Potential Upcoming Fueds

Captain Bean

Pre-Show Stalwart
Following the draft, the rosters have been swapped about slightly. This gives room for new fueds to develop and fueds that haven't been done for a while to re-emerge. The general consensus seems to be that Smackdown has the best roster, which to some extent i agree with as it has better technical wrestlers on the show; however i still prefer Raw due to its amazing star power compared to Smackdown.

My question is; which new fueds do you expect to happen or would youe to see happen over the next year following the draft?

A few that spring to mind for me are

Taker v Jericho - This has yet to be done, and with Taker as a mega face and Jericho as a mega heel could work perfectly. The wrestling bouts themselves have the potential to be classics.

Batista v Big Show - I dont think this fued has happened yet but now that they are both on Raw i could see this happening; however i hope it wont be over a title.

John Morrison v Shelton Benjamin -arguebly 2 of the most athletic wrestlers in the WWE; both yet to make it into main event status; a fued between the two could work well for both of them. Imagine a ladder match between them, it would be epic.

Jericho v Mysterio - Again, it hasnt ever really happened. I never really believed that Mysterio could ever beat any of the main eventers as he is just too small; but Jericho in my opinion struggles in the main event due to his small size (in comparison to Orton, Cena, HHH, etc) and so a fued between the two would be original and entertaining.

Orton v Batista - They had a match at Armageddon, but never really a fued due to Batistas injury. This fued is bound to happen due to the fact that Orton punted big dave in the head etc. It will likely happen over the WWE Title once Orton wins it at around Judgement Day or maybe Summerslam (i hope)

So, which fueds do you expect to see or want to see over the next year?
Hmmmm Im gonna go with

Edge-Kane-Jericho-Punk: A 4 way feud could be really exciting, especially with these guys...Maybe over the world title? It could end in like a fatal 4 way ladder match where I could easily see Kane winning
well as far as Raw goes it is a complete snooze fest all over again. same people same show same feuds. Miz and Kennedy and MVP make the mid carders look stronger so improvement there. they will not ever be pushed as main event stars on this show. my only really good feud i see is Batista vs Orton. Matt your momentum is over now

Smackdown now this is the show that i think has got real potential in feuds. we have Jeff vs Edge as well as Punk Y2J and Taker to throw in there. and maybe even Rey best feud on here is Taker vs Y2J easily because it never been done before. and they are the ultimate face and heel in the wwe.

ECW now i was disapointed Bourne and Swagger and Christan did not move. now this show has lots of young talent that is the wwe future. great athletic and guys who can shoot this show higher then ever before. the most intresting feud could be the development of the new Hart Foundation with all 3 on the same show this could be what to watch for soon.
On Smackdown, I don't know if Morrison is a heel or a face now after being attacked by the Miz, but I'd really like to see him in two potential fueds. With Morrison as the heel, I'd like to see him feud with Punk for the IC title, and if that pushes Morrison a little bit, then maybe he could challenge Punk for the Title if Punk wins it cuz of the whole MITB thing. Not have Morrison win or anything, but at least get him some experience in the title hunt. If Morrison is a face, then maybe he could fued with Jericho. I love both of these guys and think that they could put on one hell of a match.

On Raw, I personally believe they sent Carlito and Primo in the draft to Raw so that Pricless could take the belts to make them look stronger. Debate if that should happen as much as you want, but that is what will probably happen. I would like to see that because maybe it could give some excitement to the tag team division. I'd also like to see some matches between the Miz and MVP for the US Title. I think they could have a pretty good fued.
I would hope they hold off with Jericho/Taker because Jericho would be probably the best way for taker to retire by saying that he has claimed all the souls he has set out to claim, except for one that has eluded him (it would work for Cena too.) and now he is out to claim jericho's soul, then he beats jericho and retires. That is probably the best fued listed. other than that it goes to morrison/benjamin bourne/christian(not-listed), MVP/Matt Hardy (now they have switched heel-face roles), and shockingly un-listed Colons/Priceless.
Don't forget the possible Hornswoggle-Big Show "feud" now that they are on the same brand..haha
Here is some of the things i have in mind:

Cena wins his match in Backlash, then Orton wins the title and CM Punk cashes in the money in the bank on Orton for a karma style thing thanks to Orton's interference, Punk lost his title in the scramble match.

Punk, Edge and Jeff feud for a while for the title on SM! and making Jeff win it on Extreme Rules PPV in a triple threat match and making it one of the best hardcore matches ever on WWE.

HHH will feud with Batista blaming him for the lost of the title for a while.

Cena feuds with Big Show and Orton for a while and Orton wins the title on Summerslam, them he will have a feud with HHH and Batista.

HBK will be doing feuds with midacard wrestlers so they can get attention and build them up but they will still lose the matches, this giving HBK a big winning streak, after Summerslam he would have a big feud with Cena or the Big Show.

I would like to see The Undertaker fighting vs Shelton on Backlash, then vs Mike Knox, this builds up to a feud with Jericho so he can humiliate another legend and have a great match at Summerslam.

Rey would feud with Morrison and Kane for the IC belt making Morrison win it eventually

MVP would feud with the Miz, Kennedy, Matt and other midcard superstars so the US belt will be changing faces for a while.

Carlito and Primo would lose the belts against team Priceless, then they will be challenged by Cryme Tyme so the can bring them to SD! for a while, they will lose them against the Brothers of Destruction and they will lose them against Priceless thanks to an interference of J2Y this making the Undertaker vs Jericho feud.

Over on ECW, Christian wins the belt on Backlash and has a feud with Koslov and Finaly, Koslov would win the belt after Christian has a 3 or 4 month run with it.

I'd like to see Batista vs Orton for the obvious reasons, also wanna see MVP break in there, kinda how Kennedy did back in 06 at Survivor Series against Batista. Big Show vs Batista also intrigues me


So much can happen here and Punk vs everyone on that roster would be great. Undertaker vs Jericho should def be on hold until Mania IMO. Edge vs Punk would be nice and Punk/Morrison as well


Lots of potential here and some decent workers to help with the young guns. Still hoping for the new Hart Foundation now that they are all on the brand at long last!!!
This is great isn't it all these possible fueds and barely any mention of Cena,HHH,HBK. Vince should read this, nobody really wants to see these 3 any more.

Now back to possible feuds how about Punk,Edge,Hardy & Morrison fighting over the World Title culminating in a TLC match at SS that would be huge.

Rey/Benjamin IC would be entertaining I think.

Jericho/Undertaker= $$$$ obviously

ECW looks like it'll be a little more watchable
Batista wins the match at Backlash meaning that Triple H retains the belt. Batista argues he should be champion. Gets a shot against Triple H. Randy Orton still in the title picture. Leads to: Batista vs. Triple H vs. Randy Orton. John Cena will end up being involved somewhere too.

The Colons feud with Legacy. Perhaps it could lead to Primo and Carlito thinking one is going to betray the other and join Legacy, neither do. Ted and Cody constantly putting ideas in Primo and Carlito's heads about the other one.

U.S title MVP and Mr. Kennedy. Kennedy returns heel again.

Matt Hardy and Shawn Michaels. How great would that be? Matt says how Michaels constant need for approval from the fans, reminds him of Jeff. Or Matt says how Jeff idolized Shawn growning up, and Matt will destroy Jeff's childhood hero. But it would be better if it didn't involve Jeff because they need seperation, hence the drafting to different brands.

Maryse and Mickie James?


John Morrison/Rey Mysterio. Great matches between these two. Morrison goes over.

Melina/McCool. Perhaps Gail gets involved too that would be a potentially interesting situation.

Mike Knox and The Undertaker. A typical Taker feud, Knox wants to destroy Taker's legacy.

Taker and Jericho. Should be saved until Wrestlemania I agree.

Jeff Hardy/Edge/CM Punk. I really liked the idea of the 3 way Hardcore match at Extreme Rules.


ECW has some upcoming stars now.
Kozlov will be champ at some point. After Christian no doubt.

Hart Foundation will combine of course.

I'd say keep an eye on Zack Ryder too.
I wouldn't complain if Edge and Jericho united up and went for the tag gold (like Rated RKO did back in 2006) it's different and both have massive ego's plus credible people in a dismal tag division could give it that spark
Colons v PricelessI agree with some of the suggestions that the Colons could fued with Priceless. I think that a main reason the Colons were drafted to Raw was to allow Priceless to win the tag titles and make them and Legacy look stronger.

The only logical rivarly to take place after this PPV would be Batista and HHH part deux. If HHH loses the title thanks to Big Dave, then this rivalry WILL happen. Also, look for MVP and Miz to feud. Miz made a statement giving Morrison the Reality Check, so he has to go after the US title now. IF Orton wins the belt, look for either a rivalry with a dethroned Cena, or possibly Shawn Michaels.


Jericho's going to find some tough sledding on SD! with the likes of CM Punk, Mysterio, Undertaker, and Jeff Hardy. Look for Y2J to feud with one of these guys. Also, Morrison will go after someone big...either Rey Rey's IC title or Punk's briefcase.


Christian and Swagger will start the back and forth for the ECW title. Kozlov will throw his name into the picture as well. Maybe even Evan Bourne...but maybe Knox will take care of Bourne.
I think a heel vs heel match is long long overdue. I'm hoping for a feud over a belt between Chris Jericho and Edge. These two guys could put one a hell of a show, they could even take it an extra step and try and out-dirty each other.
orton should win at backlash so he, batista, and HHH can start another feud.
MVP v. Kofi v. Kennedy v. Matt Hardy v. the Miz v. THE brian Kendrick - they will all challange for the us title gradually over time which will cause for many exiting title changes which should end up in a huge ladder match at Summer Slam.....ya

John cena will try to climb back up the ladder after loseing to Edge (HELL YA GO EDGE) so that will lead to a feud w/ the big show.

Jericho / Edge v. Punk and Hardy- This has great potential

Jericho v. Taker- DUH

Rey v. Morisson- they have to build up morisson bc he really has the brightest future of all the young guns in the buisness , he will have a long IC title reign , then will go for the world title around SS time


Koslov v. Christian- after christian wins the title

Hurricane helms v. Tyson Kidd - Great feud

Bourne v. Ryder - keep an eye out for this
Evan Bourne VS Jack Swagger: Now we know that neither man is moving I would love to see Bourne go for the ECW platinum, A feud between the two would elevate either man and cement the legacy that is ECW!

The Canadian Bulldog vs Tyson Kidd: If they dont form into a team I would love to see these two go at it, it would be such a conflict of styles but man, It would be a wrestling clinic by these two former students of the dungeon and one time friends.

Shad vs jtg: No tag titles means these men would have no other choice, I would love to see who the more prominant member of crime time is and destroy and already crappy team.

Edge vs CM Punk: Man this would be huge to see, the last time this happened they totally buried Punk, but either man could win this as long as creative could at least keep Punk Strong in the process and help elevate either mans stock in the company.

Tommy Dreamer vs Kozlov: That wont be a feud but it would be interesting non the less, I just hope that Kozlov doesnt do a big daddy V and overshadow the brand itself and potentially stink up the title division

RKO v. HBK- Let Shawn have a good little run for/with the gold and build towards the fall when, hopefully, a heel Cena goes for HBK. If I were writing it.

Colons v. Priceless- Only if Carlito and Primo can hold them off for a few months. Make the title worth defending. Don't just feed them to Priceless because they jobbed out to HHH.

MVP v. Big Show- Here me out. It's time Show focuses on...well his focus. Have him come out and say Vickie and Edge were distractions that kept him from his ultimate goal...the WWE Title. Have him state that since he has been pushed out of the title picture, he will destroy all in his path to get back in, starting with the U.S. Champ. Let MVP eventually beat Show and his stock immediately rises...ala Cena back in the day. Then let Miz be your next heel to go for MVP, you should be in August/September by then.


Save Y2J v. Undertaker for Mania. While Y2J v. Mysterio was done in WCW (awesome!) revisiting this in 2009 would be great. Maybe they'll let Jericho use the old school LionTamer, where he used to kneel in Rey's neck. Win the IC title. He can surprise drop it later this year (like he did to Shelton & Kofi previously). He can then get pissed and start attacking everything under the sun.

Sidebar: Wouldn't it be cool if after matches or during run-ins he started doing the Figure Four around the ring posts like Bret did when he went ape.

Have Taker be the guy to shut him up for good.


Swagger v. Christian has been good so far, I hope the go back and forth into early summer. Slide Morrison into the mix (as a face: Swagger; heel: Christian). By the fall Koslov should be credible enough to run with it. While I like Evan Bourne, he should either get the title in a 'surprise' win, or take advantage of the 'Smackdown Talent Exchange' and be the surprise IC win I mentioned for Jericho.
Honestly, I think Cena vs. Batista is the biggest and "best" thing they've got at this moment, but I think being these two only competed once, they should only have two more matches, the final one being when Batista is getting ready to hang up the ol' boots.

While Batista may be counting down his last year, this current feud with the 6 man tag can lead to Orton/Batista but much better than it previously was (I believe at Armageddon)

I also think Christian/Mysterio would make a few entertaining matches

I think Christian/MVP would be awesome too, but they're on different brands. It can still happen at some point though
Well I think every see the same:

Taker VS Jericho. I thnk this one would be great.

Chirstian VS Koslov. ZZZZZzzzZZZZzzzzz. Sorry but Christian deserves better.

Edge VS Punk, Jeff VS Punk, Edge VS Jeff. Those look Good.

The Colons VS Priceless. Good.

MVP VS Kennedy. Could be good.

Batista VS HHH 2. Blah

Batista VS Cena 2. Not that bad.

Cena VS HHH 3. Blah.

HHH VS Santino. Amaizing.....sorry but. Stupid joke, I know.

HHH VS MVP. Well that could be good.

Gail Kim Vs Melina.

Mickie VS Maryse.

So at least for me Smackdown could be better from here.

Kofi Kingston vs. The Brian Kendrick - Something fun and exciting to wake the crowd up after Raw starts getting into their inevitable and really boring groove of having HHH come out and cut the same old promo, followed by Cena coming out and cutting the same old promo, and Batista, and Orton, and then showing you rewinds of what the 4 said.

Carlito & Primo vs. Rhodes & DiBiase - Might as well, right?

The Miz vs. Kofi Kingston, MVP, HBK, Kennedy, and Cena - I think Miz could have great feuds with these guys.

Batista vs. Big Show - Has the potential to bomb horrifically, but meh.


HHH vs. Orton - I'm freaking tired of this. I don't ever want to see the two have a match together again.

Cena vs. HHH - Tired of this too.

Matt Hardy vs. Anybody - I just don't like him. I don't find him entertaining.

Hornswoggle - Anything. I want him fired.


Undertaker vs. Morrison - Two of my favorites.

Undertaker vs. Jericho - No need to explain.

Undertaker vs. Umaga - Best feud option for Umaga, without a doubt. Undertaker works well against the big guys.

Jericho vs. Punk - Only had a small taste of it every now and then, but not a full blown feud.

Punk vs. Edge - Same as Jericho/Punk.

Hardy vs. Morrison - No need to explain. Lots of action between two stars.

Hardy vs. Shelton - No need to explain.

Punk vs. Shelton - This could be an amazing feud if they let them go all out. In fact, I'm hoping its Punk's first feud over the MITB case.

Mysterio vs. Shelton - These two could probably mesh well together.

Mysterio vs. Jericho - Not nearly as excited about it as the other feuds, but meh, it could be good.

Mysterio vs. Morrison - Morrison could really get some heat with this feud.


Mysterio vs. Edge = We've seen it before already and it wasn't good.

Mysterio vs. Knox = Sucked, albeit it was better than...

Mysterio vs. Kane = Horrible, horrible, horrible feud.

Kane vs. Undertaker = If they want to save this for Undertaker's retirement, they can't blow it by having the two feud now. Maybe have them face off like, twice on Smackdown throughout the entire year and that's it.

Hardy vs. Umaga = Seen it enough.

Mysterio vs. Umaga = I'm BEYOND sick and tired of seeing Mysterio against a giant guy that has to oversell his stupid kicks and everything. Its ******ed. I was SO happy to see Big Show just whoop the shit out of Mysterio last night on Raw.


Evan Bourne vs. Zack Ryder - I think Ryder has some potential, and if they let these two go out and try something different, it could go over.


Finlay vs. Anybody - Not a fan of him. I know we'll be forced to watch Finlay/Kozlov and Finlay/Ezekiel but they're going to suck ass.

Bourne vs. Kozlov - Don't like Kozlov. He'll ruin it.

Bourne vs. Mark Henry - They won't mesh well together.

Bourne vs. Ezekiel - Same thing as Henry.
man people online talk about this morrison guy like he's god haha. i guess i have to keep a look out.

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