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With a completely new set of leaders coming into power in America, I started to think about what makes a leader great. Is it the ability to think under pressure? Is it the ability to make difficult decisions? Is the being someone that others can look up to and admire? What is it to you? Over the decades there have obviously been both good and bad Presidents, but few truly great ones. Who do you think is the best of them all?

For me, it would have to be the Kentucky born Lincoln. With the nation literally crumbling around him, he stood by what he beleived was right and held things together just long enough for what he felt was right to prevail. He was offered dictatorship powers as are offered in the Constitution, but turned them down saying he felt it was unfair to the people. Yes he died while in office, but to me there has never been a better leader. Your thoughts?
I would have to agree with you on Lincoln.

Most people might say Washington, but honestly, his best days as a leader, were before we were officially a country, and he wasn't even that great of a war general. He only won one battle, and with major help from the French of all people.

FDR was a great president, and often gets over-looked in these types of debates, but I think Lincoln still wins...
The thing about Washington was that he was one hell of a guy. He literally turned down the offer of being King in favor of our nation, he stepped back and gave his power away. He was also smart enough to predict how the US would shape up. And he was actually a good Military Mind, maybe he didn't win a ton of battles but at the very least he made sure not to completely lose it. That saved the morale.

But everyone will have to say Lincoln, no one has truly done more for this country, even if you don't realize it in this day and age. He completely changed this country at its core.
I'm going with FDR. He brought us out of one of the lowest points in American history with the Great Depression. He created social security, work relief programs for the unemployed, and helped established the Tennessee Valley Authority. And he helped us secure victory in WWII which ironically caused the end of the Great Depression.

Another president who doesn't get enough credit is Nixon. People only remember him because of Watergate. I credit him for starting Vietnamization, moving the American troops out of Vietnam and training the South Vietnamese to fight basically trying to get rid of the mess Lyndon Johnson made.
Lyndon B. Johnson has to be in the running, if you didn't include his poor decisions in Vietnam. The man took control of the country after JFK was assassinated, and used his power to pass the Civil Rights Bill, officially making everyone in America equal. His creation of programs in search of creating his Great Society for America is something that has to be remembered. America owes a lot to that man, even if his campaign was scarred by Vietnam.
FDR was a socialist and should be disqualified on that basis. He put everyone back to work, but changed the tax structure in such a bad way, that we still feel the effects today. His great plan of social security drags the economy down today. 3% of my money goes into a fund that will never benefit me. I feel like I could donate that money to charity and have it do some good instead of having it tied up in a massive bureaucracy. And bureaucracy was never a problem before FDR, now we pay so much in taxes because we have to pay millions of federal workers, most of which do the same job as ten other people and aren't needed, because of FDR. He won World War II, but documents released because of the freedom of information acts show him telling his admirals to not inform Pearl harbor that a Japanese attack was coming. So his insistence that we get into that war led to thousands of deaths.

I would go with Lincoln, except there was only one issue during his Presidency, and I don't think slavery was the top reason for the Civil War. The north was crushing the south economically, and like always the fucking yank bastards felt that it was their job to tell the south what to do. Not help with technology that they had, just telling the south that the way they had done things for 200 years was now going to be outlawed. The north wanted to crush the south because of a northern inferiority problem that they still have today. Slavery was a good propaganda reason for the north to fight the south, but northern imperialism is the real reason for that war. Lincoln himself stated that he didn't care if there were slaves or not, he just wanted to hold the country together.

I am going to pick Ronald Reagan. Before Bill Clinton sent all of our jobs overseas, Reagan's teory of trickle down economics made this country financially strong. Manufacturing jobs were available everywhere, for a good wage because the tax breaks he gave on capital gains were used to pay employees well down the chain. It ook him 20 minutes to free the hostages that Jimmy Carter couldn't free for two years. He built up this nations military citing theories that no one attacks that which it can't beat. Peace through strength. Reagan ended the Cold War and communism without ever firing a shot. He had more bipartisan cooperation in congress than anyone after him. People got rich, Wall Street got huge, and people started to own things. Stock went froma rich man's game to a viable savings option for everyone. People retired more comfortably and started careers with better pay.

There is no big shining moment during Reagan's Presidency, but his policies are what led to the economic growth in the 90's and to the protections consumers feel today on faulty products. He made this a richer safer world, and a richer safer country.

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