Presenter with one arm "scares" children


Shawn Michaels ❤

The gist of this story is that recently a woman has began presenting childrens shows on the childrens channel "Cbeebies". She's a great presenter, one I know many children love. She was born with a deformity which left her without 1 arm - which is the centre of this row.

Many ignorant parents have claimed she shouldn't be on the TV because she may "scare" children. I think this is bullshit, and shows nothing but the parents own ignorance - as I said above, I know a lot of children who love her, some who only noticed her 'disability' when it was directly pointed out to them.

Why is this a bad thing? It helps children learn people are different, and it's not a bad thing. Shouldn't parents use this opportunity to explain this to their children, instead of acting like she's evil? Seriously, and we wonder were prejudices come from.
I agree that it's bullshit. She can't help how she was born, and she is doing the thing she loves which is entertaining children. If she scares some kids, then the parents should take action, and turn the channel off. She should not be punished because of a deformity that she had no control over. She loves what she is doing, and is great at it so I don't see the problem. If you ask me it's up to the parents. If they don't like her turn off the channel. Same if the kids are scared of her. I honestly hope that she is allowed to stay on the air, because if not it just goes to show the world has come to where they kick a woman who is fantastic at her job off the air because of a circumstance she cannot control.
Exactly. As I said above, it's all about the parents, not the children. Furthermore, wouldn't think just help kids realise that even if people have prejudices because you're born 'differently' to some other people, you can still get ahead and do whatever you want to do. Television presnting is a hard job, and even harder to get into when it's childrens television. She's done this, 'disability' or not, cheesy as it may sound, you can do anything you set your mind to.
I agree. The fault all lays on the parents. If kids are actually scared of her, this can teach them that people with disability's are actual people also. It will also teach kids to accept people that are different. It really does show that you can do anything you set your mind to. I hope she makes it through this with her job, because fact is she deserves it. It is hard to be a presenter. It is even harder to present to children. She has a gift for this, and it's wrong that parents are doing this and using their kids as an excuse. It really pisses me off.
She's scary...why? She has ill matching clothes and a fricking Cbeebies sign sticking out the side of her head.

To be more serious though...

I think she should be on TV, it would help the kids to realise that this disability is nothing to be scared about. Can you imagine if the child saw someone in real life with one arm and started crying? That would be horrible for child/parents and person in question. having it on TV would make them realise there's nothing wrong with this.
What the fuck is up with this bull shit. Shit instead of saying that she shouldn't be on TV cause she supposedly "scares" the shit out of children the parents should be using this opportunity to teach their kids that everybody is different in their own way & that nobody's a bad person from being different. Now speaking as a fellow parent yes I do agreethat most parents are ignorant now days cause all they do is do this type of shit. I do hope that this woman does make it through her job cause in my opinion she deserves a fair chance at this. It's hard enough to be a presenter but it's even more hard to present to children. She has a natural talent for this & it's bull shit that these parents are doing this shit & using their kids as a cop out.
Just something I'd like to point out. They couldn't fire her just because she only has one arm; even if the parents think it's going to scare children. It goes against the Disability Discrimination Act. Therefore, all this talk of the parents wanting her to be removed is pointless. It would be against the law, and she could sue the BBC for it. The parent's who complained really do piss me off though. She has one arm? SO FUCKING WHAT! People are different. Hey I know, let's not show two people together on TV who are a different colour. Because, that would scare the children, y'see.
As someone who works in the Disability sector of Canada, I really wonder what is scary about missing an arm. If anything, it comes as a shock to people, it does, seeing someone that is not the same as you. But shouldn't the parents just say to their kids who asks that she is just like everyone else in the world? I will admit it, I was shocked as a kid when a friend of mine lost her arm. all that meant is I had to help her to get to the top of my bunk bed.
I can see where some parents are coming from. I remember as a child, that I had nightmares for weeks after I saw a friend of my grandfather who only had 1 leg. I was about 8, and I was litterally freaked out. So I can see that some parents might think there kids are going to get scared(because some will).

But really it still doesn't mean she shouldn't be on TV. I actually think there should be more people like her(people with disabilities and such)because it helps kids and adults alike understand that people are people. Not everyone is the same but that doesn't make them any less of a person. So I think this women has every right to be on TV, and while a few kids might be freaked out, that's no excuse to try and "ban" her from television.

Here's a simple tip to the parent's of the children who are scared, change the channel, or better yet turn the friggin TV off and go do something productive with your life.

The gist of this story is that recently a woman has began presenting childrens shows on the childrens channel "Cbeebies". She's a great presenter, one I know many children love. She was born with a deformity which left her without 1 arm - which is the centre of this row.
Apparently, it isn't what the children want anymore... Ignorant parents try to pass their ignorant beliefs down to these poor kids, making them afraid of things they should be learning about and accepting...

Many ignorant parents have claimed she shouldn't be on the TV because she may "scare" children. I think this is bullshit, and shows nothing but the parents own ignorance - as I said above, I know a lot of children who love her, some who only noticed her 'disability' when it was directly pointed out to them.
Sorry...that was almost like a REALLY bad pun... (when it was pointed directly at them?

Why is this a bad thing? It helps children learn people are different, and it's not a bad thing. Shouldn't parents use this opportunity to explain this to their children, instead of acting like she's evil? Seriously, and we wonder where prejudices come from.

What do you expect? Prejudice will never go away. There's always going to be those people who fear that which they don't understand and refuse to understand it when given the opportunity. It's just blatant ignorance and gross stupidity. If they cancel her show, I say get a rally together and fight it. You almost have to anymore... Fight for what you believe in and don't stop until it's righted.

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