Prime Time Players return

Just a couple of days ago I ended up watching some of the old WWE Inbox on youtube, which reminded me how entertaining could O'Neil and Young be when they play off each other, and just yesterday they made their come back taking down The Ascension.

Personally I am quite happy and hope they give them a bit of space (although I do fear they'll be just fed to The Ascension at the end of the feud)

What do you think of them and their return as a tag team?

I felt like the reunion fell flat, but that's because people didn't understand. The Prime Time Players music should have hit before Titus ran into the ring.

Otherwise, I'm a big fan. I always felt like Darren Young was underutilized. I like the beard to remove the "black Cena" comparisons.
The idea is great. Execution woeful.

It should have happened night after Fastlane or even Mania. Crowds a are a bit hotter the day after any PPV, especially Mania. Young should not have had a team mate at all, just have him face a 2-on-1 beat down. Hit the PTP music. There was no real embrace, handshake or make up involved. It all felt half hearted and a last minute decision, 'oh bugger we have pretty much no tag teams anymore'
I don't see either of these gentlemen as successful single stars so putting them back together in a tag team is a smart move for all concerned. The tag division seems to be getting stronger and stronger and is a real focus at the moment which I like to see. The Rhodes brothers have just disbanded so there is a space for a new tag team and the PTP are it.

I would love them to bring back Ab Washington but there is slim chance of that. He was golden.
I'm pretty happy about this. All this time we have complained about the lack of Tag teams in the WWE main roster. Now we got one!!

And moreover both of them had a fair good run as a tag team and they connected to the crowd so well!! Now with two tag team splitting up so soon it's a good time for them to return!

For God's sake how long the Usos will hold the title? forever??
Makes complete sense to me reunite the PTP, and I'll admit, I popped when Titus came out to help Young. People may forget this, but at one time the Prime Time Players were one of the hottest tag teams going, and were destined to win the World Tag Titles. Than WWE split them up almost out of nowhere, and put these two in a nowhere feud. For the longest time, I was wondering why the hell WWE didn't just put them back together. Here you have two guys with a bunch of potential, who were actually getting over as a tag team, and added some originality into the tag picture when it desperately needed it.

It seems as if WWE has finally come to their senses. The Tag Division is sorely lacking right now and will be even more when Miz/Mizdow and Gold/Stardust officially break up, so I'm hoping this is the start of a new influx of Tag Teams. Even The Usos, PTP, BRC, The Ascension, and The Lucha Dragons would be a solid Tag Division.
I guess I'm for it, but I thought their reunion was kind of weak. The lack of intro music was noticeable and doesn't really make sense. Maybe if it was proceeded by a backstage segment or if they at least acknowledged past tensions before reconciling. Just have Young look suspicious and Titus remorseful, before extending his hand. Or something like that.

It's not going to matter though because they're just going to be fed to the Ascension. Nom Nom.
I always felt like Darren Young was underutilized.

And I thought he was about to be "underutilized" to the point of being released from WWE after making those Twitter comments criticizing his employer.

Still, even while I wasn't excited about PTP before and am not getting much of a kick from it now, it was sort of nice.....if see them together in the ring again......and if the company does plan to have them stay a team, it will probably go unexplained as to what happened to the animosity between them when last they were together.

Got to admit I like that facial hair on Darren; makes him look more dangerous.
Darren Gotta Think About It? or Tweet About it?

This is a gift horse for both guys... some teams just shouldn't be broken up and this was one of them. It's a shame for Heath Slater (Future Endeavor on the way) but his legal stuff has probably killed any chance Slater Gator ever had and Darren's recent Tweet storm puts him in a spotlight... WWE can't be seen to punish him but they probably aren't best pleased either... so PTP back together works... it's a real terms demotion from the supposed singles push he was expecting, but has enough of an upside that it won't be seen that way by the majority and probably the Player's themselves.

Titus wasn't going anywhere so if it gets him back on TV regularly and winning a few then he's gonna be happy. Darren perhaps emerges more as the "star of the team" this time around. The APA model works for teams like these, split and come together occasionally...

I can't help thinking though this might be something to do with a certain set of "Brothers" who may be returning... The PTP are PERFECT Dudleyz opponents.
I don't think they should have ever been separated to begin with really... and it gives us another solid tag team that won't consist of guys with condoms on their head and a bull mascot. I do agree with the execution being pretty poor as most people seem to, it seemed very rushed - no build up or aftermath. You would think that with all the jerking around they do to fill 3 hours of time, they could have given those guys a little promo after Titus made the save or given some insight as to why Titus helped other than "well they used to be in a tag team together a couple years ago".
Other than the single mutton chop on Darren, I like the PTP's coming back. They are entertaining and the tag team division needs everything it can get right now.
Good move by WWE. Goldust and Stardust just split, and The Miz and Mizdow are about to. The tag team division needs all the help it can get. So why not take 2 guys who are doing nothing, and put them back together in a team that was always pretty decent?

Nice to see them using logic for once.
Just a couple of days ago I ended up watching some of the old WWE Inbox on youtube, which reminded me how entertaining could O'Neil and Young be when they play off each other, and just yesterday they made their come back taking down The Ascension.

Personally I am quite happy and hope they give them a bit of space (although I do fear they'll be just fed to The Ascension at the end of the feud)

What do you think of them and their return as a tag team?


I like them. They weren't the most talented tag team but they were entertaining. I didn't think they'd ever reunite. I honestly thought they should have won the tag titles a few years ago. If you can have a team like Kofi and Truth hold on to the titles for so long, why not a team fans legitimately like PTP

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