Prince Fielder signs with the Detroit Tigers, will buy small country with contract.


semi-retired from WZ


I am in shock at this. Detroit was probably the last place I figured Fielder would sign, because A) he hates his dad Cecil, who played for Detroit, and by signing with Detroit would invoke the obvious comparisons constantly, and B) has stated numerous times he doesn't want to be a DH. The Tigers already have Miguel Cabrera, one of the best hitters in all of baseball at 1st base. I would have assumed that Fielder's skills would be superfluous.

But, I guess when you get a 214 million dollar contract, you no longer give a shit about not being a DH, lol. If Fielder and Cabrera split time between 1st and DH'ing...look out. To have Cabrera and Fielder batting right after each other? EVERY DAY? GAWD I am getting hard just thinking about it. Let ALL American League pitchers be very, very afraid.
There's to be no splitting of 1B and DH. According to the report that broke this news, Fielder is getting 1B all to himself and Miggy is probably moving to 3B or maybe DH. I would support 3B myself, since really, who gives a shit about defense with this team at this point. Fielder/Miggy in the middle of the lineup is probably the most terrifying combination I can think of right now.

This is an enormous deal for the Tigers, who I expect will get a World Series out of it inside of the next 3 years. They paid through the nose and will probably regret the money toward the end of it, but the GMs of baseball have no one to blame but themselves for proliferating the attitude that you have to sign guys to contracts of this length. Fielder is probably going to be very durable though, so that's an upside for them. The end of his contract may be an inglorious DH stint, but the first half and more should be very productive for the Tigers. This is a great move for them and another great shocker from this offseason.
Thats crazy. I dont like either one of those guys, Cabrera or Fielder, but will be incredible seeing what they can do together
The thing is, the Tigers owner, Mike Ilitch is age 82. He has won 4 Stanley Cups with the Red Wings, but his love has always been the Detroit Tigers. He desperately wants to win the World Series at least once before he goes. He is in 100% "win now" mode. Truth be told, I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't the only signing. He has the cash, and he is willing to spend it.
This is seriously amazing. Tigers are are all in and obviously going for the World Series this year.

As for the DH thing, Cabrera will move to 3rd. That's at least what I'm hearing at this point.

I do agree, the Tigers aren't done. Illitch wants this (and another Cup) before he's gone.
Ho. Lee. Shit. When I was told of the news I just could not believe it, especially for the 9 years given out. Bravo Illitch and Dombrowski for making the big move to getting this job done and doing more then enough to fixing your hole at DH. Now, obviously, the pressure is gonna be even more rampant and if they don't make a run it will be a disappointment.

In the short term, though, Boesch/Cabrera/Fielder 2-3-4. I want someone to find me a better middle of the lineup then that. You can't. Just makes me more excited for Opening Day.
Ho. Lee. Shit. When I was told of the news I just could not believe it, especially for the 9 years given out. Bravo Illitch and Dombrowski for making the big move to getting this job done and doing more then enough to fixing your hole at DH. Now, obviously, the pressure is gonna be even more rampant and if they don't make a run it will be a disappointment.

In the short term, though, Boesch/Cabrera/Fielder 2-3-4. I want someone to find me a better middle of the lineup then that. You can't. Just makes me more excited for Opening Day.

Just wait until 2013, when the Tigers get Victor Martinez back too...a complete Murderer's row on days that Martinez is subbing in for Avila at catcher. (If he is allowed to catch again, who knows what kind of shape his knees will be in) Boesch/Cabrera/Fielder/Martinez 2-3-4-5. :wtf: Sucks to be every non-Tigers pitcher in the American League.
Cabrera will definitely have to trim a few pounds off and get in better shape for the OF then (which I think would be less wear on him then 3rd would). The guys 6-4, 240. If he can cut 10-15 pounds then he could play right field (hey, we had Magglio suck out there for the last few years of his time, not like Miguel could be much worse) and Boesch could play left, with Jackson shaded over towards right-center to save Miguel from covering as much ground.

Martinez's days as even a backup catcher are probably all but done. He's in his mid 30s, he was never good defensively to begin with, and DH seems like the only suitable spot.

And yeah, Cabrera may be able to put up even better numbers since this is the best protection he's ever had. So. Stoked.
Mike Illitch is going to get the Stanley Cup and World Series trophy this year. Detroit's gonna party like it's 1999 if that happens especially since the Lions are finally a legitimate team too
Yeah this news certainly sucks for me. Tigers likely just added more distance between themselves and the rest of the division. Personally I'm hoping his first year he can't adjust to American League pitching on a regular basis, but that's just because I'm a Sox fan. But it's probably not going to happen, and he will be killer for the team. I do think paying him over 23 mil/year is a little high, but hey, who doesn't overpay for players these days?

The lineup if everyone produces is gonna be sick. If everyone but the middle of the lineup can't produce, then the Tigers are still really good. The only worry may be Cabrera at 3rd. His defense at the hot corner is potentially very shaky. But with the offense they have the potential to produce will always be there, and they could possibly overcome his potentially shaky play. Unfortunately for me, a great signing by the Tiggers.
Mike Illitch is going to get the Stanley Cup and World Series trophy this year. Detroit's gonna party like it's 1999 if that happens especially since the Lions are finally a legitimate team too

While I would go crazy if that happens, let's try to keep the wild predictions until we get closer to Opening Day. Injuries happen, and a young team like the Indians could come and surprise people again (they did it for a good while last year; not saying they won't, but it's not impossible). And when it gets to the postseason even crazier things happen. Everybody and their mom was picking the Phillies and Red Sox/Yankees in the World Series. Not 1 made it past the LDS.

I'm just as hopeful as you are, but making claims like this in mid January is pretty short sighted. The Tigers still have some noticable holes/potential cause for concern - Can Jackson cut down his K's and hit back at 2010 form? can Peralta post career numbers again after being so-so during every year beside the last? how much value can we really expect to get out of 3rd and 2nd base, assuming Cabrera doesn't take over 3rd? can Valverde close as well as he did last year? etc.
I am so fucking happy. Boesch, Cabrera, Fielder, and Delmon Young all hitting in a row? That has to be the nastiest stretch of a line up in quite some time. Cabrera and Fielder are two of the best players in the game and now they will be back to back in the same batting order. There is virtually no way to pitch around the heart of this Tigers line up. Obviously they take a little hit defensively with Cabrera likely playing third at times but in late game situations they can move Cabrera to DH (hopefully he DH's the majority of the season) and then bring in Inge or someone else as a defensive replacement. It's World Series or bust now for the Tigers.
This is so awesome. It looks like everybody else in this thread is a fellow Michigander, and feels the same way about this transaction as I do. Having Prince and Cabrera in the same lineup is so badass, even if our defense will take a hit.
Certainly can't fault the Tigers for making this deal but it somehow seems incongruous that a city like Detroit, whose economic perils have been a big subject in the news, can afford to pay him $214 million dollars to play a game. Yes, he's going to get his money wherever he goes, but I didn't realize Detroit was in financial position to pony up the cash; I thought their economic position mirrored the city's. Guess not.

Prince really has the world on a string, doesn't he? Fatter than Babe Ruth ever was, but with the sports world at his feet because he can hit a ball with a stick.

Still, I'll say this; he didn't give us the crap about "wanting to stay in Milwaukee because he loves the fans and his teammates and blah, blah, blah"..... He was chasing the money and made no secret of it. I can appreciate the honesty. (As if he'll eat better for $214 million than for a somewhat lesser amount.....and he likes to eat, no?)

He apparently didn't care where he played and proved it by going to a place where he'll be constantly compared to his despised father. His lumpy build will even look like Cecil's when in uniform. Oy.
Certainly can't fault the Tigers for making this deal but it somehow seems incongruous that a city like Detroit, whose economic perils have been a big subject in the news, can afford to pay him $214 million dollars to play a game. Yes, he's going to get his money wherever he goes, but I didn't realize Detroit was in financial position to pony up the cash; I thought their economic position mirrored the city's. Guess not.

Last time I checked the city of Detroit wasn't paying him a dime. Mike Illitch has plenty of money to throw around. Besides when the Detroit sports teams are great it brings the city together and makes the city money. I have a feeling the Tigers are going to be breaking some attendance records this season. The more people from the outside, wealthier suburbs of Detroit coming into the city, the better.
Obviously they take a little hit defensively with Cabrera likely playing third at times but in late game situations they can move Cabrera to DH (hopefully he DH's the majority of the season) and then bring in Inge or someone else as a defensive replacement.

A DH can't be replaced by a player already in the field. If Cabby was moved out of 3rd base for defensive purposes he'd either have to be placed in a different position or taken out completely. He couldn't be moved to DH.

Leyland said he wasn't gonna take Cabby out for defensive purposes anyways, but I just wanted to clarify that MLB rules state he can't do it anyways.

Certainly can't fault the Tigers for making this deal but it somehow seems incongruous that a city like Detroit, whose economic perils have been a big subject in the news, can afford to pay him $214 million dollars to play a game. Yes, he's going to get his money wherever he goes, but I didn't realize Detroit was in financial position to pony up the cash; I thought their economic position mirrored the city's. Guess not.

No, not even close. Their owner Mike Illitch is owner of the Tigers, Red Wings, and Little Caesars. He's got lots of money to spend and is already 82 years old. He just wants a title before he dies, and I don't blame him.

And I must say, I'm still annoyed the Tigers aren't even opening up the idea of having Cabrera play in the OF, which I feel would be easier to do for his big body and would be less strain then at 3rd because he would rarely have to make plays that take him to his feet like a 3rd basemen. I hope they come to their senses in ST that their best option is to have Cabrera play the field (specifically a corner OF spot) when their groundball pitchers (Fister and Porcello) are playing and most likely DH and 1st base (when Fielder is getting rest/DHing only) when Verlander, Scherzer, and the 5th starter go. I know Cabrera likes to play the field and him being a DH could make him unhappy, but unless Young is DHing (which is possible) there's not gonna be a worse fielder out there then Cabrera. At least for this year. When V-Mart comes back in 2013 you can figure out the fielding problem. This year Cabrera should primarily be a DH or corner OF.
A DH can't be replaced by a player already in the field. If Cabby was moved out of 3rd base for defensive purposes he'd either have to be placed in a different position or taken out completely. He couldn't be moved to DH.

Regardless, they can still move him out of third and put him in left or right. I'd much rather have him be in the outfield then at the corner in a clutch situation.

And I must say, I'm still annoyed the Tigers aren't even opening up the idea of having Cabrera play in the OF, which I feel would be easier to do for his big body and would be less strain then at 3rd because he would rarely have to make plays that take him to his feet like a 3rd basemen. I hope they come to their senses in ST that their best option is to have Cabrera play the field (specifically a corner OF spot) when their groundball pitchers (Fister and Porcello) are playing and most likely DH and 1st base (when Fielder is getting rest/DHing only) when Verlander, Scherzer, and the 5th starter go. I know Cabrera likes to play the field and him being a DH could make him unhappy, but unless Young is DHing (which is possible) there's not gonna be a worse fielder out there then Cabrera. At least for this year. When V-Mart comes back in 2013 you can figure out the fielding problem. This year Cabrera should primarily be a DH or corner OF.

Exactly. If Magglio could play in right for all those years and Delmon could play in left for a good amount of games last season, then I guarantee Cabrera would be no worse then either of them in the outfield. I'd feel more comfortable with him in the outfield. I'm sure we'll see Delmon, Miguel, and Prince as the main DH's throughout the year, with Delmon likely seeing the bulk of the duty.
I agree about him being better off in the OF especially RF. Comerica Park's dimensions are shorter in RF so he would have less ground to cover plus he has a great arm so it would be of better use in Right versus Left. But the benefit of him playing 3B is that it gets Inge/Don Kelly's bat out of the lineup everyday where as they would still be in it if he played in the OF.
Was so excited when I found out about this. Growing up I was the biggest Cecil Fielder fan, so this is just cool that the Fielder name is back where it belongs, at least in my mind. Wow though, what a contract. I really hope he proves to be worth it. It will take him some time to get used to the AL style of pitching, but I believe he will be worth every penny once he gets rolling.
It's going to suck when martinez comes back and they have 3 guys who can't field worth a shit. Not only that, but catcher and third are fairly high injury-risk positions. The offensive production (assuming they don't get hurt and Martinez doesn't age as much as I think he will) should be pretty amazing. Their pitching staff is super solid and now their lineup will be top notch for probably 3-4 years with Cabrera and Fielder around their peak now having 2-4 prime years left. It's not like the AL Central will provide much competition. The ChiSox don't know what to do, the Twins are a mess, I'm not sold on the Indians. Surprisingly, Kansas City will probably pose the biggest threat to them over the next 5 years. KC has an insane amount of talented hitting in the majors and under team control for a while and an insane amount of pitching potential in the minors. KC looks kinda like Texas did a few years ago. Once KC's pitchers mature (if they don't get hurt or shit the bed) and perhaps they sign a dominant Ace ala Cliff Lee with the Rangers, they could dethrone the Tigers. Or, of course, if Fielder and Cabrera age quickly like many expect them to.
Certainly can't fault the Tigers for making this deal but it somehow seems incongruous that a city like Detroit, whose economic perils have been a big subject in the news, can afford to pay him $214 million dollars to play a game. Yes, he's going to get his money wherever he goes, but I didn't realize Detroit was in financial position to pony up the cash; I thought their economic position mirrored the city's. Guess not.

The Tigers owner Mike Illitch is a billionaire that made his fortune in Detroit and has stayed in Detroit. He is probably one of the best owners in all of sports. He has put millions of dollars back into the city with investments in businesses and with both The Red Wings and Tigers. Doling out this money to Prince Fielder will do nothing but help the struggling city.

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