Prediction: "Plan C" To Be Revealed Monday


I'm probably stating the obvious, at least as far as some people are concerned, and I may be totally wrong. However, I think it's a fair assumption that with reports of WWE loading next week's show, "Plan C", as Paul Heyman mentioned last night, will be revealed as Brock Lesnar. Considering that Brock Lesnar is Paul Heyman's "client" and that next week sees the official start to SummerSlam, who else could "Plan C" possibly be?

My suspicions were automatic when Paul Heyman wasn't at Cesaro's side last night and if he'd really been fired or suspended or whatever, I very much doubt that commentators would've mentioned Heyman whatsoever. I don't know if this means that Heyman will no longer represent Cesaro or if he's just going to be in Lesnar's corner during his upcoming feud with Cena but I'm leaning towards the latter.
It was kind of dumb to have Cesaro without Paul Heyman. Heyman can be with both Brock Lesnar and Cesaro, just like he did with Curtis Axel. Like you said, WWE is doing the obvious route. They could've just held on that plan B, but immediately when I heard "plan C" from Heyman alone, it automatically screamed Lesnar. They spoiled the beans for themselves.
It was kind of dumb to have Cesaro without Paul Heyman. Heyman can be with both Brock Lesnar and Cesaro, just like he did with Curtis Axel. Like you said, WWE is doing the obvious route. They could've just held on that plan B, but immediately when I heard "plan C" from Heyman alone, it automatically screamed Lesnar. They spoiled the beans for themselves.

He really can't. Look at Axel when he was with CM Punk. He got buried. Look at Ryback.
He really can't. Look at Axel when he was with CM Punk. He got buried. Look at Ryback.

I agree. Being Lesnar's proxy because Brock isn't at the show is not a good spot to be in. The face will go through all of the proxy's until Lesnar finally shows up again. It may indeed be best for Cesaro to be without Heyman, at least for now.
I'm probably stating the obvious, at least as far as some people are concerned, and I may be totally wrong. However, I think it's a fair assumption that with reports of WWE loading next week's show, "Plan C", as Paul Heyman mentioned last night, will be revealed as Brock Lesnar. Considering that Brock Lesnar is Paul Heyman's "client" and that next week sees the official start to SummerSlam, who else could "Plan C" possibly be?

My suspicions were automatic when Paul Heyman wasn't at Cesaro's side last night and if he'd really been fired or suspended or whatever, I very much doubt that commentators would've mentioned Heyman whatsoever. I don't know if this means that Heyman will no longer represent Cesaro or if he's just going to be in Lesnar's corner during his upcoming feud with Cena but I'm leaning towards the latter.

I'm hoping they let Cesaro address Heyman's absence. I'd hate if they just keep booking Cesaro without Heyman like nothing is going on, especially since they've been together for months.

Brock is definitely plan C. It wouldn't surprise me if he closes out the show beating up Cena like he did when he first came back
While I could be wrong, I suspect that this is going to lead to a Cesaro face turn. Heyman has always turned on people he feels aren't worth his time any longer. Cesaro has been on a losing streak and Brock Lesnar was last seen crushing the Undertaker's streak. Hell, Heyman constantly brings up Brock even when pushing Cesaro. This surely will lead to some jealously and resentment.

Cesaro doesn't need Heyman either. At least as a heel, Cesaro can deliver a pretty good promo. Brock Lesnar...admittedly I had stopped watching wrestling while Brock was in his prime, but I can never take his voice seriously. Pairing him with Heyman was for the best, but while Heyman and Cesaro have good chemistry, I don't think their pairing is necessary.
pretty obvious Brock Lesnar is Plan C. Cesaro will obviously gain offense to being pushed to the side and no doubt may be the challenger to Lesnar at Night of Champions.
Cesaro needs a real face run, he wrestles like one and he doesnt need Heyman.
Plan C aka Plan C...onqueror. It's Brock Lesnar, no doubt about it. I see him returning on Monday night to challenge Cena to a match for the title at SummerSlam. Heyman is perfect for Lesnar as his mouthpiece yet he just hasn't worked for Cesaro mainly because Heyman spouting about being the 'one behind 21 and 1' has overshadowed Cesaro.

Cesaro doesn't necessarily need Heyman and I see him winning the IC Title on Sunday leading up to a unification match at SummerSlam with Sheamus.
I can't believe that WWE have allowed all this promotional material for SummerSlam to leak, essentially rendering Battleground pointless. The main event for Sunday, the reason most people are/were going to buy the event, has been exposed, so why bother? Horrible, horrible stuff.
I also thought of Brock Lesnar when i didnt see Paulie with Cesaro.. We all know Summerslam is going to be huge very huge.. Its the last ex PPV event before the network subscribers are up.. Brock more than likely will challenge Cena to his WWE WHC on next mondays night raw..

Brock has always been Paul's favorite client.. The way he speaks about him,for years now. Brock was the 1 who put the 1 in 21-1. We get to hear that all over again me thinks on MNR..

Brock is i think currently scheduled to go till at least NOC when the subscribers are due to resubscribe.. As far as representing Cesaro,we all know Paul will drop you at the drop of a hat.. As quick as he is to give you praise,he is more so to drop you.. I dont think thats the case though,will Cesaro..

I just think Paul will corner Brock at Summerslam while Cesaro will win the IC title at this sundays Battleground PPV..
Brock has always been Paul's favorite client.

Yes, and it's been plain all the while that Heyman has represented Cesaro that the Swiss guy is not. I kept thinking that continually standing by as Heyman praises Brock to the skies would cause Cesaro to eventually get sick of it all and dismiss Heyman.

Instead, we see Cesaro go to the ring, inexplicably unaccompanied by his rep.....and the point surely isn't lost on us that Cesaro lost his match cleanly without Paul's "guidance." Further, they might be pointing us in the direction that Cesaro needs Heyman in order to succeed....and that if Cesaro is dropped and Brock is to come aboard as Plan C; guess who Brock's first opponent might be (presuming Brock would be wrestling a few matches this time around and not just coming in for a PPV, preceded by a few appearances to promote it).

Of course, that would beg an explanation of why Heyman suddenly decided Cesaro wasn't worth retaining as a client. But that could be easily explained, I suppose.

Personally, I tend to doubt that Brock could be Plan C, if for no other reason than he's not around enough to be Plan "Anything." Still, if WWE Creative can budget Brock's time correctly and use the usual smoke-and-mirrors approach to make it seem as if the guy is really a member of the roster, it would surely please the Brock-lovers.
He really can't. Look at Axel when he was with CM Punk. He got buried. Look at Ryback.

Congratulations, you're the 10,000th person to not understand what getting buried means!

Axel wasn't buried. He lost because he sucks and couldn't get over, even with Heyman's help. It's not burial when someone who isn't over gets beaten.

Cesaro's booking has been a little odd since Wrestlemania. It felt like he should be doing something much bigger, and he's suffered as a result. It's not Heyman's fault, it's because Cesaro has been booked at a level lower than he should be after Wrestlemania. He's had a lame feud with Swagger, a pointless attempt at winning the IC title, and now he's doing some kind of short-term feud with Kofi and Big E.

Cesaro staying heel and teaming with Heyman would've been fine if it was done properly. If he'd had a feud with Big Show, and beaten him clean while bodyslamming him along the way, stuff like that. Instead he's been left in the midcard while being better than that.

And now, Heyman is shifting his focus to Lesnar, which could hurt Cesaro more. If it leads to Cesaro feuding with Lesnar, then I'm okay with that, but Cesaro has to be built up a lot before then.
It's funny that all this week it's been about cm punk not resigning a contract smells of a cm punk return to me if you think of it for ages we have been leaked news of brock lesnar returning and winning title but like we all are aware his contract restricts his availability of appearing on TV why waste a title run on a man who can't show up one month,
My guess is giant caveman (aka Brock Lesnar) is coming back to WWE and he is going to challenge whoever wins at Battleground, most likely John Cena.

It's also what I'm hoping will happen too. I know a lot of fans hate the idea of Brock being champ but honestly I don't see any harm in Brock NOT being on TV every week if he becomes champ. Every week Heyman will be there reminding everyone that his client is the champ, hell I'm hoping that Heyman just carries the belt with him whenever he's on TV, such a simple and easy way to get heat. If Lesnar wins the title, shows up every month to defend it (and destroy the opposition) while Heyman shows up on RAW every week as his mouthpiece it would be an awesome way to raise the stock of both Lesnar and the belt itself. Because you don't see the belt every week it makes it all the more special when you DO see it (much like in the 80's when Hogan was champ and you were lucky to see him on TV as it didn't happen too often) and it makes it all the more special when Lesnar finally does lose the belt as the heat for him could be monstrous by the time that day comes (maybe at Wrestlemania 31?). If the rumors are true and the plan is for Reigns to win the title a victory against a super hot Lesnar then that would do wonders for Reigns right off the bat. Even if the man to win isn't Reigns whoever does win gets a massive launch up the mountain by beating Lesnar.

As to the original post I can't imagine plan C being anything but Lesnars return, it just seems to make the most sense at this point.
As to the original post I can't imagine plan C being anything but Lesnars return, it just seems to make the most sense at this point.

It does make sense, but thats not why you shouldn't be able to imagine it as anything else.

You shouldn't be able to imagine that Plan C is anything else because Lesnar-Cena for the title has been discussed for over a month. We've already seen a leaked SS promo video for Cena vs. Lesnar for god's sake. Heyman already got the ball rolling on Monday night.

Nobody is breaking any ground here. There is nothing to debate or brainstorm.

Sorry for the suspense. Are we really assuming Brock is going to come in for Summer slam and either:

- win, and then go on to lose the following month at a throw away pay per view
- win, and basically leave the title undefended until WM season
- lose to Cena?

Cesaro was hot around WM season. It feels like WWE has done everything in it's power to throw us off from Cesaro. Summerslam last year featured Daniel Bryan. Is it Cesaro's turn? Why has Cesaro been such a clear heel lately with his conflict with Kofi? Does anyone else remember the quality match Cena and Cesaro had earlier this year on Raw? What was the point of Jerry obnoxiously repeating that Cesaro may have fired Heyman last week? Has WWE ever put out " revealed" posters beforehand that were meaningless? Is Cena/Cesaro fresh enough to be a replacement for the marquee that is Lesnar-Cena?

And finally, do you really waste a Lesnar title match prior to the six month renewal date and roll out of your network overseas just because it is SummerSlam?

What do you think of this idea? Do you think there is more than a 10% chance of it happening? If not Cesaro or Lesnar, who? If not now for Cesaro, then when?
If it is going to be Brock Lesnar, which everyone thinks that it will be, then it would be pretty cool to see him as the champion for one last time. I mean, i think that him holding the gold would be cool especially since he is probably not going to be around for a while after he drops the title. I think this would be the perfect way on him capitalizing on ending Taker's streak. And by far the most common sense one. I am all for Lesnar having one more run at the top.

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