Let's do it.
*. Lethal Lottery match.
*. Garth Black Vs. Mikey Stormrage for the ultimate title.
Eve pinned Mikey while he was champ and still hasn't got the title shot. If she beats Garth this round, she should be getting a title shot.
*. Titus Vs. VEE A.D.Z Vs. Tony Mancini Vs. Theron Daggershield for EurAsian Championship
*. Austin Reynolds Vs. Logan McAllister (if Logan wins the title this round)
I am unsure about who. I think that Eve should be getting a title rematch.
*. Vis Imperium Vs. Keaton/Cooper in a tag title rematch
Left- Flex, Matt, Phoenix, Xaitlyn, Ty, Howard, Xander, Noah, Veejay, Kagura, Bratchny.
*. Lethal Lottery match.
*. Garth Black Vs. Mikey Stormrage for the ultimate title.
Eve pinned Mikey while he was champ and still hasn't got the title shot. If she beats Garth this round, she should be getting a title shot.
*. Titus Vs. VEE A.D.Z Vs. Tony Mancini Vs. Theron Daggershield for EurAsian Championship
*. Austin Reynolds Vs. Logan McAllister (if Logan wins the title this round)
I am unsure about who. I think that Eve should be getting a title rematch.
*. Vis Imperium Vs. Keaton/Cooper in a tag title rematch
Left- Flex, Matt, Phoenix, Xaitlyn, Ty, Howard, Xander, Noah, Veejay, Kagura, Bratchny.