Power Metal anyone?


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For those of you who are unfamiliar with power metal music.. Let me explain for you..

It seems to be a very niche or fringed upon sub-genre of heavy metal, to me it is more than just another heavy metal cliche, it was a movement that revived metal in Europe in the early 90's when metal in North America hit an all time low. The genre is very important to the European festival culture, it carried on the traditions of real heavy metal like Black Sabbath, however, added in other influences as well.. Today, we see power metal bands adding in opera vocals with film-score like influence, an example would be Nightwish and just over-all, very bombastic music.. The first of the bunch to experiment with classical and metal music was Yngwie Malmsteen, he did renditions of Beethoven on a guitar and even had full orchestras at times..

Judas Priest are without a doubt the definition of heavy metal, Rob Halford is the ideal vocalist and they used the twin guitarists which so many power metal bands use today, it's absolutely necessary today to have two guitarists in a power metal band.. Iron Maiden was literally the first sing a-long band, in pubs in Europe, when people get drunk, especially in Germany, they need something very melodic and easy to sing along to, Iron Maiden was literally the reason why you would WANT to be a metal musician and Bruce was the reason why you would want to be a power metal vocalist.. In Germany, they had the Scorpions, a band I would say that many of the German power metal bands are influenced by..

However, there was one other German band who broke out with that Iron Maiden sound and turned it up a notch, no in fact, it was more bombastic than one could imagine, they also through in speed metal (as they started out as a speed metal band..) Oh yeah, you know what I am talking about, it was Helloween!! Literally, considered the first power metal band, or the founders of power metal, while they may had gotten their influence from other bands at that time, we would not have power metal today if it was not for Helloween..

And lyrically I would have to say that today's lyrics in power metal are inspired from Dio, who was probably the first one to dip into that "fantasy" type of music, he wanted us to use our imaginations when listening to his lyrics..


Anyone in a power metal band, or any fan for that matter, holds the Keeper of the Seven Keys albums up high.. In the U.S. power metal is considered underground, Helloween never went mainstream here and no power metal band ever has.. So what does that mean for power metal? they're the flag-flyers of metal, they keep metal on an even keel and power metal sits directly in the middle of the metal genre, its not too heavy, its not too agressive and yet its not tame, they keep the whole metal genre grounded. When Iron Maiden set the standards for metal in the early 1980s, power metal carried that tradition on.

Short history of my music background..

Like most people my age (25+) who in high school grew up around alternative/hard rock and nu-metal bands, I learned to like that style of specific music and hated on classical music, in which nu-metal had completely dismantled.. I did not like Black Sabbath, Metallica or any of the 80's stuff like Glam Metal, I thought it was all out-dated and cheesy, my dad would play around the house The Cult, Dad, Brother Cane, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Boston, Collective Soul and Queensryche was what I heard most..

It was also a time without youtube and the internet in general.. I did not know what Power Metal was, I did not know ANY of the European artists.. I didn't know who Manowar or Helloween was, they were blacked out by most rock stations..

While surfing through the internet one day however on a old file sharing program called WINMX, by sheer accident I stumbled upon In Flames, which introduced me to the wave of Melodic Death Metal in Sweden, this was in 2001.. I QUICKLY grew out of the Nu-Metal phase, although the people around me were still into it and I went to several Slipknot concerts and other concerts as well, I would see Sevendust, Korn, Static-X and whatever else, however, I went to go see my new fond love as well, which was In Flames and a whole lot of other of these melo-death metal bands during my High School years.

I had slowly begun to discover Power Metal bands although they were very underground at the time, I discovered Kamelot back in around 2002-03 along with Blind Guardian, Freedom Call and a couple other bands, there were no torrents back then, there was no ordering this stuff off amazon, etc.. It wasn't popular where I lived, nobody toured here (ever) and my local record stores never carried any of their CDs.. In 04-05ish things changed, my record store got bought out and I found power metal CDs left and right, I was finishing up my last years of high school and I was totally into the Power Metal scene by then, I had picked up several Freedom Call albums as well as Kamelot, Nightwish and Blind Guardian by then, I was overloading, downloading music was becoming more and more popular..

I have since gone to several power metal concerts and it has risen to become my favorite genre of music along with folk metal.. I have seen Kamelot, Nightwish, Stratovarius, Edguy, Blind Guardian, Children of Bodom, Alestorm and several other bands... My first Power Metal concert was Blind Guardian and I will never forget this amazing experience..

I also learned to like a lot of the stuff from the 80's such as Savatage and Iron Maiden(the first sing along band), and I like classical music, opera, jazz and orchestras.. I watch Trans-Siberian Orchestra play ever year now, I have seen them three times and when I look back I wonder how I had no respect for such music as a teenager, I had thought I had this rebellious attitude, but really, I didn't at all and sure, I am a nerd and in a way, Power Metal is as nerdy as it comes, but it is also as complex as it comes, I like the melodies as much as the hard pounding riffs, I like to drinkk grog and punch motherf**kers while listening to some folk or power metal and then go play video games afterwards, or dungeons & dragons..

This is a long thread, so I will end it here.. :)
I'm a huge fan of power metal and I think it's really cool to see a thread like this being created. I'm just gonna post some links to some of my favourite power metal songs by some bands that you didn't mention in the OP. For people who haven't really heard of or power metal or listened to it before, the bands in the OP and the stuff I'm about to post would be a good place to start.

First up is Dragonforce. A pretty polarizing band, but probably one of the best known power metal bands in the world.
That second song is off of their last album featuring their original lead singer, ZP Theart. Dragonforce has since brought in a new vocalist, Marc Hudson, and released a new album which is also really worth checking out in addition to all of their older stuff. It's kind of a new sound for Dragonforce, but different definitely doesn't mean worse in this case.

Next up is Rhapsody, another one of the more popular power metal bands from Europe.
Yes, that is Christopher Lee.

The last band I'm going to post about is a cover band called Northern Kings, featuring four extremely talented vocalists. Their next album is going to have half original songs and half cover songs, but for now here's a few of their old covers.
I'm not gonna lie, I'm that dude that can't tell if he's listening to power metal or death metal metalcore or etc etc etc. There are so many sub-divisions of rock, it's insane. I can already tell a difference between this and what I'm used to is the vocals. I can actually... you know... kinda understand it, and it's not in the cliche dead zombie voice. (Which is cool and all, but they ALL have that same voice, smh)

This is alright to me, I guess I prefer whatever genre it is that I'm into. Maybe ya'll can help me out, admittedly metal music is not my forte, but I love moshing so I went with a pal to see a concert with Unearth, Veil of Maya, Stick to Your Guns, & Carnifex. What would you call that type of metal?
First of all, Nightwish nor Children of Boddom are power metal bands. Sure, Nightwish at their debut they had a lot of power metal influence, but it has evolved a lot since their beggining. Just listen their records since Marco Hietala made his way into the band, both lyrically and musically. The last record "Imaginaerum" is pretty much avant-garde.
Children of Bodom, is easy to confuse with power metal due to the structure of their songs, tempos and specially the keyboards. However it falls in the structure of melodic death metal. You just need to compare CoB with other melodic death metal acts and power metal acts and the similarities are undeniable with melodic death.

Onto the thread itself, I'm not at all a big fan of power metal, in fact with death metal, folk metal, nu metal and black metal, it's probably one of my least favorite sub genres in metal. I respect them however. Like the OP said, "Keeper of the seven keys" is a fucking classic amongst music, not only in power metal. Yet, I don't like the genre, specially I have a problem with their lyrics.

Oh, and I don't respect AT ALL Dragonforce, it isn't how fast you can make a song that defines how good you are as a musician. Add the fact that they aren't as fast playing live than they are in studio.
This is alright to me, I guess I prefer whatever genre it is that I'm into. Maybe ya'll can help me out, admittedly metal music is not my forte, but I love moshing so I went with a pal to see a concert with Unearth, Veil of Maya, Stick to Your Guns, & Carnifex. What would you call that type of metal?

That shit is deathcore, dude. It's practically what nu-metal was back in it's heyday, the only difference is this bastardized fusion of death metal and grindcore actually is metal. It's for scene kid and meatheads trying too hard to be "metal." There are a few gems around (Benighted [French band]), but it's mainstream metal and, well, I'm the underground biased type, so I'll stop here.

Anywho, I don't listen to power metal much save for Kamelot, Iced Earth, and a few others back in high school; I was always on the opposite side of the metal spectrum (doom, death, black, sludge.) It was never a genre I got fully into (I'm pretty ignorant when it comes to power metal.) I might do so one of these days or years... or never.

P.S. Isn't it ironic how I condemn deathcore despite black metal being one of the biggest try-hard scenes in metal? But our music is cooler and we pull off the aesthetics and theatrics without looking like douchebags. :p
Did you say power metal?


This has to be my favorite metal band of all time, and most people I talk to don't seem to know who they are. That there is a live performance of one of their longer songs in Dante's Inferno, but it is an excellent performance. The vocalist in this is their best in my opinion, Matt Barlow, but they've had three others including Tim "Ripper" Owens & their current one in Stu Block.


The songs in spoiler tags are their newer stuff with Stu, still great in my opinion. But if you're a lover of power metal, I really recommend taking 16 minutes to listen to the first song I posted. Not to mention John Schaffer is an excellent guitarist. There's my contribution, and I thank you for some of yours, also.
Seeing as I love all forms of metal music, power metal is not left out in the slightest. I love power metal. The melodies are beautiful and go great with the brutal riffs. I am a huge nerd, and Power Metal is great to listen to when I play video games, or am fantasizing about medieval times.


Firewind just released their new album "Few Against Many", and it's quite brutal. The title track is probably my favorite off of the album.


You can't mention power metal without mentioning Blind Guardian. "Lord of the Rings" is one of my favorites from these guys, along with "The Bard's Song", "Battlefield", and many others. I can't wait for their new orchestral record.


I'm kind of bummed out that Matt Barlow left Iced Earth, again, but nonetheless, I will be sure to check out their latest studio album.


I'm not too big on Kamelot, but I feel like I should be. I really love this song in particular. It kind of sums up what power metal, and good metal in general, is; brutal music mixed with majestic poetry.

And out of everything, even though they are technically a power metal band, Dragonforce should not be listened to.
Oh, and I don't respect AT ALL Dragonforce, it isn't how fast you can make a song that defines how good you are as a musician. Add the fact that they aren't as fast playing live than they are in studio.

Check their new album, The Power Within. Like I said it's pretty different from their previous stuff and offers a lot of variety. Friends of mine who didn't really like the old Dragonforce are fans of their new album. Cry Thunder is a song off the album that isn't as fast as your typical Dragonforce song and has a pretty different sound. Seasons is another song that really stands out from past Dragonforce stuff and there's an acoustic version of it at the end of the album.

Another band I wanted to mention in my first post was Symphony X, I'd recommend everyone check them out as well. They're more symphonic metal rather than power metal, but it's pretty similar and has that epic, slay-the-dragon-with-the-mystical-sword-of-destiny type of feel. If you're into that sort of thing.

Also, if you like power metal, video games and 90s cartoons, you should listen to Powerglove.
Here's a little taste:
I'm aware it's ridiculous, but it's still sick. Gotta Catch 'Em All.
You're right btw El Rev, Nightwish falls into a Symphonic category, there is such thing as Symphonic Metal and Children of Bodom could fall into either Melo-Death or Power Metal in my opinion or just call it Extreme Metal, doesn't matter.. It's fast, it's got high tempo...

As far as Dragonforce goes, they couldn't play live for crap before, I don't know why, I saw them with Killswitch and it was absolutely horrible but I saw them tour again with Cradle of Filth and Turisas and I was absolutely blown away... So something, somewhere they get heat for not being able to play their music live to it's full extent in the past, they can now though, especially now with the new vocalist..

Here are some of my current favorites, since being a big fan of Power Metal genre, I am always finding new songs to listen to since there is thousands of bands..


Damnation Angels is easily one of my new favorite bands, the vocalist was the runner up with a partner of his on the Norwegian X-Factor, he's well known in the Power Metal scene but wasn't in a band until now..


Orden Ogan will become the next big German Power metal band, they kinda remind me of Blind Guardian..


Love At Vance, they've had many different vocalists, but Oliver Hartman is probably the best one they have had, I am glad he is back in the band, he's one of the best in Power Metal and this song sums them up, they aren't overwhelming cheesy either..


Can't really describe Falconer.. They're just too damn awesome, I don't care what they fall under.. I am also glad that they got their original vocalist back as well and threw out that druggy they had..


I don't have a favorite Kamelot song because they are all awesome but The Black Halo is one of my all time favorite albums.. I always thought that Kamelot was average when it came to being musicians, however what they are is brilliant song-writers they can play their songs perfectly live.. I couldn't think of half the stuff that Kamelot has done..


Just discovered this band called Wisdom (while writing all this..)


Really, I can't decide if this is Power Metal or not, but I like it..


Same goes with this song.. Folk or Power Metal? Who cares.. It's got Power Metal influence, a vocalist who sounds just like Dio and BAGPIPE SOLOS!!


Viking Power Metal? If they added in Death Growls I am sure they would sound like a Amon Amarth clone, but instead they use very progressive/power-like vocals with dark, yet empowering and catchy choruses.. Hmm..

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