feud on the road to turning one on the other) are quick, obvious choices. Bring over Morrison or Undertaker from Smackdown as compensation for Cena. MVP or Henry could win a quick battle royale for a PPV shot. Turn Dibiase, although I would hold off as long as possible on breaking up Legacy.

Cons: Cena gets booked to completely bury Punk, SD already has too many faces and not enough healthy heels, Cena will overshadow Morrison. ORton has no fresh faces to feud with on Raw besides HHH and HBK.
Why would Vince send his biggest star to the show that has the shittiest air time?

To help rebuild its audience. If you're 8 years old, Friday night TV is not a bad timeslot. Besides, it's an hour earlier so bedtime is less of an issue.

If Cena is sent back over to Smackdown, it is to help make Smackdown even with Raw in ratings and revenues and all.

Besides, half the people who say they wouldn't have to see him again would watch anyway.
Tyler44 is absolutily right,why would Vince send his biggest money maker to the B-show where a lot of people don't even have the channel,It's not going to happen,WE WILL GET ANOTHER TITLE CHANGE AT BRAGGING RIGHTS,I know what you guys are thinking,theres no way WWE is going to again have a title change,well guess what,did you think cena was going to lose it at HIAC???no you didn't so this shouldn't be a surprise

WWE only gave the WWE title back to orton because they wanted a reason to continue the cena-orton fued because if cena retained,he would have no other challengers,then your probably thinking why did WWE even give the title back to cena at Breaking point,well it was a submission PPV and theres no way cena is going to say "I quit" or even tap out so they had no choice.WWE basically cornered themselves with this cena-orton thing because thats the only fued they had

I think Raw is doing a very good job with there mid-card,Kofi,Miz,and Swagger are all coming around nicely,Kofi had AN AMAING US title reign,Miz has the title now an swagger is trying to go undefeated,sounds good to me

IMO,the only way for Mid-carders to become full main eventers is if your on SD,Cm punk is a perfect example,hes now a full main eventer and thats all thanks to SD.John morrison and Dolf zigglor are great up-coming main eventers,the IC title is going to part of the process of them becoming main eventers.I think at the next draft,swagger and Kofi should be drafted to raw and take the next step because Raw can't create new stars to save there lives,I blame creative
Raw's main event scene is the most stale thing in wrestling and I dont' even watch ROH. If Cena went to SmackDown he would only mess up an otherwise pretty decent show compared to the weekly Raw farce.

The "pro's" are little to none. Cena comes to Smackdown to bury a new set of wrestlers. Raw is firmly established as an entertainment show with little regard for good matches on TV. Cena is firmly established as a boring wrestler. They go great together.
Pros: Cena off of Raw, off my TV.
Orton is still the champ.
Raw midcarders are put into the spotlight as one or more must step up to be credible challengers to Orton.
Perhaps a fresh face comes to Raw as a swap for Cena.
Cena and Batista would be on the same show, providing ample time and opportunities for the buildup of the rematch, most likely at Wrestlemania XXVI.

Cons: Cena vs. Batista snoozefests.
Cena bypasses Punk in the main event.
Which Raw star will step up? None of them have been made into believable contenders in my opinion.
Ok people, here is the deal. John Cena is not going to lose, neither is Randy Orton. Has everyone forgot about that thing called a stalemate? Draws? No Contests? This would be the perfect way to end the match. John doesn't lose, stays on RAW. Randy doesn't win, John doesn't look to weak, and keeps the title. That is if thats the way The WWE wants to go. The other options of course still stand, but are very unlikely.

1. Cena Wins The Title: Yes this could very well happen, but I dont know if this is the best option. This would make Orton look very, very weak and they could have just ended up letting Cena keep the title past Hell In A Cell.

2. Orton Wins, Sends Cena Packing: If this were to happen the only thing I could say for pros and cons are:

New faces from mid card might get up to title status on RAW
A possible trade for a top Smackdown star to go to RAW to make up for Cena leaving
New fueds on Smackdown: Cena vs Taker, Cena vs Batista, Cena vs Punk, Cena vs Rey
A new start possibly for Cena's Character
Hopefully, just maybe, Cena completely gone from Raw, A New WWE Title

Talents like Punk, Morrison, Rey Mysterio, get buried by Cena
Lost credibillity for Cena, less Smackdown viewers = less exposure

Thats my input, Thank You.
I don't think that Cena going to SD would be such a bad thing. I agree with whoever said that there could be a lot of new feuds to start. Cena/Batista, heel Cena/Mysterio, Cena/Punk, face Undertaker vs. a heel Cena, heel Cena vs. a face (returning Edge)...just to name a few possibilities. It would give Cena something new to do. I personally am a little tired of Cena/Orton.
- Cena is off of Raw, finally removing the infection on Monday nights
- Orton is finally allowed to have a competitive match with someone that doesn't involve him losing in 3 minutes after 15 of offense.
- A potential HBK/HHH/Orton feud
- MVP/Mark Henry/Swagger/Kofi having to step up to Main Event

- Cena vs Boretista
- Cena burying every heel on Smackdown, including Punk
- The one good wrestling show ruined by Superman
- A potential Cena vs. Undertaker match at Wrestlemania
I don't think that Cena going to SD would be such a bad thing. I agree with whoever said that there could be a lot of new feuds to start. Cena/Batista, heel Cena/Mysterio, Cena/Punk, face Undertaker vs. a heel Cena, heel Cena vs. a face (returning Edge)...just to name a few possibilities. It would give Cena something new to do. I personally am a little tired of Cena/Orton.

why would it be a bad thing get rid of CENA off RAW the feud is tiring us wrestling fans especially ORTON fans
Undertaker can face CENA there u go! And Batista can go up against CENA part 2 hell its about time they feuded again!
CENA will eventually turn bad which is now the time he can blame the fans the real facts why he gets JEERED soooo much and everyone is cheering on ORTON ! Perfect time is now! He hasn't been on smackdown for a long time so he will be going there it would be stupid for ORTON to lose it again afterall he is trying to accumulate how m any times he has teh strap!
Cena going on to Smackdown would end up pushing down the heels on smackdown like Punk and Ziggler. Faces like Morrison will also get pushed down and won't have a world title opportunity. Cena to SD would diminish progress of almost all competitors on the show.

I'll be hoping for some weird finish in the ironman so that Orton can retain and Cena can stay on Raw. Or maybe a trade could work to send Cena for Morrison or something. Morrison vs Orton could be Epic and could be a new step towards seeing some new faces in the title picture. Then again I think that Morrison is great on SD although SD could use some more midcarders. Finlay and Mike Knox are just not doing it and don't seem to have much personality.
I don't think it would be a bad think to have Cena off RAW. I think it might actually be good. A fresh new start for him...also he could turn heel to make things even more interesting.
y do u guys keep saying smackdown.....theres always that possiblity that he goes 2 ecw. I mean think about it. He could wrestle people like Christian...which would be a great feud....or imagine him wrestling someone like vladimir kozlov or eziekiel jackson.....i would love 2 see cena wrestle them...those guys r huge. Or just see him as ecw champion...that would change things up
while i would love to see Cena back on Smackdown, i don't think it will happen for one good reason, Smackdown got to many main eventers already. They already got Batista, Undertaker, Rey Mysterio, Kane, Chris JEricho and C.M. Punk. They don't need to take one of the only main event star left on Raw. Raw is in desperate needs of main event talent especially on the heel side of thing because Orton is becoming boring and even if Cena leave for smackdown, they just gonna continue where they left off with the HHH/Orton feud that everybody hated a couple of month ago.

So as fun as ot Would be to see Cena change brand, i doubt it will happen.
Cena going to SD, with Pros and Cons. Well they have all been said anyway. But here it is again.

Pros: No more Monday nights having to endure the torture that is Cena.
Mid-Carders like Kofi can step up to the plate.
Smackdown will get more attention, from the little kids.
Orton can actually move forward in his career.

Cons: With Cena gone from Raw....I cant see any cons to that.
If the rumors are true about Booker T coming back to the WWE then it makes sense to send Cena to SD, and Booker can potentially come to RAW to fill the void and challenge Orton for the title ... It would certainly be something we haven't seen in awhile....
I don't think it will happen because not everyone gets the network Smackdown! is on, and Cena is the most popular wrestler in the demographic the WWE is targeting. Also with this stipulation, I think he could only lose at one of the big 4 PPVs with something like that. There is the obvious pro; freshening up the feuds on both programs but I can't see Cena agreeing to go to Smackdown! and he basically calls his own shots now much like the top stars before him.
Cena to Smackdown is the smartest thing Vince would do in a very long time.
I mean let's face it,what's after Monday? Tuesday,this means no worries about bedtimes since Friday is before Saturday.This could start something big and I mean VERY big.DX is in Raw,Batista/Rey and Jerishow are probably planning to feud.This leaves Punk/Taker/Cena,Taker/Cena,OR Cena/Punk.This can even grow midcarders on RAW.This can be a start of a new feud,DiBiase and Orton.This can even start HHH and HBK.Then Orton/Edge can even start.The possibilities are endless!
That doesn't necessarily mean he won't be moving to SmackDown. There were promotions in Anaheim a few months back with Triple H vs. Edge and it didn't happen because Triple H went over to Raw.
I can't see this happening. Obviously, he is going to beat Orton in the iron man match @ the next PPV. Part of me wishes it weren't true, but WWE is predictable like that these days.

Actually, as scary as it may sound, the best thing WWE could do right now (to keep it fresh) is to turn Cena heel somehow. Maybe align him with DX for a while, only to turn on them (maybe @ Survivor Series?). He has become so boring as a face and clearly isn't the next Rock or Stone Cold.
Cena going to Smackdown obviously isn't going to happen. RAW is WWE's flagship show and John Cena is WWE's biggest star. You can do the math yourself. Personally I am not sure how him going to Smackdown would work out. Smackdown is already well stacked with faces. They have Undertaker, Batista, Rey, Morrison. You add Cena in there and someone has to get bumped down. And you know it wouldnt be Cena, Taker or Batista. On the flip side Cena on SD would mean some fresh opponents for him to work with. But it is a mute point right now as it obviously isn't going to happen.
No. No. Just no. Smackdown is a thousand times better than Raw, and has been since the draft. Smackdown's main attractions, CM Punk, Morrison, Mysterio and Undertaker are enough to carry the show. Edge (and way back when Jeff Hardy) can always come back to spice things up. Smackdown didn't need Batista to come back and kill any chance of new guys getting to the Main Event. If Cena comes, the spotlight will trade between Cena and Batista for years. The Smackdown I love will be dead. And Raw will somehow continue to suck. No Cena on Smackdown or we riot.

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