Prometheus 2 Will Be More Alien-y?

Mitch Henessey

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After working with Ridley Scott on a new “Blade Runner” movie, Michael Green will rewrite the sequel

After working with Ridley Scott on a new “Blade Runner” movie, veteran scribe Michael Green has been hired to rewrite the untitled “Prometheus” sequel for 20th Century Fox, TheWrap has learned.

Jack Paglen (“Transcendence”) wrote the original draft of the screenplay.

Multiple sources have told TheWrap that the “Untitled Ridley Scott Project” that 20th Century Fox announced it will release in March 2016 is “Prometheus 2,” although the film may not ultimately use that title. An insider told TheWrap that production is scheduled to start this fall, after Scott has delivered his Moses movie “Exodus” to Fox.

Also read: ‘Prometheus 2' Moving Forward With ‘Transcendence’ Writer Jack Paglen

“Prometheus” served as an ‘unofficial’ prequel to Scott's seminal 1979 sci-fi movie “Alien,” and the sequel that Green will write aims to be much more “alien-y” and in line with the terrifying tone of past films in the franchise. Additionally, the sequel is expected to feature multiple ‘David’ androids, which means there will be more than one Michael Fassbender on screen at the same time, according to an individual familiar with the project.

20th Century Fox had no comment regarding the film's plot details or title.

“Prometheus” starred Noomi Rapace as Elizabeth Shaw, a God-fearing archaeologist tasked with finding the Engineers, an alien race that served as the architects of humanity. Fassbender co-starred as an android named David whose remains, by the end of the film, help sole human survivor Shaw launch an Engineer spacecraft bound for their home planet. The last shot featured an alien creature bursting out of an Engineer's chest, and a sequel will likely incorporate that terrifying development.

Also read: Ridley Scott Taps ‘Green Lantern’ Writer Michael Green to Pen ‘Blade Runner’ Sequel (Exclusive)

Green was hired to write “Blade Runner” back in May 2013 and he is currently finishing a polish of the script. While Alcon and Scott Free are keen to start production on that project, the “Prometheus” sequel is in first position for Scott. The sequel has become a priority project at Fox, as the first film grossed more than $400 million worldwide.

Green worked on “Smallville” and “Heroes” before he wrote “Green Lantern” for Warner Bros., which also hired him to pen “The Flash.” He's repped by WME, 3 Arts Entertainment and attorney Patti C. Felker.

I loved Prometheus, but I know a lot of die hard Alien fans feel cheated, because it's more of a quasi prequel. Although, I'm not too sure about the approach to resemble the Alien films for the sequel.

I think it's safe to say the mystique for the Alien franchise died after Alien 3, and to make matters worse, Resurrection and the shitty AVP films drove the nail into the coffin. Basically, I hope they take the time to explore Prometheus' world with a slow burn build, and tie up loose ends from the first film before they jump into the "how it all began" (Xenomorphs, Ripley, etc.) stuff.
I enjoyed Prometheus despide it being up its own arse and yet balls-out ridiculous at the same time. Can't say I care for a sequel directed by Ridley Scott though. Surely the most overrated directed in recent memory.
I liked Prometheus. I thought it was pretty good. I'm still confused as to whether it is an Alien prequel or just set in the same universe but still it was pretty decent.

As to making the sequel more Alien-y does that mean more horror orientated or are we actually going to find out more about the Engineers and/or how the Xenomorphs came to be etc. Because the one thing that annoyed me about Prometheus was we didn't really get any explanations. Sure we found out that the Jockey guy from the first Alien film was an Engineer but aside from saying that they're large humanoids and created human life we didn't learn that much about the Xenomorphs
I enjoyed Prometheus. Fassbender was amazing as usual. More Fassbender is fine with me. I wonder how much of the script will detail the visit with the Engineers on their home planet and how the xenomorphs formed. If they add more horror elements like Alien, then I'm all for it.

The main thing that bothered me about Prometheus was that Shaw is a good character, but Noomi Rapace was a below average lead. I wouldn't mind it if they picked someone else to portray Shaw if they don't want to go with Noomi.
I kind of liked how it stayed far enough away from a direct link to the Alien franchise, yet close enough for room to move. I think if it would have been a definitive origin story there would be many more complaints. With it being open, then they have a few different directions to take it & ways to tell the story linking them together without nailing it down.

Some people damn near expected to see Ripley on screen or something & that would have been a terrible ending. Looking forward to seeing what they do with this sequel. At least I know it cant be as bad as what has been done with the AVP section of the story.
The logical next step is to make it more "Alien-y" based on the closing scene of Prometheus. I like the concept of them going to the Engineers home planet, however I do not know if it will transfer to film in a sufficient manner. Honestly, I would be more intrigued to watch an evolutionary film about how the Alien species gets from it's current form in Prometheus to how it looks in Alien. Give me two hours of metamorphosis and call it a day.

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