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Predict the Wrestlemania 26 Main Events

The Con Volt

Your Straight-Edge Savior
Hey guys. So today, I was looking at the current feuds over the 2 world titles, and I said to myself, "What are the main events gonna be at this years Wrestlemania?" We've still got about a month until the "road to Wrestlemania" really gets underway, so I think now is the perfect time for us smarks to make some oblong predictions. ;)

I'll start out with the WWE championship. And I'm not gonna pick the obvious one:

Cena Vs. Undertaker
Why? Well, let me explain. As of right now, we have "insider information" saying that this match is a likely-hood. But we all know how quickly Vince McMahon can change his mind. And Plus, In this day and age, If you're going to do a face vs. face match, with one of those faces being Undertaker, you need someone with an equally large pop so you don't run the risk of turning the lesser known guy heel. That only worked with Shawn Michaels and even Vince is smart enough to not do that match again at the same show so quickly.

So... my real prediction for the WWE title match?

John Cena (c) Vs. Chris Jericho
Before you start grumbling, just answer me this? WHY THE FUCK NOT? You have your face of the company, and then you have arguably your company's top heel, Chris "quilted, quicker puter over" Jericho.(who I think will win the rumble) It's a match made in heaven and it sets up a returning Edge's first fued back. Providing Jericho wins.

My pick: Jericho

Now, the WHC title match. "Insider information aside", I honestly think Undertaker will remain champion through to WM26. My prediction for this match up has actually been a dark match for a few weeks now on Smackdown.

Undertaker (c) Vs. Batista Vs. Punk
Now this match up, considering how Vince likes to keep feuds going FOREVER, Is IMO very, very likely. And it would be easy to build up dramatically, for a number of reasons.

1. It's a double re-match. Both for Punk and Batista
2. Providing you can keep building Batista's heat, these will be the 2 most hated guys on Smackdown.
3. It would be a really good final hoorah for Taker. Cuz if you ask me, I truly think this will be it for Mr. Calloway.

My pick: Obviously Taker if he stays, if not, then Chick Magnet.

Well there you have it. What do you guys think? What will be the Wrestlemania main events in YOUR mind?
I'm actually thinking neither of these guys will be champion still come Mania. Even with the Cena vs Taker talk going around, I think it will be The Rock vs Cena (which is also talk going around). I just pray to God Cena doesn't go over the great one. Anyways, onto the 2 main events. I'm thinking (read: hoping)

Randy Orton (c) vs Kofi Kingston
Orton finds a way to get back the championship and his beef with Kofi brings him into the title picture

Batista (c) vs John Morrison
Batty takes the belt off Taker and McIntyre cheats to get the IC from JoMo. There aren't any top faces on SD! to contend so JoMo gets the push.

WrestleMania 26 could be the start of a new era in WWE if these were the main events and the younger stars were to go over
Randy Orton (c) vs Kofi Kingston
Orton finds a way to get back the championship and his beef with Kofi brings him into the title picture

Batista (c) vs John Morrison
Batty takes the belt off Taker and McIntyre cheats to get the IC from JoMo. There aren't any top faces on SD! to contend so JoMo gets the push.

WrestleMania 26 could be the start of a new era in WWE if these were the main events and the younger stars were to go over

HAHAHA. And this would successfully complete your prediction that Kofi and JoMo are gonna become champs on the same night? Haha ok man, I can dig it. Not that I wouldn't LOVE to see both of these matches as headliners at the big one, but I've said this before; Vince is convinced that every Wrestlemania is his best chance to get new fans. And to attract those fans, it's more likely that he is going to put the big names that people who don't even like wrestling has heard of.
lmao u remembered my prediction for the triple crown I see. Yep that's exactly what I was going for hahaha. I actually don't see it happening either but it would be awesome. You have a point about Vinnie Mac. I wouldn't be surprised to see Manny Pacquiao in the main event. So in actuality, I think the most plausible main events right now would be:

John Cena (c) vs Undertaker
Streak vs title match

Batista (c) vs Edge
Edge comes back as a face at the rumble, wins, challenges Batty

Those are all new matches but still consist of the current top stars so Vince has no worries... sigh
lmao u remembered my prediction for the triple crown I see. Yep that's exactly what I was going for hahaha. I actually don't see it happening either but it would be awesome. You have a point about Vinnie Mac. I wouldn't be surprised to see Manny Pacquiao in the main event. So in actuality, I think the most plausible main events right now would be:...

Don't expect it. He's likely fighting on March 13, if it will be on May 1 (if he is unopposed running for Congress). He won't be postponing training to go on Raw.

We'll be getting a different celebrity. Hopefully, The Rock.
Well i for one dont think Boretista is going to be in the Main Event, my reasoning for that is the guy is so injury prone that he cant really wrestle a mania main event, at mania you have to give it your all and i dont think Batista can do that.

John Cena (C) vs Undertaker
I have no idea how they will have Taker make the jump to Raw but i believe he will and i believe this match will happen

Chris Jericho (C) vs Edge
I know they said he prolly wont be back in time, but i see that as wwe trying to throw us off so they can keep it a suprise, i really hope this match happens
I think both titles will change at the rumble, morrison win rumble, hbk win chamber.

WWE Title- Triple H (c) vs. Shawn Michaels, It's set up that the title tears dx apart.

World Title- Batista (c) vs. John Morrison, it has been a while since they crowned a fresh champion at a mania and morrison is the guy to do it with.

Streak match- Undertaker vs. John Cena, this match was set up on raw a couple weeks ago and it will definately happen the only question is does one of them have a title and it doesn't need one. The streak is essentially the third title match, just look at last years card.
John Cena going at it with Chris Jericho seems a good main event for Wrestlemania but Vince will through in Big Show to make it a triple threat match but here are my predications

John Cena vs Shawn Michaels vs Triple H
Yes we just had this match having your top 3 faces in the business going at it for the WWE Championship is a excellent wrestlemania main event hopefully Shawn Michaels can win


Shawn Michaels vs Triple H for the WWE Championship
Michaels wins the WWE Championship at Rumble, Triple H wins the rumble 2 best friends going at it

Undertaker vs Jeff Hardy for the World Heavyweight Championship

(Moderation: Spam-Baiting remarks removed)
John Cena vs Shawn Michaels vs Triple H
Yes we just had this match having your top 3 heels in the business going at it for the WWE Championship is a excellent wrestlemania main event hopefully Shawn Michaels can
Ok that makes sense. Cuz those 3 guys are definitely all heels. not.

Undertaker vs Jeff Hardy for the World Heavyweight Championship
Now before everyone comes out and starts virbually abusing me dont you people find it ironic how as soon as Hardy left wwe he was found with hundreds and hundreds of drugs in his home i think this is a very very very low storyline Vince has created just like when Vince faked his own death so Jeff wins rumble and challenges Taker
Ok seriously? Did he pay off the North Carolina Judicial system as well? Cuz I'm pretty sure those probable cause hearings are pretty real. This might be the most idiotic response to a thread I have EVER seen. You need to go back to school junior.
Ok that makes sense. Cuz those 3 guys are definitely all heels. not. Idiot.

Lol sorry about that i was typing to something else and switching over

Ok seriously? Did he pay off the North Carolina Judicial system as well? Cuz I'm pretty sure those probable cause hearings are pretty real. This might be the most idiotic response to a thread I have EVER seen. You need to go back to school junior.

Oh right so it been postponed 2 times and the next time is around royal rumble and they will postpone it one more time Jeff will win the rumble
I just posted my thoughts in the HBK/HHH thread on this forum page but I'll say it again here & make itshort & sweet.

HHH will turn on HBK at TLC
HHH will win the WWE Title at the Royal Rumble
Shawn either wins the Rumble or Chamber
HBK/HHH Title Match set to Main Event Mania
Oh right so it been postponed 2 times and the next time is around royal rumble and they will postpone it one more time Jeff will win the rumble

You're missing the point though! The North Carolina Judicial system isn't going to just "play ball" with Vince McMahon. There is absolutely "no chance is hell" that this is a work man, sorry. I don't see how you can possibly think that!

Cuz let's face it. If it IS a work, we would have heard about it by now. There are pictures of Jeff Hardy's mugshot, AND legal records available as public property on the county's website. This is a conspiracy theory that even Jesse Ventura would be like, "c'mon man, really?"
orton wins royal rumble again and is the #1contender for wwe tittle. somehow jericho win wwe tittle and is still unified tag champ so has the rite to still be on either show and is why he challenge and won the tittle

main event jericho(c) vs randy orton. think about this the wwe top heels facing off at mania. jericho will go over cause he will most likly be the favorite of the 2 and this would make it 2yrs in a row orton wins the royal rumble and looses at mania

world tittle match- batista(c) vs punk vs mysterio/edge
i see yet abother triple threat at mania. if edge comes back in time he will be in it and win if not mysterio will take his place and batista will retain
CM Punk vs. The Rock

When Rock made a special appearance on SmackDown, he "slammed" Punk which I thought teases a match between the two. When The Rock guest hosts Raw, Punk's music hits and he calls out Rock and there, their match at 'Mania is set!
As much as I want to see Jeff return again to the WWE, I don't think he will. Now the part about the hearings is a little bit fishy though. Pushing back the trial again and again makes you wonder what kind of evidence they really have. In theory, the case against Jeff could be dropped at around the time of the Rumble and Jeff could return in time for EC. He could win it and then go on to face the champ at Mania. In theory.

Back to the topic at hand. The main event of Wrestlmania.

WWE title HHH (c) vs Shawn Micheals. My prediction is that Cena retains at TLC and HHH wins a #1 contenders match to face Cena at the Rumble. HHH wins and gets the title. Later in the night Shawn wins the rumble. Next night on Raw, DX comes down and says that after Wrestlemania, DX will have both titles. All of a sudden, bam sweet chin music and Shawn says he wants the WWE title. "And if you're not down with that, I got 2 words for ya." I think this could carry a very good feud into mania.

WHC: Jericho (c) vs Edge Now, I did the math and if Edge gets a really fast recovery time, he can enter the rumble and essentially pull a Cena. However I doubt that this will happen, but it may be possible for him to return at EC. Jericho wins the title from Taker at EC and then one of the entrants in the chamber drops out at the last minute due to "injury" and then Smackdown goes around to try and find a new guy to replace him. This event takes up most of the drama of EC. Finally, all the known chamber entrants enter the ring and there's a long dramatic pause. Then "you think you know me." and the crowd goes nuts. End of the match, Edge pins Batista and gets a shot at Jericho's new belt. These two can work a good program. Now if Edge can't come back, which will probably happen (it'll suck but probably happen) they'll probably do a match where if Jeff comes back, he faces Punk for the title, but again this is unlikely. If the other two don't happen than it will probably be either Cena vs Taker, or Jericho vs Taker. I can't really decide. Both options would work really well.

And in the other big seller match will probably be Cena vs Taker (non title). Of course this is if scenario's 1 and 2 don't work. These two are huge superstars and a match between the two would literally tear the house down.

So that's what I got. It's mostly conjecture and the Smackdown title picture is really clouded but I think that these could work. Plus I think that the build to these matches would be awesome.
John Cena vs Undertaker (Champion vs Champion)
Shawn Micheals vs Triple H
25 Divas Battle Royal (god i hope not)
Rey Mysterio vs CM Punk (Hair vs Mask Match)
Ted DiBiase vs Randy Orton
Money In The Bank Ladder Match

those options are some of the likely matches we will see :p
I really don't know about the titles, but what I am looking forward to is......


People seem to think that HHH will turn heel again, but I disagree. This card has been played to hell and gone. I think that HBK will be the one that turns on HHH and if HBK is really going to retire, we are going to get a glimpse of the real Heartbreak Kid. This match will definitely be a main event caliber match and the only way that it could be made better would be to throw in a title.

People please leave stop putting Jericho against so many other people. If you guys can't see Edge coming back at the Rumble to win it and then facing Jericho at WM 26 for a title, then I don't know what is wrong with you. Yes, I think that Jericho will be one of the champs come WM.
I think a HHH vs HBK match would be pretty good (even thought its happened already) but right now.. i cant see either of them holding a title any time soon or even breaking the stable apart anytime soon. They would have to lose the unified tag titles within a month or so and that will downplay their reign that they worked so hard to build in the past few months. I'm sure that DX is the WWE's biggest asset right now.. they're def. bringing in so much profit from their merchandise. (DX Snuggie? FTW?! lmao) so i'm thinking that its still going to be about a month before they lose them to someone like Legacy to put the tag titles back on the lower rated superstars level since right now the belts have been taken over by the top guys.

Whoever the Undertaker goes against at this WM will probably beat him. Last years match with him n Michaels was the best match ever (IMO). I can't see them having that same match again even thought I'd want too. But who else could retire the Undertaker? and i also don't see him having the belt at WM cuz if he loses and someone else wins the title.. it's going to downplay the defeat of the streak. I'm just hoping its not Taker vs Big Show because that will be a DULL match.

Edge.. isn't coming back. At least not by WM. As much as I want him to come back at the rumble and win it.. they already did that with John Cena and they'd get hell for just repeating everything they've done.

F*CK SHEAMUS.. he'll lose the title by the Rumble and be back at the bottom soon.

Instead of making predictions.. im goign to just say that i think the best matches would be.. keep in mind.. these are just matches id want to see at wrestlemania:

HHH vs Orton (c) vs Batista (Evolution) for WWE Championship (HHH winning)

Jericho (c) vs Edge - Last Man Standing - for Heavyweight Championship (Edge winning)

Undertaker vs Michaels pt.2 (Michaels winning)

Cena vs The Rock (Rock winning and finally calling it quits)

Kozlov (c) vs E.Jackson for ECW (Kozlov winning)

Money in the Bank: Morrison. Kingston. McIntyre. The Miz. Christian. Sheamus. Matt Hardy. CM Punk. (Morrison winning)

Kane and Mike Knox vs Legacy (c) for Tag Championship (Legacy winning)

Divas Champ vs Womens Champ (idc who it is.. they just have to give the divas equal time so theres cause for a femanist uprising lol)
Sheamus VS Triple H- WWE Title (Sheamus wins, I am a huge fan of Sheamus so therefore I say he main events WrestleMania).

HBK VS The Undertaker- I really like the idea of the same match back to back at WrestleMania but not sure if this match will be better than the original one.

Edge VS Y2J Street Fight- Self explanatory.

Booker T VS The American Dragon- Winner gets a WWE Contract.

The Rock VS Cena- The Rock said he wants to give back to the WWE.

Big Dick Johnson VS Hornswoggle World Title Match- it is quite possible.
WWE Championship: John Cena Vs Batista (Batista wins)
World Heavywieght Champioship: Edge Vs Big Show Vs Chris Jericho (Edge wins)
Undertaker Vs Shawn Micheals Vs Triple H ( Undertaker wins)
Interconential Championship: CM Punk Vs Rey Mysterio (CM Punk wins)
Randy Orton Vs Cody Rhodes Vs Ted Dibiase (Ted Dibiase wins)
Christian Vs Kane for the ECW Championship
Money In The Bank: MVP Vs Mark Henry Vs Kofi Kingston Vs Yoshi Tatsu Vs John Morrison Vs The Miz Vs Shelton Benjiam Vs R-Truth
Jugganauts09, I was just thinking the other day to myself, "what if what's going on with Jeff right now is just a storyline created by vince?" He did create that car accident, with the police. Its not that hard to pull off, he just has to tug on the right strings. Has anybody actulley investigated on those hearings? Vince does have the power to do that. One of us should make a thread bout this. I'll do it later if jugganauts, unless you want too.

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