
follower the Wyatt family
Sorry if this has been done before.

I was watching the chamber and got thinking with the PG rating there wont be blood like in past years before the PG rating. This ruins it for me the chamber called satan structure but without blood it not really it soft.

So what I am thinking is should ppv be TV14 so we can go back to WWE at it best and make the match hell like it should be. For me when we get the winner they should look like they haven't won the match but survived it they should be battered and brused and bleeding head to toe. We are paying for it anyways so make it more worth our while and make us feel like it money well spent.
My thoughts exactly! The PPVs should stray away from the PG-rating, and head towards a 14+ rating instead because like you said, since we're paying for it we should get our money's worth. Plus with the purchase price of PPVs ranging in the $40 to $50 range, I think it should be safe to say that we're getting ripped off at these PPVs. I'd only spend that much for a PPV if it's either WrestleMania or SummerSlam. In other words, if I pay for a PPV, I wanna see some blood period.
I totally agree!!
They should push the envelope on the PPVs!!

As consumers we have come to expect a little bit more when we pay for a broadcast,It should be a bit more risque and some blood here and there wouldn't hurt.

Back in the day... a few cuss words would slip out on a PPV
Back in the day...the blood flowed
Heck,I even remember once a gal bared her breasts on screen(less than second though)!

PPVs should be more than just a 3 hour long Raw or Smackdown!
I'm a huge proponent of "Attitude era" wrestling. More mature story lines, more physical matches, and more adult-oriented characters to be sure. However, when considering WWE PPV going to a TV-14 rating we have to understand why WWE went to a TV-PG rating in the first place.

To put it bluntly, it wasn't for fans like me. It's for children and families to be sure.

In many ways, WWE television has turned into an "infomercial" of sorts. Sure, WWE makes money off of advertisers, but these programs are really gateways into the "other" areas of the business that are ultimately more profitable. The toys, games, clothing, and memorabilia represent some of these areas. PPV is definitely another and probably one of the most profitable.

So it begs the question, why "advertise" PG rated content on RAW and Smackdown while PPV delivers a TV-14 rating? WWE's biggest audience right now is identified as children and families. Why chase away all those potential PPV purchases by making the content more mature than what is being sold in the "commercial?"

That's why I think you'll never get any kind of "split" in the content, despite whether it's on free TV, cable, or PPV. It's one reason why ECW became WWECW fairly quickly. It's a reason why "extreme rules" matches are relegated to the most basic of items... usually trash cans and kendo sticks. Ultimately, it's the reason why even at $49.95 a pop, PPV will not go beyond even free TV when it comes to more mature content.

WWE simply doesn't want to alienate what they consider their strongest demographic.
if wwe going to keep pg ppv's then they need to get rid of hell in a cell, the chamber tlc etc... and go back to basic match's because lets take the chamber for example the match demands blood it a physical and a brutal match so if it pg whats the point in the match
Yeah exactly.i thought the chamber match with no Blood would be stupid idea to begin with. I think if they keep the pg rating they need to get rid of the E.C. all together. and just have a hardcore 6 main elimination. I rather see that then a no weapon no blood E.C. match anyway.
Well WWE wants the kids, their target audience, to be able to watch the PPVs. So if the PPVs are over the top with Attitude era like antics, I highly doubt the parents will let the kids watch.
The only reason kids watch WWE is because of the Blood, swearing and violence I should know because thats what I liked about WWE when I was a kid...all of these thing need to return...the only reason WWE is even here today is because of the Attitude Era so they should stick with what brought them to the dance
Yeah, I think they should change it to that. Theyre fine right now with a kid friendly tv show, but PPV gives them the opportunity to explore more options.

Having the ppv's at PG only dilutes the matches. The Christian-Shelton ladder match, which was great, was interrupted due to Christian bleeding. I was so pissed off. How can anyone justify that decision? I can't see any.

Look at what happened at the Hell in a Cell PPV. HIAC matches are BASED upon brutality due to the structure of the match. and the PPV was God-awful because they didnt use the structure hardly at all. As a result, the matches all sucked, and if they go PG again for that PPV, then what's the point of even ordering it? It was basically no-dq wresstling inside of a cage. Both Taker/Punk and Cena/Orton didnt use the structure at all. Isn't that the point of HIAC? To use the environment against one's opponent? Yeah, great job Vince.

Unless Vince wants to continue to se his buyrates go down, he needs to make some changes. First and foremost should be to make PPV's PG-14. Not only does it tak away from the quality of the matches, but it takes away from the passion of promos before matches. Let's face it, most of us cuss and swear when we're passionate about something. Im not saying let them drop the f-bomb, but give them SOME leeway when it comes to promos. It can only lead to a higher quality of product, in my opinion.
Well incase none of you paid any attention to the rating for Royal Rumble and Elimination Chamber, which it seems you didnt, they were both rated TV-14. I dont know why they were because neither had blood, cussing etc. I dont know what it is but something in me is saying WWE is quietly going back to the old style of wrestling. Even with RAW, it seems to be changing, with the segements between Cena and McMahon. Alot of people are saying they reminded them of the McMahon/Austin promos back in the day. And even with the Springer segement, even thought they addmited it was a joke. It seems they be slowly and quietly changing the product. Maybe Vince is starting to see TNA as a real threat
Actually that's not true because in the UK The Chamber PPV was actually TV-PG. But I totally agree with all of you that they should make ppvs TV-14.
Also no one has mentioned the other reason wwe went PG was because Linda is running for that senator position. Thats why TNA's buy-rate has increased, because its simply better television. I know we in the UK have to pay for PPV's now as well but to be honest i would rather buy every TNA PPV than any WWE PPV apart from wrestlemania. I think by the end of this year I, like most wrestling fans will convert to TNA permanently.
First off people have been bitching about the WWE being boring since before it went to TV-PG. It's more a problem with the writing than anything else. A good writer can still make a good show within the restrictions of TV-PG.

Although I don't think it would be a big deal to have the ppvs be tv-14, I can see why they do it. If there are kids watching the tv shows every week and after begging and begging get their parents to order a ppv for them, then while watching the show mom and dad see two guy shredding each other up while a topless chick curses a blue streak at ringside it's gonna cause problems.

To the poster who said that they watched wrestling for the blood and violence and swearing, that doesn't mean that's why everyone watches. As far as I'm concerned the presence of blood (or lack thereof) has very little to do with whether or not a ppv is good.

Are the ppvs in the UK aired live? Because if not that could explain the difference in the rating. They could have changed the ratings in the US just in case someone got cut so that they wouldn't have to stop the match to fix it (ala Christian/Benjamin) but after all was said and done and no one bled they could lower the rating. I'm not positive about any of that but who knows.

And if it is just about the Linda McMahon Senator race then we can possibly look forward to an 'escalation' of the rating since she's not going to win.
Are the ppvs in the UK aired live? Because if not that could explain the difference in the rating. They could have changed the ratings in the US just in case someone got cut so that they wouldn't have to stop the match to fix it (ala Christian/Benjamin) but after all was said and done and no one bled they could lower the rating. I'm not positive about any of that but who knows.

And if it is just about the Linda McMahon Senator race then we can possibly look forward to an 'escalation' of the rating since she's not going to win.

yes we in the uk get it live it at 1 am here

and if it is because of Linda McMahon Senator race lets hope she does lose and wwe gets back to normal because the way it is going in 5 years tna will be able to take over them

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