Pretend Wrestlemania 17 never happened...


King Of The Ring
If we were to have a thread on the greatest Wrestlemania of all-time, I fully believe that 90% of the responses here would point to Wrestlemania 17. For good reason as well, as I personally consider it to be not only the best Wrestlemania ever, but among my favorite PPV's ever. With Benoit/Angle, TLC 2, HHH/Undertaker, and of course Austin/Rock, you have four matches that could have main evented another PPV, and people would have been pleased. With four of these matches, is it even close as to what the best Wrestlemania of all time has been? So, in the spirit of pretending Wrestlemania 17 never happened, what was the greatest Wrestlemania otherwise?

For me, this is a very difficult decision. I looked closely at Wrestlemania 19, and was leaning that way. This was Shawn Michaels first Wrestlemania since WM 14, and he and Jericho had the best match on the card, and certainly one of the best matches of Jericho's career. The main event between Lesnar and Angle was gold, but the ending with the botched SSP and the improvised finish kept this from possibly being a classic. Vince and Hogan is very good, especially for men of their age and physical condition, but it's not a classic. Finally, Austin and Rock in Austin's final match to date was also very good, but fell short of their previous two WM encounters.

My problem with this card is two-fold. One, the other matches surrounding these went from average to very bad. Mysterio and Matt Hardy as the opener was such a disapointment at under 6 minutes. This was followed by one of the worst streak matches, with Undertaker vs Big Show and A-Train. The triple threat Women's Title match was well below average for what you'ld expect from Jazz/Trish/Victoria. The triple threat tag match that followed was average, yet the best match thusfar. For the fourth match on the card, that's less then impressive. The only other match that I've failed to mention is the World Title match between Booker T and HHH, and this was simply a case of where Booker was simply fodder for HHH, with no realistic chance of winning the match.

My second problem here is the order of the matches on the card. The final five matches were all big-time matches, with HBK/Jericho, the Raw Title, Hogan/Vince, Austin/Rock, and Lesnar/Angle. I understand that all of these are big matches, and earned their palces on the card. But the problem is the pacing, as it's one big match after another, with no "down time." Placing the tag title match and perhaps the Divas match in between some of these would have made for a much better pacing for the show. Also, unlike my choice(getting there), there's no real classic on the show. Some very good to great matches, but nothing that will be remembered in history as an all-time great.

So with that out of the way, I'm going to go with Wrestlemania 10. I'm going to sound hypocritical here somewhat, as this was simply a two match card. I criticized 19 because the card surrounding the big matches weren't very good, but the matches surrounding the two great ones at 10 absolutely sucked. Bigelow/Vachon vs Doink/Dink and Men on a Mission vs The Quebeccers are absolute travesties that didn't belong on any PPV, let alone Wrestlemania. And then there's the train wreck that is Luger vs Yokazuna, with Luger being DQ'd in his title match, a terrible match with an even worse finish. So how could this possibly be the best Wrestlemania other then 17? Simple.

Unlike with 19, this show has two absolute classics. Not only is Bret vs Owen considered to be the best opener in Wrestlemania history, it's also one of the greatest matches in history, period. This or his match with Davey on Raw is the best match of Owen's career, and the psychology was off the charts. Both men spent the entire match working the other's limbs in attempts to set up for the Sharpshooter, so when they applied it, it was meaningful and believable. Each reversed the other's attempts at the Sharpshooter over and again, so the ending was perfectly fitting with Bret attempting a victory roll, only for Owen to reverse himself, was beautiful. It was a nod to the rest of the match, and was a classic in every sense of the word. The shock factor of Owen beating his brother, who had won the Rumble along with Luger and had a title match later in the night, was unbelievable.

I don't need to go through the details of the other match for everyone to understand why the HBK/Razor Ramon Ladder Match was a classic. The storyline was simple but great. SHawn was suspended, Ramon won the IC title in the interim, but when Shawn returned, he refused to give up the belt. So they introduced the ladder, with both belts hanging above the ring. How often does a match truly make stars out of two men? This is one of the rare occasions where this was the case, as it shot both men into the upper elite. Certainly the best ladder match of all time, even with all of the innovations and spots that have been added in the 18 years since.

As I said, I come across as highly hypocritical here, because the matches surroundign Bret/Owen and HBK/Razor weren't very good. Bret's second match where he won the title from Yokozuna was decent, as was Randy Savage and Crush, but the rest of the card was simply awful. But this is one of those rare cases where the two matches that were great were such classics that the rest of the card doesn't truly matter, in my eyes. So if you eliminate Wrestlemania 17, Wrestlemania 10 is my choice for greatest Wrestlemania.

I went on a bit here, but my choice is clear. Obviously, Wrestlemania 17 outshines this and any other Wrestlemania for me, but that's not up for consideration here. But every other Wrestlemania is fair game here.

Excluding Wrestlemania 17, what was the greatest Wrestlemania of all time?
Wrestlemania 4.

That's my answer even if 17 is on the table. I loved the tournament for the title, it told one big ever unfolding story, and even gave us a twist ending.

Plus it doesn't hurt that it was the beginning of Savage as a star.
I don't consider Wrestlemania 17 the greatest. The women's match at 19 was certainly better than the one at 17, and the Taker match was certainly better than the gimmick battle royal, and Mysterio/Hardy was better than RTC vs APA/Taz.

I still say 19 is better than 17 and is the best Wrestlemania match wise.
From one fellow 29 year-old native Pittsburgher to another...

I can see where WMX would be viewed as greatest WM of all time. Coincidentally, it happened to be the first WM I ever watched on PPV, so it does hold some nostalgic value with me. In truth though, using your argument to make it the best would be the same as making WM7 the best of all time. WM7 had two great matches (Hogan/Slaughter & Warrior/Savage) whereas the rest of the card was mediocre to bland.

If we exclude WM17, I can narrow this down to a few choices...
  1. WM 14 - Austin Era begins
  2. WM 19 - Solid PPV from top to bottom
  3. WM 20 - Benoit and Guerrero capture both world titles. One of the most emotional moments in wrestling history.

In a tough call, I'm going to go with WM19. You have Kurt Angle, arguably the greatest professional/amateur wrestler of all time, squaring off against Brock Lesnar. Nothing more needs to be said on that match.

The Rock and Stone Cold put on yet another classic, with Rock finally getting a victory over Austin.

HBK defeated Y2J in a huge return match that stands alone as one of the best WM matches I've seen in a long time.

Undertaker defeats TWO men in one match to keep the streak alive.

HHH/Booker T, another solid match.

As for the rest of the card, hey I love cat fights and Trish Stratus is arguably the greatest women's champion of all time.
i would say either wm 18 or 20 ive always had a problem trying to figure out the best between those 3 18 had a really good card in my opinion the legendary Rock and Hogan match which was really good (even though hogan was in it) triple h vs jericho which i always thought was under rated Austin vs Hall another i thought was good and really underrated as well kane and angle had a good match edge and booker was pretty good and rvd and regal was a really good opener the divas match was pretty good and the tag tteam fatal 4 way was good as well and of course the undertaker flair match was great i consider it 1 of my favorite taker streak matches. theres nothing really bad i can say about the Wrestlemania 18 i would think its just as good as 17. Now Wrestlemania 20 imo would be possibly the best on paper. Benoit vs Michaels vs HHH was amazing the 2nd best closer of a wrestlemania (behind HBK vs Taker at 26) and Eddie vs Angle was really good Jericho and Christain put on a good show the cruiserweight and tag title matches were good the womens title match was ok and the rock and sock vs evolution was good and entertaining now the downsides taker vs kane and lesnar vs goldberg looked like they would both be badass matches based on the build of them but both ended up being not terrible but neither stole the show and certainly werent wat i expexcted. IMO these 2 would have to be the other 2 greatest Wrestlemanias other than 17
I'm somewhat torn by this question. I was going to say Wrestlemania 14 but thinking back I can't really say it was the best in my opinion. The only things I can think of that really stand out today (to me anyways) are the dumpster match, Undertaker/Kane, and of course Austin/Michaels.

I might regret this later but right now I'm going with Wrestlemania 21. It was a night that ushered in the next generation of main-eventers being John Cena, Edge, Batista, and in my opinion Randy Orton (if you can go one on one with the Undertaker at Wrestlemania you've got something). Shawn Michaels v. Kurt Angle was a classic match, Guerrero v. Mysterio was a really fun match to watch and the money in the bank was insane. Finishing the night off with two of hottest rising stars in the business winning world titles was just amazing.
Wrestlemania 3

Hulk Hogan slamming Andre The Giant is, was, and will always be the greatest moment in wrestling history. The WWE brought wrestling to a height no one ever thought possible in the 80's and Wrestlemania 3 was the pinnacle. In the 25 years since, no match has matched the electricity and build that Hogan vs. Andre had. The fact that it took place in front of 93,000 fans only adds to the fact.

In addiction to the main event, it also had what is considered one of the greatest matches of all time between Savage and Steamboat. Other great moments included Piper shaving Adrian Adonis's head, Alice Cooper coming out with Jake Roberts during his face turn, and King Kong Bundy splashing Little Beaver.

All in all Wrestlemania 3 symbolizes one of the greatest periods in wrestling history.
Wrestlemania 21.

Eddie vs. Rey imo is the second greatest WM opener behind Bret vs. Owen, you had the debut of MiTB and imo it still remains the best MiTB match so far. 2 classics in Angle vs. Michaels (favourite WM match of all time) and Taker vs. Orton, Orton was the first person who actually looked convincing of ending Taker's streak. Now people shit on the 2 main events and maybe they were crap but doesn't it even matter when you create your two new top dogs? No, that's bigger than the match itself.

WM 21 had it all. Great matches (except for Womens Title & Sumo match) and the birth of your 3 new biggest stars (4 if you wanna include Orton for his awesome performance)
Wrestlemania 3

Hulk Hogan slamming Andre The Giant is, was, and will always be the greatest moment in wrestling history. The WWE brought wrestling to a height no one ever thought possible in the 80's and Wrestlemania 3 was the pinnacle. In the 25 years since, no match has matched the electricity and build that Hogan vs. Andre had. The fact that it took place in front of 93,000 fans only adds to the fact.

In addiction to the main event, it also had what is considered one of the greatest matches of all time between Savage and Steamboat. Other great moments included Piper shaving Adrian Adonis's head, Alice Cooper coming out with Jake Roberts during his face turn, and King Kong Bundy splashing Little Beaver.

All in all Wrestlemania 3 symbolizes one of the greatest periods in wrestling history.

I Second this Vote! Brought Many new fans into wrestling and the lead up to Savage VS Steamboat was so well done! This was the Wrestlemania that made the WWE in my opinion, which I admit doesn't mean much in the whole scheme of things...
Hmmm, first of all, Mania 4 had anything but a twist ending, since WWF's own gimmicked magazine gave away the ending of the tournament a month before it happened.

As far as the best of all time, well, I'm torn between 19 and 20. With the exception of Lesnar and Goldberg, for which I mostly blame the Smark crowd, it had pne of the best cards ever. 19 was a close second going in, but I think came out looking better.
I Second this Vote! Brought Many new fans into wrestling and the lead up to Savage VS Steamboat was so well done! This was the Wrestlemania that made the WWE in my opinion, which I admit doesn't mean much in the whole scheme of things...

Also reading most people's top ten Wrestlemania bouts of all time, Wrestlemania 3 had 2 of them. Savage/Steamboat, considered the best I.C. Title Match of All time (when the title meant something too) and Hogan/Andre was the most important Wrestlemania match of all time....
WrestleMania 3 OR WrestleMania 25.

WM 3 - The image of Hulk Hogan slamming Andre The Giant will always be the the golden moment of the WWE. This WM needs no intro.

WM 25 - What a fantastic WM this was to me. Still to this day.. The Taker/Shawn match was my favorite to watch ever. Not best match but fav to watch! The Orton/HHH match had so much build. And who can forget Cena picking up Edge and Big Show!
i say WM 21 was the greatest if 17 is off the table!! Angle V SM was the showstopper indeed Cena V JBL (really the birth of Cena IMO)and Trips and batista!! First ever money in the bank ladder match with Edge winning and mysterio vs eddie guerrero had it all!! This card from top to bottom minus the sumo match had everything a fan could ask for IMO!!! Great talent and the stars delivered on the grandest stage of them all IMO!!
Mania 19, 21 and 3 were all top notch to me. I think 17 was the best, bringing back the big crowd feel and all and the great card. 19 is a very close 2nd.(IMO.) And I actually really liked Mania 8 and 9. More cartoonish but had great moments like the surprise ending to both of them.
Wrestlemania 21:

Wrestlemania 21 is without a doubt, the best Wrestlemania excluding Wrestlemania 17. All of its matches were phenomenal and has their fair share of great storytelling both in and out of the ring. The opening sold the entire event as Rey Mysterio and Eddie Guerrero arguably put on one of Wrestlemanias single best opening match ups to date. The feud that went into this match made it feel that much better. Eddie Guerrero had never beaten Rey and the WWE focused on that. Eddie wanted to badly. Guerrero wanted to cheat so badly but couldn’t do it. It cost him the match and what followed in the coming months happens to be one of the most underrated feuds in wrestling.

Another great moment was Hulk Hogan’s cameo appearance helping out Eugene and beating the hell out of Mohammad Hassan and Divari. The ovation for Hogan’s save was huge. Wrestlemania 21 featured a concept that was new and fresh to the fans; the Money in the Bank contest. Keep in mind this concept had not been over done at the time and was completely new. This was the first Wrestlemania that the match took place and eventually became its own pay-per-view which I’m sure counts for something. Not only was this a great new match, my favorite Superstar Edge won.

Continuing Wrestlemania 21’s great matches, Undertaker beat Randy Orton in a Legend vs. Legend Killer match up. This was the height of Orton’s persona. My favorite moment of the match was when Randy Orton countered Undertaker’s chokeslam in one of the most unique counters ever; the RKO. I thought it was over and I’m sure most did. I certainly made sense that a young up and comer could end a streak like this one. Randy Orton certainly has the IT factor. But ‘Taker kicked out. The ending was also unique as Orton tried for a Tombstone only for it to be reversed into another Tombstone from The Undertaker himself. This is one of those occasions where a great match up put Orton over even though he lost.

The next match completely sold this Wrestlemania for me. Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle was THE perfect match up for Wrestlemania 21. Shawn Michaels and Kurt Angle are notorious for making their opponents look good and when you pair them together, you get gold. It was 30 minutes of phenomenal action and is arguably top five greatest matches of all time. The next match is the WWE Championship match between John Cena and JBL. While not exactly great, it gave us a great taste of our future. The next generations in John Cena defeated JBL in an excellent story.

The last match up on the Wrestlemania card featured Batista beating Triple H for the World Heavyweight Championship. Like the previous match, we saw the new generation go over the hugely over heel. I loved the build up to this match. Batista winning the Royal Rumble and Triple H wanting him to face JBL made for a perfect face turn for Batista. The WWE were hinting at a face turn long before this but Batista winning the Royal Rumble while Triple H is still Champion put the nail in the coffin.

All great matches here. Sorry for the long po…wait no I’m not; this is an LSN thread.;)
I gotta say that WM 11 was the absolute best EVER!!!!!!!!..............yes I'm only kidding.
If we have to knock 17 outta the picture, then I would say, after watching my entire collection of Wrestlemanias 1-27 in order over the course of a month, I most enjoyed WM 6. 14 great matches!!!! I remember watching it back in 1990 and it becoming where I first got interested in the Rockers. Hulk/Warrior was as good as it could get for 2 guys that are limited in the ring. Dibiase and Roberts was a great match. Beefcake and Perfect was very technical and entertaining match. It was just an entire card full of guys that could put on a show.
If we were to have a thread on the greatest Wrestlemania of all-time, I fully believe that 90% of the responses here would point to Wrestlemania 17. For good reason as well, as I personally consider it to be not only the best Wrestlemania ever, but among my favorite PPV's ever. With Benoit/Angle, TLC 2, HHH/Undertaker, and of course Austin/Rock, you have four matches that could have main evented another PPV, and people would have been pleased. With four of these matches, is it even close as to what the best Wrestlemania of all time has been? So, in the spirit of pretending Wrestlemania 17 never happened, what was the greatest Wrestlemania otherwise?

For me, this is a very difficult decision. I looked closely at Wrestlemania 19, and was leaning that way. This was Shawn Michaels first Wrestlemania since WM 14, and he and Jericho had the best match on the card, and certainly one of the best matches of Jericho's career. The main event between Lesnar and Angle was gold, but the ending with the botched SSP and the improvised finish kept this from possibly being a classic. Vince and Hogan is very good, especially for men of their age and physical condition, but it's not a classic. Finally, Austin and Rock in Austin's final match to date was also very good, but fell short of their previous two WM encounters.

My problem with this card is two-fold. One, the other matches surrounding these went from average to very bad. Mysterio and Matt Hardy as the opener was such a disapointment at under 6 minutes. This was followed by one of the worst streak matches, with Undertaker vs Big Show and A-Train. The triple threat Women's Title match was well below average for what you'ld expect from Jazz/Trish/Victoria. The triple threat tag match that followed was average, yet the best match thusfar. For the fourth match on the card, that's less then impressive. The only other match that I've failed to mention is the World Title match between Booker T and HHH, and this was simply a case of where Booker was simply fodder for HHH, with no realistic chance of winning the match.

My second problem here is the order of the matches on the card. The final five matches were all big-time matches, with HBK/Jericho, the Raw Title, Hogan/Vince, Austin/Rock, and Lesnar/Angle. I understand that all of these are big matches, and earned their palces on the card. But the problem is the pacing, as it's one big match after another, with no "down time." Placing the tag title match and perhaps the Divas match in between some of these would have made for a much better pacing for the show. Also, unlike my choice(getting there), there's no real classic on the show. Some very good to great matches, but nothing that will be remembered in history as an all-time great.

So with that out of the way, I'm going to go with Wrestlemania 10. I'm going to sound hypocritical here somewhat, as this was simply a two match card. I criticized 19 because the card surrounding the big matches weren't very good, but the matches surrounding the two great ones at 10 absolutely sucked. Bigelow/Vachon vs Doink/Dink and Men on a Mission vs The Quebeccers are absolute travesties that didn't belong on any PPV, let alone Wrestlemania. And then there's the train wreck that is Luger vs Yokazuna, with Luger being DQ'd in his title match, a terrible match with an even worse finish. So how could this possibly be the best Wrestlemania other then 17? Simple.

Unlike with 19, this show has two absolute classics. Not only is Bret vs Owen considered to be the best opener in Wrestlemania history, it's also one of the greatest matches in history, period. This or his match with Davey on Raw is the best match of Owen's career, and the psychology was off the charts. Both men spent the entire match working the other's limbs in attempts to set up for the Sharpshooter, so when they applied it, it was meaningful and believable. Each reversed the other's attempts at the Sharpshooter over and again, so the ending was perfectly fitting with Bret attempting a victory roll, only for Owen to reverse himself, was beautiful. It was a nod to the rest of the match, and was a classic in every sense of the word. The shock factor of Owen beating his brother, who had won the Rumble along with Luger and had a title match later in the night, was unbelievable.

I don't need to go through the details of the other match for everyone to understand why the HBK/Razor Ramon Ladder Match was a classic. The storyline was simple but great. SHawn was suspended, Ramon won the IC title in the interim, but when Shawn returned, he refused to give up the belt. So they introduced the ladder, with both belts hanging above the ring. How often does a match truly make stars out of two men? This is one of the rare occasions where this was the case, as it shot both men into the upper elite. Certainly the best ladder match of all time, even with all of the innovations and spots that have been added in the 18 years since.

As I said, I come across as highly hypocritical here, because the matches surroundign Bret/Owen and HBK/Razor weren't very good. Bret's second match where he won the title from Yokozuna was decent, as was Randy Savage and Crush, but the rest of the card was simply awful. But this is one of those rare cases where the two matches that were great were such classics that the rest of the card doesn't truly matter, in my eyes. So if you eliminate Wrestlemania 17, Wrestlemania 10 is my choice for greatest Wrestlemania.

I went on a bit here, but my choice is clear. Obviously, Wrestlemania 17 outshines this and any other Wrestlemania for me, but that's not up for consideration here. But every other Wrestlemania is fair game here.

Excluding Wrestlemania 17, what was the greatest Wrestlemania of all time?

There is no doubt that WM10 produced two of the greatest matches in mania history. You won’t find a mania with a better one two punch. With that said, I would not say WM10 is the greatest. My choice is the other one you talked about. WM19 was, in my opinion, the greatest mania of all time and that includes WM17.

I understand the arguments against it. The first four matches did not stand out and the card could have been spaced out differently. I admit the first four were a bit weak but you’d be hard pressed to find a perfect card from top to bottom anywhere. I think this show was booked perfectly. I somewhat understand wanting lesser matches spaced in between the bigger ones but I don’t think it’s always necessary and it wasn’t necessary here. Each of the final five matches of WM19 were great and having three straight hours of great matches sounds a lot more like a positive than a negative to me. I wouldn’t say that WM19 did not produce a classic match. Bret vs. Owen from WM10 is one of my favorite matches of all time. It’s probably a top five. I’d say HBK vs. Y2J was almost as good. That match was a true classic. Triple H vs. Booker T is very underrated. It was a very good feud and a very good match. The result wasn’t what most people wanted and the finish was a little awkward but the feud and match were very solid. Hogan vs. McMahon was a historical showdown. They are the two biggest names in WWE history. These two exceeded my expectations. They weren’t the most physically gifted but both were master showmen who knew how to best display their strengths to entertain the crowd. I enjoyed Rock vs. Austin more at WM19 than their previous mania matches. The fact that Austin hasn’t had a single match since this one from nine years ago makes it historically significant. Austin riding off into the sunset without even announcing it was his last match made it even more special when looking back on it. Lesnar vs. Angle was a great main event. HBK had returned, Triple H had been on top for a while, Hulk and Vince were the ones who started it all, Austin and Rock were the leaders of the attitude era. They all got their moment to shine and now the main event was between two great athletes who were supposed to lead the company into the future. This match was great as it was and could have been so much better had Angle been healthy. I would have liked to have seen Brock hit the shooting star press but the botch makes the match even more memorable. It was ironic that everyone was worried about Angle’s neck going into the match but it was Lesnar who nearly broke his.

There is even more to WM19. Rock vs. Austin and Hogan vs. McMahon are showdowns between iconic figures. WM10 didn’t have that. Yokozuna isn’t really a big name for a mania main event. Razor Ramon and Owen Hart were great stars of the New Generation but aren’t exactly icons. WM19 just had more star power on a stacked roster. There are a couple variables besides just the matches. Even though WM10 was in the mecca that is Madison Square Garden WM19 had a better venue and atmosphere. A lot of people ignore that aspect of a show but I think it’s very important. Safeco Field was so unique and seated over 50,000 fans. There have been plenty of big stadium shows before, many bigger than Safeco, but that venue had a look that was so unique and different from anything else. It just gave the vibe that WM19 was a huge event. Not even just a huge wrestling event but a huge event in general. Here are a few more things that get overlooked.






Every one of those video packages were awesome. You may think that something like that doesn’t really count toward making one event stand out above another but I think it makes a difference. A simple two or three minute recap video really set the stage for each of these matches and made them seem even bigger than they were. This is just an example of the evolution of the product as these kinds of videos weren’t used during the early mania years. I’m sure they could have done a great job if they did this kind of thing back then but it just simply wasn’t done. You may think it’s minor but I think each of those video packages contributed to my overall enjoyment of the event.

I am by no means knocking WM10 as I loved that mania too. I just don’t think it is above WM19. I like to consider myself an old school guy so I’m a little surprised that my favorite mania is such a recent one (at my age nine years ago is considered recent). WM19 just blew me away that much and I don’t think you can find a better three hours of wrestling than the last five matches of that show.
I'll gladly pick WrestleMania XXVI.

Seriously, what wasn't good about this card? You had a quick Tag Title match open the show with ShowMiz vs Truth & Morrison, who were all solid solidified midcarders. The match was quick, yes, but also very full of action.

Next you had a main eventer in Randy Orton going against his Legacy cronies in a Triple Threat that was built up to for quite a bit. Pretty solid action that ended with Orton, the soon to be full on babyface, going over.

The bulk of the midcard after this consisted of a 10-Man MITB Match, Triple H, a main eventer vs a former WWE Champ & upper-midcarder in Sheamus, as well as two part time main-eventers in Punk vs Mysterio. MITB had all the crazy spots to keep the crowd going with a heel winning and then got settled down into two very good wrestling matches with both babyfaces going over at 'Mania like they were supposed to.

After this, you had arguably four main events, and a filler divas match to give the crowd a breather, something that should've been at at WM XIX. First you had Bret Hart vs Vince McMahon, which yes, wasn't even a barely decent match, but I happen to think the legitimate backstory gave it more than enough reason to happen, and besides Taker-Michaels, you could argue that this is the only real nastolgic pull in to older fans from back in the day: see Bret Hart and his family beat the hell out of the guy that screwed him back in 1997 at wrestling's biggest PPV of the year to bring some much needed closure. What more do you need?

After this you had a very simple story in Edge vs Jericho that was propelled by the likes of Edge returning from his injury to win The Rumble & Jericho winning The World Title only to have Edge come after him. And once again, like you'd expect from these two, especially on the biggest show of the year, they delivered.

Then you had your filler divas match. Yeah, it sucked, but who cares? It's to give the crowd a piss break.

Then we get to Batista vs Cena, a match that had only happened one other time, one on one, on PPV. Only this time, Cena is solid in his prime, Batista is almost on his way out, but still on the top of his game as a badass heel. And what a suprise: they put on a match that would've stolen the show had it not been for Taker vs Michaels. And as for Taker vs Michaels, do I really need to explain why this was a fucking classic match from top to bottom? No? I didn't think so.

So yeah, you had a show nothing but solid fueds that produced some great matches and moments that truly felt like they belonged at WrestleMania.

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