Pro wrestling-Reality TV

Cereal Killer

Boy Better Know
A couple of months ago, Hulk Hogan said that he had a "monster idea" for TNA. It turned out to be that fans can record TNA wrestlers whenever they are seen in public. It was then claimed that those recordings will be shown on the website to others. So What could possibly happen with all the recordings?

Rumor is that these could turn into small storylines depending on what the footage is showing. Something like that has been going on but with TNA doing the recording themselves: the AJ Styles and Dixie thang. It is reality alike. We all think that the whole thing is BS but AJ said:

On if there was any thought to dropping the storyline with Dixie Carter after the appearance of Claire: "Absolutely. I thought, 'This did not go as planned and didn’t come out the way we wanted it to.' But there’s a backstory to it. It’s almost a blessing in disguise, and I wish I could tell you what hopefully is going to happen, and you’ll be a lot more excited about it because it’s more than you know. There’s so many unexpected things that are about to happen that you never would’ve thought A.J. Styles may have done."

So it''s going to have more surpirses and it the story is finally gonna get somewhere.

Then there is TNA's new presentation. They present it more reality like. Especially the promos for example: The Brooke Hogan segment with her trying to choose a KO #1 contender.

It was like a whole different show.

So TNA's version of the "Reality era" isn't that bad. I don't hate the whole reality affect on the backstage promos and think it's a good idea as well as the AJ storyline. Because of what he said, I think the storyline will get somewhere and will prove most wrong afterwards. Also, because the reality stuff has only started and isn't doing that bad, we don't know how big it could get in the coming months. Hulkster said that that it will be big like the Hulkamania era in the 80's or the attitude era in the 90's.

On to the WWE now.
Vince Mcmahons version of the "reality era" is the people power and storyline elements.

Some storylines of theirs involves the Summer of Punk, The Rock vs John Cena, Vince relieved of his duties, People Power and the whole conspiracy thing with Awesome Truth. Punk mentions reality era.

These stroylines haven't been that bad and are very interesting. Wonder how far they will get in the future.

On wrestling as a whole: We have the IWC. The IWC give their opinions that can affect the storylines like people complaining for AA being a mid-carder as opposed to him winning the title. Look at what just happened. Hogan handed him option C and now he is our World champ. Also the anti-Cena crowd. Maybe they don't affect storyline but they do affect WWE because they had to award the belt to someone else and also make the Lets go Cena Cena Suck T-shirts.

There are now spoilers as well so we know whats going to happen and we can give our opinions on things.

So my questions are:
Do you think that Pro Wrestling/Storylines like the AJ Styles one is now changing into more of a reality product?
Do you think it'll last?
What revolution do you think will happen after the reality product comes to an end? E.g Attitude era.
Who should be the face of the reality in WWE? CM Punk at the moment.
Who should be the face of the reality in TNA? Austin Aries at the moment.

Explain your answers, this is non-spam!:)

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